The Young Professionals of the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce is at it again! We are hosting our newest networking social this Thursday from 6-9pm at the new Bourdeleau Winery in Eden, MD. Following a hugely successful launch party last month, this event will be a great compliment and should attract a noteworthy crowd of all young professionals in the area. Beourdeleau, secluded in a private setting on the cusp of the Wicomico River, will play host to one of the most exciting and unique YP events of the year. Tours of this new facility will be given, accompanied by a night of palate-stimulating wine tasting, live acoustic entertainment by singer and songwriter Wes Davis, and fully catered hor’dourves by Downtowns own – Uptown Chef. We look forward to your support and invite all Young Professionals to RSVP to this special event by visiting our website www.SalisburyYoungProfessionals.com.
See you there!
The Salisbury Young Professionals Committee
Yet another excuse to get drunk and then drive away.
This event will not be providing any additional alcohol than what is provided during the Winery's 'controlled tasting.' Tastings are not going to get anyone drunk, and merely provides an incredibly small amount of alcohol to the taster. The taster has the option to spit out the wine as well. The Young Professionals will not be serving any alcohol at this event - nor would they condone drinking and driving. There will be carpooling available should anyone wish to use it.
Thank you Mr. Albero for placing this information on your website.
Back in the 1980's, I gotta admit that I drank some of that Riunite stuff, OK? This past weekend, my father-in-law opened a bottle of Bordeleau and ugghhh!!! Only my idiot brother-in-law could get that SWEET red wine down his throat. They ought to call it Bordello.
"Beourdeleau, secluded in a private setting on the cusp of the Wicomico River..." Did I just read that right? How phony and pretentious! And, by the way, I tasted that wine at the Wine Rack in Fruitland on a Friday night, a couple of months ago. It is crap wine, to be blunt and undiplomatic.
I guess that none of the Young Professionals CONDONE drinking and driving when they leave the Market Street Inn parking lot at 1am???
How truly grand that the group calls itself Young Professionals. Not Young People or Young Delmarvans or Young Marylanders or whatever . . . they want to associate only with other professionals. Is that networking or just snobbery?
The term Young Professionals represents a greater organization, present in almost every large city. There's a Young Professionals organization in Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Wilmington, etc..
We felt the Salisbury area could benefit from such an organization. Last Saturday we volunteered our time to clean-up the Downtown riverfront area - and had a blast!
The Salisbury Young Professionals are excited about the Wine Tour and Tasting, as we feel it's something unique and different for Salisbury's young business men and women. The gentleman that started Bordeleau did is as a hobby, and was more than accommodating for this upcoming event. It's hard to see people write such mean things about people who want to do good things for other people. Lastly, I'd ask that any skeptics out there give the organization a fair chance to succeed. They want to do well, and have good and moral intentions.
Thank you for your time in reading this, and thank you for posting this information Mr. Albero.
Joe, the Young Professionals are a fine looking young group, and I'm glad they chose the Bordeleau Winery to have their Networking Social. I visited the winery a few weeks ago and the wine was great!
Y'all red necks on da shure dont no wine or good looking women, y'all just no Budwiser and da catcus club.
You likes dos women wif no teef.
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