"first I would like to thank all of the law enforcement for their sacrifice and duty, you are greatly appreciated.
as i was driving on rt 13 through the city of salisbury this morning I witnessed something not for the first time but one of many as I am sure many of you have. Two MD state police cars traveling at a high rate of speed in and out of traffic. This would have possibly been acceptable except for the lack of lights and sirens coming from the (emergency) vehicles. I was traveling about 40 or 45 in front of the center of salisbury maybe even 50, lets assume 45 as the two state police cars blew by me I noticed the second had his cell phone to his ear, common practice for all of us I am sure. I figure them to be doing at least 55 to 60 in what I believe to be a 45 mph speed zone. As we approached the intersection of zion rd and n salisbury blvd I would have thought the cruisers would have put on their emergency lights and proceeded through the red light that was before us. Nope, not the case. They pointed at each other and then sat at the light until it changed to green and then proceeded to dodge in and out of traffic again. I was able to follow them through town, and yes I am as guilty as they are of speeding through town, but guess what they didn't even notice that I was following them and a high rate of speed. Possibly because they were more concerned with the cell phone on the one troopers ear and who could keep the lead the longest. I was getting very frustrated with their antics but i was determined to see what exactly the emergency was. By this time (front of the old es adkins building) I thought it was best to slow my speed just so I would not get into an accident. Because of the closeness of the upcoming traffic lights I was able to keep them in my sights, guess where they were going...... to court. Please all of you law enforcement personnel please be careful out there, and remember.. I am watching"
This message came into SBYNews from a concerned and frustrated citizen.
My favorites are the ones who switch on the lights to pull you over, pass you, then switch them off and hit the accelerator.
We too have noticed that many of the State cars marked and unmarked are not obeying the law themselves. We have watched them run light, speed without emergency indicators, talk on cell phone, sit and watch persons run red lights, not even slow down to watch persons speed recklessly up Mt. Hebron and Johnson Roads. I can list maybe 10 times in the past 6 months that Troopers were out of "order".
I stand with so many who not only respect the Troopers, and all the law enforcement folks, but I am grateful to them for putting themselves on the line for my protection every day. So I have no beef really, I just want to say that those folks who are guilty of these small infractions "listen up";the children are watching and listening to the parents, if you break the law, they will too. Part of your duty is good example.
Maybe this should have been reported directly to the State Police Barracks along with the photos. The plate number is clearly visible and they can handle the discipline of the officer if necessary.
Yes 45mph to just before Zion Rd, then 40mph until somewhere just over the bridge where it slows to 35mph. This is very normal behavior for the unmarked state police crusisers, see it every single day. Been going to call it in lots of times after getting run off the road by them, etc, but why bother, nothing will happen in the good ole boy network - they're invincible. Besides as I've been told by a judge before - there's no evidence in the case, just your word against the officers word - he wins.
In reviewing the photographs, one thing is clearly evident. At Zion Road, you can clearly see the white truck in front of the red unmarked car. Then, at Baltimore Avenue, another picture was taken. Guess what is directly in front of the red unmarked car? You guessed it, the same white truck. If this had occurred as the concerned citizen stated, this would be impossible. The concerned citizen stated that the Troopers accelerated and weaved in and out of traffic..passing everyone. That is simply not true by the photos. In fact, the white truck and the red unmarked are still in the same lane. The court building is two blocks further up from Baltimore Avenue. I am all for keeping an eye out for violations. however, the photographic evidence in this case is clear, factual and overwhelming that what the concerned citizen stated did not occur.
Had Mike Lewis the commander of the SBY Barrack, these goons would prob been suspended and lost their pretty little cars for a while. Maybe then they would learn!!!
It really, really irritates me to see an officer speeding down the road talking on a cell phone. How can they, or anyone else, pay attention to their driving if they are engaged in a conversation on the cell phone? They certainly are not leading by example. And why do they need to speed to court? Perhaps they should have started in that direction just a little bit sooner. Why do officers always think they are above the law? I guess in the end because it's going to be just like the judge says, it's your word against theirs and the judge is going to side with the officer. Pitiful!
I see Salisbury City, Wicomico Sheriffs, and Fruitland PD police cars driving close to 50 MPH in front of Wi Middle all the time. They don't care about the speed limit, until it's time to write you a ticket.
Looks like 10:00 has a valid point!
Yes, you all are so correct, and the next time someone calls for police service and it takes us "forever" to get there, we will simply refer you to these posts. You all know that the operation of emergency equipment has been regulated to the point of almost non-use in some situations. So, with that being said, the next time you are getting your head bashed in from someone taking your purse, dont worry, we will get there as soon as we can, but dont expect us to be in a hurry.
10:26 Anon
What an idiot! You must be a cop or a wife of a cop because you totally missed the point, as usual!
The officers in the post were going to COURT...not to a call!
You all are so quick to jump down somebody's throat when they point out an officer doing something not right.
Many cops around here truly believe they are above the law and so do their immediate family members.
Some also believe they are entitled to more more more, even though most are not in my opinion.
If you are one of the wives, you are probably one of them who goes shopping with your hubby in a police vehicle when he is off duty too.
Don't even bother with your self-righteous attitude, many of us don't want to hear it.
Cops are no better than the other guy!
I don't know if the post is true or not but I have seen this happen many times....and they do look and point at each other as though they are racing.
God forbid one of these officers hits and kills someone.
Anon: 10:00, you are correct it is the same small white Ford or Mazda SUV in front of the same police car. So I guess that vehicle was weaving in and out of traffic and speeding too. I guess you will claim now that the suv was a Trooper as well. Concerned Citizen who ever you are you are just trying to stir up some smut on the Troopers. Next time take down the information call the Barrack give your name and file a official complaint. If the complaint is founded the Troopers will be punished. If it is found out that you are lying then they can tell you to pack sand. Sounds like to me and a couple other posters on here that you have a bone to pick with law enforcement. Whats up, you been arrested, ticketed lately?
1026 you know damned well you are not a cop. No self respecting LEO would reply in such a manner. If you are an LEO, resign now, you don't have the moxey to do what is required of you.
I love the Eastern Shore attitude. Grow a pair and quit your bitching. All of you. This is ridiculous. Nothing is said about the fire department running lights and sirens for a clean up in the roadway or brining the ladder truck to an EMS call. Wait that is because all you rednecks are wanna be fire men.
Wow...I looked at the pictures again and 10:00 is 100% correct. I guess it's true, a picture is worth 1,000 words. I guess some people just want to bad mouth a Trooper. Oh well, Merry Christmas to all.
10:26 must be the head of SPD sounds like something he'd say
Anon 10:00 a.m.
Couldn't agree with you more. The photos clearly show that what the concerned citizen stated cannot be accurate. These Troopers were maligned for no valid reason. Their superiors should take note.
As far as talking on a cell phone. Troopers frequently use their personal cell phones to speak with the State's Attorney's office, the Barrack and other work related calls. "Concerned citizen" doesn't know who or what the call was to or about.
It is unfortunate that so many "concerned citizens" think it is appropriate to bash law enforcement for sport - despite their lame protests of really "supporting" them. These are the same "concerned citizens" who would scream the loudest if the Troopers (or other LEO) did not respond to their cries for help fast enough. Law Enforcement Officers are in a no win situation.
As far as Anon 10:01. You must not know Mike Lewis at all. Do you think he would approve of you referring to two State Troopers as "goons". Mike would INVESTIGATE the allegations BEFORE taking any action. He would SUPPORT officers wrongly accused and stand by them. Conversely, if guilty, he would take APPROPRIATE action. (And no, I'm not related to Mike Lewis!)
I am sure that the Salisbury Barrack Commander will do the same.
Next time, "concerned citizen" - man up and use your name.
Ooh, I saw a cop speeding, Ooh I saw a cop getting free sodas at Wawa, Ooh I saw a cop parked illeagaly, Ooh I saw a cop driving while texting, Ooh I saw Cheify at "Hair Club for Men". Give me a break, people. You want service with a smile, but hate it when you see cops doing things that YOU dont think are appropriate. Victims for life, get used to it.
Why should the "concerned citizen" use his/her name? So the MSP can retaliate against them? Heck no! Those ego maniacs would be all over that person.
They are also some of the worst offenders of drinking and driving. I have seen it many times. They think they are truly above the law!
Everyone of us at one time or another have driven to fast, talk on the cell while driving, this and that, leave these cops alone, this is nit-pickin at its finest. These are interceptors, what man wouldnt put the boot into them every now and again. Merry Christmas officers.
Get Over It! Cops will get away with anything as long as it can be covered! It is all of them SPD, WCSD, and the MSP. They think they are above the law and guess what folks? THEY ARE! Sure wish they knew the true meaning of Police Officer but the meaning and the character have long gone with the real proffessionals of the past. Sorry about our luck!
Joe, You just admitted you broke the law in following them. You are just as guilty by your own admission. The Troopers should read this and mail you a ticket because we all know it was you following them.
anonymous 12:09,
Read the end of the Post again. It says, "This message came into SBYNews from a concerned and frustrated citizen."
I think these two Troopers need to get a good civil aattorney and sue the crap out of the person making the false report. That would send a clear message. In fact it is being done all over the country officers are suing because their agencies do not take action against false reports made against LEOs. It is the agency that should take action against any civilian providing false information in a complaint or leak to the media. The photos show clear evidence that this may happen at times it did not happen today. At least not as the information read.
What a bunch of clowns! Get a job pla...ease. You people really suffer from arrested development and the dreaded "Gomer Pyle" syndrome. Maryland State Troopers are some of the finest law enforcement officers in the country. Give them a frickin' break !
Anon 11:48 -
You've seen the MSP drink and drive many times? I guess you called that in to your law enforcement agency of choice like the good citizen you are?
Tell me - what LE agency does the job to suit you? From my recollection all the agencies in the area have had one or more problems with employees for a variety of different reasons. People are human. No agency is perfect.
As stated, it is a thankless, no win job for those who choose this line of work. Are you willing to put your life on the line everyday for the likes of an ungrateful, denigrating person like you?
Wonder how you'd feel if they saved your daughter/son from a burning car or returned your stolen property? I guess it is their "egos" that would be responsible for that.
No, for someone like you, it is far easier to criticize those who do risk their lives for YOU, your family and this community from the "protection" of an anonymous blog.
WOW, shows how little respect they have for the Commander of the State Police. He told them to obey all posted speed limits after a trooper killed a woman on Vienna bridge. If my CEO or direct supervisor gave me an order and i didn't follow it I would be canned.
ANON 10:26
from your statement you sound like a bitchy women or a homo with something to prove. Is that the case, just wondering. If cops are no better then the next guy then why are YOU holding them to a higher standard. They hold themselves to a higher standard not to please the likes of you and your kind, but the prior LOE's that have served in the past and all the future cops that will have to deal with your offspring and the nonsense that will be created by your moaning and graoning, and boo-hooing, so sir/mam you in fact are the actual idiot who probably watches way too much TV (Jerry Springer)and who gets advise from Dr. Phill, but watches OPRA just to stay in touch with your femanin side.
How do you know they were going to court? Did you follow them in to the actual courthouse? Perhaps they were responding to the area for some other reason. We always assume that we know everything, even without all the details.
Oh- and I must admit- I LOVE it when they drive through town like that. It helps bust up the clumps of traffic on the road, making it impossible to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time. I can't stand those people who putt along just under the speed limit, those that decide they need to be in the other lane all of a sudden, those that drive through town sightseeing (there is nothing to see around here, trust me), and those that stop at green lights.
Bla Bla Bla. Would you guys like some cheese with your whine??
I think this "frustrated citizen" should do video next time he sees this happen again. Nothing like action feed to help the situation. Perhaps next time "Chooper Willie" could follow the high-speed pursuit of Rosco PiColtrain, gugugh.."I'm gonna get those Duke boys!!"
Everybody on here is going to be pleased with the news I have uncovered. I heard from a friend of a frined who heard from their sister who was told by their aunt (twice removed) who heard it from Ken at WalMart that when these pictures came out these guys got in so much trouble. Rumor has it they were taken out behind the barrack and flogged for several hours. Then they were sprayed with a hose in freezing conditions. After that, they had their children taken from them saying their driving made them an unfit parent. They were sent to foster care. Their wives left them and they were ultimately fired and their likenesses were burned in effigy. I'm working on confirming this rumor with Jay the butcher. But, with everyones obvious desire to see them punished, this should make your day. After all, it's what you want isn't it?
Next time, "concerned citizen" - man up and use your name.
11:13 AM
Oh please...use your name anon!
12:39 are you suggesting we have a 100% proffessional police force? Maybe you are watching to many cop shows. One must look right in the city of Salisbury and Wicomico County police force...hmmmmm didn't a few of them just go to the slammer? You are the idiot!
Of course they drive faster than they should. Whether they are off duty or on duty they still go as fast or as slow as they want.
They know they will never get pulled over in their cruiser and if its their personal car, they wont be receiving a ticket bc they more than likely will know the cop.
Which is fine, but when you pull me over for speeding don't act like im a danger to society. I find that often the faster drivers are more aware and in control than the slow drivers who barely go the speed limit.
Also, speeders in salisbury are the last thing cops need to be worried about. There is real crime in salisbury, but of course its alot easier to just sit and write tickets to law abiding citizens.
There are lots of cool cops, but then again there are lots of cops that make are jacka$$e$ that ruin it for them all. To the cool ones, Merry Christmas.
Unless an accident involving one of these "speeders" in a police car happens, this is a complete non-issue. When a cop is rushing to court it means that he/she was hung up with their last task, and are running late, probably not because of sitting around yapping.
IF an accident occurs because of their negligent driving or reckless driving, the same penalty should apply as if they were civilian. One should be able to assume that these professionals know how to drive in an emergency situation (translated to "fast"), and have the good judgment to know when to and when not to.
There are certainly bigger issues that need our attention right now.
10:26 you obviously are one of the cops people are talking about. I hope you get caught out of your territory like Davis Ruark did. Who you gonna call then Mr. Above the Law?
Obey the law that you enforce!
That little badge on your little chest does not exempt you and your family from the law.
1:39 you are an idiot. I will tell you what people want. They want them to pay for breaking the law just like we do! Fair?
While we're on the subject why doesnt the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office and the State Police do their part during these tight times. First, I have no problem with take home cars, but it should be just that, to and from work! At least four times this week I have observed both Sheriffs and MSP vehicles with not only the drivers but their family members pulling into the Mall and other stores along Rt 13 north. The old adage of "I am on call" doesnt cut it anymore. Do you think for one minute that Trooper or Deputy is going to a crime in progress with their family in the car, absolutely notttt! Just more of the same, Do as we say not as we do!
Anon 2:09 cuddos. Even the tv show COPS has issues. Their production crew films everything. They are told in advance what they can and can not use. Before the final edit gets released it must be approved by the police department and their/city attorney. I have been told this first hand.
Anon 3:35
Thats all well and fine but lets look at other professions:
Comcast employees get free cable...everyone else pays
Verizon employees get free phone service..everyone else pays
Boscov's employees get 20% discount...everyone else pays full price
McDonald's employees get free food...everyone else pays
The list goes on and on ad nauseum. Bottom line...every job has perks and benefits that are not afforded to others. Driving a little over the speed limit (which clearly was not the case here...see photos) is not much of a benefit and, quite frankly, is part of the job. If every police officer travels the speed limit, how will they EVER see a violation since they will never gain on or fall behind another vehicle? See the paradox? As part of their job, they must travel above the speed limit to catch up to other vehicles to observe expired tags, seatbelt violations etc. I'm sure, in your world, you are afforded some small type of benefit that others don't get. It's a fact of life that, if we are truthful, each of us enjoys. There are much larger problems in society right now (like the lady who wants Christmas doughnuts from Donut Connection...but I degress). I certainly don't condone dangerous or reckless driving at all. That being said, the pictures validate that the Troopers were NOT doing what they are accused of. How about standing up for them and expressing your anger towards the person who falsely accused them. Additionally, the writer stated that the Troopers were going 5-10 mph over the speed limit. I challenge any of you to produce a citation from a LEO charging you with going 5-10 mph over the limit. They don't stop people for that. Therefore, they are not getting anything that the general public doesn't get....a 5-10 mph cushion.
I'll bet those troopers are shaking in their boots because you might be "watching" them. Man up ,call 410-749-3101, ask for the asst. or barack commander and lodge a formal complaint if you've got the balls. Oh, wait a minute, you were taking pictures with your cell phone in one hand while driving and probably had your junior johnson in the other. That sounds like negligent driving to me so you might want to write yourself a ticket, put it in an envelope, and then shove it firmly but without malice or prejudice in the entrance of your lower colon. It's obvious there's plenty of room up there!
3:51 you took the words right out of my mouth.
GREAT POINT...why hasn't Mike Lewis thought of that?
You officers on here need to take a long hard look at the point of some of these comments. We see it and with cell phone cameras you will be exposed just like the New York officers. Go to police officers breaking the law on the web, you would be surprised that your "BROTHERS" are breaking the law. It is not just in New York, it is everywhere and you want to know why you are no longer a hero in our eyes? Carry yourself as a proffesional and you will be treated as such.You put your pants on the same way we do and we are tired of your brothers breaking the very law they are supposed to enforce. Forgive me if you are one of the proffesionals, however, if you are I am sure you see our opinions. And one more thing I would like to add, Please give up the "I put my life on the line everyday" That is so wore out. We all put our lives on the line everyday we walk out the door. Does anyone remember the poor woman who had her throat slashed at Shore Stop on Route 13 for $20.00. She went to work there and never came home. We are the ones who put our lives at risk because we don't have a gun on our side to defend ourselves. Think about that for a minute.
You must be one of those officers with half a brain. Verizon employees who get free phone service are not breaking the law meaning that you need to compare apples to apples (if you know what an apple is)
i like to see the unmarked vics all clean scooting up and down the road ! as long as there chasing or going somewhere else than pulling me. merry christmas men of the badge, as long as someones shooting pictures and talking about you guyz there leaving someone else alone.
They do have an unfair advantage involving getting tickets.....
After reading the post on this if you do not believe that this occurs then just sit on Rt.50 westbound just outside of Salisbury to the east on any day or when traffic court is held. You will see this is normal MO for them. For 8yrs. this was my morning commute and it was a daily sight to see state and county police speeding into town and find that same vehicle at the court house. If it was one of us we would be told 'you should have left earlier'. This still goes on, speeding to get to court on time!
Its called a "CITIZENS arrest".But to give them the benifit of dout, maybe they were in passute of the white truck? And there sirens didn't work? Maybe we need to give more grant money to them so they can fix their rods up?
Anon 3:51
I too have to agree with the limited use of a police vehicle off duty.
As gas prices have fallen well below what we have all been used to I see nothing wrong with using the car, but I must agree that driving around with your family in the car is a bad choice.
Anon 3:52
Dont worry soon the cops wont even have guns. After Jan. 20 you can kiss the 2nd ammendment goodbye.
Although if any restrictions on the 2nd ammendment do come criminals wont follow them anyway. They'll still be armed to the teeth while the rest of us are defensless against armed thugs. And it seems that more and more in Salisbury are being caught with guns. Nice feeling isn't it?
spd and wcso do around the speed limit. msp just goes about 40mph over.
Think about that one.
Move on people, there's nothing left to see here. This crash has been cleaned up. Quit rubbernecking and move on to the next topic.
if you want to drive fast become a police officer. If you want to take home cruiser beocme a police officer.
If you want to wade knee deep in peoples crap, get spit on, get assaulted, be called a racist, live in a fish bowl, go to the neighbor whose dog wont quit barking, give directions, deal with the decay and horror of the evil that man inflicts on one another, deal with decomposing bodies, work every major holiday, get average pay, have to cut your hair and shave daily, follow orders from everyone who out ranks you including the general public, answer to politicians, and the state'e attorney,get lied to on a regular basis, be exspected to amke split second deisions that can cost your career anr possibly your life, work outside in all types of weather, run into situations that 97% of the public runs from then yae I guess you might call it a push. I still see the photos as highly subjective with the S.U.V. being in both pictures i guess that guy was just driving as crazy as the troopers. Oh yea face furloughs and pay cuts. Yea they have it great I see the long lines at the doors of all the departments. Work with little disability so that if you are injured you lose all that you have. Try to eat a meal in public they want you lynched. It is a laugh a minute. the average life exspectancy of a L.E.O. in this country is 57. You do the math it is well worth it. Hmmmm go back to what ever it is you do and think twice before you post another liable post like this one. Joe keep up the good work dont kill the messanger. Just the idiot driving and taking pictures who rsiked public safety to cry wolf. This is an obvious cop hater. By the way more clergy wrer arrested in the last five years then there were law enforcement arrested. Sleep tight and watch your priest as close as you do the police. Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanaku, and a great kwanza who ever you are
While we are on the subject of abusing authority and position has anybody heard about the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office new outpost. Without fail 4-6 days a week you will see 1 to 2 Deputies parked at the end of the Cul-de-sac on West Road where it butts up to the Rt. 50 Bypass. This happens during both day and night hours. There are absolutely no homes, business's, burger joints, etc. that would call for them being there. Can't be running radar, (there's no traffic), Cant be writing reports (no lights on). Hmmmmm, one can only imagine!
Forget calling the local barracks send your pictures and complaints directly to Pikesville. I tried complaining about some of these actions in Berlin and nothing was ever done. Next time I will send pictures and complaints right to the top as advised by a trooper friend of mine. These men and women do great jobs for us but are not exempt from the law! Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch report them to their superior officers. For the comments about using your name instead of anon. we are not as stupid as you think a--hole.
Keep up the great work all of you police officers out there. I for one am glad that you are here to protect and serve us. I'm not going to judge you in your profession because I don't know what the rules are that your job entails.
A comment about take home cars. It is part of the compensation package they receive. just like health insurance or retirement benefits.
If they were truly going to the court house, I would like them to make it in time so that the defendant doesn't get off on a technicality of the officer not testifying or the right to face your accuser. It could be the DA or someone at the court they are talking to on the phone.
These fine men and women are trained to travel at high speeds in and out of traffic. Sometimes accidents do happen, but they also happen when people are going the speed limit or even parked.
Police officers don't judge you, so don't judge them. They report crimes and turn over evidence to an attorney. The judge is the one who judges you.
Remember good people, for every one person who complains or wants to lash out at law enforcement, there are a thousand who are glad you are there. They respect the sometimes difficult job you have to do.
Officers, don't lose your cool and disrespect yourself or your agency by venting your frustrations at those few who want to bad mouth you. We all know you are above their level.
If anyone witnesses an officer operating reclessly, by all means right down the info, take picturesa, and submit your complaint, but then let it go. You've done your part and the rest is up to the "system". Not everyone charged with a crime is guilty. Not every cop that APPEARS to be doing something WRONG is actually breaking a law or rule.
And lastly, everyone have a Merry Christmas. We all try to do the best we can and none of us are perfect. Give everyone you see the benefit of the doubt and leave the judging to the judges. After all, we all thought Ms. California looked better than Ms. Montana, but the judges thought otherwise. :) :) :)
One more thought, if you would like to see what it is like to be a police officer, submit a request to ride along with one. Afterwards, you'll haved so much more respect for what they do and have to deal with. It might even peak your interest to become a police officer.
8:14 Just what are you implying? That they are up to no good? And why does this concern you so? KMA
You all have no idea. So, maybe the Trooper or Deputy was coming from an personal injury accident and was late for court. Or maybe they were coming from a call where a child was raped and was on the phone with the victim's family or with another cop because they had to get it off of their chest and talk about it...Believe it or not, we don't speed just to speed. It's generally to get somewhere quick without having to use our lights. Lord knows, you idiot don't know how to move over for a Police vehicle anyways...
But, I wouldn't expect the author to realize this due to his ignorant picture taking not to mention how dangerous it is. Trust me, let me catch you taking pictures while driving...you're gonna be in a world of hurting. Otherwise, mind your own business a**hole.
Must of missed out on them "free hot wings" at happy hour huh? Maybe if you use your lights people would move for you. After all you are driving in unmarked cars so as to sneak up on someone to catch them going four mph to fast just to make your christmas quotta ! And this guys out there for what ? Another case of "above " the law mentality it seems to me. I bet you were "picked" on while you were in school huh ? I think mental stability evaluations are over due. Presure sure can bring a guy down.
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