The newly painted lines at Zion and Kelly/ Beaglin Park roads are complete. (-ly ridiculous). Please take a gander at the talent these guys have. These talents will be on display for many more years as the top of the line talent we taxpayers work so hard to employ. Think about people from other states who will travel this road and see this talent.
My pictures don’t really capture the extent of the f-ups in this area, you may want to swing by and snap a few of your own next time by. Things to notice are:
Forgot stop bars at Zion and Naylor Mill
Inability to merge double yellow lines
Lines do not line up with each other while travelling through intersection (This is also at Naylor Mill crossing B13)
I wonder what the lines look like on that new section of Beaglin Park. Since those were done by a contractor, they’re probably good to go.
"Barry G
Could you tell us what the head of the local SHA office (Drewer) and the folks who run Parsons Cemetery have to say about Comeys parking there all the time.
Agreed, poor job. Yellow lines used to mean it was a county road. white lines a state road..so look to the county not state. Second, does the county have a crew that paints roads? It was probably a contractor, and the county should have been watching them.
Have you told Andy Harris about Comegys misuse of his state vehicle so that he can be held accountable. The local "LEADERS" won't do a thing about it.
It's out of my hands referencing Drewer. There are certain Officials who have taken the ball on this one and without any question, it's being handled.
If we're going to start complaining about the roads around here, well, you should brace yourself. For all the county taxes that we pay, and for the life of me I couldn't tell of ONE thing that I get for it, our roads should be sterling silver with platinum lines down the middle.
Instead we get the embarassment of the intersections on Rt.50 eastside, which have been under construction since before the presidential campaigning started.
(I was just reminded of the Sheriff's office as a benefit. True. I stand corrected.)
SPEAKING OF THE NEW SECTION OF BEAGLIN PARK RD., WHAT'S UP WITH IT? I keep hearing about it being open soon, but so far, not.
You keep asking that question and we answered it TWICE two weeks ago. Now you're going to have to search for the ansswer because I'm tired of giving it.
reminds me of the lines on isabella.....
Maybe Gray's burial plot is where he parks his State vehicle. Makes
sense, he must own that property to
park there, are possibly its a state right away, I know its got to be one or the other, he swears he never parks illegally, or maybe its his personal handicap parking place.
How about asking Drewer why he lets Comegys do crap like that!
SHA is also doing a bank up job at Rt50 and Tilghman Rd. Most screwed up intersection I've even seen. It's been over 2 months, and their still nowhere close to being finished. 2 or 3 traffic accidents there each day.
It amazes me what people will find to b!tch about. I am sure that the stop lines will be put in place. The picture at the bottom referencing the lines merging is in fact correct. The middle picture may be a little off but have you ever operated one of these trucks? It aint as easy as you think, plus, nearly the entire crew is new. Give them a break. And btw, that reference about tax money and roads, forget it! That money comes almost entirely from the fuel tax. Not your local tax dollar.
Even if there was a person on hand to inspect this while SHA was doing the work, its not like you can erase it. Unless it was something very wrong, you will just have to live with it until the next time you repaint. To remove it you would have to mill the lines off, which would damage the brand new blacktop. I dont see the big deal here. Lets move on to something more important.
7:33 AM
Boy, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. How did you get a license? White means state yellow means county. Boy I hope I dont meat you driving down the road.
I'll bet Bubba Comegys supervises that work at Tilghman Road -- while sitting in his state vehicle parked in the Parsons Cemetery.
"Boy I hope I dont MEAT you driving down the road." - Joe, did you write that?
To 1:35 Anon
And fuel/gas taxes are not out tax dollars?
Oh please!
Those roads are paid for through taxes we pay no matter what type of tax it is.
The point is, regarding taxes, people continually say "with all the property tax I pay......", well unless you are a truck driver or consume alot of gas, it really doesnt matter how much property tax you pay, it doesnt go to the roads. So tax may be tax, but where those taxes are applied really does make a difference, and makes the argument about the correlation between property tax and roads non issue.
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