Yesterday we posted an article about how angry the Salisbury Police Department Heads were over the fact that we had informed the Public about a robbery at the Bank of America. Several e-mail messages came in to me and all were quite upset about the SPD being so upset because Salisbury News simply informed everyone to protect them. I want to add, on a personal note, (before I show their message) that I had and still have a problem with Chief Webster holding back extremely important information on the murdered prostitute. I sent an e-mail to the City Council, the Mayor and I asked them to forward it to Chief Webster about how I felt based on the fact that I had Intel Information on that case as well as the fact that I had attached a photo of the deceased woman, showing them just how horrific this murder was. An internal investigation started immediately and Chief Webster tried to have me arrested because I has such said information. I did NOT go public with this information but I did strongly suggest that since they knew who the possible murderer was, they did know what car he drove, they knew he had temporary tags, why wasn't the SPD exposing this information to protect EVERY SINGLE WOMAN IN SALISBURY? The only response I got was several Police Agencies confronting me and drilling me about what I knew. Once they confirmed I had broken no laws nor did I step over the line, they chose to walk away from me and move on.
Chief Webster is upset, (and I'm confident he called the person who wrote me) because Salisbury News is regularly getting tips from YOU several times a day. They do NOT want you informed as they feel they can do a better job not letting certain information get out there. Look, this is their profession and quite frankly, I can't challenge that. I should also say, I have shown respect towards that as well but no matter what I say or do, Webster has a bug up his axx for me and he'll continue to challenge me and have me arrested at any opportunity. Webster's obsession over me is so bad, they have an enlarged photo of me on the third floor with a big X through the picture. When a civilian asked why my picture was posted in the Police department they responded, "He's a Cyber Terrorist." That's just wrong Chief Webster but you believe you're above the law. Time will tell.
Nevertheless, this is the message I received in which I thought I'd share. I especially want Chief Webster and his Staff to see what others think out there and understand why so many feel they need to be better informed. The SPD's selective Press Releases, (even though this one hasn't been released still) taxpayers deserve to know what's going on in their community.
"Well then I guess you'll have to watch your back and be a very, very good boy. Screw Webster; people have the right to know when a bank they use on a daily basis is the scene of a crime, and as I said, we need to know NOW, not when (or even if) Webster decides to let us know. As many of the stores in the mall use this bank for their nightly deposits, I went to the mall manager and suggested that he circulate a memo to the mall stores on safe practices when making their deposits, and he's going to do it.
I don't care what anyone says; you may be a bit hard on some people and you may be opinionated, but who isn't? You're a good man, and I would be proud to call you my friend. Have a wonderful New Year, and be good so Webster can't even get you for a traffic ticket!"
I don't care who you are, this is a pretty crappy way to have to live. Many are concerned that I have to watch m,y back all the time, especially from a Police Chief obsessed over one man, ME! Take the damn picture down Webster and get off my back! I offered time and time again to ring the bell with you and show others we can put the past behind us. However, it's your move now. I'm obviously not afraid of you, I've proven that. I've offered to shake hands and move forward, hopefully, together, we can build better communication for the citizens of Salisbury. I just don't get it. They know I'm not going anywhere. Oh well, my offer still stands. If you want to work together and you don't want information getting out there that could be case sensitive, I need a line of communication in which I can confirm it is or it isn't. Right now I have nothing with the SPD. Only Webster can change that.
It's a tough situation for all... bc honestly Joe wants to get stories out before any news dept does. But that can be good and bad.
Sounds like you need an office at the Police Dept.
Cyber Terrorist, Damn I thought it was called FREE SPEECH in America.
Not according to Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman.
See You in Court on Jan 21st and we'll see about that.
Makes perfect sense to me. Joe is asking to be a part of a good team, what does Webster have to lose? Keep your friends close, your enimies closer
sure, then SPD will put out a lookout for a shooting suspect. put it all over the tv and newspapers before officers can even have a decent chance of catching the creep before he/ she goes into hiding!!! way to give them warning! and hence making apprehensions more dangerous.
What some of you don't seem to realize is this. First of all, I already have the inside information. I'm NOT asking for information from them, I already have it. That being said, once I have this information, (like the murdered prostitute) I need a line of communication within the SPD to make sure what I put out there isn't case sensitive.
That being said, so ALL of you know, because I in fact had the information, even if I had posted it, I couldn't get in any trouble. Once it got to me, Chief Webster may not have liked it and he may have attempted to charge me personally with interfering with an ongoing investigation but it wouldn't stick. Hell, the guy tried doing it anyway! I respected their position and I did NOT expose sensitive information and that's what is important here. Even though I completely disagreed and felt that this info needed to be out to the public immediately, I did NOT disrespect the SPD and expose it.
Anyhow the point is to create an open line of communication. The Chief knows I'm here to stay, unless they trump up some other charges against me and have me arrested again for something else. Just remember Folks, they've done it several times already now, including the Perjury charges that failed them.
If I have to continue to fight them, so be it. However, I am offering a different avenue and one that will help them, not hurt them.
anonymous 12:17,
Stop being such an Idiot. Go back and read the original Post on the robbery. It happened the NIGHT BEFORE and we Posted it the following day. Stop being such an Idiot just looking for anything and everything wrong. And you know what, IF the Police didn't find the guy within the forst hour of their showing up there, they leave the scene and it's DONE! Exposing that information was the RIGHT thing to do, before the next sunset! The thousands of readers that come her every day deserve to know if THEY go to that location at night, IT'S NOT SAFE. So stop being such an Idiot.
What Chief Baldy is doing is abusing his power and authority. You should sue him for harassment.
Let me add this too. While some, (perhaps one, jon) of you are trying to find fault in me, remember that the SPD is HIDING such information in the hopes of making all of YOU decoys and or a target to the next robbery. That's right. While YOU continue to go there and take monmey from that ATM and let's say you weren't aware of the problem, the SPD is setting YOU up in the hopes of catching the person the next go aroud. I completely disagree with them on this and if they want to send out decoys, let them send their own people into harms way!!!!! They're professionals, paid and trained for such.
hey joe,
i don't know how you get your info and don't really care to know but once they say anything over the radio those comments are out there and anyone with a scanner or a way to pick up those broadcast can hear it. almost every frequency that any agency uses is publish some where on the Internet. over half of the things i have clued you in about i heard over the radio in worcester county. there is nothing anyone can do since it is broadcasts over the air in that manner. you are just taking it a step further and letting others know, which is a freedom we have as americans to share information "free speach"
i saw a documentary by NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC where they followed know gang members in LA and watched as the GANG BANGERS had radios from radio shack and knew when they were about to be raided.
i heard from a member of the wic sherriff dept that "sometimes Joe knows before we do"
theres two more pictures of you, in the bathroom and on the back of someones door -they are all drawn on.....
Webster more so fits the bill of terrorist, not looking out for the best interest of the people he swore to protect and serve. Placing charges against Joe, OUR voice and outlet for info {because someone called him names} Grow up webster, get off your high horse, you yourself do more damage to your reputation than Joe could ever do. Quit wasting court time and tax payer money over childish crap.
He dosent want info about cases out because in his old school way of thinking, he'd rather the little old ladies keep right on going to that ATM {the bait} so that perhaps the SPD might get there fast enough next time. {oh, and TY Boy's in Blue, for working so diligently on Christmas eve}. Webster, why arent you setting up those camera's where they'll do some good instead of intimidating Joe with them? How about you put the mares red coat and wig on and stand at that atm yourself instead of letting someones wife or mother or sister or neighbor be the next victim? Get with the program Webster! Put away that outdated thinking and spoiled child attitude. Work with the ppl, with Joe...before its too late! Or is it that you realize it is too late, because when your master is gone you also will follow?
Thats so childish its ridiculous. I bet Sherriff Lewis would never allow it. Your supposed to be the chief of police, act like it sir.
Again I respectfully request that this so called public servant resigns. He is as munch an embarrassment to Salisbury as its so called mayor.
Just tuck tail and go work at Mcd's. Your a joke of a chiefy.
Joe gives us the news we need to know. This is not Russia. It does not need to be oked by you first.
Chief Webster would never shake your hand after you have bashed him for years. You caused this ugly relationship noe deal with it and stop your bitching.
I didn't cause anything. Remember jackass, who sued whom?
Webster has played a puppet for the Mayor for years. You do the math.
All because we produced the TRUTH about the Rachel Polk case? Just because we put up links of testimony and every one heard the TRUTH for once and the Daily Times completely covered it up.
The ONLY one who has to deal with it is the Mayor and Chief. I can go on my merry way producing anything I want, whenever I want and they'll just have to deal with it from here on out. They/you had the opportunity to fix it and it's clear who the bigger man is.
I'll never forget what I said to the Chief as he was throwing me out of a Press Conference at the SPD. I said, it takes a BOY to throw a MAN out of a Police Station.
You are the jackass and don't forget you are noboby to the Police Chief and he owes you NOTHING!!
The Chief of the Salisbury Police Department is a joke. I've heard the Sheriff himself say it on SEVERAL occasions. Every time the Sheriff talks to him the Sheriff wonders how in the hell he could have ever been taken seriously as a Chief of Police. His men and women have no respect for him. His Mayor, Mein Fuhrer, had to give the recently graduating officer their certificates because the Chief is a neutered chimpanzee. He actually has no idea on how to reduce crime in the city. He was hired by the mayor because he would do her will without question. I can't wait until he is called as a witness and is asked about the alleged assault of a city council woman by the mayors daughter. Will he perjure himself by insisting he never saw it happen or will he admit that he saw it happen and failed to act in his official capacity by making an arrest as any impartial police officer would have? I am going to try to take off from work to be there at that trial. I can't wait to see this.
Salisbury City Police needs a good leader just like the WCSD with Mike Lewis.Any one interested? surely we have some more qualified retired state troopers ,etc. that can manage a police department ten times better then he does.he does not care about the community and should leave--TODAY.
Let Gary Baker be the chief.
Joe the night I called you about the Sheriff's department being a few doors down. I later figured out from the Sheriff's department release of info to you that it was a bust, they located a person at that house who had a warrant for his failure to appear for charges of distribution of cocaine and herion to undercover officers. Things have slowed down the now bigtime, thanks Sheriff's Department and WBI
Retired MSP borned on the lower shore
doug wilkerson said...
Let Gary Baker be the chief.
6:37 PM
No Major Baker needs to stay with the Sheriff's Office and the Sheriff's Office needs to take over the Salibury Police Department. This would save tax payers close to a million dollars a year. There is no need to duplicate services.
Anonymous said...
You are the jackass and don't forget you are noboby to the Police Chief and he owes you NOTHING!!
3:38 PM
I wonder which of Cheef Baldy's ass kisser this is. I hope the cheef doesn't make a sudden right turn because this pussy would break his nose.
Anonymous said...
Retired MSP borned on the lower shore
10:43 PM
You must be very nervous about the investigation going on to be back tacking like this, Joe.
David, or who ever you are,
I have absolutely no worries. The Mayor and Chief absolutely know how popular my name has become locally and will do ANYTHING to destroy that name. You can claim all you want that there's some kind of back seat investigation going on about me but you and I both know it's a load of crap.
I expose what I expose because it's the truth. Even YOU don't deny the photos are posted at the Police Department and I have several witnesses that can prove I'm absolutely 100% correct.
So you may not like the truth but you can't deny my evidence and witnesses. Deal with it. Let the Mayor and Chiefy go out there and act like they're coming after me once again. I don't care. Sadly, you fools are falling for it hook, line and sinker. Guess who now knows who you are, Idiots! ROTFLMAO!
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