Along with staples like bread, milk, and baby formula, we can now add Echinacea, Soy Milk, and a myriad of other non-essentials that can be purchased with food stamps at our local 'Healthy Habits Health Food Store.' Don't get me wrong, I think we all should eat healthy, but not with tax payers' dollars. If you are like me, I only go to the health food store for things I can't find anywhere else and I go knowing that I will be paying top dollar for the specialization a health food store offers. If I deny myself the privilege of shopping high end, why then should I pay taxes that fund food stamps that allow high end purchases like health food items? It is allowances like this that make me deplore our tax payer system.
Was there a four hour wait ?
This is another prime example of our Government moving into the socialist realm.
What next, Home Depot, Lowes, Wawa, to accept food stamps. Why not buy an appliance at Sears while you're at it.
Where can I apply for these benefits.
whats wrong with soy milk? in many cases, it is shelf stable. It also is high in protein. very good stuff for little cost.
Let me tell you something. I had an employee several months ago. We'll call him "Tom" for the purposes of this story. Tom had a problem bringing his tools to work - he thought I should supply hand tools even though he was required to have them as a condition of his employment when he was hired. Tom had a second job waiting tables at a local restaurant in the evenings. Tom continually forgot a hand tool or two almost every day and had to borrow mine. On one occasion he advised me he could not bring his 4 foot level because he could not fit it in his car due to his baby seat. One day he dropped my level from a ladder and broke the bubble - of course he didn't have his so he was using mine. I eventually fired Tom for having an attitude about my requiring him to bring his hand tools to work. Tom went to work for someone the next day - but this guy paid him under the table which is against the law. Apparently that job did not work out and he got another under the table job. He was fired from that job for poor performance. All of this time he kept his job at the restaurant. When business got slow at the restaurant his tips went down. Tom went to his manager and asked that they cut his hours back so that he could collect partial unemployment. One guess on who was notified by the state and advised that their incident rate for unemployment tax will likely increase........ME! WTF?!?! I have since hired someone to replace him and in fact hired two more people because my business is getting busier and the state had ALREADY raised my rate because the fund was down statewide. So you want to talk about a socialist system? Also - this guy and his girlfriend (my loser niece) were getting WIC checks for milk and things while he was bragging to us that he was taking his kids to Ocean City on the weekends and spending over a hundred dollars at a crack.
I am currently appealing the decision of the Unemployment Office but was advised that I was likely wasting my time because the reason he was fired didn't meet the standard under a certain section and sub-section - whatever. What a bunch of bullshit. Obey the law and get screwed. Maybe we should ALL start paying our employees under the table. Everyone would make out but the Government.
But you would rather see your tax dollars go buy twinkies, candy, frozen junk food that is laden with trans-fats, and every preservative known to man?
As long as the store is only selling qualified food products I don't see the problem.
One of the biggest problem we have seen in society and our school lunch program is a prime example is that the poor get food provided for them, but they are not making good choices with the money.
Everyday at school my child is given a breakfast that everyother child is GIVEN and it is nothing I would ever feed my child on any kind of regular basis.
Sausage on a stick dipped in pancake batter and then deep fried?
High protien Doughnuts?
Sausage, Egg and Cheese Pizza?
What about some cheerios, or oatmeal, with an apple or an orange?
Junk, High Carb food cost the same as whole ingredients that one buys at a health food store to make into a real meal.
Food stamp programs allow ANY non-prepared foods so this is not a stretch BUT us working stiffs can barely afford REGULAR food, let alone organic goodies. My problem is the way it is abused by people. When I see someone else paying cash for food at the store, I am amazed because it seems like everyone has one of those magic cards now!
Sams Club doesn't take food stamps
Maybe they will get healthy and find a job?
Ye 9:32 Im sure you can afford a lot of health food with what they give someone on food stamps.
Im not on food stamps but with what they pay around salisbury for wages, hell Mcdonalds looks like a saturday nite steak.
Well said, wymzie.
Call me crazy, but it doesn't seem right for food stamp people to be able to buy organic salsa and chips when the rest of us are shopping at Walmart buying generic brands to make ends meet. I have to agree with Beezer on this. The food stamp program (to my knowledge) wasn't designed for this type of grocery shopping. I thought it was for milk, butter, cheese, and other basic food types. As for the cards, I see them everywhere too. To Wymzie: what you buy with your food stamps is a choice. You could buy Twinkies and such, and that wouldn't be good either, but how can you even think that food stamps should be used for gourmet, organic type food that most of us can't afford.
Don't knock it until you try it. The Health Food Store is not just a luxury food store. Just because you are on food stamps does not mean that you do not want to eat healthy. It also does not mean that you or your children may not have food allergies and need special foods.
Health Store & More carries a large selection of Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Nut-Free foods. Some people, yes even people who are on the food stamp program have severe allergies to some of the above mentioned items. Are they supposed to deny themselves of foods that they can eat without getting sick?
Many people are one paycheck away from having to use the government benefits that they have paid into for so long. Sometimes the people that are on food stamps are good people who have come across hard times. Who knows, with the economy the way it is now, maybe those of you who think you would never need a "hand out" so to speak will be the next ones standing there asking for some help. There is nothing wrong with accepting help if you need it.
It is these kinds of remarks and statements that make people who truly need the help too ashamed to ask for it. Stop looking down your noses at those who are not as well off as you might be.
Maybe you should stop in and talk to the good people there at the Health Food Store before you defame them for offering a service to those who are not rich.
I personally know that the store is owned by a local family and they employ a small number of local people. I also know that if you want to do some good for the store then maybe you could go and talk to the owners or manager and find out why they decided to take Food Stamps. You just might be surprised by the items you find in the store, the reasons they decided to accept food stamps and myraids of other things if you just take the time to ask. Don't jump to conclusions before you actually do some research.
I bet a dime to a dollar the manager at Health Store & More would be more than happy to grant you (and anybody else for that matter)some personal one on one time to explain what you can find in the store and answer any questions you have about their accepting food stamps.
Stop by and see them. They are in the College Ave. Shoppes on College Ave. I do not shop at the Health Food Store because I have to, I shop there because I like to. But I have been there before and heard some of their shoppers who shop there out of necessity say how grateful they are to be able to find the foods that they need locally.
It is the end of monies all together, the start of "credits". There will be no more "under thr table" jobs unless they are paid in trade. The New Socialist Government of Osama will increase government revenue by ending hidden monies. They will know everything about a person because they will be supporting them. All Jobs will become owned by the government as well as properties. LONG LIVE OSAMA. Hes gonna give me a blissful life. If he ever figues out how to make us all ignorant. Drugs don't seem to be working. But dam if they arnt doing a pretty good job with all the transparency going on.
Anonymous 9:20pm....What does your employee problem have to do with this post?
Judging by all the people out there "selling" their food stamp benefits, they apparently get an ample amount each month or they would not be using them that way.
Anon 9:20 You could turn the guy in for fraud but nothing would ever come of it. Anyone who brags that they buy drugs with money they SHOULD be using to feed their flesh and blood will always find a way to scheme thru life at others expense.I am guessing he and your niece are not married...but live together which means she is probably not reporting his income.
Health Store Shopper...
Hello-I am one of those "good working people" who hit very hard economic times about 3 yrs ago when my husbands hours were cut. Do not delude yourself into thinking DSS serves those of us who work. Do you know what the good people at DSS told me back then ? Since my husband still made $800 a month, we made too much money for food stamps and medical assistance.Never mind that rent and electric alone was that much for us. Had it not been for my parents, we would have been on the street that winter. Thats what all those tax dollars we paid into the system did for us when we needed emergency assistance-a big F you.
I rode down College Ave this afternoon and saw this sign on the marquee. Several years ago, I was a tenant in that complex and very rarely shopped in the health food store because of the prices. I was just an average hard working person and was amazed at the number of folks in and out of that business all day long. I must say it was more of an "upper class" people who shopped there so I guess now that will change. When I am in line at a grocery store and someone in front of me whips out their food stamps, I am not happy because I see what they have in their order and I am just getting by with the bare minimum. They are eating much better than me, for sure!
I also was in need not to terribly long ago and could not get assistance with Food Stamps or any other government program for that matter, so no the system isn't perfect by a long shot.
However the Health Store should not be condemned for taking food stamps and those who use their food stamps there should not be condemned either.
It's nice to know that you assume everyone receiving food stamps is beneath you or possibly abusing the system.
I worked and paid into the tax system for 25 years before becoming disabled and needing assistance.
I will use my food stamps for what ever I choose including the privilege of allowing myself the occasional trip to the health food store now that I know they accept food stamps.
I guess you would have all of us lowlife food stamp recipients eat crap sandwiches and then tell us we didn't deserve bread.
I think now might be a good time to thank your Jesus (if you have one)that your income and ability to work leaves you over qualified and therefore ineligible for assistance.
Matthew 25:31-46
The URL for Healthy Habits is as follows:
If you look under product showcase then choose grocery you can check out what they have and their prices. They aren't as astronomical as you make it sound.
I think I'll go make my self a sandwich.
To 10:18:
The world is full of 'don't knock it till you try it' people like you. That's why the country is in the shape it's in. People who try to get as much out of the system as they can. Those of us who are struggling to pay our basic bills see this and feel used. With your reasoning, it would be just fine to give a luxury condo to a non-working person who needs a basic home. You don't understand. We have to cut out some of these extras people are getting used to because the average taxpayer cannot stand anymore. I do believe that people who have come along hard times deserve some help...but it should be basic help to get by...not something that the average person can't afford--like high priced health food. I have been in that store and I know full well how nice they are in there, but that is not the point. Food stamps were not designed for luxury designer food. If you were honest with yourself you would know it's true.
At least I know that my tax dollars are allowing people to eat healthier.
We are edging closer to Obama's socialist idea.
To 9:23 PM - Why do you not feed your child or children breakfast at home. Why should the school provide breakfast???
You can go to C-Treasures and get a crab cake platter with food stamps.
Ilove you judge people!So because you can't get food stamps or never have had to use them the people who do are beneath you! God help you if you should ever be in that need, with the economy the was it is you never know. I guess because someone who needs the extra help, like elderly people or the single mom or dad raising children with out help from their ex's have to eat what you think they deserve and not healthier things that this store can give. Yes there are ones who abuse the system but you can not make sweeping generalizing statements about all FS users.
As far as breakfast being served at schools, kids can choose what the want to eat. My son has several choices including cereal and fruit. So what you need to do is talk with your school and your child and tell him/her to make better choices.
Kind of like this health food store is giving FS users.
Tell me why poor people shouldn't be healthy again?
I feel most of you need to wisen up. There are alot of people out here like us. My husband now(not at the tme) was working eveyday 6 days a week. Turned up with some health problems now all our income is is $673.00 a mouth for someone that was making over 2 thousand a mouth. We know can bearly pay out rent phone which we need for his health problems because I don't care to have it. Oh yes that even put us not paying our eletric even if we didn't have the phone. When he became disable eventhing changed we did want the food stamps or anything like that but for people to be saying that all fs people buys all this stuff & etc. I have you know have always shopped at Wal-mart & dollar stores all my life. Also before anyone says why don't I work well lets see we're married & if I work his check gets cut so how can I PAY for someone to come into care for my husband so there is some people that don't abuse the fs program like most of you have said with these people buying drugs & etc. I have seen & heard this as well but PEOPLE like US shouldn't be looked as as them that does abuse the fs program. My husband can't eat somethings also but we aren't there either.
I can top that one. Was talking to an apartment complex manager today that told me something that blew my mind. Not only are there people living in the complex she manages rent free, but at the end of the month these individuals are given checks in the appx. range of 185.00 to use on utilities ""IF THEY WISH" but dont have to. Then she proceeded to tell me about some of those same individuals receiving grant money to go to college for free. And guess what, any funds left over from the grant amount initially given goes straight to the recipients pocket. Whatever happened to working for a living!
As a family that does get FS, I am grateful for being able to go the health food store and pick out some staples that are food and material allergen free, for my self and my child that basically can't eat anything. My nutrition needs are being met by the health food stores. Now I know that there is some people out there that are taking liberties, that are uncalled for.
I would think that people would rather see, people that are getting food that is good for them instead of junk. I don't condone getting all of the fancy brands, but I think staple foods or oils to cook with is fine. Now we still shop at Walmart, Kroger, FoodLion and such but they don't always have foods that are allergen free. It's sad when you spend 4 hours shopping for food that is allergen free, and then be judged later. Maybe if you would ask, you would know a little more. Thought of maybe asking why they are shopping at a health store? I would be glad to tell you why and suggest you look at all the labels to find out what you may or your family may be allergic to.
I didn't know several years ago, that I was allergic to oils commonly found in everything that I use to eat. I still can not touch poultry, eat anything that has been handled with latex. Five years of going back and forth between specialist and losing my job because of not being able to stay long enough to do anything. Not to mention they believed that I had bladder cancer for years, only to find out it was an allergy. I worried about this for so long that my hair came out, became depressed and blamed my family for making me sick. One of the main factors of bladder cancer is aspartame, found in a lot of these sugar free/low calorie products that are pushed towards people with diabetes. And suggested for kids instead of sugar, please take note on a lot of candy and gums this is the sweetener. Sucralose (Splenda) is not any better with that aspect.
It's amazing to me how people judge others without knowing the facts.
We currently just had to apply for Food stamps. My husband lost his job in the automotive industry about 4 months. We finally had no savings left and i went back to work after being a stay at home mom. It was pay our mortgage or buy food for my family. These food stamps have helped out tremendously. WE get about 320 a month for a family of 3. I no longer have to worry about feeding my son and can concentrate on making on keeping our house. Every penny counts right now. I have always fed my son organic and healthy foods. I plan on keeping it that way. My husband and I will not eat the organic foods to stretch out that 320 as much as possible. I know that there are a lot of people that abuse the system. But food stamps, medi-cal ect were created to help situations like this. I think more effort should be put into making sure the right people are getting these stamps.
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