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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The CBF Wants to Steal Your Land!

The Chesapeake Bay Foundation wants to STEAL YOUR LAND!  No, this is not a joke.  No, this is not "satire".  The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) wants to take away YOUR property rights ... and they expect you to help them do it!

The CBF, along with the Wicomico Environmental Trust (WET) and a host of other well meaning enviro groups, want to down-zone agricultural land outside of the Salisbury "metro-core".  The result will be a reduction in the value of theses lands.  After they've done it to the farmers, we could be next!

Their argument is both simple, and appealing:  Read More ...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure there will be no liberals at this meeting.

Anonymous said...

Maryland is a joke of a state, you would be a fool to live there or start a business there. Leave the damn farmers alone, its their land.

Anonymous said...

really Joe - you blow this out of proportion...again.

It is called a cluster bonus - that is given to developers when they want more homes in rural areas..then disquise the development with some open space.

Farmers get paid for their value...development is pushed to the urban core...where it belongs...

but of course...its the liberal's fault...

heaven forbid its not greed and graft...its got to be the democrats fault on this site!

joe albero said...

Oh use your real name for Christ sake. You want to have people believe what you're saying, don't you?

Show some credibility. I mean, think about this for a second. Why would someone make such a statement and then be afraid to say who they are. It has to be untrue.

Anyhow, more importantly, I DIDN'T WRITE THE ARTICLE!

Anonymous said...

who wants to live in an urban area?
i like not having a home so close we could shake hands out our windows.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, the way Salisbury is right now is not going to attract many people looking for homes.

Dave C said...

Ever heard of the word "Sprawl"? These environmental groups exist to prevent/manage adverse human interaction with the environment. Let me ask you all a question...Why do you choose to live on the Eastern Shore? Chances are that you live here because you like something about the atmosphere and rural character of the ES. If we continue to allow development to occur with little restriction we will lose our identity as a community. Most of the people who complain about the proposed cluster development restrictions live in the rural areas to begin with-so your saying that you want to promote development in your area so that you lose your "space"? It doesn't make sense to me...but then again, everybody knows what's best inorder to get a dollar....

And FYI, these groups can't do anything to strip you of rights-they don't make the laws or zoning ordinances, you local government and elected officials do! These organizations are the voice of the environment. Without them the environment would quickly go down the can! At least one of these organizations show up to almost every public hearing and meeting, do you? Are you going to the P&Z public hearing tonight? Because all the enviro groups are! Don't be ignorant-your land isn't really worth that much and when you get the money for it and blow it, look around you and see what you caused. I'm sure you'll be really proud to say that you contributed to a sprawling society at the expense of the environment...

"The Chesapeake Bay Foundation wants to STEAL YOUR LAND!" -Bold statements (Lies) like these promote ignorance among our community. Get the facts right and then speak...

How about you go scope out the Lower Shore Land Trust's website and see all of the available Land Preservation Options-you might actually see that some programs are offering more money for easements and preservation than the failing economy is right now...have you noticed that we are in a recession and there aren't really a lot people purchasing land or homes right now? or are you ignorant of that too? Give me a break-know what you talking about before you bump your gums. And if you really care, I want to see you speak up tonight...

Anonymous said...

Why do we need these Baltimore lawyers & bird watchers come to our neck of the wood & dictate what we should be doing with our land?????
Mr. Pretl a Baltimore Lawyer and chairperson of W.E.T moved to the shore and has been actively attempting to shove his environmental extreme opinions down our throats.

Anonymous said...

I sent this to Rick Pollitt and the county council.

IF, WET and CBF honestly and truly cared about the environment, they would leave it alone. If WET and CBF spent have as much time protecting the environment as they do attempting to rape it they might actually get something done. Have they protected the rivers here locally? NO! What exactly has WET accomplished here locally other than rake in donations and form yet another unnecessary task force?

Take your money and ideas elsewhere and leave the farmers and their land alone. It is theirs to do with as they please, NOT YOURS.

"Only after the last tree has been cut down..the last river poisoned..the last fish will find that money cannot be eaten.~Cree Prophecy~"

Anonymous said...

Come on, build your cluster housing near me. I'll switch from chicken farming to pig farming so fast it will make your head spin.

Chimera said...

I dont know about land,but CBF definitely has it in for the poultry industry.I guess they will do the same thing for chicken farmers as they did for the crabbers they put out of work-find them CBF jobs-so socialistic!

Anonymous said...

It was not until I moved to the DC area that I realized just how fortunate we are to live on the Eastern Shore. I have always taken the land we have down there for granted. When I came to DC, it was house after house on top of each other with no open land. We should all be incredibly happy that we don't live like that on the ES. I attend UMD and took an environmental science class as an elective this past year and became very interested in the environmental issues at stake right now. I began volunteering for the Maryland Sierra Club and was then offered an internship. One of the biggest issues I am working on right now is sprawl. When someone can find an open piece of land up here, they immediately squeeze as many houses as they can on there. We shouldn't let this happen to the ES!!! And not just because of the living situation, but the toll it takes on our environment and natural resources. There are so many negative factors of sprawl that people don't even see; all the way down to the increased amount of CO2 you put into the air by driving a longer distance to work because these new developments are going farther out of town. You may think that you, as a single person, may not have that big of an effect on the environment. If you believe this, go to this site:
and see just how much damage we ALL do to the environment.

Ok, I know that this seems like a really long rant, but people on the outside of these organizations, like where I use to be (and I use to believe the same things you guys do) don't see that these organizations ARE a HUGE help to the environment. I try to imagine if it weren't for organizations like the Sierra Club and CBF, there would be nothing left of our environment. And you also have to keep in mind that we live in the watershed of the Chesapeake Bay. So the CBF is not only just protecting the land; they are protecting our waterways too. And you really don't want me to get started about that lol.

And the biggest issue of all--- If developers come in and take all this farm land, where are we going to get food from? Our body needs natural foods, not all these processed foods we eat. Eventually, all the land will be taken over if environmentalists don't try and fight this battle.

I know someone will come on here and try and tear me down for the message I am trying to give. But please, I ask you, before you come on here or anywhere else attacking organizations such as the CBF, try and look at the issue from another angle. People have their opinions and it is very hard to change someones opinion, but you need to see the REAL issues, not just the ones on the surface. After all, we have ONE Earth and it will be the only home we ever have. So put your personal issues aside for a moment and see what YOU and OTHERS can do to make a difference. Find out what's necessary and what's not.

And this whole thing of "The CBF wants to steal your land." GIVE ME A BREAK!! Do your research before you begin attacking something or someone.

(Sorry this is so long Joe!)

Two Sentz said...

All you have to do to get around it is have your land rezoned...if you live close enough to the metro core or Pittsville or Willards. If you are in the boonies, you will be screwed. 10 acres for one lot w/o being able to subdivide is ridiculous. Clusters are smarter development, IMO, and were recommended under the State's guidelines. Now the county, in their infinite wisdom sees fit to do away with them, basically because they are a pain to review and approve. That's BS.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1124 -

Joe didn't write this, I did. The only thing you are right about is that farmers will be paid market value for their land. The only problem is, that value will be less because of liberals like you.

G. A. Harrison said...

Dave -
There are better ways of accomplishing this, as I stated. Unfortunately, these left wing groups that you love so much aren't interested in any of them.

TwoSentz -
You WERE absolutely correct. Unfortunately, the O'Malley administration has crawled in bed with groups like CBF and are demanding that the county abolish the cluster provision or they will cut off state funds. MDP chief Rich Hall has been pushing for this every chance he gets. Expect to see him tonight.

Anonymous said...

These local developers whos land will not be affected just go up in value, who are they?

Anonymous said...

This idea has been around for quite a while. Farmers get to sale development rights of their land to developers in more urban areas so that those developers can build denser units in that urbanized area. Yes the farm land has "forever" given up the developing right to it, but the farmer has his money, he has his land, he gets to still grow his crops, and the rest of us don't have to worry about someone coming in and buying up the land and sticking McMansions across the countryside.
People who particape in this program do it by choose or necessity but the outcome is for the better. Denser urban developemnt, Good, open spaces in the more rural areas, Good.

Anonymous said...

Two Sentz, you're a sellout. Way to cower to Joe's intimidation, pussy.

G. A. Harrison said...

Dr Stevens -

The foolishness of your rhetoric and the cowardice of your anonymity never cease to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with the government telling me what I can and can't do with my land.

I have a bigger problem with moonbats like Pretyl and Grout and the other likes of CBF and WET pushing their agenda on us.

Big question to everyone! Where do you think these Moonbats live? In the rural parts of the county! That is the main reason these goof balls are pushing the developement to the "metrocore" because they don't want anyone building in their back yards. I think it would be in the best interest of everyone to do away with the so called metro core and encourage more development in the county. The city of Salisbury is enitirely to congested with a crumbling infrastructure. Salisbury is starting to look like a third world country. Wake up Wicomico!!

Anonymous said...

You are the world's dumbest human being. Get out of Salisbury's business you fool.

Anonymous said...

12:31 p.m. well said, indeed.
You are exactly right!!

Anonymous said...

12:31 p.m. well said, indeed.
You are exactly right!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You are the world's dumbest human being. Get out of Salisbury's business you fool.

7:50 PM

Who are you talking about?

Are you calling Joe a fool?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked Mike Moonbat Pretl why he moved from Foxchase out to Riverton Road in Mardela? Where was WET and CBF when Barrie Tilghman was dumping hundreds of thousands if not millions of gallons of raw and partially treated sewage into the Wicomico? They need to do as Mr Glass advised and go back where they came from if they didn't like the way things were done here.

Who was the man that told the county to tell the state to keep their million or however much they were offering?

Anytime Bill Twilley wants to have another Boston Tea Party I'd be honored to help him out.

Two Sentz said...

Hey Dr. Stevens let me guess...proctology?