Ah, the pleasures of the Internet. It was one year ago today, (or somewhere really close to this date) when the GOB had their Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. As you can see, the Council Members were in the mistletoe kinda mood, kissing and hugging and spreading the love.
If you'd like to capture the moment, don't miss being Downtown tonight and bring those kiddies. Now you tell me, do your children see you kissing your partner like this even in your own home? A peck on the cheek is one thing but a smacker on the lips, in public? I guess technically, Lynn Cathcart wasn't a Council Member any longer at the time but Gary Comegys was.
The Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM tonight.
Forget the kiss, where is Bubba's left hand?
Lynn & Bubba . . . Together Again!
Coming soon to a theater near you.
Now, I'm signing off to go barf.
Thanks Joe--Did you have to post this just before lunch????
Have you notice even last year he had his hand or arm bandage. I guess that is a State Employee way of getting out of work.. Just like now on the last meeting his hand or arm was in a sling...
Hey Joe I know where they go parking! lmao.
Nasty! I'm flagging this blog.
Just kidding of course. Its still nasty though.
Last time I saw a public display of affection that disgusting, it was in the Shamu tank at Sea World.
Gag me with a spoon will YA!
When I see this picture of Gary and Lynn, I see 2 people knowingly they are being spied upon, so they decide to make it worthwhile for the spier/s and gave someone something to talk about. Gary and Lynn are laughing all the way.
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