
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here's your question.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps??????

The first person to answer this question correctly wins 2 FREE Tickets to the Fernando Guerrero Fight Feb. 6th.

Remember, you must send in your answer with your full name. Good Luck Everyone!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

A river

Gin Morrison

Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

a river

dwayne pellegrin

Anonymous said...

A river
Rick Prouse

Anonymous said...

A river.

Anonymous said...

a river
ralph webster

Anonymous said...

A river?

Scott Taylor
Delmar, MD

weewigglywft said...

A river.
Sue Sarver

Anonymous said...

River or a Creek.

Tony Sterling

duck around said...

a river

Anonymous said...

a river

Samantha Miles

duck around said...

Let's try again:

A River

Bill Duck
Salisbury, MD

weewigglywft said...

A river.
--Sue Sarver

Anonymous said...

A river.

Sorry if this went through twice. My computer froze...

Anonymous said...

A River

Sean Butler

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

Come on joe you're killin me!!!! I know its the right answer, but was I first!!!!!RP

Anonymous said...

a river

Mark Darby

Anonymous said...


lg said...

A River

Laura Hynes

lg said...

a river

Laura Hynes

Anonymous said...

Veddy good question-the answer is "da' river" {unless its flow is disturbed by negligent local WWTP discharges}.....I prefer to stay anonymous-but if I am first, contact the Wicomico "Alternative School" and use the tix as positive re-inforcement for a student who has shown the most progress at understanding that properly channelled aggression/assertiveness can lead to bigger and better things.........

Unknown said...

A River

Adam C Stanley

Anonymous said...

A truck
Gary Bullard

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A river

ferrill wilson

Anonymous said...

a river
rick moore

tommy jones said...

a river

Anonymous said...

A roof drain / plumbing drain stack
Gary Bullard

Anonymous said...

river jake timmons

Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

A river

Anonymous said...

a river.

r.l. davis

Anonymous said...

Could it be a river bed Joe?

Anonymous said...

What is a river.

Kerry Bernstein

can you not post my name

Anonymous said...

Joe, throw out my truck guess... it gives away my screenname.

Anonymous said...

A river / Steve Wallace

Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

A river

Barrie Tilghman

bmerc15 said...

a river

Bryan Mercer

Anonymous said...

River Jerry "jake" Timmons

Anonymous said...

river jerry timmons

harleydude said...

a river

Anonymous said...

A River

Tracy P.

Anonymous said...

A river

Tracy Patey

Anonymous said...

a river?


Anonymous said...

A River

Anonymous said...

its a river
mark newton

Anonymous said...

a river
Shawn Tidwell

Anonymous said...

A River!!

Teri Klaverweiden

Anonymous said...

Can't use the tickets but will help out someone who can - "a river" - Good Luck to Fernando!

Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

"A River"

Anonymous said...

a creek
gary Bullard

Anonymous said...

a river so i forgot to leave my full name lmao cary oppel

Anonymous said...

A river.

Louis Spies
414 Virginia Ave

Anonymous said...

A river.

K. Bryson

Daddio said...

Sounds like a river to me.

Ken Twining

PS: I won't be in town for the fight, so you can pass those tickets along to someone else.

Anonymous said...

A river.

Kirby Bryson

Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

A River!


Anonymous said...

A River

Mel Niblett

Anonymous said...

A river, a stream or a creek.

I want to give the tickets to the Salvation Army for a kid and his dad/mentor/friend

Anonymous said...

you must have 50 rivers by now, put some ansewers up 8:50

Anonymous said...

a river

Anonymous said...

Joe - Don't know if I sent in creek, river or stream with my name or not. Here's another try. Susan Wood. (Please don't put my name out there publicly, however.) If that disqualifies me, so be it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

and it smells" the Wicomico River

Anonymous said...

A River!! - Andrew Thomas, Salisbury

Anonymous said...


Kim Wilson

Anonymous said...

i'm gonna take a long shot at this one but i'm going to say a pick up truck and here is why: a truck runs when started and doesn't walk, it has a bed that never sleeps, it has a head which is a part of the motor, and the mouth could be either the muffler giving the sound without talking or just the sound of the motor. sounds corny but hey it was a fun imagination.
gary bratten

Anonymous said...

A river

Matt Corbin

Anonymous said...

A River

Matt Corbin

Anonymous said...

A river...Kelly Riwniak

Anonymous said...

A Kelly Riwniak

Anonymous said...

a river
robert johnston

Anonymous said...

a river!

Anonymous said...

I think its the woman that lives next to me, Mrs Ippy

Anonymous said...

A River

Cheryl Stafford

Anonymous said...

A River
Cheryl Stafford

Anonymous said...

A River.

Barry Croswell

duck around said...


Missed it by THAT MUCH...

Anonymous said...

A stream

Donate my tickets to the benefit the sick little girl.

Anonymous said...

Joe how about a river
Michael T Brittingham

Anonymous said...

A river

Kristen Wheatley

I sent you an E-mail as well!

Anonymous said...

Show all comments and times please

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ginger I hope you and Bill have a good time!!!! I know I just missed it too by a few minutes.
Rick and Gail

Anonymous said...

makes since got to give the truck one credit though it does meet the criteria imolol

Anonymous said...


When you posted it on here Michele Cox name comes up first. Not that I don't want the tickets but fair is fair

Anonymous said...

Michele Cox is first how come she did not win?

Anonymous said...

Thanx anynhow Joe. Whats happening with the shooting. Any news ?

MelissaW said...

I'm confused, if Gin is the winner, and you can't change the order, then how is Michele Cox first? Is she the real winner?

joe albero said...

You know what, you're right and I'm wrong. Michele Cox IS the Winner. I'm sorry Gin but that's the order it came in and I must have missed it. Can't cheat Blogger. Joe

joe albero said...

Oh, the heck with it. Gin, Michele, your BOTH WINERS!

They came in so close to one and other, I can't deny you tickets after saying you were a winner!

Congratulations to you BOTH. We'll call it a tie!

Anonymous said...

easy come easty go...... second time I came in second place..... a few seconds late and 4 tickets short now lol Oh well there will be more to try to win

Thanks Joe


Hiya R & G

We sure miss you all around here.

Anonymous said...

A river.

Chris D. Lewis

Anonymous said...

the answer is a river

J.R. Ward

Anonymous said...

The "thrill of victory" evolves into the "agony of defeat" for Ms. there a god that would allow such an arbitrary and capricious injustice???!!?? Will there ever be a foil for "Bloggers" evil heavy hand??!! Wasn't it Al Gore that actually shot J.R.??!! I, for one, am outraged....if not us, then who??? If not now, then when???..

Anonymous said...

The answer to your question: a river a river runs, a river has a head and a mouth, and it has a bed. David Twilley

Anonymous said...

My name is Cody Grosch.

What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?????? The Answer is A river.

Anonymous said...

A River
Kristen Wheatley

Anonymous said...

hey i was on at 801 lets make it a 3 way

Anonymous said...

Barry..... Gary B blew your cover. truck in a river lol

Anonymous said...

Joe good man for giving 1st @ 2nd for that 8:01 mistake. what about the others who got the ansewer in the first 45 minutes lol

Anonymous said...

Joe. Way to do the right thing-Ms. Morrison seems to have the "eye of the tiger" :)

MelissaW said...

Just for clarification, if someone wins a pair of tickets, are they eligible to win again?

joe albero said...

Not after today. One winner for each contest, confirmed by an e-mail.

Anonymous said...

To: Ferrill and logan, Few people can truly understand the pain you are going through. I am one of them. Please call Joe and I will see that you and your daughter will get a couple tickets then enjoy. Coach Hal

MelissaW said...

I guess I asked that question wrong...Since Michele Cox won tonight, is she eligible to win the next time since she's already won?

How sweet, if you really are Coach Hal (that's why I hate the Anonymous feature). Shame on you if you're not.

Anonymous said...

Coach Hal , thank you very much for your compassion. It means more than you can know. I do appreciate your gesture but am sorry to say that as much as I want to say yes, I cant allow myself to accept those tickets when I see how many others have tried to win them their selves.

But I will keep on trying!!

And I DO know how much you care about what has happened to myself. May God Bless You and your family and even if I dont get the chance(the right way) to see this fight , Im sure there will be others.

I very much would like to see you at the next one if not this one. Maybe Joe can make the next chance as easy as this time :) and I will win yet. Fair and square like the way I try to live my life.

Thank You again and have your fighter Fernando knock his block off for us ...O K ?

A very heart felt So Long for now,

Ferrill Wilson

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hal , but I would rather earn them fair and square. And I will keep after them!

Anonymous said...

Joe - Who exactly is he fighting?

Anonymous said...

Chief Webster....a turkey?

Anonymous said...

Got in too late for my answer. I guessed it was our Mayor. She runs but never walks away from problems, has a mouth but never talks sense, has a head and don't weep over anything she has done and has a bed but sleeps with the enemy.
Sigh..was hoping to win tickets for my
Am afraid to post my real name or I may end up in court with Mr.