My Name is Kim Heath and I want to begin by telling you that I am one of those who love ya.
I need your help in getting the word out about a group I have started. It is a group for Singles called "Single Mingle". I want to tell you that I do work for The Fountains as a Administrative Assistant, but they do not put this on. I have tried to organize and put it together for area singles ages 40 - 60's. The Fountains sponsors us by allowing me to use a room to hold this at no charge & provides Thank goodness because then it would never of happened. We plan a date once a month and meet for Speed Dating, Dancing, Music by Freddy Burch, Hors d'oeuvres' & a Cash Bar.
We like people to RSVP at 410-749-5445, and then it will be $20.00 or if they show up it will be $25.00. This money pays for the DJ, Bartender, & Server that have to be there.
If you have any ideas or know of any singles 40 - 60's please ask them to join us on November 14th at 7pm at The Fountains.
Thank you
What exactly is "Speed Dating"??? Can someone elaborate. Just curious. Guess I've been out of circulation too long! LOL!
Kim rocks!!!
Im like anonymous 10:03am what is
"speed dating"...? I am 51 soon to be 52 and i have been single since 1999. Dating sure isn't like it was when I was a teen and it has been very hard being alone. But there are many so called dating sites online that help in the speed section. We need people who are sincere, want committment and are honest. Not those just out for a quickie. I hope speed dating is more in depth than it sounds...please explain so we all understand...thanks..
I would have to say, "about time." Its tough being single in this area especially if you don't do the bar scene. When you have been involved in a relationship for many years its hard learning to start over. Well, guess we will see how well this works out.
I told my mom and hopefully she'll be there...
I think it would be good to require pre-registration for participants. And check criminal backgrounds and marriages.
A little extra money but it would be a lot easier.
Isn't speed dating simply having a set amount of time with each possible match? So you are equally given the same amount of time to "get to know" them and then I guess could exchange numbers if you feel it may be a good match?
Seems like a good way to avoid spending the evening (time and money) with a blind date that you know won't work from the 1st minute.
This is funny, my son called me. lol.
What I understand about speed dating, a male and a female are lined up and you sit across from one another. You have a limited amount of time to talk to each person to ask questions about each other, when a bell rings the male will usually be the one to get up and move to the next female. You do this until you have had the chance to talk to each person.
While you are talking to each person you write down if you have an interest in getting to know this person.
At the end of the speed dating the organizers will look at everyone’s list and you happen to put down that you are interested in someone and that person noted they are interested in you the organizer will let each of you know.
I hope I have not confused anyone. I may be wrong about this whole thing but this is how I've seen it done on different movies that I've seen. Hope to see you there. :)
Speed Dating = quickey
Speed dating is where single guys meet with single girls for three (or determined) minutes at a time.
SPEED DATING-Men and women are rotated to meet each other over a series of short "dates", usually lasting from 3 to 8 minutes depending on the organization running the event. At the end of each interval, the organizer rings a bell or clinks a glass to signal the participants to move on to the next date. At the end of the event participants submit to the organizers a list of who they would like to provide their contact information to. If there is a match, contact information is forwarded to both parties. Contact information cannot be traded during the initial meeting, in order to reduce pressure (especially on women) to accept or reject a suitor to his or her face.
From what I have been told, There is a short orientation before it starts to tell everyone how it works. Tables are numbered. A table is choosen and you start out there with a member of the opposite gender. You are only given a "timed" amount of time to have a discussion about whatever then when time is up you move (clockwise,/ counter clockwise) around the room , meeting someone at each table. You can take mental notes on who you'd like to talk to again. Once that part is complete then you mingle, and approach the people you'd like to talk with some more and see where it goes from there. I have been told 2nd dates are usually formed a destination thats both public and you both could drive to (not to put undo pressure on each other as well as for safety measures) you do this a few times until you feel comfortable enough to go along with any other set up.
I would be anxious to know how many that answer this comment are male or female, single and wanting to meet that special person to spend the rest of their lives with? The idea of screening the people is a good one..if i had a dime for every married man that has hit on me and when ive asked him if he's married and he's replied yes then he says "does that matter?"..come on what happened to being faithful to the one ur married too..if you dont want to be then leave for Gods sake and let them go on with their lives without you..I am female, and live in salisbury...
Just having an event like this at The Fountains shows class! Did you ever look at the Match.com sites?
So many of the profiles use pictures that dont even look the person in real life, and they "inflate" their
profile so much and then when you meet them in person - you want to run the other way!
That has happened to me. So just being in a nice surrounding (not having to be a bar fly) sounds very appealing. Sign me up!
Pretty good diction in that post. Makes me want to meet Kim. Who is this sultry fox?
$20? Scam.
Kim is being modest. She's much more than an admin. she's the best event coordinator there is!
I know that feeling all but to well. If i had a dollar for every married man that has approached me in the last year i would be a millionair and could retire tomorrow. I'm single and i have my doubts about this singles thing. I too have tried the dating sites and they are jokes with the men that are on them and i'm sure women do this to. I've met men and was ready to run as soon as i saw them. LOL I've tried to be opimistic but come on. I think i would rather be single than to settle for someone that isn's right for me. If you are married then be faithful to your spouses, if you don't want to do that then get the hell out of it. Children and material is NO reason to stay in a unhappy situation. Life is way to short. The next married man that approaches me is going to get reported to his wife. I hate to do this but frankly i'm tired of it. If you would do it to your wife than i'm smart eneough to know that you would NOT hesitate to do it to me to! I have my morals and ethics and its just not right. What happened to that vow that you gave when you got married? Does it mean nothing to you now? How will your spouse react if and when you get caught? Are you ready to suffer and face the consequences? Think long and hard before you do something that will affect the rest of your life and hurt the ones that are suppose to matter to you the most.
I am considering going. I am female. Being over the age of 40 my recall is not as good as it once was. Would you consider taking pictures of each person who attends and have them somehow available for us to take for those who are are interested in. I know we will be taking notes, but a picture as a reminder would be helpful. What do you think Kim?
I am not in favor of taking anyone's picture to give out. I do think if this grows we can have a form made up for men & women to fill out to keep on file.
This is an open Singles Event for ages 40-60's. ONLY singles are invited. I can only encourage you come and enjoy meeting new friends and possibly meeting someone who might be the one for you. We have had several matches meet here. Speed Dating is fun and everyone who has tried it has loved it. We give you 4 minutes of time and when the bell rings the men move to the next chair. Afterwards you have already met the men and women who participated and can learn more from a person if you wish. Speed Dating also allows you to talk to a person you other wise wouldn't have approached.
Everything is optional and you do not have to try it if you don't want to. You are able to watch and enjoy. Easy evening and a chance to meet other area singles.
For more information please call 410-749-5445 or e-mail me at kim@fountainsinc.com I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Thank you Joe for posting this.
Joe can we get a repost of this maybe Wed or Thurs to remind everyone.
Joe that would be much appreciated. Thank you all for the kind words and support.
You should stay home if you don't know what speed dating is. You wont do very well at a 21st century structured social event if you are that far out of ther loop.
If you do go; just don't wear your bell bottoms or bee-hive doo.
helping old people have sex one day at a time
What a stupid statement. Some people have make ignorant statements about everything. You know some of us have been in relationships for a very long time and have not had the need to know what speed dating is all about.
I sure hope you don't plan on going. This is suppose to be a way to meet friendly people.
If your montoring this can you give us an idea of the response you've had so far. Don't want to go if you have lets say 20 females and 5 men. lol
I thought speed dating was where you hurried to get your date home while you still had some lead in your pencil.
No Jeffy this is mom's night out. You can not go !! Great idea I wish you all much luck.
I am a married guy and I wish I had a dollar for every women that hit on me !!! I could by a Happy meal. Maybe
How about a singles group for men in their late forties or early fifties who are looking for women in their thirties or early forties? Anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
Peter Pan, I agree with you. I am in my 40's and I have no desire to date any woman 40 years old or older. I have been single for several years now and I have been dating women in their 20's and 30's and they normally ask me out. Why don't you put something together for singles 30's to 40's.
Anon 8:03 I want to tell you the truth, I've been separated......since breakfast!
Hey Peter Pan, you've got the right idea. I'm 54 and dating a beautiful 35 year old and a 41 year old "pinch hitter". Now thats what I'm talkin'bout!
Guess we wont see Peter Pan or his buddies there.
Too bad.....NOT!!!!!
Anonymous said...
Guess we wont see Peter Pan or his buddies there.
Too bad.....NOT!!!!!
2:03 PM
Must be a wrinkled old woman looking for a date. LMAO
I think the comments of peter pan and his buddies are sooo funny. You may have a young one on your arm or in your bed right now but what till they get tired of you old farts. lol
They may get tired of my personality but I bet they don't get tired of my wallet
Anonymous said...
2:29 PM
Ms. WrinkleButt are you jealous. If they get tired of me I will just find another one, but chances are I will get tired of them and move on. What do you bet we aren't the slightest bit interested in your menopause self. Go find pop pop and his viagra.
She said "I dont fk fossils for free".
My wife has me by 15 years and i couldnt be happier.
Some advice for the ladies that have moved up the age ladder.
1. When you meet a single guy don't give us all the details of your "no-good/cheating/broke" former husband and/or boyfriend.
2. Most importantly "Shake that money maker"
Anon: 3:09 but how old is your girlfriend?
The comments on here just proves the point that most men are assholes.
3:36 PM
I bet you are fat, old and wrinkled and claim to be an "average" built body. No, you are obese now go eat a salad instead of supersizing and MacDonalds and drinking a diet coke.
1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.
2. It's important to have a woman, who can make you laugh.
3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust
and who doesn't lie to you.
4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.
5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other.
What's with you people? All the men who have posted seem like aging horndogs. If you are so successful with the young girls why are you even bothering to post? For those of us who don't hang out in bars and are sick of internet dating this seems like a wonderful opportunity.
u old ppl trip me out!!!
It's just for a few laughs. Take it easy. As John Riggins said to a Supreme Court Justice " Lighten up baby...your too tight"
3:35, I wouldnt disgrace or disrespect myself or my wife or the sacred vows we took so long ago. Im true to my Mirror and Im true to my word. I love my wife.
iv'e heard the saying that.... all the good men are either married, gay or dead well after reading some of these posts it should be either gay or dead. If you are in a relationship you should honor that person. If you do not want to be with that person then let them have their life back. LEAVE go get or find that person that will make you happy. Life is to short to be unhappy. Don't waste your time or the persons that you are with. If you don't want them then there is someone that will. Don't deprive someone of being happy because you want your cake and eat it too. That is sooo selfish. Material, money or children is NO reason to stay in a relationship. If you want to screw around then leave.
you people are horrible. Someone is trying to do something good to help people and you people are making it ugly. Sorry Kim.
I want to thank you for posting the Singles Mingle Event. We have had a wonderful response. We of course would like more men to join us because the ratio of women are greater. Thank you all for your responses and support.
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