Two High School Students were arrested just moments ago on Rt. 50 on their way home in a School Bus. A fight broke out between this young man and young woman over a cell phone, believe it or not. With the Crisfield incident earlier this morning and now Wicomico County, our children are sure keeping the State Police and Sheriff's Departments quite busy. Young people sometimes make stupid choices but I'd bet big money these two will be friends again tomorrow. Hopefully we'll see a Press Release some time tomorrow with the full details.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Two Young Students Arrested Moments Ago In Salisbury
Two High School Students were arrested just moments ago on Rt. 50 on their way home in a School Bus. A fight broke out between this young man and young woman over a cell phone, believe it or not. With the Crisfield incident earlier this morning and now Wicomico County, our children are sure keeping the State Police and Sheriff's Departments quite busy. Young people sometimes make stupid choices but I'd bet big money these two will be friends again tomorrow. Hopefully we'll see a Press Release some time tomorrow with the full details.
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That's what kids deserve. Be arrested and charged with assault. If not bring back the beating with paddles and none of this bull "you cant hit your kid".
How many Cops does it take to arrest a kid??? How about the 3 cars and 6 cops it took to move the young lady who stands on the corner spreading GODS word.. I saw 6 cops and 3 cars! Man These cops here are like big important NOBODIES!!
Anyway I told my kid years ago I would be out of jail and enjoying life before they ever even got outta the hospital that worked for me...
The parents must be proud. The kids should be totally ashamed of themselves, but I think "shame" has been lost.
Joe -
This comment probably will not get posted, but remember YOUR kids when they were in Wor Co schools?
Unfortunately, we have even more out of control students now. Their parents can't control them, the laws won't allow discipline in schools any more.
I don't know what is going to happen in the future because one of the biggest problems we face as a society is that there are no consequences for poor behavior and poor choices.
Wait, so they showed a knife to each other or something right? Since when does a school bus fight get you in handcuffs?
A school bus fight that distracts the attention of the bus driver thus endangering all the other students and driver deserve to be placed in hand cuffs and hauled to central booking. Maybe just the fact of how serious the consequences of their actions could have been and the "scared straight" approach to these endangering actions will impress upon these young people to think before they act and either wait until off the bus or take legal action before creating such a distraction. I wouldn't have the job of a School Bus driver for all the tea in China, Too many kids without self discipline or having responsibility for their actions. Internal discipline (self discipline) and responsibility is learned by the application of external discipline and responsibilities when they are much younger.
I read that a 8 year old kid just killed his dad and dads friend, and some of you think its wrong for the police to hand cuff a kid? when should they start? when their 18?
Some of you ae total idiots. A knofe was puled or a fight on a moving vehicle full of students took place. If the bus flipped and children were hurt you would be bad mouthing the cops. Go back to sitting on your couch and turning a blind eye to your kids. I will be there to pick up the pieces when the little shit breaks the law. It is parents just like you that have created the poor behavior we now have in schools. Its not the cops or the teachers job to raise children. Just our job to make them safe and have a shot at getting an education. Crawl back under your rock.
Arrested. Thats a joke. The Dept. of Juvinile Services and our DA only hand slap kids. THe courts are a joke all is plead out. Only when a kid has a ao ft long rap sheet is he or she sent away. The Juvinile Justice System is a joke.
Anonymous said...
The parents must be proud. The kids should be totally ashamed of themselves, but I think "shame" has been lost.
5:50 PM
You mean the mom.... I'm sure the case is "Father: Unknown" on the birth certificate.
Kids need a father and discipline in their lives. That is why the crime rate is so high in the country.
Heck, these idiots elected a fatherless Arab to be their next president. This country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Hey folks,
A story like this is just the tip of the dung heap. American Education Week is next week. Check out the conditions at your local middle or high school. You will be appalled. Teachers and administrators' hands are red-taped, and the kids know it; many classrooms are being managed by loudmouths and thugs. Pull your heads out the sand people, and send some outrage to you local BOE!
My daughter was on the bus. She said that the girl tried to eat the guy's cell phone.
anon 7:38
If you don't like who is president. You have the right to leave the country.
Anonymous said...
....Pull your heads out the sand people, and send some outrage to you local BOE!
7:46 PM
You can send all the outrage you want to the WCBOE and nothing will happen. Do you think that would be the first time someone has complained to them? Don't you remember all the outrage that was sent to the WCBOE during the meeting about moving the new Bennett High School to another location? The majority of the people wanted the high school to move out of Salisbury and it went on deaf ears. You want to send outrage to the BOE then hold them accountable by making it an elected position.
I live in sussex county and recently my 15 year old was bullied by another student and hurt. Come to find out the other kid was 18 years old. At first they did nothing at the school until I went in there and harrassed them. The boy ended up being suspended and arrested.
I was told the 18 year old has been in trouble before.
Kids and fighting and trying to hurt each other is out of hand.
Thank "No Child Left Behind" for this mess.Back when I went to school,they not only could beat your ass in the office with a paddle,but if you refused to behave they would expel you-there was no "alternative school" or any of that other feel-good crap.And if the whipping at school taught you nothing,the one you got when you got home sure did.
Holy Cow, those Sheriff's department guys are all ripped, looks like they all pump iron. We need an army of Mike's. There was a lockdown at Bennett middle school yesterday due to a weapon.
From what I understand. I can't remember which middle school this person works, it might have been WiHi, it was one or the other because she she had to call her part time job to let them know she was going to be late.
It's only a matter of time, face it, it's the world we live in these days, it might not be a Columbine, somebody'll be shot sooner or later
There was a time when it took a village to raise a child and everyone was held accountable to each other. Let's stop passing the blame and start looking at solutions. Let pool our resources and start teaching our children how to resolve their differences without resulting to violence. It's just to easy to poke fun at and ridicule. How about becoming part of the solution. Reach out and help. Stop complaining. That is easy reach out and become part of the solution.
Anonymous 7:00 PM said......
Arrested. Thats a joke. The Dept. of Juvinile Services and our DA only hand slap kids. THe courts are a joke all is plead out. Only when a kid has a ao ft long rap sheet is he or she sent away. The Juvinile Justice System is a joke.
Your Right, just last year, the kid that got put on stet docket and almost killed another kid. I am kind of glad they set an example with these two, maybe they will get the point.
Isn't that the truth. Bring back the old paddle and bending over grabbing your ankles will humble even those most proud kid. Never had to worry about this 30 years ago.
my understading of the incident was that the female took the males phone, then broke it in two, then proceded to punch the male, at which point the male had had enough, and knocked the piss out of her. at which point he calmly stepped off the bus to await the arival of the police.
I hope that if this is the case that he doesnt get in trouble, she got what she deserved and i hope on top of it, she has to pay to have his phone replaced.
now, not to forget, bho is gonna fix these problems with his "civilian security" forces...prolly panthers...
10:34 Blutojthetotmom: Excellent said, I will go a step backwards and tell you when I went to school they paddled you in front of your classmates and I also recall an assembly where they paddled several student in front of their peers. I beleive the biggest problem with discipline is that someone else is raising our kids.
My mother was home and raised 5 children to know right from wrong. In todays society the majority of parents are both working.
With No Child Left Behind, poor attendance for certain groups of kids can cause the school to be rated as poor. Two of those groups, African-Americans and special education students, often overlap. The BOE decided long ago that constant, daily interruption of learning and disrespect to authority figures are to be tolerated because suspending those who need to be suspended will result in an incredible number of black students being out of school. It is better to let them ruin education for everyone else. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent on the worst students and the average kid who tries to work and do what is expected is sacrificed.
Those are white students being arrested. They will be suspended. "White" is not a group of concern to No Child Left Behind.
Yep, took prayer and corporal punishment out of the schools...good job, NOT!
Bring it back! Start holding the PARENTS responsible when their minor child breaks the law. Fine them, jail them, I really don't care but until we start holding the PARENTS accountable for their KIDS actions, we'll get nowhere.
There is no incentive for parents nowadays to discipline their kids. By disciplining them, now they are not like all the other parents and their kids rebel against it.
The world is not how we all remember it growing up and it goes back to the parenting and schooling.
blutoj, believe me, "alternative school" does not fall under the umbrella of "feel-good crap." Crap, yes; feel-good crap, no. I've been in the Wicomico County Alternative Learning Center, and it's a monkey-house, a great place to send a good kid who made a mistake or two and turn him bad. My hat is off to the deputies assigned to this zoo.
Can you imagine what this world will be like in twenty years? Watch Stanley Kubrick's movie A Clockwork Orange. We need to get a handle on things now.
Two societys in this country. One for private school kids whos parents are fortunate enough to be able to afford it. One for the rest of our kids. The public school systems is as neglected as every other public or goverment run institution in this country. Its a big baby-sitting center. These are the days of the social classes seperating even further.
WBOE is to busy hiding fungs and materials they never used. Hmmm could that be a crime. It is unethical to say the least. I would not put my child in the county school system because there are thugs being allowed by the WBOE to stay in school even though theyt are dealing drugs. What a safer enviroment for the drug dealer than a school hall. Clean it up. There needs to be an audit og that budget. They hide tons of stuff from the county. The minute to attach child to a budget everyone goes soft. The WCBE knows this. Just look at the vehicles assigned to people who can not be found after hours and keep them year round. Hmmm The feel good trips in the summer for Long Ave. staffers. Hmmm we got some money to burn. I got an idea. We can all go to Rocky Gap or some other hideaway and blow tax dollars. Drimk wine and hangout. You are off all summer more or less, spend your own money. Then kick these thugs out of school no matter what color they are. Then let thier fellow Pirahanns feed on them instead of the good kids trying to learn and live the American Dream.
You guys are a bunch of idiots, 20 years ago the principal would have dealt with this and the kids on the bus are still laughing about it. But now we call 8 police officers so we can make it look like they are productive! Give me a break please!
Anon 9:43-"There is no incentive for parents nowadays to discipline their kids." That is fine s long as they give us a right to discipline our kids! There is some monsters out there if you spank them they will call Social Services on you and then you have to explain yourself. When you give the kids the power you will have anarchy.
I still say, when your child does something like this, call Social Services and the Police YOURSELF and say, My child deserves a spanking. Come here and observe. When I cross the line from disipline and into abuse, let me know and I will stop.
Anon 3:44 bet your are from parsonsburg. Sell another business to the taliban LOL. If it is not you. This persons father needs to slap his wife. It has to be from your gene pool at the very least. By the way it is not twenty years ago so take off the bell bottoms stop saying the word groovy. An eight year old shot and killed his parents. Columbine must have been the cops fault too. PenisCranium. Look it up. Enough said
before you start blasting how many police officers were there, maybe you should understand why they were there. 2 were dispatched from the road to the call, 2 from the schools assisted because they in the area and 2 showed up off duty because they were in the area. a state trooper stopped as well. no one knew the severity of the situation until arrival. it was dispatched as a fight on the bus. maybe you should be applauding the police for assisting each other rather than condemning them for "overkill". if you were there you would have seen that when the officers that arrived after the fact, left the scene because they were needed. sure hope YOU never need the police to respond to YOUR needs or would it be a different story if YOU needed help and 4 officers responded because they were unsure of the severity of YOUR situation
The deputies need to put their hats on and be more professional like the MSP trooper. I thought Sheriff Lewis would improve the image of the deputies, NOT.
Its not all about image. It is about getting the job done. The hat would be nice, but everyone in this county knows who rules the roost. The Sheriff's Office is hands down the best department in this county. The rest are pretty darn good to thank all of you men and women for what you do day in and day out. God Bless. As for the writer of that stupid statement. The trooper is a rookie those are seasoned heart breakers and name takers. They dont come much better. hats are for pictures those boys are working. Go back to you couch and cry about the cost of milk or gas. I bet you are one happy son of a gun to be around. the state police charge those boys for not wearing a hat. They micromanage them to the point most of them have begun to hate the job. Great work by all the officers in this county with all the mental midgets like that ass you have to deal with.
joe..if these kids are under 18 and under arrest, isn't it illegal for you to post there pictures (even without their faces being shown)
2:14 Sorry, but the County is a lily pad in the States pond. Sheriff's deputies are those who couldn't get into MSP, for one reason or another. I'll leave it at that.
hey 6:28, its the other way around. try applying at the sheriff's office. no room in the inn. only the best of the best there. thats the real reason people apply at other agencies.
For all you idiots out their this is the young man that was arrested im 17 i have a full time job and it happened like this i tried to get her to give my friends cell phone back and she took mine and broke it then hit me so i hit her back, let me just ask yall sumpthin,what would yall do if u were in my situation? And im a Replican!!!
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