What an embarrassment to Federal Agents trying to make an honest attempt to clean things up. Of course the Chief of the Salisbury Police Department is so desperate to lower crime during an election time, he's now asking help from the Feds AND the WCSO to get it done. Hence the photos from yesterday.
That's right Chiefy, right under your nose, everyone knew what was up, hence only three arrests. Two were for outstanding warrants and one was for a small amount of cocaine.
Nevertheless, this is even more reason to ask the Chief for his resignation and find someone willing to put on a Uniform and lead Salisbury back to where it used to be before Webster came on board.
Heck Chiefy, how do you think I knew about it! More importantly, why did you show up at 7:30 AM when everyone else started at 6:00 AM? Then you refused to get out of your car. You drove from one location to the next and never once got out of your vehicle. You must be one really important guy!
The SPD is falling apart under his leadership and it's no wonder why he's so jealous of Sheriff Mike Lewis.
Hey Chiefy! How do you think I knew about it?
Let's let Joe Albero answer that one....
"I noticed quite a bit of vehicles around 6:00 this morning at the SPD and watched them pull out of the parking lot all at once and I thought, let's see where they're going. "
You stumbled upon it, but then you imply you knew about it 2 weeks in advance.
hmmm There's that mole theory again. How does such sensitive info get to the street before the Fed's show up? I've said this before.
Yeah, I stumbled out of bed at 5:00 AM just to head to my Office Downtown to go Blogging. Think what you want, I don't care.
Obviously Anon 9:38 doesn't read much. Joe never said HE knew about it 2 weeks ago. He said, the people they were trying to catch knew about it. Joe never implied anything and even said he didn't know what it was when he first saw it going down.
I think the Library has reading lessons........
This Police Chief must go. He has done nothing for this City from the beginning.
Just combine the agencies and let the Sheriff run it all. See ya Webster. Save the money, we are going to need it. The sheriff os doing so much more in a short time then Webster has in the years he has been there. The city does not work with other departments because of the managment is telling people not to. Combine Combine Combine
A few questions need to be asked of the city's so called leadership.
1. This was an SPD initiated investigation/raid, correct?
2. SPD aka Chiefy asks for assistance from WCSO and Feds, WHY?
3. Who in the city knew the plans of this raid in advance?
4. Was the mayor aware of this raid? Did Chiefy share this intel with her?
5. Who, within the city, leaked the plan before WCSO and the Feds were asked to help?
6. Out of hundreds of apartments in Pemberton, drug capital of the west side, they only make 3 minor arrests?
7. Telling the dope dealers about the plan before hand doesn't prove crime is down. It proves the leadership in this city will do anything to deceive the citizens. Especially in an election year.
The mayor and Chiefy need to be careful, they can't fire everyone employed by the city. You are running out of scapegoats.
Chief Webster told us to not speak with Joe Albero or we would be fired. You know you did Chief and there are many of us that will stand up in court and say so.
See, crime is down, there are no drugs in Salisbury.
Joe how did you get the pix posted yesterday of cars in daylight when you got up at 5:0am to go downtown blogging? Sun up was at 6:46 am.
Your a BS artist to the max. You should be home checking your driveway instead of telling lies.
Also how did YOU know the residents knew of the raid?
Doing some business with the crackheads? Thats the only logical answer I can think of, SO it must be true
everyone knows salisbury doesn't have any crime
What a great opportunity this presents....the first raid was a dress rehearsal. The different law enforcement agencies know that, on the spur of the moment and without a great deal of fanfare, they can stop into Pemberton Manor, or Booth Street, or Smith Street, collectively. They may have known they were coming this time, but when they show up again tomorrow, there will certainly be a different result. Keep after it.
After awhile they won't know what or when to expect "visitors with badges" and, at least the out-in-the-open crime will stop.
Joe u r a kwacker, a kwack head an a kwack a sh!t.
da chief b onda u.
u wid da ho's ad da kwibs? how u no ofda heats kumin? u wakcked onda kwack? I sez bweeze wif it brutha. we bee wachin u, dona b a rattin
Anonymous said...
5. Who, within the city, leaked the plan before WCSO and the Feds were asked to help?
11:05 AM
Lore Chambers did. She be protecting her peoples.
I can't figure out how the Salisbury Chief of Police has managed to stay in his position all these years.He makes NO public appearances, NO involvement in charitable organizations,I just don't get it.Must have something on the mare, Or maybe?????.Now that would be interesting.
Anonymous 11:06
I feel so bad for you guys! The Chief is so busy trying to cover up his screw-ups that he has to threaten your jobs if you talk to Joe. Keep on talking! That is the sorriest excuse for a police chief that I have ever seen! If he didn't have anything to hide, he would gladly let you all talk to Joe. I am so glad to hear REAL news instead of censored news now! You all keep up the good work!
Time for a county wide, unified, police force.
Time for a county wide, unified, police force.
Sounds like you'll have some splaining to do when you get hauled into court on this one....like how did you know two weeks prior? HMMMM...this should be interesting.
Raid??? What raid????
oh you mean employment testing for laterals!!!
Thank you Anon 11:06. Thank you and others for speaking about the true Al Webster. If people listen to him they will be told that current and MANY former employees were the problem. Amazing the lies he dishes out about employees when they are no longer there to defend themselves. I do believe he told all of you that very thing. Arrogant asshole needs to be put down. Go Jim Ireton.
Dump the Chief and get a real chief!
Is anyone ever going to ask the people who left what is really going at SPD, you know you can't ask the people there, the chief will go after them. The chief protected the mayors daughter, so the mayor keeps the chief...that simple. sheriff take over the city is the answer
2. SPD aka Chiefy asks for assistance from WCSO and Feds, WHY?
Because Barrie refuses to hire more officers....and one thing that has NEVER been denied is that SPD is short handed, especially if they are planning on arresting many!! This doesn't make SPD a bad department because they ask for help! WCSO and State and SPD have worked together on raids before, whether it was a State raid, WCSO raid or even FED raid!
The Fed's need to check out SPD and the GOB. Cause there's too many FOB's in this damn town. Loose lips, sink ships. Chiefy be paddling down poo river soon.
You officers should talk to the FOP, they take your money don't they? Ask them what they are doing for you?
That's one reason I personally won't give any tips to SPD, somebody there has a very big mouth. Retaliation is not good for my health.
Wilber's raise alone would fund three more officers
You cant tell me there isnt higher ups involved in all this illegal activity who might be playing both sides of the fence-how else do the police know about all these illegal activities and how is it criminals on the street know before something goes down that it is coming?I smell bribery.How else can you explain how some people get arrested and others knew in advance about the raid?Maybe the people busted didn't donate to the "policemans ball".......
Anon 5:30 I think the commenter was implying the chief invited WCSO and the FEDS so no one would know the leak is within the SPD and/or GOB. The officers of SPD are no different than military troops, they are the last to know and do as they are instructed. It's those higher ups that control the stats that have the loose lips and the most to lose. They know who they are and so does Chiefy. It's easier to fire a lower paid hard working officer than risk the chance of someone writing a tell all book to the FEDS.
its not hard to know when theres somthing going down all you have to do is pay attention if you see theres no cops on the streets wonder whats happening now the thing is how do you know the where??
11:24 needs to get his thoughts together or stop blogging!
joe, the last sentence of the article was perfect. he DOES wanna be like mike!!
Chief Ed Lasley? Ed's born and bred right here, served on MSP in Berlin. He knows what the citizens of the city wants!
Get your facts straight, this was not an SPD investigation, there were no search warrants, this was all consent.
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