Ladies & Gentlemen,
I come to you LIVE from Pemberton Manor Apartments in Salisbury, Maryland where the FEDS have teamed up with the Salisbury Police Department, Wicomico County Sheriff's Office and Salisbury Code and Compliance to raid/investigate multiple apartments in this complex. I have witnessed U.S. Postal Inspectors and even people from the States Attorney's Office.
I can't say at this time exactly what they're doing but there are probably close to 60 people involved and it doesn't look like this thing is going to be over any time soon.
I noticed quite a bit of vehicles around 6:00 this morning at the SPD and watched them pull out of the parking lot all at once and I thought, let's see where they're going. Ultimately we ended up at this apartment complex.
You know what they say MSM, "You Snooze, You Lose." More to come........
UPDATE: I have been informed that this inspection is based on subsidized housing. There are very strict guidelines as to who can live in these apartments and who can't. Ultimately, the Government has the right to request a search of the property and if they happen to turn up anything like guns or drugs as an example, they can make the proper arrests and remove those who do not qualify to be there.
I think they might have been putting their stamps on upside down and ripping the tag off their mattresses..word on the street.
Thanks for the informantion, my co worker and I said something was up on our way into work this morning. If you find out more information please let us know.
POLICE - U.S. Postal Inspector. WTF?
Are they really police officers? What are they trained to do. How can he use his side arm when it is down near his knee, I don't believe he can reach it if he needed to. And what about all those plastic ties, how many people is he going to arrest for reusing stamps?
Maybe the Postal Inspector is involved because someone either received a welfare or public assistance payment via mail, that they weren't entitled to. Mail fraud comes in many forms.
As to the rest, clean up this area without negatively impacting those small children who have no choice but to live there. None of this is their fault.
Throw all those illegal aliens out.
Isn't that a gated project with guard to help keep the felons inside? Hell,they were alerted the first minute a badge showed up at the gate.What a waste of man power and time.The frigging judges are not gonna do anything and if the do it will be 2/3 yrs before any results are in.
Subsidized housing HAS to meet code requirements or lose all that federal goodie money....
And I am glad they are checking for "squatters".Most of those tenants pay like $20 a month,if that,for rent and move in every guy they sleep with,not to mention various relatives.Other shore towns need to do "clean sweeps" of their housing projects because half the people in those units are NOT on the leases(Hello Crisfield!)Its bad enough we the taxpayers have to pay rent for other people,but whoever they want to move in with them too?
US Postal Inspectors , have the same authority as the police, and yes they are the police.
Hello P-City as well.
With all of the VA license plates in the subsidized units you would think that you in a VA colony located across the street from Walmart.
While MD uses the Gestapo to inspect your cars and VA uses the intoxicated inspector who one only has to stop the car, honk the horn and flash the lights at, we will continue to have this type of nonsense.
Anonymous said...
US Postal Inspectors , have the same authority as the police, and yes they are the police.
8:57 AM
WEll tell us about it since you seem to know so much.
Probably inter-state drug trafficing via the postal service,(mail).
Isn't amazing how they wait until after the election so they would not upset all those democrat voters.
Did you happen to get a picture of the new or almost new cars in the parking lot with rims?
I wonder if they will go to Dykes Rd. housing next.
Lawbreakers come in all forms. As a past Federal Employee I understand how much authority the Postal Inspectors have to accomplish many missions. With the involvement of local law enforcement it is evident that they are prepared for any and possibilites.
What happened at the meeting yesterday regarding Pam Olands dept?
I'm listening to my police scanner & it sounds like there going to be doing an other apartment raid.
Oh, this is gonna piss chiefy off to no end. There goes his 4 % right out the proverbial window. Wondering if he gave his officers "stand down" orders like he did on Church St....hmmm
As fact-finding and investigative agents, Postal Inspectors are federal law enforcement officers who carry firearms, make arrests and serve federal search warrants and subpoenas. Inspectors work closely with U.S. Attorneys, other law enforcement agencies, and local prosecutors to investigate postal cases and prepare them for court. There are approximately 1,970 Postal Inspectors stationed throughout the United States who enforce more than 200 federal laws covering investigations of crimes that adversely affect or fraudulently use the U.S. Mail and postal system.
The Postal Inspection Service operates four forensic crime laboratories, strategically located in cities across the country. The labs are staffed with forensic scientists and technical specialists, who assist Inspectors in analyzing evidentiary material needed for identifying and tracing criminal suspects and in providing expert testimony for cases brought to trial.
If they came in like this and busted all the drug traffickers, druggies, illegals and other worthless vermin that reside in the projects in Crisfield they whole area would be a ghost town.
Maybe the illegals are coming through the mail now.
Wymzie get a job ohh i bet you have one walking to the mail box to pick your check up.
I for one am pleased that is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in salisbury. It is a gated sess pool. There are more thugs per square inch in that neighborhood then anywhere on the shore. As for the person worried about the little ones. Well here is my take. Little ones grow up to be Big ones. My heart aches as well everytime a police officer drives through there and a five year old spits on the ground in disrespect. This learned hate and behavior will be hard broken. If the school system does not do it. It damn well will not happen at home. This type of project will be everywhere soon enough. Smile big democrats this is your liberal ass bullshit hard at work. Funny how many people jumped ship at a certain police department and became republicans when the new boss showed up. I am sick and tired of goverment funded thugism.
Doug Wilkerson and the anonymous commenter are right about Postal Inspector roles.
If there is mail fraud or use of the postal system for drug trade or other illegal use of the system, it's a federal crime and the inspectors are involved.
Good grief, 9:38, AGAIN with the political slamming? This post has nothing whatsoever to do with national politics; give it a rest. The majority has spoken; democracy has done its job. Your side lost. Enough already.
Postal inspectors handle cases involving drugs and bombs shipped through the mail, as well as try to prevent/investigate internal matters such as mail theft and fraud.
Bryan Fykes
I'll bet the Chief was pissed that you were there Joe.
What does that have to do with someone expressing his/her opinion?
About the holster.
It's an ergonomic design. When the officer moves to remove his weapon, he's already on his way to a shooting position. It looks cowboyish, but it has a purpose. Waist models require a bit more movement, some of it not efficient.
About the Postal Inspectors. Yeah, these guys are cops, too. Send illegal drugs in the mail (or any other prohibited item/substance), operate a mail fraud business, fraudulently accept payments (especially Gov't payments) you're going to get a visit if they can identify you. They have all the authority of a federal officer, like the FBI or Federal Marshals, except that they have a narrower scope of investigation.
U.S. Postal Inspectors
Who We Are/Employment
Who We Are
Explore a world of career opportunities with the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
U.S. Postal Inspectors are federal law enforcement agents with investigative jurisdiction in all criminal matters involving the integrity and security of the U.S. Postal Service.
Postal Inspectors investigate criminal, civil, and administrative violations of postal-related laws, often using forensics and cutting-edge technologies. It is essential that Postal Inspectors be in sound physical condition and be capable of performing rigorous physical activities on a sustained basis.
Inspectors are required to:
* Carry firearms
* Make arrests
* Provide testimony
* Serve subpoenas
* Execute search warrants
* Prepare comprehensive reports
* Pursue and restrain suspects
* Protect themselves and others from imminent danger
Inspectors work long and irregular hours, and must be willing to relocate. Competition is intense for the relatively few U.S. Postal Inspector positions. Candidates must successfully complete all phases of the recruitment process and begin their first duty assignment prior to their 37th birthday*.
You may be eligible to become a Postal Inspector if you…
* Are an American citizen between the ages of 21 and 36½*, and interested in an exciting and rewarding career in federal law enforcement. (Male citizens born after December 31, 1959 must have registered with the Selective Service prior to applying to become a Postal Inspector.)
* Possess a conferred, four-year degree from an accredited college or university
* Have no felony or domestic violence convictions
* Are in good physical condition
* Write and speak English clearly
* Are willing to relocate
The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
* This age restriction does not apply to those who have served in a federal civilian (non-military) law enforcement position covered by Title 5 U.S.C. Section 8336(c).
let the chief eat cake, notice I was nice there. i did find my answer to those crime statistics that the city just flipped over and they DON"T include arrests, solved crimes or reponces by the Sheriff's department within city limits. the report is fraudulent based on total city crime. it's time the states attorney looked into some of these outright lies and deception. yup chiefy be first to go because my mom always said that a liar will also steal, imo i believe mom.
Grannydragon, I guess you are a champion for Nancy Pelosi's Fairness Doctrine and think it is OK to censor anyone that does not "think" like you. Funny you used the word "democracy" when attacking someone that is exercising their right to free speech. Your hypocrisy stinks!
Anon 1056 or anyone in the know, What are you referring too about the order to "stand down" on Church Street? Thanks for any info.
The whole car issue irks me too-these are units for people who qualify as too poor to pay fair market rents,so how is it they drive such spiffy cars?Just a set of rims from one of those cars would pay a months rent,maybe more.
Every subsidized complex I see,whether it be Crisfield,Pocomoke,or Salisbury,has an amazing number of Expeditions,Tahoes,and other luxury vehicles.Be interesting to run the tags and see exactly how many of them actually live there.They dont dress too shabby either-I work for a living and I cannot afford "Baby Phat"!
Anonymous 8:40 AM said...
Throw all those illegal aliens out.
How dum can you be, illegal aliens don't have SS# so they would not qualify to live there dah....Why does this have to become a racial thing?
IMO, I work for the Gov't and have to pee in a cup to get my paycheck, which I dont mind, if someone gets a welfare check from the gov't,(you and I) they should also have to pee in a cup.
Yeah, but Totmom - even if you could afford it, you wouldn't buy it! lol
Not nearly classy enough for those of us with jobs. :)
the last marked city police car in the 2nd pic has a brake light out haha
I agree it is about time they start cleaning up that area.
However I disagree with the people that are slamming Grannydragon for her comment. Those of you who are doing so just don't get her point. The original post had nothing to do with politics. That area was bad off before democrats took office yet you want to make it about politics, throwing desperate throws whenever and where ever you can. Those people need to pull ther head out of their A%##@ and get a grip. The election is over it is what it is. Get over it and get over yourselves. I personally am finding the ranting and fingerpointing is getting old. It's like being in a room full of third graders.
I am glad to see anyhting done that improves the quaility of life for those in and around that fenced in zoo. Clean it up one by one. There just is not enough good to go around these days. I see so much that we could change but no one want to get invilved utill it hits home. make the calls turn the thugs in. Instead of spitting evrytime you see a cop offer suggestions as to what could be done to help. Point out the trash that brings society down and preys on the poor. Bring back true Community Policing. Use the officers that know how to get it done,but treat all the same. It is real as in any profession some dont belong directly in the trenches. Pull two from each agency have mutual aid and create a rollers unit that actually believes in disecting the criminal element and praising the segment of the community that is trying to live that are in fear. Approximately 8% are thugs, the rest are just trying to get by. Its time for something new that hits hard but fair. This unit could move throughout the county to all hot spots and make this area a better place to live. The Command Staffs of all county Law Enforcement would have to lower some walls but the outcome would far outweigh the egos and invisable boarders that exist. It would be a win ,win for all except the criminals that prey on our good people. Use Officers that are respected among thier peers and by those on the streets. Not the inhouse favorites that exist at all departments. I think this model would not only pay for itself in no time. The result could be staggering to the crime stats in every community in this county. Thugs could not close thier eyes at night because it may be thier door that gets popped. Create a tips line that is exsclusive to that unit. make cards that could be passed out to all citizens at homeowner assoc. and on the streets. Who knows this could be big. We as law enforcement need to think outside the box. This current system has many area that need work. High crime areas, Traffic concerns, high priority warrants, gangs, robbery details. The sky is the limit. Create a advisory board that has all walks of life on it. Hell Joe could be on the board he see and hears all kind of info. I think we are missing a gloden oppurtunity to kick some criminal ass. Have a Delmarvalous Day!!!
Anon 8:00 It has nothing to do with politics or the election. It has to do with peoples freedom of speech in a democracy; NO MATTER WHAT THE POINT OF VIEW.
This most certainly is about politics and the election. Do you think for one minute if the mayors seat wasn't up for grabs that anything would be done in this city? This about Barrie and Chiefy and their crime stats. Gotta love that 4%...NOT
Thank you, 8:00 pm. That is exactly my point; my objection to anonymous 9:39 AM's comment was that it was completely off topic. Obviously I have no objection to free speech, as I regularly exercise my right to the same. You've seen it here over and over.
If anonymous 9:39 is a sore loser, that's fine with me, but it is immature and petty to find any excuse to bitch about it. This particular post had absolutely NOTHING to do with the election. Save it for posts about the election, and I will stand up for your right to have and express your opinions whether they agree with mine or not.
Anon 8:00,
Grannydraggon is a Liberal Fruitcake and so are you.
"someone" shouldn't clean that place up, the idiots that created the problem should clean it up.
Grannydragon, What if Anon 9:38 TRULY believes that the police operation was intentionally done after the election for a political purposes. So, I guess anon 9:38 still would not be allowed to voice his/her opinion because Grannydragon doesn't feel it is in the correct blog...Sounds a lot like censorship to me! I guess the election means that conservatives need to know their place; speak only when spoken to. Keep dreaming crack smoker if you think that is going to happen because no one is going to pipe down because Grannydragon is tired of hearing it.
Anon 1000 makes a good argument that this operation would not have taken place before a mayor's election...and you know dats right.
Lance,I will concede the point that MAYBE the commenter I responded to actually believed what he/she was saying. Happy?
Will someone please explain to me why my calling someone out for being off-topic is censorship?
Please note that in any comments I make on this blog, I do not call people names or accuse them of being crack smokers. I will not stoop to that level, unlike you. I prefer to act my age.
...abd by the way, I LIKE fruitcake!!!!
when you rent from me there is no illegal search and seizure see...
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