While the MSM falls asleep at the wheel today, Salisbury News is right on top of this breaking news story from Talbot County.
The Case Is Over and NO ONE was there! Ray Lewis plead GUILTY to Grand Theft in the Circuit Court of Talbot County this morning.
The court heard a very lengthy explanation from Lewis and in the end to make a very long story short, the Judge sentenced Ray Lewis to 3 years and then SUSPENDED all but 6 months!
Lewis WILL also be on work release and will do his time locally. He'll be on a 3 year probation and was ordered to $150,000.00 Restitution. He was also ordered to forfeit the white box truck. GET THIS! The Judge also ASKED Ray when he'd like to start his sentence and what time he's like to show up that day. Ray chose to arrive on the 29th of December. UNBELIEVABLE!
Now look Folks, everyone is going to be really pissed when they see this and it is 100% accurate. You'll only get this news from Salisbury News but it will hit the street soon and everyone will be doing catch up work.
It must be noted there was NO PLEA DEAL from the State. The sentence was purely in control and at the digression of the Judge from Talbot County. I can assure you, the Wicomico County States Attorneys Office was not pleased.
The Judge COULD have given him 15 years in Jail instead. Go Figure!
FOLKS, get EVERYONE on your e-mail list to go to this article. Let's get the word out to everyone before the weekend hits.
I assume you mean 100% accurate rather than 10%.
Was the restitution the same figure as what he stole? AT LEAST the taxpayers should be made whole again....legally speaking.
Here's what makes me so mad about this. Sheriff Lewis broke this case wide open coming from a town hall meeting that was canceled and he only gets 6months. Mike Lewis is putting it on the line 24/7only to see losers like this walk. When will America wake up? On one hand you have Mike Lewis working his butt off to face crime head on and on the other you have a guy like this. Let's see 6 months $500,000 minus $150,000 is not a bad deal at all.
Who was his attorney???
Wayta make $350,00.00 in 6 months.
That's $700,000.00 per year or $350 per hour. Lot's more than I earn that's for sure.
Crime DOES pay, I always knew it did.
I'm hoping for karma.
that piece of shit judge should do 14yrs n 6mnts, the biggest theft scheme in this county and he gets off practically scott free, hell the restitution dosent even pay for the audit. BOYCOTT his ass and ANYONE who uses his companies services! WTF is the judges name, he needs to resign immediatly. Who does this judge report to...we need to email some pressure here!
Its like a ladder, every step up gets worse then the one before.
(And you have people serving years for pot).
It probably wasn't Paul Wilber.
The public has the power to sentence him proper. Dont use his business.
Stop using his company...
The scumbag needs to move on to new digs.
Lewis did what he did because he could. Lewis didn't steel anything. He received stolen goods. The criminal here was the employee. If you drive up the landfill toll booth, and the operator waves you on, are you going to argue. No, you are going on. Same principle.
This was in the Daily Times.....wait a minute it wasn't. But I'm sure it will be tomorrow.
It wont do any good NOW to start crying.The guy took advantage of our lazy court system.
And I am real sure wico D.A. office is upset.So upset ,I bet there is gonna be some drinking done tonight.This is a heads up to the local police dept.( Heres a free lead for arrests to be made.) What is going on with the people who are suppose to see to it that criminals get punished.Seems like we should just close the jails,so the county can save some money) and start allowing vigelanty justice to deal out punishments from now on. But I am sure the courts would rather lock up 5 or 10law obiding people for this instead of just a single criminal for the crime he committed.
I always heard crime pays and here is your proof! Shown time after time. Why not join em? This is very very wrong. It is time for a change alright , and not just in our countrys' leadership it would appear.
This is liberalism. Get use to it. A kiss on the cheek and a pat on the back. Everybody going to beeeee alright. ACLU sucks ass!
What does the AFLU have to do with this, whacko?
For all you know the judge could be a radical right winger.
Stop trying to stir things up.
I’m sorry you folks just don’t GET IT. Government hates crime and criminals because their competition. Ole’ Ray just partnered up with government. It’s all good.
a plea is always made between the defence attorney and the states attorney not the defence and the judge as is wrote in this blog get the facts right his sentence is no more or less than anyone one with no criminal past get for felony theft the keeper of the key was townsend
Can someone give us a report of all the players, what all was stolen, what police man hours were used and at what cost to the tax payers this whole scheme was?
And then I'd like to know how much our DA charged us tax payers to invetigate and prosecute this case.
Does the judge write a brief after this to explain why he sentanced the way he did?
"Lucy got sum splainin to do"
At a time when our country is falling on hard times and crimes are going up, this just gives the criminals more reasons to be bold and do whatever they can to take what we have.
I think its time for the cops to shoot first then ask questions.
Next time I would like to be told when to bend over when I am screwed. This is unreal that this thief gets away with stealing from this county. If at all possible everyone should boycott his businesses.
Sheriff Lewis thank you for trying to clean this county up. You are very well respected and this is a slap to you and your dept.
Crime does pay and it is losers like the honest citizens that get screwed.
Please don't let this get you down and stop from doing a great job.
We love you!
heres what I don't understand about this state when it comes to laws...everyone gets a free pass for breaking the law
Go to Virginia and pull some S%^& like this, and u'll be easily looking at 25 to life!
The IRS needs to go after him. Everyone knows Ray had one price for cash and another for checks. He went right home put that cash in a safe and never paid taxs on it.
Who is Ray Lewis and what did he do?
Thank the judge...all of us taxpayers just got screwed again and didn't get kissed!
Another miscarriage of justice--I don't know how the liberal judges around here can look at themselves in the mirror. Does anybody ever serve any serious time anymore ?? Work release for Ray Lewis and Ken Townsend--what bullsh*t !!
I will go as far as to say Ray Lewis should not have gotten anymore time than Kenny Townsend, without Townsend, Ray Lewis would not have been able to get a thing. However, BOTH of these bastards got off way to easy.
Boycott ASAP and his rental properties. Run their sorry asses right out of the county.
That crap about Ruark being pissed is a crock. The judge goes with what the State recommends.
He cost this county well over $750k with what he stole, the investigation, the audit, grand jury, etc. The county will be returned a total of $168,000 between Lewis, Townsend and Tomawhoeverthehellheis.
This is crazy. The judge must be crooked to. 6 months in jail, 3 years probation, small restitution, and he even gets to pick when he wants to go to jail. They out did themselves this time.
I swear, judges are as bad as politicians anymore!
Crime DOES pay apparently! Heck, when the other criminals find out about this, (they probably already know), this will tell them it's ok...if I do it...I'll only get about 6 months, if that much.
Totally ridiculous!!
And some wonder why the crime rates are what they are....duh!
Anyone using Ray Lewis' businesses should be taken out back as well. Stop supporting this criminal you fools!
He stole from your tax dollars and now you'll use your wages to help him pay the restitution! That works well.....NOT!
There are judges who DON'T just go with the State. In a case I saw, the judge looked at both attorneys and asked them "Did you two look at this guys file?" Then he threw out the plea.
I think ALL Sentences and the Judges name should be published on front pages everywhere so people will know what's going on. Then they can start demanding more from our Judges.
Looks like his competition has picked up where he left off a few years ago. Please tell me if I am wrong about this. But was Ray not the person that was found to be spreading untreated sewage on fields in the County. Well Another septic company has taken over this operation and is operationg on the east side of the county. Any idea what is going on here??
Give up that raggedey box truck? Why wasn't his property confiscated where the stolen goods were stored? When the Feds busted that drug ring the lawyer from Ocean Pines was involved with they confiscated the old Cals Market and the house next to it. I think it was Apostolopoulos or something like that, they didn't get to keep the property where they stored the dope and the money, why should Lewis? If they confiscated that property and sold it the county could recoup another small piece of the lost funds.
This is such a crock of shit, it makes me want to go kick my share of that $500k out of their asses.
Keep an eye on Davis Ruarks campaign contributions if he runs for office again. I'd like to know how much he was promised to recommend or agree to such a light sentence.
Whooooaaaaaaaaaaaa Nellie!!! You mean Davis Ruark got Joe Albero banned from the zoo for a longer amount of time than Ray Lewis is going to serve in jail for stealing $500k? WTF kind of justice prevails in this county? No wonder Barrie Tilghman says there are no gangs in Salisbury. Our justice system locally ARE the gangs. BASTARDS!
Ann 3:04 & 3:23 To the fact, well stated, couldn't have agreed more.
Six months? Why bother sentencing the thief at all. Heck, Let him walk, and let's see him hold his head up high in the community he ripped off!
This stinks! Sheriff Lewis is busting his butt to clean this county up and this is the thanks he gets. The loser judge should be charged with a crime against our sheriff. The charge should be disrespect of the best Sheriff in the United States of America. As for you judge if you read this blog have fun looking at yourself in the mirror.
Don't just sit here and whine and complain.
I believe that Circuit court judges have to stand for election every now and then. I've seen them on the ballots "... for continuance in office..." or something like that.
How can we let the good folks in Talbot county know that they need to remove this judge the next time he has to stand for election? They are "judged of the people" ...
Anyone here know what the procedures are for such things?
I am willing to bet Mike Lewis feels the same as we do, like we've been kicked in the gut by a mule.
Davis Ruark is finished in this county. He should have resigned when he was told to. Maybe someone with a backbone would have gotten justice for we little taxpayers that pay the salary of people like Davis Ruark
anon 4:16,
He hasn't hung his head since he got caught...he certainly is not gonna start now...he'll put his chin up now just to say "ha ha ha".
In the meantime, he gets to keep EVERYTHING that was bought while he was stealing from the taxpayers.
Houses, vehicles, MONEY....etc.
This is an outrage.
Absolutely disgusting! All of hardworking people paying for his theft. Did Ruark offer this deal? This question needs to be answered.
Why is anyone surprised about the sentence? It's too late to cry about it now. Sentences are adjusted in almost every instance. I agree with the earlier comment about the judge probably consulting the the state (D.A.) about the sentence, so don't for a minute think that Ruark is pissed or that the judge is to blame. It would have been just as probable that he would have done no time, and gotten a bigger fine and longer probation. If you want someone to complain to, it's too late to go to the legal system...seek out those who control the county's purse strings. This would have never happened if a closer eye had been kept on spending. Bottom line, the guy didn't go down alone, didn't steal anything himself (probably just received stolen goods which is different in the the eye of the law), and didn't kill anybody. Be glad he got 6 months.
The judge must be on Ray's payroll. With the $350,000 or so he didnt have to pay back, Ray can buy a new truck (since the old one is known now) and cook up a new scheme to bilk the taxpayers out of money. Unreal..
Go Back
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Talbot County - Criminal System
Case Number: 20K08009255
Title: State of Maryland vs Ray Allen Lewis
Case Type: IndictmentFiling Date:10/20/2008
Case Status: Open/Active
Case Disposition: Disposition Date:
Defendant Information
(Each Alias, Address, and Attorney for the Defendant is displayed)
Name: Lewis, Ray Allen
Race: Caucasian
Sex: MHeight:5'8Weight:180DOB:07/19/1969
Address: PO Box 3664
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21802
Address: 32594 Downing Rd
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21804
Attorney(s) for the Defendant
Name: Gielen, Esq, Price O
Practice Name: Neuberger, Quinn, Gielen, Rubin & Gibber, P.A.
Address: One South Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21202
Name: Boyle, Esq, Brian M
Practice Name: Neugerger, Quinn, Gielen, Rubin & Gibber, P.A.
Address: One South Street
City: BaltimoreState:MDZip Code:21202 - 3201
Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: Plea HearingNotice Date:
Event Date: 12/19/2008Event Time:09:30 AM
Result: Held/ConcludedResult Date:12/19/2008
Event Type: All Motions/PreTrialNotice Date:
Event Date: 02/06/2009Event Time:11:00 AM
Result: Result Date:
Event Type: Criminal Jury TrialNotice Date:
Event Date: 03/18/2009Event Time:09:00 AM
Result: Result Date:
Event Type: Criminal Jury TrialNotice Date:
Event Date: 03/19/2009Event Time:09:00 AM
Result: Result Date:
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 1CJIS Code:3 5041Statute Code:CR.7.104
Charge Description: Theft-Scheme: $500 Plus
Offense Date From: 01/07/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-7022-00135-6Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 2CJIS Code:3C5041Statute Code:CL
Charge Description: Con-Theft-Scheme: $500 Plus
Offense Date From: 01/07/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-7022-00135-6Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 3CJIS Code:3C5041Statute Code:CL
Charge Description: Con-Theft-Scheme: $500 Plus
Offense Date From: 01/07/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-7022-00135-6Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 4CJIS Code:3C5041Statute Code:CL
Charge Description: Con-Theft-Scheme: $500 Plus
Offense Date From: 01/07/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-7022-00135-6Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 5CJIS Code:3C5041Statute Code:CL
Charge Description: Con-Theft-Scheme: $500 Plus
Offense Date From: 01/07/2007To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-7022-00135-6Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Name:State Of Maryland
Party Type:Plaintiff
City: State:Zip Code:
Attorney(s) for the Related Person
Name: Ruark, Esq, Davis R
Address: Court St, Courts Building
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21803
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Motion No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 10/20/2008Close Date:10/21/2008
Document Name: Criminal Monies Received/Billed
80.00 clk
20.00 cic
22.50 voc
2.50 vwpr
10.00 app fee
135.00 total costs to date paid 12/19/08
Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
File Date: 10/20/2008Close Date:
Document Name: Criminal Indictment
***250,000.00 PROPERTY BOND WAS POSTED BY DEFT ON 5/28/08***
Doc No./Seq No.: 3/0
File Date: 10/20/2008Close Date:10/21/2008
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Defense Attorney Appearance Filed
Price O Gielen
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 10/20/2008Close Date:10/21/2008
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Defense Attorney Appearance Filed
Brian M Boyle
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 10/31/2008Close Date:
Document Name: Criminal Assignment Notice
All Motions/Pretrial Hearing ----- February 6, 2009 at 11:00 am
Jury Trial ----- March 18-19, 2009 at 9:00 am each day
Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 11/17/2008Close Date:11/17/2008
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Document Name: Criminal Assignment Notice
All Motions/Pretrial ----- February 6, 2009 at 11:00 am
Jury Trial ----- March 18-19, 2009 at 9:00 am each day
Doc No./Seq No.: 10/0
File Date: 12/02/2008Close Date:12/02/2008
Document Name: Criminal Assignment Notice
Plea Hearing ----- December 19, 2008 at 9:30 am
Motions Hearing ----- February 6, 2009 at 11:00 am
Jury Trial ------ March 18-19, 2009 at 9:00 am each day
Are you guys missing a HUGE fact here, it was in TALBOT COUNTY, that means Davis could not prosecute the case the TALBOT COUNTY states attorney's office did. Davis had to take it the same way we are taking it. NO the judge does not do what the state says, the judges do what they want to do. HEY County EX, sue all of them and get the remaining money back. Civil suit only needs 51% not beyond a resonable doubt. Please for the tax payers, get the rest of our stolen money and all the man hours for this investigation back. Show them who is the boss. People remember TALBOT COUNTY was in charge. So don't use Ray's services or stop in Talbot county and use their services. All we can do besides sue Ray.
Also remember Ray used money hanging over the employees head to get what he wanted. They had money problems and Ray bought his house and held it over his head, telling him give me this give me that.
how can one serve more than that time for smokin a doobie???? like, really??? this country is soooo fnckin bass ackwards
I think someone on this blog should contact Bill O'Reilly, Shawn Hannity, CBS 60 Minutes.
The deliberation of this case takes the cake.
Joe, how about it?
Will you make contact for one on the list for the people who support your blog. Thanks.
5:24, what are you talking about?
Im lookin foward too sum fresh meat. wen he gonna be hear?
damn do da damn.... thats what im talking about peter! i saw your comment ya big goober!
Ray ray has always been a pretty boy. I hope they make great use of the time he is in the slammer.
WBOC got it allllll wrong!
They said 6 months in PRISON!
Or do they now offer work release during PRISON time?
507 I beg to differ with you. Davis Ruark was in fact in that courtroom today in Talbot County. Whether he was presenting the case to the judge or not is unknown to me, but he was there. If you think there has not been many phone calls and conversations concerning this case between him and the Talbot County SA you are sadly mistaken.
Ruark ended his career as states attorney today.
Hell no it isn't prison. It is that place on Naylor Mill Road. He deserves to go to prison but someone went home tonight with their pocket full, so he will go to work everyday. In the meantime, the people of Wicomico are loosing their jobs and can't make ends meet but Lewis is just fine. He is a thief and will always be a thief. Wicomico County should ban him from doing any business in Wicomico.
Let us never forget that Ruark sold us out December 19, 2008.
Said it before and I'll say it again Wicomico County is the best place to commit a crime because you don't have to worry about the time! Because the sentence is so short he will get work release and only spend about one full week in the joint. Our system sucks and needs some serious overhaul so this kind of thing does not happen again. Its a damn shame someone with a little weed for their own use gets more time than a criminal like this.
Ok Joe News, wheres Ruarks quote? wtf does he have to say? Can we sue? whats it take to get the ball rollin? What say yee Pollitt?
Ring your bell for ALL of us Joe
Anonymous said...
Ruark ended his career as states attorney today.
6:56 PM
If the 800lb Gorilla and the 7 Dwarves don't speak out about this at the next County Council meeting and demand justice we need to end there careers as elected officials as well. Call them, email them, give them hell.
Their next County Council meeting is Tuesday January 6, 2009 at 10:00am in Room Room 301
Government Office Building
Route 50 & Division Street
Salisbury, MD 21801
Rick Pollitt
Government Office Bldg., Room 303
P.O. Box 870
Salisbury, MD 21803-0870
Office: 410-548-4801
E-mail: rickpollitt@wicomicocounty.org
John T. Cannon (RINO)
Council President
30303 Dixon Road
Salisbury, MD 21804
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 443-523-4553
Email: jtcannon@wicomicocounty.org
William R. McCain (Democrat)
30111 Providence Drive
Salisbury, MD 21804
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-860-1461
Email: wmccain@wicomicocounty.org
Sheree Sample-Hughes (Democrat)
28926 Jacqueline Drive
Salisbury, MD 21801
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-677-3388
Email: ssamplehughes@wicomicocounty.org
Stevie Prettyman (Republican)
Council Vice President
5393 Royal Mile Boulevard
Salisbury, MD 21801
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-742-6026
Email: sprettyman@wicomicocounty.org
Gail M. Bartkovich (Republican)
3960 Featherstone Drive
Salisbury, MD 21804
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-742-5399
Email: gbartkovich@wicomicocounty.org
David MacLeod (Democrat)
603 Hunting Park Drive
Salisbury, MD 21801
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-749-6945
Email: mac603@comcast.net
Joe Holloway (Republican)
32928 Shavox Road
Parsonsburg, MD 21849
Office: 410-548-4696
Home: 410-749-4010
Email: jholloway@wicomicocounty.org
This is the most serious miscarriage of justice that I have ever heard!! Wicomico County citizens all need to ban together and boycott ALL of his businesses - ASAP Disposal, ASAP Pumping, Lewis Construction, Lewis Sand and Grave, RAL Investments and any other GD businesses he's involved in. Use businesses owned by people trying to make an HONEST living. Ray Lewis is the OJ Simpson of Wicomico County - we have all been SCREWED!!!
anonymous 7:07,
Have you asked BOC, MDT or the DT's the same question? While I have spoken with Mr. Ruark last night and around noon today, there's no need for me to quote him. Can you sue? Go right ahead. Are you related to the Chief or the Mayor? You want Pollitt's quote, word for word, "This doesn't happen often Joe and you'll rarely hear me say this but I'm speechless." There, does that make you feel any better?
As for me ringing the bell for ALL of you, I am ringing the bell for ALL of the Anti Albero Bloggers. They're not man enough to do anything good for their community, (just like the Mayor and Chief) they just like to sit back and watch everyone else do it for them. No biggie though. I've met hundreds of people and have been so well received, I haven't been approached once by anyone saying anything negative. In fact, most people know who I am when I'm out there and thank me for what I do. Why do you think the Mayor is quitting and I get more well received by the day.
Thanks for stopping by and please do come by and drop some money in the kettle for those in more need than YOU. Oh, and if any of you would also like to stand there and ring the bell with me, let's do it. I welcome it to no end.
Maybe the judge was giving Mr. Lewis an early Christmas present.
Hey Tomaszewski,
How does it feel? You turned State's evidence and got 9 months behind bars. How's that back feeling now?, you might wanna ask for a double dose tonight to dull the pain. Is the Warden gonna allow you another 5 minute with the kids on Christmas? Because your buddy Ray is spending it at home with his family!!! When ray arrives on the 29th you gonna give him a welcoming party? If your were a REAL man, you would meet Ray in the showers and give him a piece of your mind.
This Christmas, I'll be thinking of you and I'm gonna laugh when I think of those tears your wife and kids will be crying when the guard says "Time Up"
Morons! Davis Ruarke wanted him hung out to dry, everyone knows that but a few idiots. This is about Talbot County Vs Wicomico County. When you drive through there don't stop for anything, just dump boxes loads of styrofoam peanuts all over the road.Maybe Ray can take his Sh#t hauling business over there.That judge alone is so full of it Ray could make another killing.
I believe you mean "discretion" not digression. Oops !!!
Ok. All you guys have won. I apologize for not knowing anything about this guy and would appreciate if someone would take the time to summarize the case against which so many are so vocal.
Not nitpicking or criticizing. It's just that I'm totally in the cold with this. If everyone feels that this is too much to ask, you are no better than the infamous Barrie.
The thieves stole over $500,000 from the county. Got caught with the goods and got very little time for it and very little restitution to be made. Now you know.
Do you know who will probably be hung out to dry? The one who has the least, Ben Merritt. That kid is probably going to bear the brunt of it unless Ray manned up and got him an attorney and made a deal. Time will tell.
A.S.A.P's slogan "Pumping to Please" is about to take on a whole new meaning!
Just putting it out there: Director Douglas Devenyns does not have to put Ray Lewis in Work Release. The Judge Granted him work release, but puting him there is up to the discretion of the Director of WCDC and the Classification Department. There are plenty of people in WCDC waiting to go to work release. If this guy goes right away, you know that the fix is in. Townsend and Tomazewski are already in work release. When Lewis shows up, LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!
It doesnt matter if every States Attorney (SA) from all over the state was there, the SA standing in front of the judge has the power. He/She can say anything they want and except any deal they want. Davis didn't sell us out, Talbot county SA's office did. They are not used to things of this size and depth. That is the system, then you have to realize the judge sitting on the bench makes the final ruling, so that is where all the blame should land. The judge decided that this crime against us was not worth more than 6 months WITH work release.
And in a few weeks I am sure the county executive and the council will be talking about the need to raise our taxes-----tell them to go to that talbot cty judge and ray lewis to collect before begging for more from the honest taxpaying citizens.
Had Eough.
Where the fuggin' money? How does$150,000 of restitution equal $500,000 stolen?
As always, the ignorance of people putting all the blame on Townsend, Tomasweki and R. Lewis. Have any of you ever stopped to think about who was in charge of the Landfill? Ole' Rai is sitting back happy and rich and not getting anything. What about Rick Pollitt...isn't he in charge of the County budget & landfill operations, too? Think about it...adequate bookkeeping would have found the problem at the Landfill.
Oh by the way...remember Mike Lewis' comment at the Powellville Rotary meeting at Powellville church? he said more arrests were coming. Well, where were they?All employees of the landfill had been steeling fuel along with other prominent members of Wicomico County. Just ask the employees. They can tell you...they returned stolen property to the Sheriff's Office. Never read about that did you? No...because Mike Lewis screwed this case up. If he hadn't been "hot doggin" and jumping the gun on this... this case would have been much bigger. That is why Davis Ruark can't prosecute harder because he knows Mike Lewis is a screw up....like many other cases he screwed in his "so called wonderful" career.
Wake up Wicomico County! This County is more corrupt than anyone wants to see! R.Lewis was just one person in this case...he was the one caught because the others had time to get rid of fuel and tires!
11:13 p.m.
$500,000? That is the total stolen from the landfill per the audit company. records only could prove $150,000 from R. Lewis.
Townsend and Tomaskewski should have been made to pay the rest!
hmmmm as the layers of the onion are pealed away
Anonymous said...
11:13 p.m.
$500,000? That is the total stolen from the landfill per the audit company. records only could prove $150,000 from R. Lewis.
Townsend and Tomaskewski should have been made to pay the rest!
11:21 PM
It doesn't matter, Ray Ray was the root of the problem, the ring leader, and he should be responsible for everything. I would be willing to bet that over $1 million dollars have been lost from the county.
Damn if he was a black man he'd be under the jail scraping dirt off the bottom by now.
How about organizing a "Send Off" party, maybe have a few (hundred?) of your readers show up to watch him enter the jail....there MUST be a reason that the date and time were so important....
What a valuable statement this would make.
BTW, if I was in Vegas I'd have wanted to watch OJ go into the jail also. Same thing here.
If any of you believe that this was an isolated incident with this guy, I'd bet the farm you'd be wrong. Someone who thought this whole thing up has a mind that goes to the dishonest way first, and has done illegal things other than this one, that he got caught for. Keep away from him and his businesses, even though you're going to hear about the poor employees who will be unemployed. Those who are honest should find jobs with honest employers and those who are not honest will figure out a way to steal somewhere else. Either way, since the justice system has left the citizens of Wicomico County with a large financial loss (estimates were at $1m or more, and restitution only $150k), we need to level the playing field again. He's not going to live on MY money, comfortably. We can't get our stolen money back, but we CAN make sure it's the last money he gets from us.
Ok, so does this mean Lewis stole $150,000? That must mean that the employees stole $300,000 per audit that $450,000 was stolen. When will the employees be dealt with? This is a disgrace to all of us who work and pay our taxes. Our elected officials have got to try and right this.
In reference 9:37 a.m.... the County is not going to make it right because they do not want anymore egg on their face. How would that look if they prosecuted their whole staff including people in charge? Rick Pollitt and finance should have seen this years ago.
John Agnew should be happy he isnt in jail. I heard he has been running is farming operation as long as he worked there. Mike Lewis knew that but how can you charge someone who already used the fuel?
I believe from what I have read elsewhere that Davis Ruark did in fact prosecute this case personally. If that is true than he obviously did a miserable job. He has little history in my opinion of winning the big ones. Don't forget the Somerset County Detention Center case that Mike Lewis spent one year investigating and Ruark closed the case without bringing any charges whatsoever. Shame on him.
They implicated a dump truck companys involvement at one time, who was it? There are a lot of dump trucks around here.
At one time a CO at WCDC drove a truck for Ray Lewis.
Finally, John Agnew's name surfaces. Must be why he hired an attorney to represent him. Mr. Pollitt please check into this one.
Yes, yet another layer of the onion peeled away. Is Rai hiding inside that onion? Now that would rock this county and the constituents faith in justice and government.
Why do you think Rai was fired?....5 days after this hit! What a crock! The County is up to its eyeballs.
Leave Townsend, Tomaseski & r.Lewis out of it! they only got caught! wheres the rest of the arrests? i never Mike Lewis saying why WBI never arrested anyone. The goods must have been gone. Can't arrest someone if the fuel is used.
Wonder if this mess dates back to when Everett Baker was in charge???? HMMMMMMM....??????
If nothing else, Rai Sharma is guilty of being stupid. The level of theft that was going on here was such that someone up high had to, at least, look the other way. Or be really inept/stupid. Either way, when Pollitt got the reins he should have had a complete audit done, and said audit should have uncovered this. Wouldn't that at least have been reassuring...knowing that this ring of theft was stopped because the system works, and not because of some DeepThroat tip or a dumb accident. As a Wicomico taxpayer I might feel a little bit better knowing that there was someone with a clue in charge. Unfortunately, not so.
Maybe next time.
12:51.....Deep Throat?
That'll be Ray's nickname are he's left alone for awhile. He won't be there just fur sleepin'!
Rai is most likely back in India slaughtering a goat in the name of his God.
I'd like to know who ray's lawyer was...want to keep his name if i need it, he must be really be good!!!
Very good lawyer...Price Guilen from Batlimore.
By the way...don't forget Rai built the church on Parker Road with County equipment, county labor and materials. Still no arrest! Makes me sick!
I thought Rai resigned?
Does anyone know who the Judge was over in Talbot county. Just curious !
Work release?? That's a joke. My question is, how is this guy still in business? Who in Wicomico County would use a company that has STOLEN from them???? Come on people, seriously!
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