"John D. Robinson Said:
Finally got to read the further lies you have been posting and allow to be posted.
Post this.
I pay my taxes, all of them and even have have an accountant! As a matter of fact after my incident in my store I have been raked over by evry agency you could imagine. I even pay my employees on the books!
As for this story like many others. It's made up. Just like the DUI and the crap Joe allows to be posted about my daughter and wife. I am and always have been an open book.
Joes source are other business or people who are jelaous or just peoploe messing wiht him. I also dont owe my bookie $21000. Well they have nothing to be jealous of. I work hard with my Wife kids and my awesome employees. That is why I have what I have. Am I proud of what I have and do I boost about it. Well maybe.
See as a kid my parents lost everything and we lived in our car but through hard work- not some hand out- my parents got back on their feet. When my father was sick again we went through hard times and I took over the business and built it to what it is today.
So if you cowards want to keep posting false crap go ahead. I will answer anything in person.
If you would spend your time to give back the community in a positive way instead of trying to tear me and others down then - maybe - just maybe Salisbury would be a better community.
John D. Robinson, Sr 410.546.0817"
Robinson is a drunk with more personalities then anyone I know. His poor wife and kids.
He's an idiot. I work in the same complex as Robinson and this guy can't tell the truth to save his own life. I'm glad the authorities are all over him because he's as crooked as they come.
The problem John is there are a lot of people the hear you "boost" or boast which ever you prefer over and over again to the point we don't know what to believe from you. We see you out having a couple of beers with your wife and kids in tow not paying that much attention to them as you go brag to the masses. John we don't care what you have and frankly nobody wants to hear how much better you are than them. You are truly a legend in your own mind.
I had my clock repaired by this guy and within 10 minutes of him leaving it stopped working again and he blamed it on me. I'll never use their services again.
He needs to learn how to spell.
Just look at this picture and that should tell you the kind of con man Robinson is. You can't get Jack Danniels at the Shorebirds Stadium.
Can you just imagine al the excuses and lies he tells his wife every day. The way I see it is, if she has put up with it for this many years she must have some of the same issues. I used to work for this guy and trust me when I tell you he a habitual liar.
So Joe how did you ever meet this TOOL to begin with. I met him at Adam's Ribs in Fruitland and he left a memorable impression that I will never forget. I always have issues when a person brings their kids to a bar and drinks in front of them. What an impression he must be making on his own children. I feel sorry for them
Ok Question for Mr. Robinson: So 2 or 3 weeks ago when i was in your store, you where bragging about having guns and them in your wifes name and still having one in the store. You also bragged about having connections to have someone takin care of. I can tell you the exact name of the person you where talking to. So, Is this a lie or the truth, it came from your mouth!
If Robinson has a gun in his store he should be arrested. You should go to the police and tell them what he told you.
Considering his murdering of the King's English in his letter, one thing that I guess we can all be thankful for is that Mr. Robinson is not a dean of students! That would have been a scary thing for sure. Thanks for setting the record straight.
You all can go to hell..as for the spelling, Joe probably altered it to look like that and even if he didn't I can assure you I have seen MANY typo errors on this blog, there are several on this post! Also Joe doesn't like it when people go after his family and he shouldn't be trashing anyone elses. But then again, it's his blog and he posts the trash he wants to. None of course that would involve anyone he favors, and trust me, many of his friends have issues but you won't see them here on this blog. It is HIS opinion and that's it for what little it is worth. Who cares what he says about people? Who do you all think he is? He means nothing and and his blog is even more worthless. You people remind me of a bunch of women gossiping at the office. Get a life!
So you are saying that all the stuff in post Anonymous 11:55 was not true!!!!????? You ;never said you knew someone that would knock someone off? Or that you where on probation so you wherent aloud to own guns so you sold them to your wife! John think real hard before you speak! And that you said you still have one right here and you taped behind the wall.!! Do i need to give you the name of the person you where talking to?
1:36 you are an idiot and you can't spell, secondly why would you post someone elses name when you can't even post your own? You are a moron at best!
So you don't owe your Bookie $21,000?
Does that mean you have a Bookie?
Cause I don't believe that they are legal either.
Robbinson looks like someone that used to hang out at the local park and rides.
Wow - must be a boring Daily Times today!
Jack Daniels is a sponsor of the Shorebirds and is available on the third floor. Please get your facts in order. We at the Shorebirds are happy to have them as part of our team.
John, I don't know why you are bashing Joe, he hasn;t said anything except "EASY NOW!". The rest is coming from your fan club.
Joe, appreciate your hard work on this blog. Thanks for bringing all Salisbury's characters into play.
However its Sunday and do we really need to hear about JR?
Couldn't this crap wait till Monday?
I'll send my comment about him tomorrow.
Mr Robinson,
My personal experiences with you have proven that you cannot tell the truth. You and Joe have your differences,and it matters not to me if you two dont get along. I know first hand how you are. Your full of crap. Your srories of giving a million dollars to a scholarship fund and the Coast Guard adventures did it for me. Your a puppet of the Mayor and a squeal. You are getting everything you deserve. Thanks for exposing this guy Joe.
Knew your parents. Good people. You? Not so good. John, the best thing you could do for yourself is to keep your mouth closed, and ignore anything Joe and others post about you. You truly are your own worst enemy.
What can you say, John Robinson is a very colorful person, if you think it, he has done it. I have known John for many years and he is a product of his environment, he is exactly like his mother. If anything can be said, it's she taught him well, and just think, he is teaching his kids, sounds like more to come. His dad was a wonderful man of the highest character. He ran a honest business and was always right up front with you, and never got upset with anything. John never took a lesson from his dad, and it shows, except maybe a little clock repair knowledge, and I mean a little. John's biggest problem is he does not know the word HONEST is in the vocabulary. He wants to be everything and in his mine he is. John, do your friends a favor and just tell the truth, or at least try, and people might change their mind about you.
Shorebird Employee
Everyone knows that the liquor served is for designated areas and not box seats and general admission. Robinson knows this and was once again breaking the house rules. Has anyone else ever seen someone drinking a Jack Danniels drink in box seats or general admission.
Oh Johnny there is a new Sheriff in town. I hear through the grapevine he just loves you. Maybe some of the the old buried cases may just come back to haunt you. That would be so cool. You in a cell with your new playmates. Someone stalking you instead of you stalking them. These wont be little girls pervert. Can you hear em commin John notice you did not answer if you licked the envelopes. DNA what an amazing thing. Have a nice day Mr. Robinson
This guy is a clown.
My family and I have known John and his family since elementary school. Yes, he is just like his mother, can't tell the truth! Furthermore, he has never lived in his car that we know of and his family had the brick store by PRMC, so why live in a car??
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