This mornings online version of the Daily Times announced the mayoral candidacy of Gary Comegys. His campaign slogan being, Together...we can. This slogan begs a plethora of questions.
According to Bubba the city can balance infrastructure with public safety costs, address crime and be good environmental stewards. If we can...WHY haven't we?
His stance on community policing is taken right off of Jim Iretons website. He hasn't lifted a finger to do anything about the crime in his own neighborhood where drug dealing and prostitution proliferate. He didn't even come to the aid of Susan Carey when she pleaded for help after the shooting on New York Avenue earlier this year. Note to Bubba...We do not have a police officer on every corner within the city. We don't have enough city police officers to put them on every corner in the area to deter crimes against the students at SU, let alone the entire city. If we can...Why haven't we?
Gary Comegys is going to bring a fresh set of eyes? Hey Bubba, where have your eyes been since 2003 during the budget process? You don't even want to look at the budget unless it concerns increasing the retirement fund for volunteer firefighters ONLY because YOU benefit from the increase. The mayor only drafts HER budget it is the councils responsibility to go through the budget and slash her wasteful spending. YOU have supported her wasteful spending over the years and added to it.
His hope of saving revenue is laughable. He has voted to give away more money than this city has or will have at the rate of businesses and home owners leaving due to his increases in property taxes, and water and sewer rates. Where is the revenue coming from? Increased property taxes? If we can...WHY haven't we?
What I think his campaign slogan means is Together, we(my campaign manager and I)will feed the people more BS than they can digest to win this election then we'll APPOINT another of the good ole boys to the council to continue with business as usual under the reign of Barrie Parsons Tilghman.
"Together we can" Catchy slogan.
Ya gotta love that Bubba bio in the Daily Slime.
No mention whatever about his bankruptcy or his citation by the Circuit Court for failure to pay child support.
Is Gordy his manager or treasurer?
Being "together" with him would make me barf!
Well Mr. Huh? Duh! and Hmmmm finally did it. He is nothing but a disgrace to this city along with others on that council. I suppose he will get some votes but he sure won't get mine. He has had time to prove himself and what has he done? Spend, spend, spend. No thanks, don't need any more of that.
Not another so called "community" organiser please, I've had enough of them.
Since he was elected we haven't had a timely audit or budget to use as a scorecard at election time. Nothing like a good fixed election.
A Let Them Eat Cake mentality.
Is he getting an eye transplant?
I have personally heard Gary spouting off such pearls of wisdom as "we don't need more police officers, citizens should police themselves" and "we don't need street-sweepers, people can just clean the streets and storm drains in front of their property" I believe he refers to it as his "crime and grime" policy. I guess anything to funnel more money into the fire dept right, Bubba.
Gary=Barrie--JUST SAY NO!!!
Together We Can with the current bullcrap and the past bullcrap the we is the selected on ones and the can is screwing the others.
"Gary=Barrie---JUST SAY NO!!!"
Now THAT"S a slogan I can get behind!
Together we can...THROW THE BUMS OUT!
Go back and look "together we can" is a line right out of Debbie Campbell's announcement speech. I'll give him one thing, he sure knows how to take other people's ideas and call them his own. His voting record is exactly opposite of what he claims to support.
This makes me feel sick to my stomach. He definitely has nothing to offer, is not qualified, and is such a doofus. He just wants to be a "big deal". No way is he mayor-material. Can you imagine him representing us at important events or visiting Salisbury, England? No. No. No.
"Gary=Barrie---JUST SAY NO!!!"
We should print that on T-shirts.
How about t-shirts with the "Down With Child Support" poster, up above on this blog.
How many of you would trash Gary and Barrie if you were in their face other than Joe the asshole.
Joe I will give it to you, your followers can't think for themselves and you do a good job with your cult.
Hilarious. Obviously trying to tie into Obama's "Yes We Can" phrase. Yuck.
3:11 Why should anyone be scared of either one of those two fools? I've heard Gary run his mouth at the Moose. If he can do it, why can't we? If Salisbury residents vote either one of them into that position they are getting what they asked for. It's no secret how they have worked together and spent tax dollars.
As soon as the primary is over go door to door to see anyone will need a ride to go vote on election day. Remind people every vote will count. Salisbury needs to get a mayor who loves the city the way it once was. It won't get out of trouble over night or even in a year but I bet some positive changes could be made.
Good by Salisbury!
Hey look at it this way, bubba got re-elected to the city council because of the liberal media and and group of crooks and obama bin ladin got elected because of the liberal media and crooks.
Hey look at it this way, bubba got re-elected to the city council because of the liberal media and and group of crooks and obama bin ladin got elected because of the liberal media and crooks.
I hope all of you that have al these opinions will show up at the forums or anywhere any of the candidates are going to be.
Heres a new flash on behalf of your local fire department. Bubbas an IDIOT.
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