As I reported about the Voter fraud that I personally witnessed last week while in Ohio. It has now become very apparent that I was not only correct in my supposition, but this is a far more reaching problem than any of us ever imagined.
Thirteen states are now reporting suspected voter fraud!
Illinois now has 105% of it's population registered to vote!
How at this point will the elections be conducted?
Once an absentee ballot is opened and the envelope is thrown away (which is customary) the return address is gone and the ballot is completely anonymous. How are these ballots to be counted?
Thirteen states with highly suspect ballots!
ACORN and the stupid little socialist who bought into their BS, then found that they really weren't enough college kids to register, turned to homeless people, and crackheads just to meet their quotas, have put this country into a very serious situation.
What do you the readers think should be done about the votes of these thirteen states?
Throw away all absentee ballots?
Change the rules right now and say if "If you are going to vote you must come to the polls on the 4th and no other ballots will be accepted"?
As you know I read a lot of different sided sights out there on the net and I have to say that more than once I have seen articles predicting that the 2008 elections will be cancelled.
I have always wondered what in the world could happen to be serious enough, catastrophic enough to cancel an election?
Financial Meltdown?
Threat of War?
Devastating Natural Disaster?
Massive Voter Fraud?
Looks like we have three out of my four major scenarios.
I'm going to go on the record as thinking that cancellation of the 2008 election is a very real possibility.
If they do negate the votes in these states we are going to have people protesting in the streets that their voices do not matter.
If they do allow the votes in these states to be counted the rest of the country is going to be marching in the streets saying that the election was rigged.
Does canceling the election throw us into a dictatorship?
The 'Continuity of Government' order was extended by the White House last summer (It is a clause that allows the President and the President alone to make all decisions regarding the running of our country COMPLETELY bypassing Congress).
Is this the reason troops have been deployed in the US for the first time since the Civil War?
The official statement is that they have been deployed for crowd control....
Don't believe me?
Read this Army Times Article or this, from AlterNet, and this from George Washington's Blog .
Google it for yourself and you will find plenty of articles and interesting comments from those reading this information around the world.
Three thousand troops deployed in the US for crowd control. What do they need to control us for?
Something smells really bad here folks, and we need to keep our eyes and ears open.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Will the Voter Fraud Uncovered in Ohio, Missouri and Eleven Other States Give Reason to Cancel the 2008 Elections?
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When has there ever been an election without suspected voter fraud?
Well certainly not on this coordinated effort, and on this grand of scale.
But what do you suggest?
We the people really need to decide how this should be handled.
one man one Vote. With the absentee ballots leaving so much grey area. Unless a person can attend the voting booth in person this year we have no way to verify that the vote is honest. we should hold all absentee ballots and verify them to be real and non duplicate which could take months. Its best to discard them all and move towards a national electronic absentee system via the internetfor the future, which probably also lends itself to fraudulence in some form.
man everything is falling apart at the seams these days...
Bush won FLA based on absentees.
Not to mention Obamas relationship with Odinga.
It appears that the Democrats have once again risen to the top of their game and are back to the successful theft of presidential elections. Nothing will be done, this has been going on without recourse for a long time now, they just slacked off a bit after the Clinton reign.
On a side note, some people are getting really peeved about this and there will be a rising up soon. The elitist democrats and media will only rule temporarily. It's just a guess as to the amount of damage they will be able to do to this once great country.
This is happening right here in Salisbury. A lady told me the other day that she is signing people up to vote and then giving them an absentee ballot so they wont have to go out to vote. She said she helped them fill it out. Most of these people probally dont know how to read lot alone know how to fill out the form and have a stamp to mail it with. It is a shame peoole must cheat to win.
Mrs Wymzie, If you have three personalities does each one get to vote?
Anon 2:48 were they campaigning for Barrie or Bubba? These are their tactics, its what they did in the nursing homes last time she ran for election.
Fox News is pumping this. Of course the Dems are worried about Repubs doing it.
And George W. Bush would love any excuse to declare martial law.
And THAT could be the "October surprise."
This how Hitler came to power in Germany. This is how Lenin and the Communists did it in Russia, And how about Castro and Mao. It has been said that if history is ignored it will only repeat itself
we are afraid to display our McCain Palin yard signs because the young blacks go by our house chanting "O-bam-a" over & over again...10 years and under.
The internet absentee voting would be the MOST OPEN to fraud.
If you don't believe me, try to play online poker...
2:48- Are you suggesting that there should be literacy testing before people are allowed to vote?
Why stop there? Maybe only men should be able to vote. Maybe only white men. Or maybe only property owners. Sounds good to me.
Yeah, internet voting would eliminate fraud. Maybe someone could filter those votes the way comments are filtered on this blog.
No there should not be testing or criteria voting other than 'Showing Up' and having ID.
The only people that should be able to absentee vote are those who are overseas, or in a bed.
Many of the folks from the nursing homes go out shopping once a week.
Our military men and women of course should be able to vote absentee.
But if ANYONE is going to do so it should be up to them to contact their local board of elections and do it themselves.
There is NO need for little Socialist to be running around collecting absentee ballots so that they can pick and choose which ones get submitted.
Write to your Senators and Congressman and tell them that the states that are under investigation should not allow their absentee to be counted this year.
Then get your butts out to vote on the 4th!
How about people who actually PAY taxes get 1.5 votes and people who don't pay in get one vote.
Wow, Anonymous... are you saying you are scared of 10-year-olds who dare to be interested in this nation's future? That somehow their free speech supporting a political candidate (traditionally a prized and hotly protected Conservative right) is troubling to you? When I was 13, I wasn't allowed to vote yet (of course) but I was strongly encouraged by parents, teachers, etc. to voice my concerns LOUDLY so that those who COULD vote would get the message.
Listen, everyone... any allegations of Dems involved in fraud will be countered by mention of the Republicans' efforts in 2000 which resulted in FELONY CONVICTIONS for their operatives who did all sorts of vote-blocking and disenfranchising things in that election. Bush/Cheney/Rove blemished the Republican reputation for honesty in so many ways, it will be difficult to backtrack...Do we really want all of that news to resurface just 13 days before the election? I didn't think so.
Get the facts straight... we can't represent our party if we're not informed of the truth, however ugly it is.
On that note, quit calling Obama a socialist, unless you are willing to call every Republican politician who has voted on a tax bill a socialist, too. Uniformed comments like that insult the intelligence of Republicans nationwide. ALL tax plans redistribute wealth from individuals to government, and there is no politician on the American books who would support abolishing taxes altogether. There would be no schools, no garbage removal, no military, etc. if we did that.
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