As a representative of The Young Professionals of the SACC I just wanted to
write to thank you for helping us. Recently, we held our first re-launch
party at the new Rowens Mill Club House in Fruitland MD. Over 8 local
Restaurants and sponsors participated in our "Taste of the Town" theme. Our
event was a huge success! The party was packed with over 60 young
professionals - all having the opportunity to see our new image, logo,
website and future calendar of events before being introduced to the general
The committee would like to thank everyone who participated and to remind
all Young Professionals alike to join us in our future endeavors! The
participation was more than expected and the excitement was electrifying!
The success of this event proved that the Young Professionals are a group
truly dedicated to making a difference in our community!
To learn more about future social networking parties, news and community
events please feel free to visit our new website
www.SalisburyYoungProfessionals.com and be sure to sign up to receive
Thanks again to all the YP's, sponsors and community support that made this
event possible!
Adam Roop
Networking Chair
So what do you consider young?
just like the Metropolitan rag this group tries to believe Salisbury is on par with Baltimore, DC and Philly. They are just big fish in a very, very small pond.
Maybe they could team up with the Jaycees....imagine the impact the two groups could make together.
Rise above it! YP's great job, very impressive turn out for your event.
I agree with the Jaycees idea. Having two groups get together and help out the community would be great! As for the negative Nancy's, well what can you really say? What are you doing with your spare time? Why dont you let everyone know what we should to to help the community? Please do tell... Stop being negative and do something positive!!
Yes, partnerships like those with the Jayceess and other organizations are ones we are searching for.
If you know of any contact person for these types of groups please share them with us! You can email us on our website www.SalisburyYoungProfessionals.com
We look forward to joining together for a common cause!
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