OK, I stated a couple of weeks ago that on November 12th, Gary Comegys would announce his intentions to run for Mayor of Salisbury. First of all, I was exactly 100% correct.
Secondly, here we have a man who declared Bankruptcy, yet he wants to manage and more importantly CONTROL millions upon millions of dollars for the City of Salisbury. Everyone knows his past history refusing to pay child support and having to be brought into Court over those serious issues as a dead beat Father.
We have seen him regularly and frequently cruising around in his SHA vehicle and let me ASSURE you Folks, the above photo does NOT lie! Gary Comegys has been seen regularly throughout the years hiding his SHA vehicle behind his home, IN THE CEMETERY so no one can see it, hence the evidence above at 2:30 in the afternoon on a week day. As a matter of fact, the above photo was taken on 11-6-08. This is a week day and during working hours.
Clearly this man will do anything to take advantage of EVERY taxpayer in the State of Maryland and YES, this has been reported to the Authorities. This is NOT an honest man. YOU will have the chance to show your interest in this man at the polls and believe me, he won't get past the first round.
It's finally up to YOU to show who you will stand behind because I know if I lived in the City limits I'd push to boot his a$$ off the Council just by the photo above alone.
The mere FACT that he has to HIDE the SHA vehicle where the normal Joe couldn't see it clearly shows Comegys doesn't respect his job nor the Maryland Taxpayers. I know many of you have seen him do this in the past. Yes, he does have a driveway to park 3 or 4 cars. Yes there is parking in front of his home on the street. Hence these photos from a previous article HERE.
Bubba, the game is OVER! Perhaps before it even starts. I can't wait for the comments to come rolling in on this one!
As s Maryland taxpayer, I feel that he is stealing our taxes by his action as a State employee.
Where is Davis Ruark on this?
That Donnie Drewer lets him do stuff like that doesn't speak well for DD either.
Well, if we elect Obama then whats the difference? You get what you vote for or pay for.
This man will never go away and Norman Conway is his hero.
I put him in the same catagory as Ray lewis for stealing tax payers money. He is no better.
Suggest people start calling Norm Conway and demanding that the State put the kibash on Bubba's conduct as a state employee.
Del. Comway is at:
1312 Whittier Drive, Salisbury, MD 21801-3241
Tel: (410) 543-9060
Don't forget his divorce/adultery -- Bubba's a class act.
You know, Barrie is putting Bubba out there in front as if he's running for Mayor, to see what all your complaints are and what trash you can dig up. She'll wait to announce her run for Mayor while she suddenly takes action on all the issues so when she's ready to announce, most of the issues will have been dealt with, by her.
Conway won't do a damn thing and I doubt that Davis will, either, so how about putting that photo in Andy Harris's hands and maybe he can get some action to protect the taxpayers from Comegys. G.A. Harrison could contact Lowell Stoltzfus and Rich Colburn, too.
Comegys should be canned and we cannot allow him to be foist on us as mayor by SAPOA, developers and the Chamber of Commerce crowd that have kept Barrie Tilghman in office and now Louise Smith and Shanie Shields.
oh boy here we go again, another piece of crap in the hot seat ! NOT
Comegys is a dishonorable disgrace and, as a member of the City Council, has helped Barrie Tilghman bleed the City of Salisbury almost to death.
In most states there is a bounty on these a$$es. In Salisbury they actually pay them!!
I see him no higher than I would see Ray Lewis or Richard Chapman of Pittsville VFD, all three are theives. It's utterly disgusting.
Gary=Barrie---JUST SAY NO!!!
This is going to get UGLY. All you contenders may want to sit down and agree to keep it civil at least. We've had enough crap thrown at us.
11:29 these are my sentiments, exactly. I have had these same thoughts all day long. Bubba isn't going to run, if he does, he'll lose in the primary. His campaign platform in todays paper is a joke. Everything on there can be denounced using his voting record only. Barrie is waiting to see how much support he'll get and who else will throw their hat in the ring. I don't care if Barrie Tilghman paved the plaza with gold, she can not win, even if she ran an honest campaign. We all know that won't happen.
By the way the record retention policy she wants in place is not to destroy records, it's to destroy EVIDENCE.
Comegys is a disgrace--I hope he runs because it will be funny.
Bubba would be a better MARE than Joe Al-Worthless!
Here we go again, smears, criticisms, bad mouth, all will get the candidate elected everytime. Remember McCain, the trashing he spoke about O'Boma. Which one got elected? You tell me.
Here we go again, smears, criticisms, bad mouth, all will get the candidate elected everytime. Remember McCain, the trashing he spoke about O'Boma. Which one got elected? You tell me.
What can you expect from someone
who was on the Board of the
Humane Society??
The thing is he isn't the only one
stealing from we the taXpayers.
There are plenty out there that
need reporting. Taking time off
from the job IS STEALING!!!
Let's get some petitions up to ask
why our money is being wasted ,
asking for dismissals and answers
from our "ONES AT THE TOP"
Lets get together & watch how these
employees are spending their 2 hr
lunches, taking their relatives &
friends to apts. etc. Let them
know they are going to be followed,
their pictures taken, & the news
posted on this site. I'd love to
nail a few myself. It's a known
fact , most do it & nobody is held
responsible. Get those video
cameras rolling.!!!
Wanna bet that Ms. Comegys does not heckle Bubba's opponent(s) at debates and forums, just like she did last year. That pair deserve each other.
We want someone besides Muir Boda to run against Debbie Campbell.
Call me
All these hateful comments about Gary is only going to get him in the mayor's office.
I am a neighbor of Mr. Comegys and I have witnessed his parking behind his fence during the day for years. I will remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
Voter be ware Comegy’s and Gordy are in cahoots with one another. Gordy will call in every favor possible so his boy will be mare. If you think Gordys fire dept. is breaking the city now you just wait.
Why would someone subject himself to the kind of embarrassment that Comegys will be facing as he runs for mayor. Does he really not realize that he is perceived as a buffoon? The electorate has watched him on PAC-14 continue to make a fool of himself. Oh, well, let the fun begin.
I've seen his vehicle there when I've gone to put flowers out. Had no idea of who it belonged to. I'll be happy to take my digital camera along from now on.
He says he only wants to be paid as part-time? I guess so, he will not only have fire department pension, he'll have a state pension too for doing nothing, he's probably got the numbers figured and if he makes too much he'll have to pay more taxes, I should say that's what someone else told him to do, he's not smart enough to do the math. He hasn't done squat in 5 years except break a lot of wind and getting paid well for it . Don't forget how much money in TIF's he's handed out that have all either flopped or other issues that always costs the taxpayers. I bet the county council feels good, they turned down giving the TIF to the Old Mall developers, they are smart. Another case to abolish the city charter and let the county run the city law enforcement and administration. He makes promises of raises to both firefighters and police officers then flip flops and cuts them both. If we can't trust someone to follow through on his promises as council person, why trust him to follow through as a mayor?
I am still shaking my head over this,thinking it HAS to be a joke!I do not know him personally but the fact that he is being paid by the state to hang out at home AND has financial issues,not to mention his pisspoor performance in the citys service,well,thats all not going to be good for his campaign.Joe doesn't have to really do anything to hurt his chances,he will shoot his own self in the foot on this one.If people actually vote for this guy,they deserve whatever they get.
After watching tonight’s news I don’t get the feeling Bubba understands exactly what the mares job is. He wants to put a police office here do this and do that what a minute. Bubba’s not the police chief, fire chief, or head turd watcher for the city. I do believe the police chief needs to be making those decisions not Bubba.
Having Gary Comegy’s for mayor would be like having Ray Charles for mayor. Garys blind to the fact also.
I heard Gordy has agreed to be Gary Comegy’s treasure in his pursuit of Mayor. How many toys might this mean for the fire company play pen one has to ask.
Watching from my safe place outside of the city limits, I'd like to make the following observations:
Anyone who has heard this guy utter a sentence would know that he's a completely unprepared to run the city in any kind of professional way.
He's known as being irresponsible i.e.bankruptcy, child support enforcement issues, cheating on his attendance at his job.
He's never said ONE thing (that I've ever heard, anyway) that indicates he "gets it" as far as managing the complicated and consequently fragile balances necessary to govern.
The people of SBY need someone, for a change, who is a professional, with education and training which will enable them to understand, undertake and dig in to move the city in a direction toward progress.
Electing another idiot to the mayors office will only confirm the demise of what was once a really sweet city, that used to be a great place to live.
Let fate take care of itself. Let us table the tax issues for a second (which are incredibly insulting, and perhaps illegal/unethical); only the dumbest jabroni would do something like this in a cemetary....What is next fat ass? Perhaps an open-air crap on the Gettysburg battlefield? A motion to authorize the harvesting of unnecessary scrap metal..from the Arizona Memorial? Hope you get the living "fluck" haunted out of your rotund ass!!
Hey, let's all get bumper stickers that say "Run, Bubba, Run!" and put them on the front bumpers of our vehicles. hee,hee,hee
I like this one better.
Having Gary for a mare would be like having a blindman for a heart surgeon.
We have plenty of prostitutes around here, we don't need one in the mare's office.
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