Here are the reports I've received, in addition to the one Tim Spies sent us all.--Terry Cohen
Number One:
"We have had a large fancy white Chrysler with Virginia tags parked on N. Pinehurst, coming and going day & night. Actually, there are two identical white cars with Virginia tags. The one starting with ZDD is frequenting the brick house on N. Pinehurst - 506. The other starting with K is visiting the house at 504 SOUTH Pinehurst with all of the play equipment in the yard across from the school. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. XXXXXX
asked him why he was parking across the street from us, and he stated he did not want his wife to see it because she was attending a meeting at Pinehurst School, and he moved the vehicle. The neighbors have seen him come & go all night. He is average black man, with low cap & baggy pants. Car may not be his.
"It is important that if we see cars not belonging in the neighborhood, to ask our neighbors if they know whom might it belong to."
Number Two:
On October 2, 2008 at approximately 12:30 AM, a resident of Pinehurst Ave (near the campus of Salisbury University) observed a man peeping into her bedroom window.
The man was described as an "older" white male, approximately 5'9" tall, with balding hair. He wore large dark rimmed glasses and a polo shirt.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to call the Salisbury Police Department at (410)548-3165, or the Salisbury University Police Department at (410)543-6222.
It's been reported to Salisbury police that several cars were broken into early this morning (the latest being at about 7:30) in the 700 and 800 blocks of Camden Avenue. All of the cars were parked in the owners' driveways. At least one vehicle was unlocked. Theft occurred in at least two of the break-ins. One victim saw the perpetrator in their vehicle and called police, describing the individual as follows:
Black male
5' 9" - 5' 10"
180 pounds
Brown hat
Brown jacket
If you have seen an individual fitting this description in or near the Camden neighborhood, please call the Salisbury Police Department at 410-749-5151.
To minimize the possibility of similar events occurring, all are urged to never leave their keys in their vehicles and to lock their car doors every time they leave their vehicles.
Salisbury needs more patrols.
Oh my goodness, a black man parked his car in a white neighborhood! Someone alert the police!
Call the F.B.I because I think it was two black men!!!!!
If you read the reports they ask you to look for people that don't live in the neighborhood and if he doesn't belong he is suspicious. My mother lives in that area and their has been a mess of cars being broke into including my 72 year old mothers car. I certainly glad you don't seem like it is serious but I certainly do. I think an armed neighborhood crime watch would calm things down a little being as the city police don't seem to be able to figure out who is doing these crimes. I bet Mike Lewis could make a difference.
LOL 4:01 thats considered a REAL crime in tony neighborhoods.
I'm sure they have alerted the police 4:01pm. , good for them!
The only thing I would have done different , would be flatten the tires , broke the windows , put
sugar in the tank , I just don't like white cars in the area.
Just look at the arrest records ,
you idiots , black males are convicted 9 to 1 . Oh yeh they
are so depressed .
It is what it is ! You pull in my driveway , God help you! Times have changed , I didn't change them , wonder who did?
If you walk in my area , you got a hood on your head , you better be prepared . If your head is cold , go home .
The idiots like 4:01 PM and 4:41 PM are the ones that got Obama Bin Ladin elected to the white house. Stand by.....
Better yet why dosen't somebody go to Virginia and ask that dude what the hell his deal is.
Everybody needs to start packing heat - that'll break it up quick.
Hmmm... seems to me some of those neighborhoods have more to fear from their homeowners association trustees than a black male walking down the street. I am sure some of you idiots think he should be cuffed and stuffed for walking on your street. NEWS FLASH: It's his street as much as it is yours!
if it dont belong , it dont belong.Thats what i say.I had a black man who fit that description come to my door one night at around 11:30 p.m. He claimed his child has asthma and the medicine cast $64.87 and he didn't have enough money to buy him more.My wife heard me at the door and enraged that some one had come to the door that late, came storming to the door. She threw open the door and my dogs started to bark.The black man said he was sorry for disturbing us and walked off.After he left I thought about what he said and was troubled that he had said to me when I first noticed the very light tapping on my window ,that he had been watching me from my window.I quickly got dressed and set out to find this guy but he had disappeared. There are very stupid people out there if they don't think there are reasons to be leary of strange vehicles parked in the neighbor hood . I feel that if a stranger comes to my door at strange hours than they better be prepared for some very direct questions. It wasn't like I was the first or only house on the street.Thinking about it now I can see just how smooth this scam really was. From his ailling sick child to his shock angle of telling me he had been watching me from the window, all was a very carefully thought out ploy to either scope out my house or to possibly do a home invasion. It didn't go down but if I were gone or if this stranger had picked a neighbor's home instead, of which there are many senior citizens who might have been prey, who knows. Times have changed. For all to know. If you come to my house un-invited reap what you will. With all the new tech. out there one thing has not changed. I would rather appoligize for wrongly accusing someone than be wronged by somebody. There.
This vehicle was stopped and searched om Druid Hill Ave. Last spring. The car was searched from top to bottom by SPD and WCSD. They took at least one into custody and he matched your description. The police officer said he was a well known player in the drug trade and had frequented the neighborhood. I thought we were rid of this guy. Check with SPD on the case file.
Idiots like George Bush done got Obama elected and a pile of white folks.
Bryan Records, thank you for your comment. I remember you from other comments and know you know what's going on with stuff like this.
8:44, I heard that story from a friend who had a plump, brunette white woman come to her door with that same story, same thing -- child with asthma, blah, blah.
To you folks insulting the neighbors in that area as being Afro-phobic or racist...I have this to say:
Go to hell.
I know a lot of the folks in that area. Some work their church's soup kitchens. Some worked in civil rights organizations. Others have worked for affordable housing.
I could on, but here's the real shocker for you: there are also minorities in that neighborhood. Everybody's good with each other.
The reality is, when there is "coming and going at all hours of the day and night" by someone who doesn't live in the neighborhood and a guy says to you that he doesn't want his wife to see the car, duhhhhhh. Something's wrong.
And now you've got a firefighter telling you this has a cop case history.
I'll cook the crow rare, medium or well done, however you like it. But you owe victims of crime EVERYWHERE an apology for your f***ed attitude.
And Blutojthetotmom, that area is not a "tony" neighborhood. It's a well-kept middle class neighborhood of mixed housing sizes and incomes, from little bungalows to nice brick 2-stories. An area treated like sh*t by a city government that would rather give their neighborhood away to slumlords. After all, they only worked all their lives to own and maintain their homes. Why should THEY get to enjoy their homes without fear of crime?
I'm going to stop because some of you commenters make me sick. I thank God I DON'T live in that area because it has been the whipping boy of ignorant asses as seen here and government cronies for a long time.
Joe, keep posting those crime alerts. People need to know what's going on in their own backyards in order to keep safe. Daily Times won't do it, and obviously SOME of your readers think people ought to sit back and take the crime.
last time I had a strange car parked in front of my house both my brother and I went knocking on his window w bats and kindly asked him to move on if he didn't live here... he stayed, we called the cops and they escorted him out of the development.. The police later told us he claimed he was just getting some rest from traveling(I thought that was what walmart parking lots were for) (yes this man was white) I do not care black, white or yellow Like 8:44 said"if it dont belong, it dont belong"
In all fairness,nobody other than the City of Salisbury owns the streets-unless parking is prohibited by law,residents cannot dictate who parks on their street unless that person is breaking the law.Check with the SPD,but I am pretty sure they will tell you that if on-street parking is allowed,no law is being broken here.
Anonymous said...
Better yet why dosen't somebody go to Virginia and ask that dude what the hell his deal is.
7:59 PM
He is probably banging some dudes wife while he is at work so he parks down the street so nobody will notice.
most of the comments here reak of racism. it's sickening.
anonymous 7:44 and "nate": Hooray for you! You found a way to tie the presidential election to a neighborhood problem. Get over it already; it's done. We have a new president-elect who has NOTHING to do with the subject of the story of the suspicious cars where they don't belong. Ever heard of staying on topic? Grow up, eat your crow pie, and move on with your lives.
I disagree that most of these comments "reak" (sic) of racism. It's a fact that the drivers are black, not conjecture. It is what it is, and what it is is suspicious. I'd be concerned about these vehicles in my neighborhood, too, no maatter what color the drivers were.
Anonymous said...
most of the comments here reak of racism. it's sickening.
2:59 AM
No, what is sickening is liberal asswhipes like you that throw out the race card everytime something deals with a black person. Get a grip moron.
This is sincerely racist.
Anon 8:13 if you read it says "One victim saw the perpetrator in their vehicle and called police, describing the individual as follows:
Black male
5' 9" - 5' 10"
180 pounds
Brown hat
Brown jacket"
Eye witness account, How is this racist. They saw and unidentified black male that fit the description. How is that racist. If you read there is a white peeping tom in the area but they didn't see a person that fit that description. You are a sickening MORON. I hate name calling but there is no other description for you.
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