There is a new website up called ObamaBlunt.com. This sight is dedicated to the disappointment of many Americans who voted for Change and are now realizing that they are only going to be getting more of the same.
On Obamas Change.Gov sight, the number one question written to the President Elect is...
"Will you consider legalizing marijuana so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?"
To which the answer was..."President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana."
Funny, I thought he was, and apparently many many of his supporters did as well.
I guess this can be added to the list of just one more of the many disappointments his supporters are experiencing.
From a White House staff and Cabinet made up of Clinton Administration good ole' boys with less minority's than even 'W' has in his administration.
To now finding that America is going to continue on with marijuana branch of the failing 'Drug War', and have millions of Americans who use it every day continue to be labeled criminals for doing so.
Change doesn't affect the money that the pharmaceutical companies are able to lay dow to keep pot illegal. They have a much larger stake in this than mere promises of Change.
Change hasn't come, it is simply more of the same, except wrapped in a different package. The only problem is that more of the same looks like less and less of our civil rights will be left.
I recieved an email from the ACLU of Maryland talking about an upcoming meeting where they want to redress so many of the civil rights that have been lost with the Patriot Act and with FISA. What they and their supportors don't realize is, is that Obama doesn't care about our civil rights.
He is self serving and wanted Change for himself, while we the citizens will only pay for the Change but never reep a benefit of it.
When all that Change goes into effect, just tell me ... What will be left?
That's pic is classic.
Liberal heads are already exploding with the choice of Rick Warren for the coronation, AKA inauguration . Congrats to the democrats for electing the biggest fraud in recent history.
What will be left? A lot of ideological left wing degenerates.
Typical. He's not even in office yet and you are complaining.
He is doing exactly what he said he was going to do and yet you complain.
I think you just like complaining. I guess the whole "he's not elligible to be president" complaint just went out the door, huh?
I was a supporter then and I am a supporter NOW. Go President Obama!!!
When I found it, I just couldn't resist.
Yup... and we have another (probably many more) that allowed pole smokin!
Get over it!
nice title... "bro" which is basically "brotha", which makes you a racist. But we all knew that already.
Happy Festivus for the REST of us:)
You may AIR your greivances at a later date, which will be announced last Tuesday. Have a great day-LOL
I cant even get a job as a law enforcement officer because 15 years ago i "TRIED" the devils lettuce. But this butt whipe can run our county!?!?!? Makes me sick....WTF?!?!?!?
Surely he didn't pass a High level security background check, right?
Maybe presidents don't need to... My guess is they aught to, not that George was any better, or even the dude before him. What a bunch of hypocritical A$$@s
Just because he may not LEGALIZE it (technically, it is not legal in Amsterdam either) doesn't mean he can't still DECRIMINALIZE it. You know driving above the posted legal speed limit is dangerous and against the law, too. You just don't see otherwise good tax-paying citizens taking up the jail cell that could be used for a VIOLENT criminal {We never never never see seemingly daily headlines here about armed muggings and armored car robberies, right?).
Wymzie how dare you use the word brother, bro, brotha, or anything close to that word. Eventhough white people say it also, "Whats up braa, lets hit the surf braa" if black people use it, then you use it, you are a racist. You should really be ashamed of yourself....
Oh yeah and Two Sentz, you need to check your grammar BROTHER.
Are we all STILL thinking pot should be illegal?
I feel if you took the time to go out and vote you earned the right to complain about the politicians you were voting on.
Obama is so Arrogant and has the press wrapped around his finger. I never heard of a President Elect Office before where he sits behind a desk and already is acting as President before being sworn in. Right now we have a President & it is Bush not Obama. He can't wait another month?
Did anyone else get the "less minority's than even 'W' has in his administration"?
If Obama had chosen more minorities (not minority's), he would have been criticized for picking too many.
Let's face it, he's never going to be the right religion, color, gender .... whatever your cause .... for some people. Get over it and get involved. Help with change instead of complaining about it.
I liked george bush pic better, drunk at the olypics
Legalize it and I will advertise it!!!!
Peter Tosh
Thanks guys, I knew I could count on you for 'keepin it real' and putting me in my politically correct place, lest I offend anyone of you!
Grammar police, please don't arrest me.
Actually while once again rabidly lashing out against your perceived enemy with your apparent "kitchen sink" full of grievances, you may have found something we agree on regarding the decriminalization issue. Or are you really AGAINST that idea too, but just taking advantage of the "controversy of the day" to further flame the fire of divisiveness in our culture(you are aware the man isn't even in office yet, correct?)
Y'all know my stance but it bears repeating...when you criminalize a vice,only criminals benefit from its being illegal.
A little off topic but I read somehwere that Moet-Henessy (French distiller) is offering a Limited Edition Obama 750 ml bottle of Henessy VS Cognac. No joke...He just strikes me as a Scotch man (Walker on the rocks?)...
Come on bluto, Obama likes to drink ripple with Fred Sanford!
And the "G" stands for Goldschlager!
why not decriminalize all crimes? or would it put to many people out of work? Back to the "old" laws. The law of "club and fang" Only the fittest survive.Only punishments a person can inforce their self will be imposed.
It is so entirely unfair that we all allow a few to chose who and to what extent some one is penalized for their crimes. I could do a better job if giving the chance! But those in the positions have made it not possible for some one better suited to do the job they have . Yes folks , I can see the camels legs buckle....just a few more straws needed before the democrates will get their wish. Total socialism. Blatant disregard for our constitution. We are all just sheep of the shepards. Only those with money will be allowed to shepard us poor sheep.
But back on track , it would appear that alot of people only voted for this "pot head" thinking he would make it okay for them to use illegal drugs. Sorry about your luck ha ha . You must of been stoned to ever think this way.Now who's supporting this dope?
He's not black,there goes the black voters support. He's not gona help the druggies, there goes the druggies support. He's not gonna support his own people from illinios, there goes the criminals support. He's not in support of the democrates, there goes the democrates support. Now he is supporting the terrorist in the middle east, and they will be coming to a shopping mall near you soon.And all this before he even gets in office, What will we do after he finally has full control.
I for one cannot beleive any more lies out of Mr.Bojangles lips.If he wants to dance , ley him go back from which he came from to do it . I wander after all the coins being made with his face on them,and the plates, when is his face going up on Mt rushmore?
Seems like a case of that old eddie murphy gag....."give a blank a rope and he will want to be a cowboy."
This just in....obama has annouced his secretary of labor and she has announced in future training of the "green card" workers here in America. :)
Is that Jimmy Hoffa that obama has chosen for the secretary of transportation?
At least he was honest about smoking. GW Bush " can't remember" if he snorted Cocaine or not. You either did or didn't, you remember that kind of stuff.
Funny how none of you can come to terms with a black or democratic President. Racist inbreeds.
2:43, For the record, Obama is half White and I am tired of hearing his race.
Mara-juana is everywhere/where was you brought up?
thats my president and im damn proud. if more of us smoked a little herb this world we be a WHOLE lot better, and a lot less lost!
What? You meaned he lied to get elected? Well, as Gomer-Freakin'-Pyle used to say..."surprise, surprise, surprise!!!" What a shock! Believe me, you liberals that fell for his crap and voted him into office...this is just the beginning. Guess what, you're actually going to still have to pay for your house if you want to live in it.
You dont hire a cook,if you want chef food.
Its a cig you general population criters.
hey anon 12:04 i dont what police dept you applied to that turned you down for smokng pot once you are a bloody liar. Even the FBI will now hire you if you have tried cocaine. i am in law enforcement and i admitted to using marijuana at least 10 times as a teen. so go back and look at your entire background slash criminal history befroe you try to lie. you posted anon so there should be no need to lie.
Weed is illegal? Well damn. Guess that's the change they said was coming.
I'm still glad I voted for him.
The stupid stuff you come up with to get bent out of shape about as this country faces economic and war crises...
He hasn't even gotten into office yet.
Well, at least you'll have 4 years of grinding your jaw and gnashing your teeth. Some dentist will stay employed at least.
Anonymous said...
Obama is so Arrogant and has the press wrapped around his finger. I never heard of a President Elect Office before where he sits behind a desk and already is acting as President before being sworn in. Right now we have a President & it is Bush not Obama. He can't wait another month?
12:34 PM
Yep, but the real President put him in his place recently!!
Sorry, We’re Booked, White House Tells Obamas
i bet there is a few pictures of you fromback in the day you do not want peoples to see
Who cares, if we took everyone out of public office (law enforcement included) judges, senators, congressmen on and on that ever took a puff we'd have nobody in office.
It was ok for Clinton to smoke a Cuban cigar in the White House belonging to the people. It's ok for any of them be to alcoholics and cheat on your wife. If you cheat on your wife why should I expect you to tell me the truth?
It's everyone's right to their own opinion however some of this stuff is just going to lead to more hate.
It's everyone's right to their own opinion however some of this stuff is just going to lead to more hate.
Why on earth would we be hating on the man for telling the truth?
Heck he was a lot more honest than Slick Willie when he said that inhaling is the reason for smoking.
There are a lot of pissed off democrats who were looking forward to legalized pot.
Heck I think that would be a nice fringe benefit if he were to see weed decriminalized or legalized.
What gets me is:
How can using the term Bro in the sentence 'Pass the doobie' be racist?
Sorry Boss and Steph, I may have misinterpred. I admit I didn't read the whole post and that's where I went wrong. May have been a couple of comments that set me off.
I just see a lot of judging and hate already, and I'll admit I have been a big Bush Basher, if I can dish it out I should have thicker skin and take it too. Please except my apology
Graciously accepted!
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