As if the Red Cross Luncheon wasn't signal enough, yesterday proved these two have lost all credibility professionally, even in their own arena. The Mayor completely lost her mind when she got up on stage and actually saluted the Officers Graduating, she's not a Cop and it was an insult to law enforcement. Many just laughed under their breath.
As for the Police Chief, he was the ONLY Chief there who refused, (once again) to show up in uniform. I was also told he followed the Mayor around like a puppet and the two have become the biggest joke Salisbury has and their leaders. I wonder where these two clowns will show up next?

These are the young folks from WOR-WIC Police Academy Class 61
This is the Cream of the Crop, and these are the young women and men who answered the call.
May God watch over them and protect them
Welcome to local law enforcement good peoples. May God Bless you and yours and have a Merry Christmas.
It doesn't take much to make fools of BPT and her police chief.
Congratulations class 61, be safe.
Those two remind me of Fred and Ethel Mertz from I Love Lucy...what a joke!
Why wasn't the Salisbury Chief of Police dressed in uniform? Not fashionable enough for him or something?
Webster is a joke! btw, how about a LT at SPD fudging his day qualification?? The third floor needs to go! What is Webster doing to that police department? These new recruits do not know what the hell they are up against. THERE IS NO RESPECT AT THE SALISBURY POLICE DEPARTMENT!! curuption!!!!! Webster is not a man! He lost his man card years ago! POAW POLICE OFFICERS AGAINST WEBSTER! booooooooooooooooO!!!
Hopefully they will always remember that they have agreed to SERVE US - THE PEOPLE. We are sovereign. They work for us, not the other way around. We do not serve them.
Service. Please learn its meaning.
You aren't doing us any favors. You are serving us - the people. And we pay you for doing it. Period.
Anonymous said...
It doesn't take much to make fools of BPT and her police chief.
It doesn't take much to be a cop in Salisbury either,
I have to say that I do not see the point in continuing to bash the Mayor after she announced she is not rerunning for office. Anybody who knows me knows i have been on board trying to show the things that have been done wrong around here to put the pressure on the administration to either change or not seek reelection. The second thing has happened and continuing to mention nobody speaks to her and likes her goes beyond the ultimate purpose.
It's because Barrie and Bubba both need to be removed from power of any kind, and they both deserve to be bashed big time.
Bubba=Barrie & Barrie=Bubba!
I agree with you, but personal attacks do not further our views, they just give the administration the ammo to say ..yea but look what your dealing with.
It's because they've left a legacy behind, otherwise known as a wake, that we're going to continue to remember them in the spirit in which they served....badly.
Besides, there are still several months left on her reign, to screw stuff up. Besides, you're actually confusing bashing with keeping them alert to the large group of spectators watching via sbynews.
Aren't YOU watching?
TheGrinch said...
I have to say that I do not see the point in continuing to bash the Mayor after she announced she is not rerunning for office. Anybody who knows me knows i have been on board trying to show the things that have been done wrong around here to put the pressure on the administration to either change or not seek reelection. The second thing has happened and continuing to mention nobody speaks to her and likes her goes beyond the ultimate purpose.
10:00 AM
Grinch, you need to get lost. You just don't get it!!!!
Well I guess if doing those things means I will never get it, then I will just be blissfully ignorant the rest of my life. We will just have to agree to disagree.
Obviously, The Grinch hasn't been a direct victim of the mare's wrath. If you were, you'd understand!! Yeah, I'm pissed...I help to pay part of her's and Chiefy's salaries and I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!
nice talk about your own agency! you still work there moron!
Losers stick together, it is easy to figure out why they stand next to each other. Chief doesn't wear a uniform because he can not remember how to be a real cop and wear one. Crime is up, moral is way way down, pay is down. good luck new guys n gals. It is time to combine into one agency. what do you think Joe.
payllCan't wait for April and the big changes that will come, hopefully.
Anon 9:57
right on! I agree.
The Mayor and the Chief aside...congrats to the 17 that graduated and will begin to serve their community. I can only imagine the things they are now going to sacrifice in their own personal lives so all of us can sleep soundly each night. Thank you all.
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