Kwanzaa is neither political nor religious and despite some misconceptions, is not a substitute for Christmas. It is simply a time of reaffirming African-American people, their ancestors and culture.
Kwanzaa, which means "first fruits of the harvest" in the African language Kiswahili, has gained tremendous acceptance.
Since its founding in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga, Kwanzaa has come to be observed by more than18 million people worldwide.
Did you know Dr. Maulana Karenga(Ronald McKinley Everett) was born on a chicken farm in Parsonsburg, Maryland, in 1941?
Two Sentz
Good job presenting this. Education and understanding are stepping stones towards tolerance-tolerance then leads to peace and prosperity for all. We have enough legitimate "bad guys" in our culture without having to hate based on another's skin color, rather than the contents of their heart. Happy holidays to all.
Does anyone remember the fact that the good Dr. was inprison for torturing two black females who were part of his cult, The United Slaves?
Um.... There is prolly gonna be an answer to this question but..... If this is a "unique" celebration.... why does that candle holder look so much like a menora (sp?)?
Has the City of Salisbury set a Kwanzaa shrub collection day yet?
Oy. First of all "candle holders" hold those little Glade jobs you buy at Megalo Mart to make your double wide smell better. The Kwanzaa symbolic implement is called a kinara. The Jewish symbolic implement is called a menorah. You obviously have a computer-just no ambition to use it to educate yourself before you say something so stupid. Most organized religions (except Islam) incorporate a healthy dose of wine or two here or there-does that mean we are cheating off each other there too? Man, you really have to work hard to be THAT ignorant (11:33).
Two Sentz why didn't you also post this from your site Thursday, December 18, 2008
Politico: Gay leaders furious with Obama
12:01, Obviously you didn't scroll down far enough. I posted it yesterday, and in more detail.
If you posted it on this site yesterday I am missing it. Thanks
actually Reese Bobby, muslims get "rivers of wine" when they get to paradise.
Oh, I misread your comment. Sorry.
I wasnt the contributor who posted the post you refer to. Champs1 was. Anyway, why do you think I didn't post it here?
I don't have any thoughts on why you didn't post it here I was just wondering. I really didn't know about your site until the post came out about you and Joe. I then went to see what your site was about.
They also get, like, 72 virgins after they make their martyr tape and blow themselves up in a home made nail/marble vest in a crowded market place full of women and children, too. Who needs THAT stress? I want just ONE woman who knows exactly what she wants. {insert Barry White here}. I get to front load my rewards while I can actually enjoy them (frequently....before they begin the "Airing of Grievances").
Reese Bobby,
I thought you were a tolerant & enlightened individual. Before simply regrujerating the same old crap about muslims, why don't you take the time to educate yourself on the subject. Please no knee jerk responses, that only proves me right.
yes, it is common knowledge that Muslims are not the ones using the name of Islam when they use violence. it is not Muslims blowing people up, it was not Muslims in India, on the seas, in France, england and here using violence in the name of Islam. That is in another world, the one called reality.
If you would read carefully (instead of regrujerating..btw I had to work REALLY hard to mis-spell this word as poorly as you did), you would note my understanding and tolerance of Islam (none of our diplomats or service members are allowed this "symbol" of our own faiths while alive and serving in Islamic theaters). If you are buying into misguided dogma, in ANY faith, that proclaims you should sacrifice your life as a child to kill others who disagree with your speech/expression to receive rewards in {insert whomever's subjective god here} someone's interpretation of divine paradise....well; let;s talk more if you want to...a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist.
Wait a minute! Was this so called Dr. really imprisoned for torturing two of his followers? He sounds like just another a convicted con artist after the fashion of Joseph Smith or L. Ron Hubbard, who decided starting new religious traditions was the way to fame and fortune & fortune. I could respect them more if they stuck to selling snake oil!
Polly Markis
Two Quranic ayas read as follows:
9.014 "Fight them (infidels) and Allah will punish them by your (muslims) hands"
9.052 "Allah will afflict you (infidels) with punishment from himself (Allah) or by our(muslims) hands".
How did this thread go from a holiday celebration to terrorists? Let's get back on point here.
BTW...are you trying to suggest that it was a bunch of renegade Episcopalians from Pakisatan that carried out the Mumbai attacks?
Reese Bobby,
I agree; a terrorist is a terrorist, like the European, Christian devils who slaughtered and stole the Americas from my people in the name of Jesus!
How proud the historical Jesus would have been of the atrocities done in his name!
"We kill these native people and steal their land in the name of our God and his son who are all justice, all goodness and all love. "While we are at it, we will enslave the black man too. Thank you Jesus; thank you Lord. Amen"
This is NOT an indictment of Jesus of Nazereth. He would never have condoned the actions of devils who mutilate, mis-state and pervert his teachings for their own benefit and profit, then pray to him and give thanks! He would have spit in the face of 98% of those who call themselves Christians and told them as he told the Jews who crucified him 2,000 years ago, "you are of your father, the Devil."
Those calling themselves Muslims are every bit as bad as the false Christians.
Screaming Eagle
Pure religion is beautiful in all forms. I just find it kind of ironic our troops/contractors/citizens lose their lives in theaters where they are denied the fundamental freedoms they get as a simple right/benefit of being an American. Look where they put "Freedom of Religion" in our constitution-right at the top. Too many people have lost their lives prematurely disagreeing over whose tribe is best, whose god most devout, or whose Lexus had the best rims. Take 5 hours to get to know a person over a round of golf without mentioning any of these "trigger issues". When it comes down to it we all sound/look like "infidel devils" when we slice one into the lumberyard-and we all know no matter WHICH god we pray to; that slice never goes away without changing your grip { way of thinking}.
Having faith is like having having Gonorrhea--I don't care, until you knock at my door and try to share it with me.
Dr. Maulana Karenga(Ronald McKinley Everett)/Obama.... all criminals. Why is it that those ethnic groups feel the necessity to change them American names? Is it because it sounds to white? Now who is the racist.
I don't think the "Kwanzaa" post was worthy enough to take up bandwidth on the Sbynews website.
Kwanzaa just does not exist. It is purely a fictitious liberal media creation. Duh! The Tooth Fairy is more real.
Lighten up, people. It's Christmas time for us Christians, who are supposed to be tolerant and loving.
These last posts don't sound very Christian.
Anonymous said...
Lighten up, people. It's Christmas time for us Christians, who are supposed to be tolerant and loving.
These last posts don't sound very Christian.
6:33 PM
Did it ever occur to you that Dr. Maulana Karenga(Ronald McKinley Everett)wasn't a christian?
Wanna know what the traditional drink of Kwanza is?
I'm not kidding...a few years ago my friends daughter had to bring a bottle of coke to school, the next day. I took her to the store to pick it up and I asked her why she had to bring in a Coke. She said they were celebrating with a Kwanza Meal, and I thought nothing of it. Then she pulls out a list that her teacher had given her listing all of the elements of a Kwanza meal, and Coke was the traditional drink!
Wanna know what the traditional drink of Kwanza is?
I'm not kidding...a few years ago my friends daughter had to bring a bottle of coke to school, the next day. I took her to the store to pick it up and I asked her why she had to bring in a Coke. She said they were celebrating with a Kwanza Meal, and I thought nothing of it. Then she pulls out a list that her teacher had given her listing all of the elements of a Kwanza meal, and Coke was the traditional drink!
wymzie said...
..She said they were celebrating with a Kwanza Meal...
9:51 PM
They celebrate Kwanzaa, a made up holiday by a convict, but they won't celebrate Christmas, do the pledge of allegience or say a prayer in school? More evidence that this country is going downhill quickly and it is only getting worse with the election of Osama Bin Biden.
Here is your Mr, Kwanzaa...
In 1971 Karenga, Louis Smith, and Luz Maria Tamayo were convicted of felony assault and false imprisonment for assaulting and torturing over a two day period two women from the US organization, Deborah Jones and Gail Davis. A May 14, 1971 article in the Los Angeles Times described the testimony of one of the women: "Deborah Jones, who once was given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Ms. Davis's mouth and placed against Ms. Davis's face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vise. Karenga also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths, she said."
...And only in America could he get to create a holiday. What a joke.
Only in America
Since this farse of a relgion has originated,you can't get any goods deals at local merchants until after New Years. They all have caught on to the gimmick!!!
It's just another way for the niggers to bring attention to themselves. They could've just had a Boost Mobile day instead.
....and 12 oz. Bud is the tradional drink for all occasions on the Shore. What's the big deal?
Wow. The N-WORD has finally been allowed on this site.
I imagine though that the person saying it would never say it to anyones face.
Just keep on thinking you are important.
Obama is our president. He is smarter than you, richer than you, has a better family than you, lives in a better house than you, is better looking than you, has more friends than you do, gets more respect than you do, and is a better person than you. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?
Some real intelligent comments here. Stay classy Salisbury.
3:07 Scraming Eagle,
Jesus Christ said to the Saducees in the Temple (JEWS) "you are liars, like your father, Satan". He was speaking to his Jewish relatives who had become, and remain, the MOST racist group of individuals on the planet. Their murder of Muslims in the name of Zion and an ill conceived notion of Utopia in Jerusalem is the entire focus of militant Islam. The Muslims KNOW the truth about modern Satanic Judaism. They understand that our Country has been "hijacked" by Zion-loving Jews. Islam is a pathetic religion. It does not realize that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. It does however, understand that the modern Jews who serve Satan want to exterminate them! How sad, to know half the truth. In America, on the other hand, most so-called Christians do not understand either half of this story. Our sons and daughters go into the world to kill indiscriminately on behalf of Israel. Our sons and daughters have become the war arm of Israel. Murderers in a world lost to the battle between two pathetic religions: Islam and Judaism
Wow. The nuts have really appeared on this particular post for some reason! Happy Kwanzaa, nut balls!
3:36 PM -
The only post worth reading.
Wow Joe. I left the forum too soon yesterday. Whereas some of you may feel repulsed that Joe let a comment with that particular slur slide in, I think he should be commended for embracing the true spirit of the First Amendment as a marketplace of ideas. Although offensive, we all needed to see the true content of that commenter's character so that all of us rational people can find common ground that it is a hateful idea we have no use for in today's society. And no, that person wouldn't have the balls to say that to the person's face.
Reese Bobby,
It's not a forum. It is life. Don't learn to deal with it, don't get over it, but instead FEEL it. It sucks. Israel is controlling our government. It is not however, controlling the people of this great Country. It is an abomination and it will die.
Best one yet.
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