"I am excited that the field of candidates is growing in the mayor's race. On Saturday, November 15, 2008, 1:30 PM, at Chef Fred's in Salisbury, I will put forward my vision, steeped in the experience of being a neighborhood activist, as to what we can do as a community to revitalize our city. There will be plenty of time for debate. It is my hope that the community can be engaged in a positive campaign for change. All of the candidates owe the community this. It is my plan to run a campaign that does just that."
Thank you,
Jim Ireton
You need to stick to teaching the children of Westside Intermediate and not be concerned with politics.
Our kids future is more important that running Salisbury.
I asked Jim at the Wine Festival, where each of us was working our respective political booths, if he planned to run for mayor. He said yes. I told him that he has my vote. While I am a Republican, the mayoral race is non-partisan; even if it were not, I would be supporting him. I urge everyone to get behind him. We remember what a great job he did on the City Council and were sorry to see him go. He will use that same energy, expertise, and enthusiasm in the Mayor's office.
I applaud your goal, but with one Barrie Tilghman to contend with (even if she isn't a candidate) it's gonna get ugly. Just ask Tim Spies.
screw all neighborhood/community activist
I'm also supporting Jim! Local politics are non-partisan. A good Democrat, I would never, ever vote for Tilghman or Comegys, but Jim has my vote! Good luck, and let's hope the campaign is about issues, not sleaze. I agree with the previous post--look what Commegys did to Tim Spies. Don't let him do it again!
12:53, I disagree. Our kids' future depends not only on school, but having safe streets to walk. Our city needs to recover desperately. Instead of affecting a smaller group of children in school, Jim can make this a better place to grow up in!
But you are right that he's a great teacher! I know many kids and parents that can vouch for thatt!
12:53 Don't be so selfish, this is all about your future and generations to come. How many more jobs have to be lost in this community until someone wakes up. Take a ride in the Northwood industrial park and surrounding areas to understand the jobs lost under this administration.
I did a service call this morning and talking with the home-owner Salisbury came up. Not two seconds later he said "Oh we never go into the slum". Can you believe that shit.
Any truth to the tale that Louise Smith ("Ms. Republican") is grooming a GOP type to run against Debbie Campbell?
Next year Barrie Tilghman will probably do another election eve press conferences where she will trash Jim Ireton and Debbie Campbell and praise Bubba Comegys and anyone who runs against Ms. Campbell -- just like Barrie did last year against Tim Spies -- and the Daily Times will make it a front page story.
Do you mean Bob Laun?
It is very true that Jim Ireton is an excellent teacher. Maybe he can do both jobs. The mayor's job is considered part-time, I believe, although Mayor Tilghman has made it practically full-time. The salary that is paid the mayor makes it a very part-time position.
I applaud anyone different than the 'mare' and her posse.
I look forward to hearing what Mr. Ireton has to say.
Perhaps we can get something done around Salisbury if we have Jim, Debbie, and Terry on board!
I hope he runs and wins. This is one republican I will vote for.
Don't forget we need someone of honesty and integrity to run for Shanie's seat if we expect to get anything done. So far there are no takers in that District.
Look for a Barrie Tilghman/SAPOA -- Louise Smith coalition, involving certain members of the "Greater Salisbury Committee" and probably the Chamber of Commerce to mount a campaign against Mr. Ireton and Ms. Campbell. The special interests (mostly nonresidents)will back Bubba Comegys for mayor and, if he runs against Ms. Campbell, Bob Laun.
Along with Barrie, Mikey Dunn and Lynn Cathcart will be major mudslingers.
What is the boundaries of Shanie's district?
Jim,some free advice
1) Hire 15 more Salisbury City Patrolmen!!!
2)Pay SPD the same as MSP & WCSO after all they handle the majority of the crime in Wicomico County!!!
3)Run on this platform and you are a shoe-in.
Mr. Ireton needs to speak up ar the Council meetings. Last night he was there but said nothing about the millions that Barrie and the Greater Salisbury Committee want to waste on the "North Prong" or anything else on the agenda.
He's got to start taking positions on more than just crime issues.
And look for Richard Insley and the SAPOA members to indoctrinate their tenants with propaganda against Ireton and Campbell and anyone who runs against Shameless Shields. T. J. "Baloney" Maloney will lead the charge, like usual.
Bob Luan? That little weasel doesn't have the backbone to stand up and speak out. He's a gutless wonder. He wouldn't even put his signature to the tax hike referendum because he has no guts.
He needs to stay in his little group of spineless repuglicans.
Does "neighborhood activist" mean the same as "community organizer?"
The Mare of Smallsburg was not doing the job for money it was her gigantic ego.
I am absolutely sure anyone who may run for the Mayors position could do a far better job than the current person.
But,my horse will ride in Jim Iretons parade, Jim if you need any of my help Joe knows how to get me in touch with you.
Anon 5:26 If you were at the council meeting or watching it on PAC 14 you would know that Louweezel would not allow anyone to comment on the North Prong until they adjourned the council meeting.
I think we all saw in the last election that negitivity and smear campaigns are exactly what the taxpayers are going to vote against.
Taxpayers are sick and tired of it, we want answers to issues, hold the lip service. How many times has Mrs. Truitt asked about water/sewer capcity? How many times was she told it wasn't an issue? Thanks Jim, I'll see you Saturday at chef Fred's, I might even put on a tie for ya!
If we can get district one we may have a coupe da ta
Jim, Debbie, Terry!
Jim, Debbie, Terry!
Jim, Debbie, Terry!
We need bumper stickers today!!
Tim, you are so right. Negativety and smears will make a candidate a loser. Just look at the recent elections, McCain, Palin, Harris. We want straight talk about issues, and the citizens will make up their own minds.
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