The 2008 Annual Pocomoke City Christmas Parade appeared to be a resounding success for the organizers and participants. We are still waiting for the announcement of who won which awards but there were a lot of very good entries. The crowd enjoyed a cool but mild tempatures this evening and the weather cooperated with Mike Shannon and his team of volunteers.
There were the politicians of course but the good news is most of them rode at the front so everyone got to enjoy a variety of marching bands, church groups (reminding us of the reason) kids dancing, a motorcycle club and for a change there were more businesses, civic groups and troups of children having a great time.

The people in our stretch of Market Street around Sixth Street enjoyed having friends and family over to watch the parade. We had our first bonfire in the front yard which proved to be the 'hot ticket' for those wanting to stay warm while watching the event.
Overall the 2008 Pocomoke City Christmas parade was a very enjoyable family event. Many Thanks to those who participated as entrants and to those who volunteered in any of the countless ways to make something like this happen.
I'm wondering if the second photo is the local chapter of the KKK?
Pocomoke must be in the Southern sector of MD.....
Nice touch, back-pedal man. I would have a scintilla of respect for you if you consistently supported (or had intelligent constructive, demonstrable grievances against your home town of Pocomoke) your home town from the start, but you made a point of slamming Pocomoke (without the concrete photo evidence Mr. Albero legitimately provides to add credibility to his genuine arguments against Salisbury). If I was a Pocomoke resident I would define you in the specific term you fall under; cowardly, disloyal gum-bumping traitor.
No backpedaling, the crooks were at the front of the parade. No reason to slam the rest of the decent people who put a lot of effort and turned out a great show.
It's quite apparent that you have not seen the thousands of photos we have posted on the Pocomoke Tattler.
There are hundreds of posts with evidence to boot.
My Posts about Pocomoke here on SBYnews have a tendenacy to sound like longwinded rants about a bunch of openly corrupt politicians, so we keep them to a minimum.
We had to miss the Parade this year due to a prior commitment...Does anyone know where we can view more pictures? or even catch a re-braodcast of the Pocomoke Parade?
To Anon 9:14 the picture is of a church group with Kindergarten to 2nd grade age girls. They sounded Angelic sining.
More info on the parade can eb found at the "official" website:
Dear Anonymous said 9:14 AM... One of the "children" on the float was an African American (GREAT PEOPLE BY THE WAY & SOME GREAT FRIENDS OF MINE) My daughter would
be part of such a group of people (KKK). I resent your comment, and you need to write an apology to this Blog. By the way they were Brownie Scouts ( which are part of the Girl Scouts of AMERICA) with halo's & wings if you bothered to look. Sincerely BROWNIE SCOUT DAD
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