2,118 pounds marijuana seized from cloned UPS vehicle in Arizona:
On November 14, 2008, detectives assigned to the Pima County, Arizona Counter Narcotics Alliance conducted an investigation which resulted in the seizure of approximately 2,118 pounds of marijuana from a cloned United Parcel Service truck. Painted a shade of brown similar to UPS brown, the vehicle had reflective yellow decals affixed in the same general areas as an authorized UPS vehicle. The suspects misspelled the word “synchronizing” in the UPS slogan “Synchronizing the World of Commerce”. The suspects spelled the word “sinchronizing”. The lettering was crude and not level with horizontal lines on the body panels. The vehicle displayed a homemade license plate which returned to a UPS truck. The plate appeared to have been made with the aid of a stencil and green spray paint. The lettering on the plate was uneven with a significant green overspray around some of the characters. A search of UPS’s vehicle inventory revealed the vehicle number on the cloned UPS truck was a vehicle number assigned to an authentic UPS truck servicing the area of 6th Avenue and Valencia Road in Tucson, Arizona.
Damn, no wonder I cant find any weed.
i think thats pretty clever
find some cocaine or some REAL drug, and ill be impressed... oh and anon 9:13, its out there, just look harder... look more towards ocean city :)
It's like the irony of your post yesterday on the legalization of heroin, but keeping pot illegal.
It makes no sense!
Drunks are far more dangerous than any pothead I've ever met.
pot heads do not:
1. fight for the sake of fighting.
2. fight or get angry when there is none left
3. have a hangover !!!!
4. go hungry :)
5. leave the house after smoking to go raise hell
6. leave beer bottles/cans everywhere
pot heads do:
1. care about the environment
2. care about civility and compassion
3. grow some of the finest herbs
4. love to sit on the couch and play video games
They misspelled the word? that's got to make potheads look stupid
It is illegal for a reason you morons.
"It is illegal for a reason you morons."
12:20 PM-you have seen "Reefer Madness" too many times.It is illegal because the government cannot figure out a way to profit from it being legalized.It is aggressively sought after by police because of something called "forfeiture".Remember Prohibition?The government went after bootleggers but people could still get booze-the speakeasy raids just made the price of it rise and made it harder to get but anyone who wanted it bad enough found a way.... so the guy who made the 1st comment actually made a valid counterpoint.
I could care less,but I find it amazing that the feds and locals can find all this dope but illegal aliens are still getting thru the borders and unregistered sex offenders & violent criminals are still roaming the streets in Salisbury,in Maryland and every other community.
I do not advocate the use of drugs but I think we have bigger fish to fry.We have too many laws designed to make people "behave themselves".
Thats all dirtweed no-body wants that shit anyway. Big bag of seeds.
Hey Anon 12:20
Your right! These people are morons. Of course it is illegal. Could you imagine what would happen if that drug was legal? Oh my God! That stuff would show up everywhere: colleges, the work place, maybe even highschools. Once that happens, people will be high running around loitering, robbing, stealing. Then, once the drug has taken full control of their mind, they will want to join the Taliban and other terrorist groups. I am sure glad that the government knows what is best for the citizens of this country.
Well I'm off now, I have to go refill my perscription of Xanax.
I'm guessing that the cloners were stoners who were high when they worked on making the truck look like a UPS truck?
Puff, puff, pass. I think those guys thought they were smarter than Cheech and Chong with that truck.
wonder how long they got away with it? and how much did they make ?
So I am not the only one who upon reading this story was reminded of the "green delivery van" that Cheech & Chong picked up in Mexico in the movie "Up in Smoke" ? ROFLMAO.......Stacy Keach strip searches a carload of nuns at the border and then Chong pees on his leg!
Why is this only being reported on a blog I cannot find this on any other site, you would think this is a big story, I work for ups and have taked to security and they nothing about this. I could be wrong but I think this is a Hoax
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