"Here's a sad story Joe.
The thief, Kenneth L Townsend, Owns 2 properties. 30933 ward rd. in Salisbury, Where he lives with his present wife Deborah ( who I may add may work for one of our Judges. Funny, ain't that.). Also, he owns 105 Coulbourn Dr, Salisbury, Where His Ex-Wife Karen lives in accordance to a Divorce agreement of lifetime rights. Now, after The divorce, Kenny, being the man that he is, put his new wifes name on the property with his and took a mortgage out on it. You can most likely see where this ones going.
Yesterday they had to put on Karen Townsends only place to live a Fore-closure Notice.
Joe, a special place in hell awaits that man."
The true justice of karma shalt not be felt until one droppest the soap. And that right soon.
Lifetime rights should be just that, take his present house. It seems when you have suffcient evidence is when the least justice is done, the rest get PBJ, or nol pros. I think part of the problem here is that the police are tired of arresting the same people over and over risking their lives when they always walk out of court free from justice. Can't much blame them.
Some people just need to be kicked in the teeth.
Who's business is this? None of yours!!!
it's every body's business that lives in this county and we are all tired of the "good old boy network". it's ok with you that this ***hole stole 400,000 from us, the tax payers and is getting off paying back just 10,000? well, it's NOT ok with me. He is a slimy little bug who should be squashed. His wife should not be working for any gov. office, in fact, she had to know his salary couldn't cover all their expenses so she accepted the benefits of his stealing, so she in fact stole from us too!
this guy is a total loser. Let's not forget that if not for our Sheriff Mike Lewis this would still be going on. Thanks again sheriff.
The ex-wife had nothing to do with his dirty dealings. The current wife and that a$$hole are responsible! Take her home, take her salary! What do lifetime rights mean if they can do this to this woman. I hope Kenny rots in Hell for what he's done to all of us and what he's now doing behind bars to someone who had nothing to do with it. She should of been the lucky one to get away from him once the divorce was over.
10:52 are you the current wife or a friend of such people who continue to rob innocent people? It's everyones business due to what he/they did to us as taxpayers.
This all is completely untrue!!! People need to get their facts straight!! And let me tell you his wife does not work for a judge!! You people have no idea what is going on all you know is what people tell you get the facts first! You need to leave his wife out of this. This is none of your people's business! His home has nothing to do with what is going on with the landfill thing! Please explain to me why taking her home is going to help? Get a life people! Don't you have other things to worry about!!!
I am not sure, but didn't Ken buy one of those houses from Ray Lewis?
Maybe you can check the records for us.
The exwife does not have lifetime rights!
His home has nothing to do with the landfill thing?
ANYTHING that he paid for during the time he was stealing from the county is subject. Were the payments made from the money made off stealing from the county? You betya!
It certainly IS relevant!
As far as his wife, she is affected because she is his wife. IRS will treat you the same way regarding taxes, just because you are married. They tell you that even if the income was not yours, you still "benefited" from it.
There is no difference here.
As far as the ex-wife, lifetime rights are only good as long as HE owns the property. It does NOT protect the property from being seized or foreclosed.
It's too bad she is going to be affected, but that's the way it is.
Maybe he should have thought of all the consequences BEFORE he stole!
Let's get it straight, his current wife works for a local attorney. They did buy their house from Ray Lewis 2 weeks after he bought it from Joe Barlow, during the time the thefts were taking place..so, you think maybe he did use some of the landfill money for that purchase....dah!!!! For Kenny Townsend to even get work release is a travesty. He should spend much more than 18 mos in jail for the theft he was a principle and an accomplice in and benefited from directly. It is my understanding the ex-wife had to be out of the house they shared by December '08, according to a sep. agreement.....it is all in the court records if you look.....No matter how you cut it, Kenny Townsend is a loser!!!!!
Kenny Townsend has it made. He goes to jail on work release and pays $10k. Whooppp de Dooooooo. In work release all he does is sleep there, watch TV, shoot pool, play video games eat snacks out of the vending machines. He can do anything he wants just can't sleep in his own bed. Man that's rough time.
Rick Pollitt, are there any county positions available? I need a cushy job like Kenny.
I have to agree, the current wife had to know he was getting money from somewhere and she didn't question it? That would make her an accessory after the fact, if she works in a law office she has to know that.
I also agree the ex-wife should be provided the home for life, after that it should be auctioned off as his current home as restitution. I'm a taxpayer that he robbed, none of my business? I beg to differ, why should the taxpayer's insurance company pay what he stole? It is very much my business.
Remeber this post from last year...at least his ex cut the grass and made the place look good..your should see it now...some grass is 2 - 3 feet tall...pass by every day on the way to work...
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