Yes, that's right one year has nearly gone since Christine Sheddy disappeared from a Pocomoke farmhouse.
Do the police know anymore today than they did a year ago?
A lot of rumors have been flying around regarding her disappearance, and only Christine knows the truth.
Where is she? Is she still alive and simply ran away from her life, or did she meet a horrible end covered up by an unknown killer right here amongst us in Pocomoke City?
This is very small town, and the cast of characters of this drama was very small.
Constitutional rights have kept lie detector tests from being administered to the key cast members, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
The local ATV Club offered to search the area but was told they weren't needed. Property owners were contacted for permission to search, yet never saw a search executed.
A rug was taken out the farmhouse and burned. No DNA was found on the scene.
So many stories, how much truth?
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, Weddings; all things Christine has missed in the last year. Will she miss yet another year of holidays and family celebrations?
Her family needs to know, her friends need to know, Pocomoke needs to know.
ive never heard this story. its terrible. how old was she? can you post the original article/press release? lets get these fools!!
Need to find a way to get the F.B.I. involved, there has to be some legal loop-hole to bring them into this case.
Violation of civil rights.
anon 10:22
Christine was 26 when she disappeared. As for press involvement, there wasn't much. It was covered by the Ocean City newspapers, WGMD radio and especially Dan Gaffney were helpful. And I believe WMDT and WBOC did do a few segments on this case. The Pocomoke Tattler has been exceptionally helpful in keeping this story alive.
I tried at one point to start something on the Daily Times message boards, but according to the moderator I posted the topic in the wrong category-I posted in the most viewed category (News), thinking the more viewed the better. Moderator moved it to a rarely viewed board.
What exactly are the facts of this case. What do we know?
Im back, did some searching. I am no detective but here goes. The couple that left to get their kids at school were the last to see her alive, start there. To me i would figure out a time table of the farmhouse to shool and back, then i would determine a radius from the farm house and heavily search this area,(it cant be all that big). My gut tells me shes there. I hope no-one takes me the wrong way, just trying to help.
Doug, that's assuming the couple is telling the truth.
I dont think they are, I googled it and thats alot of woods. There are several what looks like gravel pits in that area,(ponds now) these are a must search. Deer hunting season is here, these hunters could help. They need to be made aware of this so they can keep their eyes open. It doesnt seem like enough time to of been maticulous, seems like they dumped her quick. This whole area must be searched. I hope im not crossing a line and angering the family, that was and is not my intent.
Doug, the family is grateful to all, who keep this story alive.
It would be nice if the hunters could take a slightly different route each time to their stands and areas they hunt in. And keep there eyes open for anything out of the ordinary in the woods. Also missing from Worcester County is Edwardo Massoller. Info on Christine and Edwardo----
What has become of the two guys and the one girl who were so proud of their "gansterized" Myspace pages in the days after the disappearance?I will not name names because of libel,but anyone familiar with this case knows who I mean.Are they in jail for something else?Are they talking at all?Seems to me they would be "persons of interest" in this case considering their criminal histories and proclivity to the thug life.And furthermore why are the police in the area so hellbent on letting it go cold????Are they hiding something too?For the sake of her kids somebody needs to do their job and warm this case back up again.This family deserves some closure and some justice!
The family was told to stop posting on the net about it because they were impeding the investigation. That's where it ended last Spring. If you go to www.pokomotetattler.com, the whole story is there in the blogs.
I have no problem posting their names on here or anywhere else for that matter. The father of Christine's 2 boys, Levi Hall, has custody of the boys and by all accounts, they are being well cared for. They visit with Christine's family every other weekend.
Clarence Jackson spent some time in jail this summer on an unrelated to this case, matter. His girlfriend, Tia Johnson bailed him out and as far as anyone knows is still with him. They both still reside in Worcester County.
Are they dope dealers?
Are there drugs involved in this anywhere by anyone?
To our knowledge, none of the 3 persons mentioned above have been arrested in Maryland for drugs. Jackson has an extensive criminal record though-mostly assaults, burglaries, domestic violence.
Why was she going there to begin with and when did she arrive there?
i pray that the family soon gets the answers they need to get some peace and closure. The not knowing is always the hardest. May God continue give this family strength and peace. May the truth be found.
Seems like this needs to be turned over to Cold Case or CBS 48 Hour Mystery should get involved since it seems that is the problem. What a shame.
My heart goes out to the family,especially since this case has been allowed to languish.If it was some rich society chick they would have turned over every stone in Worcestor County.I am glad to hear her kids are doing well as they can be,considering.
Comments to this story from the Pocomoke Tattler...
My last communication with Law Enforcement on this case was to paraphrase it.
It’s best not to post anything on the blog because the bad guys read it too.
Just let us do our job quietly in the background and keep the publicity out of it.
That advise is totally contrary to what is usually done in a missing persons case, where publicity in the spotlight is what gets things done.
Yes the case is still open since Christine has not been found.
We have no new updates.
If anyone has any information, now would be a good time to step forward!
Billy Burke
Comments on this story from the Pocomoke Tattler...
Billy, we have all been watching and waiting for any kind of word concerning Christine. So what if the bad guys read the blogs? I never understood that theory either. Sometimes ignoring something does not make it go away.
I think this case got botched up during the beginning stages of Christine disappeance. I have never heard of getting a search team together and then not be allowed to search.
It’s just so hard to believe no one is looking and all the family and concerned public have to go on is what the police department says. I think the departments in charge of this matter have told the public a bunch of poppycock and we believed it.
Comments on this story from the Pocomoke Tattler...
Yes, Christine will miss this year’s celebrations too. She has and will continue to miss watching her children grow. She did not run away and there are people that would tell you the same if they were allowed to. We have to be cautious in what we write on here because there are people on here who shouldn’t know things. I will not rehash all the on-goings because I’ll be here all day, and I don’t have the patience for it anymore. To answer your questions jmmb, yes it is still an open case, and as far as Worchester making any effort… hahahahahahaha!!!!!! The only way this case is going to get solved is through outside help. Again, I could rehash all that went wrong in the beginning as far as professionalism in the investigation but I won’t. I could even bring to light new happenings of showing how they put as little effort as possible into the case, but again it won’t do any good. I can tell you that if we end up finding my sister they are in BIG trouble, and I’m sure they know that. I don’t see why else they would be dragging their feet and not involving the public in such a case in such a town. I can’t say WCBOI is completely corrupt, but I sincerely believe someone is pulling strings back when it comes this case. Well, it is in God’s time that we will have closure, and if there is no justice in this world there will be on judgment day. In this past year, for our family, we still have trouble smiling. We carry so much frustration and heartache. Be grateful for what you have because in a moment your world can be turned upside down.
Comments to this story from the Pocomoke Tattler...
Everyone pray for christines family especially her three children. It has been a year since she has been gone and i know her children are wondering what happened to their mother? Christines family should of had closure ten months ago, I am speechless . For the BAD guys you are talking about,You know who you are and I hope you are reading this. You didnt get away with shit. Yes you get to be with your family on the holidays,weedings,birthdays and babies being born but for how long. This might be the last time you see any of that. Karma is a bitch and you are not as smart as you think, so next time you see that suspicious looking car behind you or pulling up to your house think of how good it was on the outside cause that might be the day you go to jail for the rest of your life.You might even get the chair for this if we are luckey
Comments to this story from the Pocomoke Tattler..
By suspicious car i mean undercover cop car
Comments to this story from the Pocomoke Tattler...
I just want to share that I came across a notebook of Christine’s 8 year old. I won’t air out her exact thoughts because they are personal to her, but I can say that I had a lump in my throat as I looked through. She had written a couple pages about her feelings, and she had drawn a picture of her mom and wrote “this is my mom she is so beautiful.” I know that as an adult it is hard to fathom the chaos and having to constantly wonder. I can’t imagine the distress that her kids live with. As much as we shelter her from the ugly she is no dummy. Ultimately, the people who could ease her pain (and ours) are choosing to turn their backs.
As for me, the past year has been hard to live through. I get so enraged that detectives don’t even bother following up on important issues (can’t elaborate at this point), and that there has been no search by them since the beginning of the year. Remember when my mom and citizens of Pocomoke had organized a search party? Well, we were told by a detective not to pursue it, and that a professional one will be conducted by them. Here we are over six months later and no search. I also want to publicly announce that we are not offering a reward anymore. Since no one came forward by now it’s better off spent in other ways. We have told Worchester numerous times in the past few months to revoke it, but as far as we know they haven’t found time to file paper work either.
This case does qualify for the FBI to get involved, and I hope that if they are not already working the case they soon will be. It is very possible and it is never too late. You never know
It saddens me to watch my mother dedicating her days to finding her daughter. And that her kids have to live the majority of their life not having their mother. It’s hard to explain to them when we don’t have the answers ourselves. I am furious that Christine’s case is treated with no more importance then a lost dog. On a bad day she always made me laugh and most of my earliest memories were with her. We had shared so much in life. Anyone who knew her will tell you she could brighten your day. Christine herself lived through misfortune, but she always loved and cared for her family and was a great friend to many. I looked up to her in a lot of ways. She was a strong woman like her mother. She is my beloved sister.
Why can't a search be organized now? With the renewed interest that might be generated by the blogs, I could see that happening.
I have to disagree with one of Wymzie's forwarded comments-"publicity in the spotlight is what gets things done" in respect to a missing persons case. If this were true the Caylee Anthony, Stacey Peterson, and alot of other unsolved missing persons cases would be closed. Publicity DOES cause alot of rumor and speculation, as evident in the Caylee Anthony disappearance. When the perpetrators are known to law enforcement and continue to lie, or don't cooperate, all the publicity in the world isn't going to help.
Same thing with these organized searches. I can't remember one of these searches for someone missing turning up anything. Victims are found either by someone accidently stumbling upon them, or because law enforcement is told by someone involved-example the Jessie Davis case in Ohio. These searches can be a detriment to the state if they decide to go to trial without finding a body. Remember it only takes one juror, and the defense can use these searches that turn up nothing, as reasonable doubt that the victim is even deceased.
The girl works at the Pocomoke Walmart. I wonder if anyone there knows about her?
Did Detective McDermott ever apoligize to Christines mother for calling her daughter a "sponge"?
What girl works at the Pocomoke Walmart?
Sorry i had to go, emergency service calls last night. When i read this yesterday for the first time i could not stop thinking about my daughters, I felt something, something strong. We need to get this all the publicity possible, I believe Joes blog has the power to do this. I firmly believe that the F.B.I has got to be involved in this, If there are lawyers listening help us out on how to achieve this. At what level were the state police involved in this? If anyone can tell me where to right or e-mail to get this going again please tell me i will put all the effort i have into it. This is the eastern shore, my home. We cant tolerate this here. This needs to be back on the front page of the papers and on the news. If the pocomoke P.D. cant or wont do their jobs then we will have to take it above their heads and find the people who will. If this were my daughter i would want her back home no matter what.
Joe its your blog buddy but I think this one needs to be put right in the faces of the Pocomoke P.D. Power of the pen, we could really do some good here my friend. Your call.
McDermott called her WHAT?That is so unprofessional and insensitive....like I said,if she had the "right" last name I guess this case would be a priority.Jennifer,I am so sorry for your loss.Does your family have an idea about who is responsible?
doug, the FBI handles issues related to national security, but will help, when asked, in matters like technical assistance, or forensic testing when local resources aren't available. It is the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation that is handling this case, as Christine disappeared outside of the Pocomoke City limits.
Someone asked who works at WalMart? That would be Tia Johnson, one of the last 2 persons to have seen Christine almost one year ago.
Is there a gate on Pocomoke Landfill road?
I hope that the people who did this or know about who did are not the same ones that StephanieBurke has encoraged to ignore police and belive that they should at any cost withhold information.
anon 4:49 what are you talking about? What info do you have that makes you believe Stephanie Burke would encourage those involved not to cooperate with law enforcement? Ms. Burke may have strong opinions and beliefs, and though I do not know her personally, I can (and you also can) be assured that she would never ever do anything to hinder this investigation nor any investigation for that matter!
Excuse me Anon4:49 But What are you talking about?
I have never ever made such a statement. I have encouraged everyone through my articles on the Tattler to come forward with any information that they may have, even if they don't think that is relevent!
I personally mailed an entire information package via the US Post Office to Americas Most Wanted to beg them to step in to help find Christine.
I have NO idea where you are getting your information but you are completely off base, and I request an immediate retraction of your statements.
I am the one that posted this article in the first place, so why would I even say such a thing?
If either my husband or myself hadn't written numerous articles on Christine's disappearance I doubt that many people would have even heard about it, as it certainly didn't get much coverage on the local stations or in the Daily Times.
First I want to thank you all for the concern you are showing. I still can't grasp how this case has had so little media involvement. I understand in one way how it could start rumors, but more importantly it would at least make citizens aware of what is going on in their back yard. We have no physical evidence at this point saying that she is more than missing, however insiders would tell you foul play is the reason she is no longer here. If you looked in the archives on pocomoketattler.com about Christine, you will get a better understanding on the persons to last see her, and the background on the case and how it has been handled. And you are right blutojthetotmom, if she had the right last name they wouldn't have waited months to search the large wooded property. Or is it that they are protecting someone? And maybe they would have taken the last people to see her alive down to the police station to interrogate them rather then just stopping by the house. She was a mother of three, ages 2,3, and 7 at the time, visiting from out of state. Why this was hushed and not found alarming is beyond me. Pocomoke is a small town so not much worse of a case could have been piled on the investigators desk. The family pleaded with the detectives that this is not like her, and she had no means of surviving on her own. She had no car, money, credit cards, cell phone, clothing or ID with her. I don't see any logic in leaving her two youngest alone in Maryland with these people she really didn't know that well. She had many friends and family that loved her and her children, so she would have never of had to result to that. So if the fact that we found out our loved one is gone and no where to be found, and that not much is being done to look for her isn’t enough, the mayor Mike McDermitt, also the head detective of WCBOI, calls my mom weeks after Christine disappeared. He had discussed how he thinks Christine is a sponge because besides helping with office work for the family business, she was a stay at home mom of three who received government help. Christine’s daughter’s father had died of cancer about five years ago, and the boy’s father had not contributed money to help raise these children. Mr. McDermitt has no right to judge my sister especially when he has never met her or conversed with any of her family or friends before his disgraceful comment. Specifically being a man of his stature he was way out of line. And to put a cherry on top of this conversation, he proceeded to discuss to my mom how she and Christine had an argument before she left. He, and I quote, said, “You must feel guilty.” So this is the man who is in charge of the investigation bureau that is responsible for finding my sister, and I am supposed to feel confident in them? In a nut shell they haven’t done their job and belittled the family in the process. And yes, there are a handful of people who are of interest, and when asked they all refused to take a polygraph test. Now, let me say that I know that the police can only do so much with the circumstances. However, if they did not sit on their ass the first few weeks and treat it as she was on a binge in the hood somewhere (this theory pissed me off because she was not an addict), then maybe they could have found evidence of not given so much time for people to get their stories together. I must also add that I do not know exactly what happened or who exactly is involved, but I can make out that someone knows what happened to her and they are withholding that information. Amazingly enough I have only briefed you on some of the happenings, and these were just from the early on goings. I would have a book if I was detailed and up to date. I don’t even care that the detectives involved read this and I never really did because they have made zero progress in the past year, and had it botched up from the start. The only way this will be solved is if someone tells the truth or we get outside help.
Moving on, any help would be appreciated to help us find Christine. Being that most likey our only hope is that a agency of higher power picks up the case, I'm not sure what else we can do. We have hired a private investigator, written to senators, governors, judges, state representives, radio stations, tv stations,and America's Most Wanted. We had also offered a $5000 reward. My mom contacted Senator Joe Biden's office and they had offered 125 retired police officers to help conduct a search early this year. The detective told them they were not needed. Yet so few searches have been done and have not been in an expanded area. So as you can tell we tried in so many ways to reach out for help. What else can we do?
We gotta have a search. And is there a damn gate on Pocomoke Landfill road?
Yes there is.
Yes Doug, there is a gate at the landfill, but it is not a real security gate, just a gate so a vehicle won't pass.
There is no fence around the property either.
Additionally, there are 3 ponds within a mile of the farmhouse.
None of which to my knowledge have ever been dragged.
This has gone on far too long, and the family deserves closure as does our community. To think that in such a small town there is a strong possibility that a killer lives among us is very scary.
I don't understand why this case seems to be on the back burner. It has never seemed to be a priority, and I do believe that judgment has been passed on this girls character based on her myspace page and the character of the father of her kids and the people who last saw her.
The poor girl who was found dead in the trash can in Salisbury's murderer has never been apprehended, and we shall see how the murderers of Judy Woljick here in Pocomoke will be sentenced.
I really don't care what a woman does for a living, nor the poor decisions that she makes to get by. The bottom line is that no one deserves to die because of their associations.
Jesus himself defended the prostitute. Woman are often as vulnerable as a child in a harsh society, and they deserve to be found, and have justice served.
Tia is the girl (woman) that works in the Pocomoke Walmart.
Can the FBI get involved if the investigating police department(s) don't want or ask for their help?
For the record, the FBI has no missing persons unit. It investigates, periodically a missing person when jurisdictional issues present themselves. An example being, a parental abduction in which the non-custodial parent takes the child from one state into another state or country. Or when someone was last seen in Maryland, but their car was found in Virginia.
How they do help local law enforcement agencies is though their laboratory services which include forensic examinations, technical support,DNA, firearm toolmarks, shoeprints, fingerprints and also expert witness testimony. They also offer training to local agencies.
So what is this family supposed to do? It will be one year tommorrow and there have been NO physical searches for this young woman. Not one step has been taken. The public has been quite anxious to do more than help search for Christine.
I guess if a loved one becomes missing you just sit back and wait and wait and then wait some more.
I do not "buy" any explanation the police give for not lookingfor Christine. Those explanation are just excuses.
anon 12:34, there have been searches of the Byrd Rd propery in fact. WCBI and some members of the WoCo sheriff's office have searched. Also atleast 2 searches have been conducted by private search teams called in by the WCBI.
Wymzie, What I ment with discoraging cooperation is the ACLU Videos and anti police retoric you post. If you want to tell people how to avoid comunicating with police, that is what you will get.
Informing people of their Constitutional rights when police agencies such as the Dept. in Texas that wants to take roadside blood tests without consent, or Utility Workers moonlighting as informants reporting things about people that aren't necessarily under investigation is wrong.
I would expect a detective investigating a possible murder would have a little more savvy than the average 'beat' cop in finding out pertinent information from a possible suspect. If the last people that saw Christine were hauled in for questioning immediately after she dissapeared instead of a few days later after they had time to put together their stories, and possibly hide a body, had a little heat applied they probably would have cracked under the pressure, and we wouldn't be talking about this today. I know without a doubt that these methods are used on a regular basis because they work.
However, if you are a seasoned outlaw as these folks appear to be they are probably well versed in their constitutional rights already.
My previous posts of which you speak are for law abiding people who routinely give up their rights in order to 'help' out law enforcement.
My views on this vs. these other cases have nothing to do with one another, as they are apples and oranges.
wymzie, our constitional rights allow suspects not to be "hauled" in for questioning. WHERE a suspect, witness, or person of interest is questioned is solely up to that person and not law enforement. And of course, they have the constitional right to remain silent. And I don't buy the cracking under pressure theory.
Otherwise we wouldn't have so many persons missing in the US. And just look at the recently publicized cases-Drew and Scott Peterson, Casey Anthony. Fact is, most defendants, whether they committed nonviolent crimes or violent crimes will go to their graves denying they ever did anything.
The systems sucks. It shouldn't be this easy to get away with crime.
This group of THUGS will never admit to anything..bigtime pieces of crap!!! Who is going to do something about this....We should ALL get together and CALL the WCBI EVERY SINGLE DAY until they are FORCED to deal with this case!!!!!! A petition...something...we have to do this....It has been a year yesterday and we know nothing more than we did then....so what is going on WCBI...why are you dragging your feet?
As I posted on the Pocomoke Tattler, lets make up some signs about Christine's disappearence, and walk the shoulders of the highway outside of Pocomoke.
I got to spend chritmas with my uncle steve and aunt lynn they are great people and the one time I got to meet jennifer and Christine they r so beautiful and nice. Of course we were young I remember the song came out ill be missing you and it breaks my heart that these people did this to her they have been thru so much and im glad I got to meet her sons. I have pics of uncle steve throwing me in the pool and we have a family reunion pic from the day I got to meet them I was a couple years younger but I thought they were so pretty. A few years later once Christine was missing I got to go out to eat and to the mall with her daughter haylie and it broke my heart she had to go on tv to ask for her mommy. We went to the mall at the time she was littlw so she wanted webkins I didn't kno what they were but my mom is steves older bro and this christmas my aunt lynn and I got to talk and she is so strong. Even tho I live in southern maryland and we barely get to go to delaware im so glad they found Christine and the people who took her for NO reason. Ive made mistakes in my life we all have ive been thru a lot of what she has been thru I just will always pray for them and every other missing person. I partied im 26 now met tons of shady people and I also cant stand the system. Im thankful they found her but I wish nothing ever happened. I despise the people who did this. Ive met people charged with all types of things but this was so senseless. Love my family eventho I never got to hang out with her I wish I did bc i see a lot of myself in her being thru so much hoping ur boyfriend will change and sometimes.. a lot of times life is not easy I know she and all women deserve better.
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