Barack Obama will take the oath of office using the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln was sworn in on at his first inauguration, marking the President-elect's latest symbolic gesture to follow in the foot steps of the nation's 16th president.
Obama, who will become the first African-American president when he is sworn in Jan. 20, will be the first president to use the Lincoln Bible since its initial use in 1861.
"President-elect Obama is deeply honored that the Library of Congress has made the Lincoln Bible available for use during his swearing-in," Emmett Beliveau, executive director of the presidential inaugural committee, said in a statement.
Obama launched his presidential campaign in February 2007 at the Historic Old State Capitol building in Springfield Ill., where Lincoln gave a famous speech condemning slavery.
During the speech, Obama said that "divided we are bound to fail. But the life of a tall, gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible.
"He tells us that there is power in words. He tells us that there is power in conviction, that beneath all the differences of race and religion, faith and station, we are one people."
The theme for Obama's inaugural ceremony - "A New Birth of Freedom” is taken from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
Earlier this year, when asked which book, aside from the Bible, he would find essential in the Oval Office, Obama said, "Team of Rivals,” Doris Kearns Goodwin's 2005 bestseller about how Lincoln surrounded himself with advisers who coveted the president's job.
For the inauguration, Obama plans to take a train trip from Philadelphia to Washington, evoking Lincoln's inaugural trek.
The Bible, bound in burgundy velvet with a gold-washed white metal rim around the three outside edges of both covers, was originally purchased by William Thomas Carroll, clerk of the Supreme Court, for Lincoln's swearing-in ceremony on March 4, 1861.
Lincoln could not use his family bible for his inaugural ceremony because it was packed away with the First Family's belongings and still en route to the White House at the time of the ceremony.
All the edges of the 1,280-page bible are heavily gilded. In the center of the top cover is a shield of gold wash over white metal with the words "Holy Bible" chased into it.
The Bible will be on display at the Library of Congress Feb. 12th to May 9th, 2009, as part of an exhibition titled "With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition." The exhibit will then travel to five other American cities.
And lets complete the history circle by watchimg the gun shot to the head . What a fool Lincoln was and what a fool the people are to worship this unknown b.s.er Stop the theivory. Vengenge is mine sayeth the lord. Not the democrates.obama go home. Which is not here . If you dispute this fact then prove it. And not with some computer made up shit.
As a native of Springfield, IL, and student of Abe Lincoln, I think this is an awesome idea, even though I voted for the reindeer hunter! Way cool.
It would be nice to see our country unite, without, this country will never heal.
I can't believe you just won me a bet almost before the official handshake was finished and the cyber ink on the post was dry. The person that lost bet me that someone, such as 9:44, would be THAT ignorant, but would at least wait until after Christmas to "show the hate." BTW...Santa comes down the chimney; but the Secret Service will splinter your front door. ANOTHER Festivus miracle...
Obama, who will become the first African-American president. He is not the first African American to become president. He is a mixed man which takes that completely from the equation. You can't be truly the first African American if you are mixed. So what is so wrong with saying the first Mixed American president (which is what he actually is). Quit lying to yourselves. You exclude an entire half of his race. By Obama going along with this lie he is slapping the white part of his race in the face. It wouldn't be the first time you looked the other way concerning his actions. You people have a rude awakening coming. I wish I could see all your faces when you figure out this man is not what you think he is.
Anonymous 9:49 is obviously one of the great thinkers of our time. I find this post disturbing and suggest that maybe this individual should find a new home. He does not belong here in the land of the brave and the home of the free. His solution to the vote of the majority is violence because his side lost.
Vengence is mine sayeth the LORD. Maybe Mr. Obama is part of the LORD's answer to a country heading in the wrong direction.
I also appreciate the Anonymous tag. I have to agree with Joe. If you have something to say, why not identify yourself?
lol @ Reese
to 9:44- grow up dude
I Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas
10:17. Alas, I do not have the time to fret about "the new guy's potential" to be a disaster as president. I am mourning the real loss of a couple military friends (or at least important pieces of them), my 401K, savings/checking accounts and any international goodwill I used to experience when I travel abroad because of the guy with the 18% approval rating currently packing his suitcases on Pennsylvania Avenue. BTW-even if you can't see my face, can you see my fingers ( or at least the one I offer you today)?
I'm an American, and I'm white. There's German and French in my background, as well as many other mixes. Remember Ellis Island? That is where our peeps came here through. I don't think 10:17 knows what the term "American" means.
Im not going to allow one single negative thought in my head from now to after Christmas. Christmas is about the kids mostly, thats what Im going to concentrate on for awhile.
10:27 AM You are such a joke.
I for one am pleased that our new President will be sworn in on the Lincoln Bible.
Irony is that the man who freed the Slaves on Juneteenth was a Republican
God Bless America
10:38. If you only knew my mother-in-law (and career path) you would know just how little impact YOUR little popcorn fart of a response has on me. I am here all day if you want to play.
"Irony is that the man who freed the Slaves on Juneteenth was a Republican"
You might want to double check the meaning of Juneteenth. Lincoln was alread dead by June 19th, 1865 and slaves had been technically free for two and a half years already.
Lincoln was also the first Republican president. I guess it went downhill from there?
10:50 AM If you are as smart as you think you are how is it that you don't get it. Obama could shut the mouths of racists on both sides (black or white) if he would just quit feeding his ego. He could use the power of being both black and white to unite people instead of being just Black. He is not doing that. I know the media is also to blame. By not saying he is of mixed race you are leaving out part of his heritage. That divides people. If he was truly wanting to unite people he would make it a point to make sure he was referred to as mixed. If he was saying he was white and leaving out his black heritage do you really think people wouldn't be upset? Read the posts and think about them before you spew your egotistical babble on us.
Please folks..the man who freed the slaves was merely an "enlightened, great man." It is not the contents of a man's heart that is currently killing our culture....it is the unnecessary divisiveness promoted due to arbitrary labels/primary party affiliation/just plain-ole' ignorant hatred based on superficial characteristics/one's Constitutional choice of faith. If you hate someone, let it be because they "made whoopie" with your wife and then drank the last beer from your 'fridge, or dinged your car with their shopping cart at Megalo-Mert while negligently talking on their cell phone and not paying attention to what is in front of them (no matter what sex, race or religion). Free your mind and your ass will follow.
First off he's not African nor American and why won't he show his birth certificate oh well I guess you can do and be anything you want as long as you have the liberal media covering your butt .
Love the P-Funk reference Reese!
Were all still slaves.
Love the P-Funk reference Reese!
Now you are showing your age...
Talk about stepping off the Mothership with Bootsie & Company is something I CAN relate to.
9:44 anyone ever tell you what an ass you are? Consider yourself told.
Abe Lincoln, freer of the slaves, murderer of american indians.
It's America!
ANON 9:44 Thanks for proving that moderately retarded and emotionally stunted individuals can manage the basics of a keyboard. I do believe that your mastery of the written word will, most likely, not improve with age so you may want to consider addtional remedial education. This might be difficult wearing leg irons and handcuffs but what the heck, give it a shot and keep us posted on an inconsistent basis, like maybe 20 years from now after your release from incarceration.
Hell a couple more months Obama will be a republican.
Joe, you said you would report anyone making bodily threats. 9:44 crossed that line, imo.
As for those who say Obama doesn't mention his white side, bullsh*t. Even when talking about the new puppy, he joked about being a "mutt" himself. He repeatedly pays homage to his mother and grandparents. He joked with the Irish about having a pint with them because part of his family hails from there.
And here's another news flash for you, folks. In this country, if you were half black and half white, you were still treated as ALL black.
Why don't you talk to Lena Horne about that?
Get off your high-horses, bigots.
And yeah, Lincoln was a Republican, and the party today looks NOTHING like what it did then, so no irony there at all.
To Donna, sorry he killed Indians. Sadly, there weren't too many white men who didn't. :-( I often wonder how much Lincoln knew about what was happening to Indians. Do you have any books you can recommend?
Merry Christmas and Happy All Holidays to All.
I wonder if Obama will submit to wearing the white cotton gloves........or would that be racist too?
You guys gotta get a hold of yourselves, its Christmas eve, think happy thoughts...
two senseless said....
"Here's one for all those who thought Obama would be using the Koran"
Just a big show my friend just a big show. You keep drinking your Kool Aide.
By the way Lincoln would have been a Dumbocrap by today's standards.
Two Sentz said...
You might want to double check the meaning of Juneteenth. Lincoln was alread dead by June 19th, 1865 and slaves had been technically free for two and a half years already.
11:33 AM
Hey Dumbo you might want to check your history before you speak again, you are obviously a Dumborcap that believes what he wants to believe.
Abe Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation slavery, on January 1, 1863. He issued it because on September 22, 1862, he had warned that if the states of the Confederacy, or South, didn't return to the Union, or North, by January 1, 1863, he would declare their slaves "forever free." The South refused to return to the Union, so Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. With that said your yankee states were allowed to keep their slaves. Yes your yankee General and future president didn't free his slaves.
I appreciate this blog so much because the hatred some people still have. Its so sad that people still act and feel this way. My big issue is that these ignorant people go anonymous. Step your game up and give up your name and lets all meet and have a good old fashion debate. I forgot you can't handle something so dignified. Your probably one of those rednecks that Joe wastalking about that slow down to railroad tracks. SAD!!!
David T said...
I appreciate this blog so much because the hatred some people still have. Its so sad that people still act and feel this way. My big issue is that these ignorant people go anonymous. Step your game up and give up your name and lets all meet and have a good old fashion debate. I forgot you can't handle something so dignified. Your probably one of those rednecks that Joe wastalking about that slow down to railroad tracks. SAD!!!
9:20 PM
But it is ok for you and your idiot friends to spew hatred towards G.W. Bush and other Republican! I will respect your boy Osama the same way you democraps respected G.W.
9:44, if this is a fact, you prove it!
9:53 how about sharing your weblink, is it a creditable source?
It's Christmas morning, time to cheer up!
Anon: 9:44am
Actually the only person who has to prove it is you.
Good luck with that.
Anon 10:17
Most if not all African Americans in this country are mixed.
Lincoln didn't actually free the slaves. That was another of those historic lies this country likes to tell.
Anon 11:46pm
There were racist and mixed people before Obama and there will be after Obama.
To try to blame him for racism is absolutely stupid.
Blame the fools who are the racist.
I am tremendously comforted that although there seems to be one retarded, racist pinhead anonymously showing his ignorance here; I seem to have ironically found some form of common ground when talking about a CLINTON {George, that is}. Reese Bobby isn't kidding when he says a little tolerance leads to better parties where one can actually "turn this mutha' out." And to Mr. Anonymous-here is a nice turd size lump of coal for your stocking!!
I can't play my music
They say my musics too loud
I keep talkin' about it
I get the big run around
When I rolled with the punches
I got knocked to the ground
With all this bullshit going down
....You got to fight the powers that be
Reese Bobby ...this kinds sums it up for me FIGHT THE POWER
I AM old enough to have really dug Public Enemy way before Flav started fighting with New York (and her moms'). If any of us can just get Obama to exile Kanye West to Haiti....and provide funding for an air strike to stop that American Idol crap once and for all.
Ha ha, good one RB!
Reese Bobby ...this kinds sums it up for me FIGHT THE POWER
If we can use a little P-funk as common ground to get with the Mothership connection, this would be a much better country.
I really like the idea of discovering where we agree, rather than creating wars over that which we disagree.
Don't give Chuck D of Public Enemy too much credit fellas. My man, Ernie Isley came up with the song title way before Chuck D was slingin' rhymes. Can you dig that? Yeah, what he said.
My man, Ernie Isley came up with the song title way before Chuck D was slingin' rhymes.
Hey Two Centz...
I think its time to pass the doobie Bro cause someone is smoking some serious dope.
Lets take a post about the new President being sworn in using President Abraham Lincolns Bible instead of the Koran as many had suggested.
To talk about my man's song getting hijacked by Public Enemy...
Y'all know Bootsie invented the Mothership connection but he ain't crying about George being the King of P-Funk on the college circuit these days.
Hey BossHogg and others. In a down economy, the absolute best Festivus gift I got was finding this common ground in what I consider a "red state" bastion. I used to be (still am, when the iron is hot) a private party d.j.. Perhaps that is why I am so tolerant and fun loving (unless you are holding me up in line at the bank while arguing with your ex-husband/landlord and such on your cell phone). If you really want a cool blast from the past that combines musical cultures, rent/purchase Talking Heads concert DVD "Stop Making Sense." Not only is it a cool performance video {the set begins with each member being introduced on stage individually-the first on stage is David Byrne, playing "Psycho Killer", with merely an acoustic guitar and a boom box with backing beat}. After a few songs, the entire band is on stage including one Bernie Worrell, the person who has brought you so many good times on the dance floor with the funk staple, "Flashlight." Once we depose a certain corrupt and incapable local mayor, I would hope this fun dialogue can continue as well!!
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