Between seagull droppings and carcases lying on the pier, no one has made any attempt to clean things up. So the big question is, (just like the last time we posted this info) does it take Sallisbury News and its readers to bring this information forward every time before the Mayor, Comegys and Smith get off their lazy azzes and take a tour around the City to see who's doing what?
Even the Boat Parade immediately turned around and headed back to the Country Club because they weren't going to dock at this location, get out and listen to the crunched beneath their feet of dead bodies. However, keep in mind, this is the same Marina the Council continues to back up financially to the tune of I believe $35,000.00 a year because they're failing. SELL IT NOW and get someone in there that will keep it clean and eventually turn a profit.
That has to be considered a health issue. Not only do birds crap all over the place risking avian flu they also regergitate their food several times before swallowing it.
Who would walk their children out there where they could fall hands or face first in that mess?
I see many employees riding around
in city and county vehicles , most
are doing nothing. The city is the pits.
Baltimore got rid of most of it's pigeon problem by breeding Falcons that live on high rises and feed on pigeons. Maybe they like seagulls too?
Either somebody's been eating chicken on them there docks and leaving scraps that attract seagulls, or feral cats have been snaggin' the seagulls.
Doesn't the company the city pays ever clean that place?
Those docks look like that all time, I'm sure chicken bones aren't out there everyday. Somebody trying to catch Harbour crabs? I saw a sign in Baltimore "Harbor Crabs", yea right I'm going to buy me some harbour crabs hahahaa
Some seagull hijacked chicken from Perdue LoL I saw some seagulls out at the landfill big as turkeys
these docks have been cleaned several times since summer. id estimate they are washed about once a month. the dock master has spent days power washing them. you can tell that the ones closest to brew river have been cleaned due to the color. they used to be a dull gray. they just cant keep the birds off of them
Why dosen't the state of Maryland leagalize pigeon hunting. When the crack dealers are slow they could do something productive with their time and the staste could make some money!
Joe, your right, no-one from the boat parade wanted anything to do with Brew River, or the marina, EXACTLY because of the mess. How much would it cost to power wash, and run string overhead, it works, but you must kave some pride and ownership.
As a member of Wicomico Yacht Club I can tell you this was not the reason for the boat parade to return to the club that night. It was decided that if the mebership was going to spend money and party it was better to do it at their own club and bar than to give it to Brew River and have to tolerate the crowd there.
Thats not to say the conditions at the Marina are acceptable, as a matter of fact it's down right deplorable, but the real reason for them returning is stated above and the decision was made in a regular meeting of the club.
Plus you wouldnt be drinking and boating, I think it goes on your regular drivers record.
My wife and I visited the Marina dock a few weeks ago and I can tell you first hand that the sanitary conditions are deplorable.
My wife said;
'Who is responsible for the upkeep?'
I really wish the State Health officials would visit this site and issue a citation for the pathedic condition.
What a mess.
The members of the Wicomico Yacht club are to good for the "crowd" at Brew River? Now what exactly does that mean. Come on Mr. (or Mrs.) rich guy speak up. That "crowd" came to share the holidays and you strut your stuff and can't associate. You guys make me sick.
The marina is managed by a private company. The city should sell the entire complex, BUT considering whats across the street, what would they get.............? Or, they could pay someone to take it off the taxpayers hands.
Same conditions exsist at Brew River, however they did try to clean up a bit for the parade. The entire Salisbury area around the river really sucks, and what a shame, waterfront can be such a "draw" for business and residential when done, and maintained. The problem is you can't undo a hundred years of low cost housing and poor planning over night.
Is there any non-lethal way to eliminate the nuisance birds?
anon 4:33
I'm afraid you took my comment out of context. The term "crowd" was not meant to be derogatory but factual in that the night of the parade there is usually a large # of folks at Brew River and it's not always easy to get a booth or table where friends can sit together and enjoy the evening, where back at the Yacht club there are fewer people. Also many of the boat owners can spend the night on their crafts after having a few beverages and not worry about having to going back later in the evening or the next morning. Also as I said, they are supporting their own club with food and drinks. After all they are not open to the public as is Brew River and therefore have limited clientele. If this offends you I am sorry but membership is open to anyone that wishes to pay the annual dues and many members do not even own boats. You are welcome to apply and then you too may come and support the club. It is no different than the Moose Lodge or the Eagles in that respect.
To Bluto: No. Seagulls are federally protected, called "flying rats" from at least the Florida keys to here, and are feeding on Perdue's business downtown. You can't fight Mother Nature, but I've been on Brew River's dock bar deck more than once and never seen a speck of fowl poop. I think it's because they care for their patrons and have pride in ownership.
That picnic table down at the end is the funny part. Who in their right mind would picnic on a seagull poop covered dock that sits atop a human poop river?
7:24 Apology accepted. Question, a boat picked up a couple from the boat ramp while we were there, playing music and partying hard, I later heard that it was the fire chief. I know David does not have a million dollar boat, we have beat this around the office, can you settle this fight for us.
Two comments ,
1st 11:51 Have you ever seen a slow crack head ? Oh You aint gonna catch no crack head ?
2nd Wouldn't it be great to invite your mother-in-law here for a nice "bird bombing".
Yup seagulls are like buzzards, it's illegal to shoot scavengers. When they are on my property they are treaspasing.
I like the falcon idea, let nature take care of nature. No laws broken.
anon 7:49
I am not aware of the firechief being aboard any boat that night. That is not to say it didn't happen but I am not aware of it. So far as I know he is not a member of WYC either.
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the Port of Salisbury marina has not maximized its potential to serve as an asset to the City’s downtown and as a tourist attraction; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens that a private company be engaged to manage the Port of Salisbury marina; and
WHEREAS, the City has advertised and received proposals for the management of the marina; and
WHEREAS, the City staff has reviewed the proposal submitted by Coastal Properties Management, Inc. And recommends to the Council that this firm be selected to manage the marina in accordance with the attached Management Services Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Salisbury City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign the attached Management Services Agreement with Coastal Properties Management, Inc. For the management of the Port of Salisbury Marina.
THE ABOVE RESOLUTION was introduced and duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the City of Salisbury, Maryland held on the 13th day of April 2005 and is to become effective immediately.
________________________________ ___________________________
Brenda J. Colegrove Michael P. Dunn
Barrie P. Tilghman
MAYOR, City of Salisbury
Stupid is as stupid does !
Close it and stop wasting tax dollars, hell the good ole boys only go down there to drink anyway and who the hell can afford a boat anyway.
Welcome to america.
7:49 Not sure what side of the bet you placed, maybe everyone was right LOL. It was the fire chief of ocean city.
10:33 For further clarification, it was the fire chiefs boat, that picked up another chief from ocean city, two chiefs on board, one is a memeber of the yacht club. He has become a valued member and friend.
Laramore and See? Or I'd bet it was Laramore and Gordy?
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