Why is it when the police conduct a sting operation, one of the best ways to rid prostitution from an area they arrests the 'Johns' using a police officer posed as a hooker, but in Illinois, when the sitting Gov. wants to sell the seat of the Senator who has just gotten elected president; the police only arrest him and not all of the folks who offered money to buy that seat?
It seams to me we would get right down to the nitty gritty of the situation if the FBI would do this.
The FBI knew he was crooked, and they also know who is involved. My guess is these roots run deep and they run right into the office of the President Elect. Alexrod, and Emanuel, have already be reported to have had some contact with him over this seat. Now Obama and every one who is even remotely involved, is asking for him to step down.
If he does and decideds to profit on it by telling his story. It's not going to hold any water because it will be a guy who obviously did something wrong to save his butt, and in the end won't accomplish anything, because no one will believe hime, he will have lost all credibility.
One the other hand it the Governor would not step down, but instead. make the State build a case against him and bring impeachment proceedings. If he did this; it would put the Entire System on Trial, and that is exactly what really needs to be done.
Obama's Birth Certificate will look like nothing if the FBI were to really follow this lead.
Thank God, the press is finally coming to it's senses and seeing that they wanted Bush 43 out of office so badly they absolutely did nothing to dig any dirt on Obama.
I was watching the talking heads today and they admitted that they really don't know anything about him! Duh !!! It's about time that they start finding it out.
Gee, I wonder with the arrest of the Governor this week is making them feel like they may have a lot of butt to cover. If there is a connection here, (which I think there). The MSM needs to be ashamed of them selves and not be trusted again.
They have sold America a bill of goods in the Chosen One who actually does have flaws , and who's crap really does stink, without going through the simplest of digging on major stories that they were confronted with. Like the LA Times refusing to release video tapes. Or putting the question of his birth records, or college records out for everyone to see. Or lying about his relationship with Tom Ayers.
I looks like the Obahma Honeymoon is over. Thank God!
"Or lying about his relationship with Tom Ayers."
Uh.... isn't that William Charles Ayers!!!
I once felt bad for a man who had no feet, until I met a woman who had no marbles. Take a vacation, Wymzie-I hear Uzbekistan is lovely this time of year.
He matches the discription of our
local armed robbery suspects!
"To All Their Dues"
The first thought to cross my mind following the arrest of Illiniois Governor Rod Blagojevich was how convenient the timing was. Admittedly, Bloggo couldn't have offered to sell Obama's Senate seat until after it became vacant.
But for most of the endless campaign season, the mainstream media has worked overtime looking for creative ways to ignore the Chicago political machine. Until November 4th, every allegation regarding Rod Blagojevich, William Ayers, Tony Rezko, the Jackson Mafia, et al, ad nauseum has been scrupulously underreported, if even mentioned.
Instead, all eyes were focused on John McCain's 1980 divorce and remarriage, Cindy McCain's pain-killer addiction 20 years ago, and whether or not Sarah Palin's son Trig is really her grandson.
The second thing to cross my mind was, "Hey! Isn't that the same prosecutor who convicted Scooter Libby of forgetting details about a crime he didn't commit?" Indeed, it was Patrick Fitzgerald expressing his shock and surprise at the reprehensible nature of the Bloggo case.
According to Fitzgerald, the charges against Blagojevich represented “a truly new low,” and “would make Lincoln roll over in his grave.” The governor had gone on a "political corruption crime spree.
During his Justice Department briefing, Fitzgerald acknowledged the following:
1) There was a known investigation of the Blagojevich administration that had been going on for years involving allegations of pay-to-play conduct and corruption.
2) There had been a recent trial of an associate of Governor Blagojevich in which allegations were aired, where people testified that Governor Blagojevich was involved in corrupt conduct.
To this one might add, there was also a recent presidential election involving a politician who was introduced to national politics by this same, reprehensible Chicago machine.
Why conceal it until after the election was safely over?
(As I write, I am reminded of the infamous "Night of the Long Knives" in 1934. After coming to power, Hitler eliminated the SA leadership that brought him there -- together with any promised political debts or favors.
Not saying that is what happened here. But now that Obama is over the electoral hump, the Chicago machine he used to get him there is either on their way to Washington or on their way to prison.
Which brings me to the third thought to cross my mind; "Not again!"
Yesterday, Obama was asked what contact he'd had with Blagojevich about his replacement in the Senate.
Obama replied, "I had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening.
But at least two news sources reported on November 5th that Obama was in contact with Blagojevich regarding the vacant seat. And so did senior Obama advisor David Axelrod during an interview on November 23rd.
"I know he's talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names, many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them," Axelrod said, referring to potential Senate appointees.
After Obama's denial was issued yesterday, both news sources issued retractions of their earlier stories regarding an Obama-Blagojevich meeting.
And shortly after that, David Axelrod issued a press statement saying: "I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the President-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject.
Of course not.
Now, off with their heads!
The Supreme Court has refused almost all the challenges raised so far to Obama's eligibility to hold the nation's highest office. Ambassador Alan Keyes' challenge will be taken up or passed on by the Court tomorrow.
Keyes' suit is joined with several California Electors who say they want to see proof of Obama's eligibility to serve before being called upon to cast their votes for him. While that suit works its way through the system, other lawsuits are pending in lower courts.
I continue to be fascinated with the mainstream media's resolute determination to take Obama's word for it. The mainstream media treats the story like a joke and those who raise questions like they're wearing tin foil hats.
Columnist Stephanie Salter confesses her bias, writing in the Indianapolis TribStar; "Obama’s mightily mixed heritage and exotic childhood homes were virtues to millions of Americans who voted for him.
But, however, she has nothing but contempt for the "He's-a-foreigner" wing of the "He's Ineligibles" who Salter manages to keep from calling racist -- but just barely.
This is a story that won't go away soon -- and that makes it all the more baffling, because it so easily could.
Think about all the lawsuits pending before the various courts, those that have made it all the way to the Supreme Court and all the money and time that went into their filing and preparation.
Now, consider all the money, time and effort being expended by Barack Obama and his handlers to defend against each of those lawsuits.
One would think that might make a journalist curious. Let's assume Stephanie Salter is a journalist. Having made that broad an assumption, let's also assume that Stephanie Salter was born in the USA.
Further, that she not only can, she probably has, been called upon to prove it at some time in her life. It is probable to the point of certainty that she is prepared to prove it again in future -- or forgo whatever benefit she is seeking in exchange.
If Stephanie Salter were interviewing someone to baby-sit her kids and the prospective baby-sitter evaded requests for relevant documents, she'd likely be curious.
Is it rational that she should be less curious (as a journalist) that the president-elect is paying a team of lawyers to evade a request for his birth certificate? But Ms. Salter, like the rest of the mainstream media, reserves her contempt for those who are.
Does this ring true? The First Amendment, which journalists cloak themselves in whenever convenient, provides for a free press so they can protect the country from exactly this kind of danger.
The risk posed to the nation by the mere question of his eligibility is significant enough to justify compelling Obama to dispel it before taking office. It is the responsibility of the Fourth Estate to serve as guardians of the people according to the Constitution -- not according to their partisan politics or personal ideology.
Obama could have put this to bed the first day it became an issue by releasing the vault form of his birth certificate. Instead, thousands and thousands of dollars and hundreds of valuable hours of the court's time have been wasted fighting to keep evidence of the details of his birth secret.
Romans 13:1-5 outlines more that merely the responsibility of Christians to obey their rulers. It is important to understand this passage with a sense of perspective. At the time Paul wrote it, Paul's 'ruler' was the Emperor Nero, who was soon to separate Paul's head from his body.
Yet Paul writes: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God. . .
This verse is also very instructive in terms of Bible prophecy. Let's break it down and examine it point by point.
1) We know that we are living in the last days.
2) We know that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled to the tiniest detail.
3) Trying to change the flow of Bible prophecy is working contrary to God's expressed intent
4) God puts in place the rulers He needs to accomplish His will.
5) Whatever God's will is for America for the next four years, His plan requires someone of Obama's 'unique' qualifications.
Now, take into consideration what those unique qualifications are, together with the almost supernatural way it is all coming together. You couldn't make something like this up for a novel.
(Nobody would buy it if you did. Too unbelievable.
But the "Obama birth certificate" was nothing. The "associations" were nothing. Every single "issue" has turned out to be nothing.
Yet you cling to somesort of hope that there is something out there becuase you don't like Obama.
The last thing is the so-called end of days things. Let's go with that for a moment. No matter what you think say or believe, it is going to happen no matter what you say.
If you see it in this "situation", I feel really sorry for you.
And that is really sad.
Anonymous said...
I feel really sorry for you.
And that is really sad.
10:22 AM
No, what is really sad my friend it there are many idiots out there that think this person you call your messiah is worthy enough to be the President of this once great United States of America.
It isn't the fact that she and so many people don't like Obama, it is the fact they are intelligent enough to see through that fraudulent domestic terrorist. You and many other Dumbocraps need to get your head out of your @ss.
Every "single" issue has not turned out to be nothing. Obama is tied to corruption. You know it I know it. You and so many like you don't even want this investigated. Wake up. What is it going to take before you open your eyes and see where there is smoke there is fire. I don't even want to think about what he ends up doing to this country. Let me thank you now for putting us all in harms way. The war will be at home now not overseas.
this is your brain...this is your brain on Pocomoke water...any questions?
Anon9:49 Ooop, it is William, I was up late typing.
To the rest of those who doubt...the birth certificate issue is far from solved!
What I find soooooo convenient is that the day that this story was supposed to be top new OJ got full coverage all day, then the next opportunity Blogo gets busted.
If his birth certificate states hes was born in Kenya, or his college records indicate that he was a foreign muslim student on foreign aide and he was just elected president of the US without anyone questioning him then, this is the biggest story since the resurrection of Christ himself, and the media is completely ignoring it!
Wymzie--in your 12:06 post you write concerning the Obama birth certificate issue that "this is the biggest story since the resurrection of Christ himself..." If you really believe that than you never heard of Watergate, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assination, and must have been lost in your Pocomoke Swamp on September 11, 2001. Get over it and get a life.
If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas.
No shit nothing is coming out of these investigations because they are not really being investigated. If he is a natural born citizen, and it is properly proven, then he has nothing to worry about. If he has nothing to do with the Governor, then he has nothing to worry about. If the tapes that the LA times had nothing that would hurt their candidate, then why were they not released. I don't want a witch hunt either, but if your about to be the president of the free world, and you have a controversial past, then come out and put the rumors to bed by PROVING otherwise. It's not like people are accusing him of something he can not prove otherwise. Axelrod said he did have contact, and then Obama says he did not. Only time will tell what will come of this, but if their own people are contradicting themselves, then they need to investigate. Come on Dems, you don’t think it is a little ironic that corruption is coming out of the very state he was representing? Do you think the Governor is innocent too? You really do need to get your head out of your ass, and believe me, I am not from Pocomoke.
They all do this, he just got caught by his own ignorance and greed. This is normal behavior for politicians, hes got enough on alot of people it wont add up to much. Theres no HEROS left it doesnt seem, not in D.C. anyway. The HEROS are in our military and the families they left behind.
Your post leaves me once again ,nearly speechless. I wish they could do the same for you.
As I siad before, nothing has come from these so called "issues" becuase there is nothing there.
If YOU can prove it, I will apologize. But you won't do it. And when someone else look into the story, because you don't like the answer, they are wrong.
Become the "real" reporter you think you are and do the work. If not stop whinning.
When do you expect to have your report?
anonymous 5:57,
Are you talking to ME? I think you should go back to the article and see who Posted it. Then come back like a man and use your real name.
This fixing scandal is actually pretty great for Obama, because everything unearthed so far shows he's behaving perfectly ethically even when "no one is looking", which certainly can't be said for the antics to date of the Bush Administration.
I can see why he's driving conservative loons like Wymzie batshit if he keeps this up.
obamas gang will run out of money soon enough unless he gets kick backs from all the charities our gov. keeps bank rolling.No one is able to buy off everybody.Unless they give us all a slice of the pie and even then some greedy demmie will end up coming clean.Then we can lock up the entire bunch of theiving politicians and get America back where it belongs.....to the people.But it is wrong for obama to hold outfor so long.I hope his wife gets nailed along with his entire gang.Bubba included.
" true American said...
obamas gang will run out of money soon enough unless he gets kick backs from all the charities our gov. keeps bank rolling.No one is able to buy off everybody.Unless they give us all a slice of the pie and even then some greedy demmie will end up coming clean.Then we can lock up the entire bunch of theiving politicians and get America back where it belongs.....to the people.But it is wrong for obama to hold outfor so long.I hope his wife gets nailed along with his entire gang.Bubba included."
What does this bowel movement of text above even mean? I'm trying to tease one spec of sense out of it, and it's still incomprehensible gibberish. Is this really the way your brain works, stringing disassociated nonsense together, and hope someone nods? Do people look at you strangely when this insane, convoluted glurge starts coming out of your mouth?
How you gonna look when it all unravels to become factual history bobo?
Give it up you fool. You post monthly bashing. Like I've said before... move to Canada if you're not happy.
anonymous 9:44,
I just love all this tough guy talk, yet these pansies all hide behind anonymous.
Your kiddin me, I cant get no damn blunt, I aint talkin no dirt gar.
(Whos your DRUG ZAR gonna be)...
(Whats the "ZARS" budget).
(What you gonna do bout the Herion coming out of Afgan).
(Transperincy(?), thats what you ran on right.
(Chicago political machine, remember what they called that in New York Joe).
Mrs Wymzie aint crazy, shes a patriot, and Grand-dad is a patriot to.
Why should I move to Canada? I was here before obama moved here.What ever happened to first come first served? But then again....here in the old u.s.a. the criminals get better treatment then the law obiden citizens, don't they? Or has all this dirt surrounding obama just been a coincidence and he ruely is the one . NOT.
This photo belongs on a pack of Lucky strikes.
I know ho posted it.I was talking to them.
Still waiting for the "proof" too.
The Obama honeymoon is FAR from over, Wymzie. He has a 78% approval rating going into office. Higher than either Dubya or Clinton had going in.
His positive ratings even from those who did not vote for him are high.
I'm sorry you are having a difficult accepting the fact that Obama is not the anti-Christ. I'm sorry you are so consumed by this.
It is difficult at high levels of office for any official to move without brushing up against unsavory elements. That does not make the pol one of them. You fail to give Obama any credit for the many positive people he also is associated with.
Perhaps you can take solace in the fact that these highly negative bashings actually helped get Obama elected. Major turnoff to independent voters.
When you start posting about how YOU would solve our many crises, I MAY start reading you again. In the meantime, I'll just skip over and enjoy Joe's puppy and wildlife pictures.
Merry Christmas.
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