I got pregnant while on birth control and i figured i am a mature 25 year old adult i will do the right thing so we got married and my daughter was born on June 2 2004 and the nightmares began. A few days after my daughter was born, my soon to be ex husband was arrested for sexually assaulting the girl across the street... he swore it was a set up someone targeting him just for having his picture on the sex registry. I believed him... i fought for him and he was found not guilty after being retained in Jessup for my daughters first 10 months of her life... then when he came home he was never here.. always out with guys, shooting pool, working extra shifts in a bar, you name it he did everything except be a father or a husband.
On March 28 2006, we were shooting pool together on a league at a local bar and when i came out of the bathroom i saw my soon to be ex husband with his hands down another woman's pants playing the mega touch machine.... My mouth dropped i was in shock if he did this when i am in the same building what was he doing when i wasn't with him.... i kicked him out that night. However i am still being to nice at this point in time because we drew up a guideline of visitation, child support everything including the fact that he didn't want my daughter left with his own parents or have her stay at there house for more than an hour... From April till June i let him visit my daughter twice a week as agreed upon. In the beginning he didn't even visit with her he chased me around the house making threats starting fights i had to call the police to get him to stop cursing me and threatening me. He got so violent and irate with me it was bad for her so i would leave the house for a hour so they could spend quality time together only my idea of quality and his idea of quality defiantly have two different definitions.. that was my biggest mistake ever. i left my daughter with a monster.... during one of his episodes he punches holes in the hallway of my house because my daughter wouldn't stop crying.. my daughter acted out his behaviors at 2 years old.. a couple weeks go by and i was giving my daughter a bath and i was on the phone with a friend and when i went back into the bathroom after getting a towel out of the hallway my daughter was inserting a baby nemo toy into her vagina and i gasped and said" what are you doing?" she replied with " nemo is giving me kisses" i was in shock to say the least and my girlfriend told me i had to calm down and take her to er for exam. Social services was called and an exam was done that said her Hyman was intact but there were cuts and bruises that could be self inflicted but the behavior is learned... the hospital and social services told me that excessive petting and touching is almost impossible to prove and that without rock solid evidence or a confession don't expect anything to come of this. He was asked by social services to take a lie detector test and he declined and the the case was closed. I immediately put my daughter into counseling where she has been ever since and still continues to go. She had to relearn what was appropriate touching, who is and isn't aloud to touch there, etc...My soon to be ex husband also became very violent with me. There were many times he would throw objects at me threaten to kill me if i kept her from him you know the rest; same story different girl i had to get a protective order to protect myself and my little girl...The order expired in July of 2007 i was worried i was going to have to battle for divorce yet nothing so my lawyer and i decided to give him a year to make a move...NOTHING... he only ever made four child support payments,so he is behind a little over $14000.00, he lives six houses away from me and no note, no knock on the door nothing done by him to show he cared or wanted to be a part of her life
In September of 2008, i amended my divorce papers to read i want sole custody; no visitation for the father and the father is to have no obligation to the child; no child support no visits, surrender your rights to her and i will leave you alone forever.... he now is fighting me for joint custody and visitation. i just cannot do it.... i failed my daughter once by leaving her alone with the worst monster any mother fears....I am now being told that he is probably going to get supervised visitation and i am not OK with that why, because our state gives fathers the right to their children no matter what their criminal background is. I didn't have enough evidence to convict him of assaulting his own child, her testimony and acting out what daddy did wasn't enough .... put yourself in my four year old daughter shoes... she has to sit a a table with a man she doesn't know that sexually assaulted her when she was too little to know better... and what is she going to think of me for letting this happen when she gets old enough to understand everything.
I still to this day do not know the truth about what happened with why he is on the sex registry for Maryland other than he sexually assaulted little girls between the ages of 10 to 14 and in Delaware he raped a 16 year old girl all of which I found out after I threw him out of my house. This man has committed countless other uncharged sexual acts in our community but i cannot say what they are but i am asking for help... if he has assaulted you or someone you know help them take the steps forward to take action so this man can rot in jail for the rest of his life and so my daughter can have the normal life i have created for her... what is the old saying" you have to break the cycle for the abuse to stop" please help me break the cycle he can NEVER see her again.....
The first link is Maryland showing he has been convicted of sexually assaulting a child the second link is Delaware showing he was convicted of raping a girl between ages of 16 and 17...."

Editors Note: The balance of this story, (as I know it) is in the state of Maryland the laws need to change to protect the CHILD. Even this Father should respect the fact that he allegedly doesn't want to play the roll as a Father by paying child support and or consistent visitation to his own child. It seems that the only time he cares is when the Mother wants to take him away for all the right reasons. We need to contact our Senators and Congressmen to demand these laws be changed to better protect the child.
I personally know the Mother and Child in this case and feel their pain. Perhaps our new Congressman Frank Kratovil can open his busy schedule for this case and at least let this woman and child be heard. His past history as a States Attorney would certainly help her cause and quite frankly he could make one hell of a name for himself in the State for doing so.
If any of our readers have a similar situation or as requested in the above message, know of someone who has been abused by this man in the past, please don't hesitate to let us know so we can help this child's future.
God help me, but if this was my son there are no laws on earth that could protect him.
What a nightmare this mother is going to continue to live with...
One note of advice would have helped her in the very beginning..whatever horrific stories you might hear about a prospective mate, consider them all. There is almost alway at least a thread of truth to them, and even a thread of THIS guy's story should have been enough to make this girl run in the opposite direction. Too late now, but maybe another girl might learn from this sad situation.
Having said that, the only thing, other than those steps she has taken already, NEVER EVER EVER try to deal with this guy by yourself. Always have someone else there, because it takes away his power.
AND, remember, a leopard cannot change it's spots. This guy is a sick puppy, and this kind of sick doesn't heal or go away. Your daughter will NEVER BE safe with him. NEVER. She may get through a mandated visit without being physically harmed, but the damages will accumulate every time.
You might want to consider moving away,so that it's too much trouble for him to "visit". Far away.
Good Luck to both of you. You'll need it.
9:07 Thank you for your advise and concern, but it will be a cold day in hell before I see my daughter and granddaughter be chased from their home and family. If 1/2 the people reading this post send letters to our government officials maybe these men will get what they deserve and the laws will be toughter on them and not allow them legal contact with their minor children!
This guy sounds like such a CONTROL FREAK and pyscho path and believe me, I have had several of those in my life. I was involved in a similar situation whereas I got pregnant however I DID NOT marry the guy. What a difference it makes if you are FROM here - kind of like the good ole boy system at work! I am not FROM here so basically I had NO leg to stand on - regardless! I was screwed! Literally! I did not have friends who were lawyers who could coach me on how to beat the system. Even trying to make things right in the court system to establish custody and receive child support, He got out of paying back child support for the first half of my child's life.
The court system here in Wicomico County stinks!
for the safety of the child-- you need to run as far away from the shore as you can. The justice system stinks in wicomico county.
Make a plan and save your child!
The way the system works in Wicomico County, the mother will be accused of parental alienation and full custody will be given to the father. DSS fails to protect the children and are a huge part of the problem.
I had a feeling when I first started reading this story this is where it was going. WTF is wrong with people??? I wish you the best of luck in finding a safe way to avoid this scum. He should be locked up with a badge descrbing why he is in jail. Then let the other criminals whoop his arse. How many times is this guy going to keep doing this and walk the streets? Better not come around my way.
I sympathize with this mother more than you can imagine. The court system here in Wicomico County basically "protects" the bad guys! They say that the FATHER is entitled to be in their child's life - regardless of what goes on "behind closed doors" with them. The MENTAL abuse is far worse than the physical abuse that one goes through. I someday hope to be able to leave this County and the crooked
court system that prevails here! Until you are in a situation like this mother and child, you will NEVER really know the damage that it does to them.
I would suggest you get a church involved in this, it seems these days that's the only place people assemble and will support you and your daughter.
Just move across the state line into Delaware.
Can you please send me a private e-mail (Click on my name) with your first name and e-mail address. I will do everything I can to help you. Also, Joe has my other contact info if you would like to call me directly.
Also, I am going to add you to our prayer list at my church. God can help us get through all problems in life.
Your daughter needs to never see this person again. She will start asking questions as to why there are restrictions to seeing her Daddy. He might create some sympathy with her. I'm going to pray that none of this happens, but these are just some more reasons to keep her away.
Please don't lie to her if she asks questions. Just wait until she is age appropriate to answer them. If you start to tell small lies to cover up who this monster is, when she gets older and learns the truth, she will lose a little trust with you.
Don't worry, this will reach the right people. You will get the help you need. Have faith in the Lord, he will see you get through this. Your daughter is now safe.
Don't beat yourself up for what happened. This could happen to anyone. Ask God to take away the past and just keep looking forward to keeping your daughter and yourself safe from this day forward.
This has already made you stronger. This has already made you wiser. You took a great step forward by sending this to Joe. The advise and help you will get from this will be remarkable.
May God bless you and your daughter. May he protect you both from this person and any others who feel they can prey upon you. May he always put the people in your life who will do nothing but good and bring you happiness. May he intervene with those judges and others who will make decisions that affect you and your daughter. May all those decisions go in your favor. We ask all these things and more in Jesus' name, Amen.
There's no need to play the "coulda shoulda woulda" game. What's done is done. Move forward from today. This guy would be dead and I'd smile everyday in prison, knowing this man was dead and could not hurt my child ever again!
If anything, the courts should shed light on his past, and, if any visitation with his child, should be strongly chaperoned by a third party.
Your child may not remember now, but she will sometime in her life, and she's going to need you. You need to protect her now. If your county won't protect her, move. Moving is far more acceptable than this man getting his hands on her.
That looks like T.J.
Nemo is giving me kissing? Uuughhh. Creepy.
Anon 10:13 & 10:24 AM - Are you kidding me? Parental alienation is real and it took me after 2 months of getting custody of my children to bring them back to a normal state. I have been through the alienation hell so you better tread lightly with that subject. You don't just have to prove alienation you also have to prove the mother as unfit! I am a proud father of three and doing a damn great job of raising them as a single parent. No doubt there is a reason you hide behind Anonymous.
10:52 - its is. This pattern of behavior started while he was in high school, and the school system took what actions it could at the time. I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm no.
I have a friend with a similar situation. The baby daddy was in jail for the first three years of his daughter's life and has an extensive rap sheet of violent crimes.
He is out of jail now, allowed visitation for a child he had never even seen (nor had any of his family). To top it off, he has several current outstanding warrants, but is still allowed visitation and they WILL NOT ARREST HIM when he goes to or from the visitation.
Unreal . . .
To all of you who are going through a divorce and wonder what the effects of trashing your ex to the kids are please take the time to read "Divorce Poison by Richard Warshak". It is a great book and will help you deal with parental alienation syndrome. A must read for someone going through a divorce. I hope everything works out for this poor woman and her child. I do agree that this monster has to be kept away from her child but please be careful what you say or you could do more damage.
I am in a similar situation except I have the increased misfortune that the person who did this to my children is a juvenile. I am trying to find any way possible to have the person put in a juvenile facility but have been told the judges in Dor. county do not favor placing juveniles. I could raelly use someone who knows what I can do to be sure this person does not ever do this to another child. The difference is there is evidence that he performed acts and he admitted to the crime, facing over 10 counts, but he may still walk away! This is why children grow up to be murderers and serial rapists because they get away with everything. If anyone can help PLEASE contact me!!! We go to court in less than 2 weeks.
I do not know exactly how to list my email without it being publicly seen (or even if it is possible) but I will not list my email because I do not want my identity revealed so it will not compromise my childrens privacy.... I just know I need any help I can get. This event has cost my family greatly emotionally, mentally, physically and financially.
Why is this on a blog? This is too profound to be on a pathetic blog.
the guy looks like a pedophile to me. pedophile goatee, pedophile ear ring, and pedophile hair style
THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for posting this!!!! I had just met TJ and his sister/family several months ago. I went on a couple of dates with him and I thought he was a nice guy. Well, I get back to his little room behind his parents house and what do I see.....porno magazines, porno videos!!! This guy is disgusting to say the least. I got away as fast as I could. I heard all about this situation and of course he tells it in a totally different way. Trust me, I saw right threw him! I am a mother and I can hear the truth in your words. I will pray for you that the system will see him for what he is and not let him around your child. I am so proud of you as a woman that you put this on here for all to see. Good for you. He thinks he is God's gift to women and did no wrong in his past. I would be more than happy to talk with you. Please contact me and I will share with you the things I heard and witnessed for myself. If you ask me, the whole family is a mess.
You and your daughter are in my prayers.
Who wants to go teach him respect by fear, for some people its the only way to reach them. In the old days the men of the family would have taken this guy out behind the barn. Damn i miss those days.
Shannon, get a lawyer like Gaudreau if it takes all your money. It may be worth it. Maryland law sucks in regard to "protecting" juveniles; bottom line is there's only room for 13? on the shore, so unless they have killed someone, they walk. But the world is bigger than the shore, and a lawyer may help. It's free to ask one. Joe knows who I am and will give you my info i fyou ask him.
TedH, I thought I was the only single dad with full custody of 3! You go, dude!
Barry G
Thank you so much Anon 2:26 for coming forward. If there are any others out there who can help this precious little girl, pls speak up.
She is a little princess, and deserves the best that life has to offer her.
anon 2:26 please call or email joe and he will give you my email and phone number.... joe it is ok ... thank you ... you are the reason i am doing this.... exposing my self to protect my daughter....i know i made a mistake in letting this monster into my life now i feel it is my responsiblity to protect my daughter and our community's children and women... i know what a creep he is and i know how many other women and children are out there he has hurt that havent come forward.... i have to stop him from hurting anyone else but i cannot do it alone... again thank you...
I know this guy thru old friends, and I see nothing has changed since high school. He was sick and twisted then and nothing is different now. He thought he was God's gift to women. He tried to get me to go out with him and I refused and boy am I glad I did. Always check out the person who you are intrested in these days, you never know who and what you are getting yourself into these days. I hope and pray that everything comes out ok for you and your little girl. She should not have to go through this. But I have to agree with the rest on here that say our legal system is screwed up and you should run!!!
he had sex with a 12 year old girl in maryland. After he was caught his exuse was it was dark and he couldn't tell. Most people that know him are aware of what he has done and what he will probably continue to do. To all females that run into this guy in the bar, just blow him off. When he won't give up, find the bouncer and explain the situation to him, they'll kick him out.
Never, ever let evil make you run. You fight evil and kill it, pride is all you have in the end. Stay strong and proud.
This needs exposure, who is this guy? Where does he live? Where does he hang out? Somebody please step up and tell those who don't know.
OMG!My heart goes out to you!I met my current husband in a bar where HE worked and we have a 4 yr old daughter,but the similarity ends there-I am fortunate that my husband is a kind loving and hardworking father and he is also the kind of guy who would break your husbands neck with no regrets just because he is such a sleaze........I will pray for you and her both!You deserve so much better!
And to all you single ladies-before you let a guy into your life-Google him!
That S O B is damn lucky no one reported what happened when he lived on Princeton Ave. in 99-2000.
We all know what he attempted... and that time he was lucky that he only received a good quality beatdown for his actions. People like T J are incapable of changing their sick behaviors'.
I am in no way taking up for this man. I wish you all the luck for yourself & your daughter. But I do have a couple comments/ questions.
1. If you are unsure what happened in the maryland case, why don't you look it up at the courthouse. It is public record information. The DE case shows she was 16-17 and he was 22. It certainly doesn't make it right, but it's a big difference than a 2 year old.
2. If this man makes you fearful for yourself and your daughter, why on earth do you live 6 houses away? I also have an ex with a protection order and no visitation with his child and you could't pay me to live on his street!
Wanna know where he lives go onto the Wicomico Sheriff's website and go to the sex offenders list. It will tell you where they live and work and what they have been conviced of, and it is a good tool. Second you can go to www.familywatchdog.us and find out who is living in your neighbor hood or near your kids schools. This info will blow your mind.
Hey Doug,
Your suggesting she stay around, fight evil, pride in the end..... ARE you NUTS? It has nothing to do with pride and fighting evil. It has to do with the safe well being of a child! SO, she should hang around, let the courts rule that she has to give him visiting rights, Stand there weeping as he picks up the child for visitation.
You know the politics on the eastern shore??? Thats exactly whats going to happen.
If anything--- offer a safe house for her and her child and pray that the evil never finds her. RUN RUN RUN
Hit this then type in his name.
OMG. how many times can a person get away with this. Since 2000 at least 8 times he's been to court for these offences! I know he's spent some time in ECI because that's where I met him. I was one of his guards. Like most sexual predators he is very sociable, he's the type of person you like from the start. I mean, Even Timmy Lewis hired him at Breaktime when he was released, and Timmy is a bigger hardass than I am.
Legg, If these charges are real, you have a problem that has but one solution. I have a bullet you can borrow and a gun to put it in.
Tom Sawyer
5:27, the spot light is on him now, trust me he knows. If she runs she breaks the law and plays right into the system, then she could really be in a world of shit. We must pressure Davis and it will trickle down from there, use the system dont run from it.
You're right on Doug. Great advice. DON'T RUN!!!!
I would think that supervised visitation would make him go away on his own in time, you listening Davis, do some good, for the child. Any lawyers out there that , well lets say want to redeem themselves should go a free-bee for this lady and her child, You listening. Keep the pressure on this sick fk Joe.
Be careful theres another one on Bennette road to.
I met T J through some friends, he seemed friendly enough. I was flabbergasted when I seen him on family watchdog. It infuriated me to know I was face to face with this P.O.S. I agree with the others , Stay strong and be honest with your daughter when she is age appropriate.
Bring out the Aerial truck.
Its in his frontal lobe, its chemical, its hereditary and possibly learned behavior. Ill
bet this guy was abused as a child or suffered a tramadic head injury at some point in his life. Trust me buddy, Im not on his side ever but this shit is true and scientificaly studied by people smarter than me, I hope. Its an im-balance with mother nature and mirror harmony. T hat shit will kill ya.
I say castrate the bastard. He's sick and he's only going to keep doing this. Chop his manhood off I say! CHOP IT OFF!
Hang Em High
Subject when he was 18 met a 12 year old andbefriended her and placed his finger inside her vagina. Subject has also be convicted in DE for a sex crime in 2001.
Offense Date:
Conviction Date
ive known him practically my whole life and i wont say by any means that he is innocent in any of this but i will say that his wife isn't as innocent as she is making herself out to be.. she says how violent he was.. but never explained how violent she was to him in front of their daughter.
tedh, two months is all it took you, consider yourself lucky
TedH, was the mother unfit or did you drive her f*cking crazy?
Leggs, you're a punk ass. Trust me, you just havent gotten your due yet. You've been a weirdo creep you're entire life. Everybody has a day of reckoning. Keep that in mind.
Anon 9:56 PM - You don't know me to make that kind of call. I'm a good dad and a good person and she could not prove the same. I'm not going to bash her for the reasons I posted before. I got custody of my kids because it was the right thing to do and I AM MAN ENOUGH TO HANDLE IT! But as usual you people hide behind your ANON and bash the good ones. Barry G. You da man. Keep up the great work.
warning to the mother. watch david collins at dss. he is dangerous. he considers it normal for little girls to sleep with their father.
David Collins hasn't been with DSS in over a year
OMG!Is his real name "Thomas Leggs"?????I never even met him but I recognize the name from the "perv lists"!I have checked the Sex Offender Registry every month for the last almost 5 yrs-since I became a mother and this guy is like one of the worst of the worst!
My husband used to be in dart league locally and heard a rumor about one of the dudes on the other team(not this Leggs perv) and asked me to look it up for him-sure enough,that guy was there too,for preying on little girls.Needless to say,we made sure everyone in the league knew about the scumbag.Im sorry but theres plenty of women out there giving it away without these guys having to prey on kids-but then again they prefer kids because losers like them cannot deal with a REAL woman for very long.....
To the Mom of Leggs daughter,I do not think you will have a problem convincing DSS that this guy is a piece of crap-he is registered in 2 states as a pedophile.
And if any of you lawyers out there are reading this(Jannace?anyone?)this is your chance to give back to the community-take this on pro bono and ease this mothers mind!She is a better woman than me because if someone messed with my kid,I would re-enact the movie "I spit on your grave"!
The Wicomico County Courts hire idiot judges whose decisions are influenced by local money. Some from lawyers who make a fortune draging out their cases, others from local, more wealthy families who trade some awesome favors.
Anyway, don't be discouraged. Get to a real attorney. Pick one from a small town outside of Wicomico County. Wicomico judges don't want to look like fools in front of attorneys who practice in Worcester County (I just know, okay?). There are fewer wry smiles from the judges and lawyers in a Wicomico court when an outside lawyer is in town (word gets around).
Contact the state department of social services in Baltimore if the Wicomico DSS isn't protecting children. Going on record against local agencies doesn't have an impact until it gets to Baltimore. Local social service staff seem to be evaluated based on how much they can sweep under the carpet. Until you report them, you are a 1/1,000 case for an overworked, underpaid, civil servant who are usually naive or burnt-out. The state agency can review the case and understands their liability for bad decisions.
Get a support system (mine is church), you'll be needing it. You are in my prayers.
WOW! If you go to WICOMICO JUDICIARY SYSTEM and look at this guy's record it is crazy! 18 charges in 2000, 20 more charges in 2000, 3 charges in 2004, 4 charges in 1997, he was a fugitive from justice in 2005. All his charges were for sex offenses. This piece of trash (can't even call him a man) deserves to rot in prison where men like him become little play toys for the prisoners. From what I hear they love child molestors in prison. They would tear him a new @SS hole....literally!!!
I wish you all the best. I personally would put a petition together and have people sign it saying they know him and agree with you that he should not have anything to do with your daughter. I would be the first to sign for you. Or, get as many people as you can to over crowd the court room the day you two go to court and really put the pressure on the judge. Have the news media, etc. there. I personally would stand beside you as a mother.
Good luck.
To the mother, not everyone check the computer for registered sex offenders. Did you do anything to warn others about this sick and dangerous man?
I am here my friend. I had to visit this posting after our conversation today with Kellen. It is really sad for me to have read this it opened old very old wounds that were put away I thought for eternity. I am sadden to see that after fifty years the laws to protect children haven't changed that much in Maryland. That a child can continue to be abused by a parent/anyone and nothing much really happens. You see my friend what happened to your daughter happened to me at the young age of six. My father past away and my mother remarried a sex offender. He even served time for this back in the 1950's. And to date he continues his way's to my understanding. He lives in Maryland too not far from Wicomico County. This destroyed my life, when I was taken finally I was 16 yrs old in and out of foster homes and hospitals because they didn't know what else to do with me. I was even denied my right as a child to my education and this was by the State of Maryland. I have heard of more issues of child abuse on the Eastern Shore in the past three years since I returned. Then I have had in over twenty years in Virginia, New York, California. I know that they too have their share but they do have it a bit more together then Maryland when it comes to child protection I believe. If I am wrong I stand corrected. Stop and think about what happens to the young mind that receives such trama, what is the future for that child? What scar's are permently in place. How will this affect their adult life and any relationship this child may be part of. Worse yet, how will this abused child be as a parent. Please I do hope this will help you to lobby for stronger laws to protect children from abuse. If there is anything more I can do for you, with you just let me know. You were right I did need the box of tissue.
It really makes one wonder why under this posting there are so many "Anonymous said." Sad and scary thought....
I have to clear up at least one comment. Someone posted that Legg worked at Breaktime, that is false. I have worked at Breaktime for years and just recently left. Legg was never an employee, a customer yes, but never an employee. I can guaranty that.
This was a good warning. :( Too bad it may be too late for Sarah.
is this story written by thomas leggs ex wife that lived here in hebron a few years back.
first i would just like to say that I think i am the person that lived across the street that your reforing too when your ex did come in my yard and sexuelly assault a child. I am very sorry that your daughter and you also had to endure the horrible acts of Thomas leggs. My heart goes out to you. But he should of been convicted back then because it was the truth. However i am also very upset. I feel if he was stopped then no other children would of been harmed. me and the girls family tried so hard to have him convicted but no one would listen and he was found not guilty. Please lets all work together to protected all children from these sex predators.
My best friend went thru similar B.S. here in Texas. Her efforts to protect her child from family of ex-husband were ignored and when she told ex her claims, he and his family accused her of making this crap up. We suspected grandpa OR child's 12 year old step-brother. As a loving mother, she did the right thing - she got the heck out of dodge! In fact, she moved from Texas to the East Coast. I miss her and child so much, but it was the only way she could protect her daughter. Texas child protection "found no grounds" (what a joke) and thinks father has a right to see child. She tried to work out supervised visitation but he became furious, and went for full custody (his family has money!). Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do! Her daughter is now safe from relatives. We still have to protect her from the other pervs in the world; like T.J.
One of these prior comments recommending castration. Would that have saved Sarah's life?
How many other missing children has he killed? Can those of you who know him give a trail of where he was living and when?
I hope Maryland has the death penalty.
Lastly, I hope that EVERYONE who has dealt with a perp like this makes a blog like this. Use GOOGLE.
Joe please repost this!! to the current date
I met TJ Leggs through a friend in late 1999. He told me the same story, that he was having charges pressed by the underage girl's parents for an innocent enough teenage act. Although we were never involved in a relationship, I believed him too. Luckily I was only around him a few times. Don't feel guilty.
I have to tell my story, another child can not be allowed to hurt the way I hurt for many years.
When I was around 7 years old my mother started dating the widower of her deceased beloved best friend. About a month after they started dating, he overheard a conversation I was having on the phone with a little boy I had a crush on. He told me,"You want to make him your boyfriend you have to know how to kiss." He showed me how to kiss. He told me it was alright because that is what boys and girls do, but don't tell mommy because she is going to get jealous and get mad at me. He started comming into the bathroom while I was taking baths and would want me to do things to him no child should ever have to know about. He would call me to come "snuggle" with him on the couch covering us with a blanket while he fondled my private parts telling me it was all ok, that it was something I needed to learn to keep my future boyfriends and husband happy, but not to tell mommy because she would think I was trying to steal her boyfriend and she would get mad at me. This went on for 5 years. We moved away and I went to a new school where they were teaching good touch, bad touch. I just sat there and watched the teachers as they taught us that it was not ok. I went home that night and when we were alone, I told him what I learned in school. He got furious, he growled at me, not yelling so no-one else would hear. He told me my mother would never believe me because he would tell her he caught me messing with the boy next door, or some other boys in my neighborhood. He started turning my mother against me, he would play my siblings against me, and I cried all the time. I was embarassed and ashamed of what I had done. My mother married him, and shortly after, he died. I found out that he had been accused of molesting his daughter, who came out and told after he died. No-one believed her, they said she just wanted attention. They said the same about me later on. My guilt and shame now, is that if I don't stand up, and yell, and scream, and fight, no-one is going to believe another child. No-one is going to change the laws, no-one is going to stop a molester,abuser, rapist, from doing it again, and again, and again. You ask why the green toothbrush was in his truck. I say read my story again.
OMG this was posted on Dec 2?
How profoundly sad that more heed was not taken. This posting will haunt me forever.
RIP dear Sarah
I am heartbroken that this was posted on dec 2, that nothing was done to prevent this disgusting monster from harming all these children and finally escalating to murder poor little sarah. I also do not understand why so many woman have believed his lies and gotten involved with him to the point of having a child with this perv, including poor sarah's aunt. I am confused on so many levels why sarah was taken on tues night and not reported by her "concerned" family until wednesday morning. I also think by wednesday morning the damage was done. My heart is broken for sarah & her siblings..... hopefully, the aunt will investigate people she brings near the children after this horrible tragedy. there are too many FREE resources out there to be involved be such a person. md case search, sex offender registries. PEOPLE when you meet someone check them OUT!
Im so sick right now......
I was employed as a coreectional officer from 2001-2002 at E.C.I. Thomas Leggs was also in my custody on the east compound. He cried the story about "I'm innocent and it was just a big misunderstanding". He tried to play all the female officers like he was a lady's man. It makes me sick to think they let this screwed up individual back on the streets. It is such ashame that this little girl had to endure such pain and agony. Thank GOD, Maryland does have the death penalty for those who commit the crime of kidnapping and murder, not to mention the sexual assault that he did as well (I'm sure). If convicted, he will still get to live on death row for years while taxpayers endure the cost. Death is to easy for this vicious animal. "Cutting it off", will not change his sick, warped, mind- he would just come up with other ways to get his jollies. I say just lock him up in a prison with hardcore criminals and Leggs can be their personal b*tch. I think the worst about this situation is that it could have been prevented by the screwed up judicial system and the under-educated mental health counselors. We need to do more to protect our children and our society. My thoughts and prayers are with Sarah and her family. God Bless.
You are right it is Thomas Leggs this person is referring too. This person also lives in the same house my mother raised me in and I know Thomas Leggs. He is a monster within himself but unfortunately so many have had to suffer the pain and agony because of this low life. Girl dont you run anywhere. You stand up for your child but I feel deep in my heart you never have to worry about this monster ever seeing your precious child again. After the Sarah Foxwell he will never see the streets to hurt any of our innocent angekl children again. Unfortunately our judicial system has allowed him numerous chances to only be defiant and an animal to continue to hurt our precious babies. Hats Off to Mike Lewis cause I guarantee this sherrif will not rest til he has it all so this monster can never see daylight on the outside again. You are a very strong person and you have parents that love you and your daughter dont run anywhere. You deserve to be in our community not him. He is done forever. You raise your child here dont take her away from her family and your loved ones.
I can understand how you feel about wanting to take all his rights away. My daughters father is in jail for holding a loaded shotgun to me and threatening to kill me right in front of her. Never did I ever see that coming. He took me to court for visitation and the judge granted him visits. Every time she has to go she cries because she doesn't want to go see him but it is court ordered. How can a father that has done something to their child be granted visitation. Our system is completely screwed up. I have fought him many times and will continue to fight him at whatever cost. How is it fair that I have to make my young child go see a man that threatened to kill her mother right in front of her? Where is the justice? Why does a parent that has caused harm to their child still have a right to see them? I personally feel that when a parent does something this horrible to a child they should have to surrender their rights!!
This guy lives a few houses down from where I grew up as a little girl. I was eleven years old in 1999. I knew his name and face...later in life I knew he was a registered sex offender. I am thankful that nothing like this happened to me when I was a kid.
He deserves to die.
I believe in "cruel and unusual punishment" especially for people like this. He should be raped by a sawzall.
This SOB will be appointed a public defender at tax payers expense. Then he will claim insanity and childhood problems.Any one that has had several convictions of sexual abuse on a child and knowingly lies about it knows exactly what their doing and has no remorse about it. The sad part is that Maryland has no death penality and the taxpayers will have to feed, cloth and give him medical benefits as well as education opportunities. I say go to the old days, AN EYE FOR AN EYE !!!!
It is a shame we will most likely be stuck paying for this disgusting pos. It is unfortunately true that DSS will always, no matter what the situation, charge the mother with something because she kept the kids from the father. My ex would take my kids to a bar, have the bartender watch them while he got drunk and then leave the bar with them. NO ONE cared not even the bar. I called the police several times and told them he was getting ready to leave the bar, drunk with my kids. THey said they couldn't do anything unless they caught him on the road swerving etc. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! So in other words....it would take him being behind the wheel with the chance of killing them for them to care!!! My granddaughter came home with bruises, dripping blood, broke out privates, the doctor called DSS and they didn't even want to see the child for 5 to 6 days later. THE BRUISES WERE GONE ALMOST!!!!!!!!!!!! They actually said....."It must not of been too bad cause the bruises are almost gone." JESUS CHRIST!!!!!
Believe me.....this man will never make it in jail. SOmeone will give him what he deserves. LETS ALL HOPE SO ANYWAY...
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