When you ride down 13 and happen to know where the railroad station used to be this is the sad sight you see today, yet in its prime this was a beautiful station that served Salisbury faithfully for many years. The end came when more automobiles starting hitting the roads, and more and more local produce was shipped via truck rather than rail. The station opened in April 1914 and was for sale in March of 1958. If you ever have time look for old pictures of this station to see it at its most beautiful period. If anyone has any old pictures i would love to have a copy email me at moocha1974@comcast.net.. Thanks to local residents who sent me some great railroad pictures like one posted.
I heard a brewery and restaurant was going into the train station. Has anyone else heard it?
Same for its location. Just behind whore plaza
A brewery was , until the mayor screwed-up that.
Check with George , he will more than likely have lod pictures.
I heard it was supposed to be open this November by the Knorr brothers that own Sobos, Red Roost, etc. They have a long way to go to be open by then. I think I see a permit in the windo and have seen some work going on. I wish they would hurry up I have been waiting for a brew pub in town since I moved here 11 years ago.
I heard the mayor and her city cronies ran the boys out of town with charging them a ton money for EDUs, guess they didn't qualify for Barrie's developer discount. They are now setting up a brewery in Delmar, DE. They got their first round of approvals at the city council meeting last week.
This is a big loss for the city, these guys seem to always to do a great job turning places around and the brewery would have been a good local establishment for us all.
Think it is being converted to offices.
My grandfather was THE only cab in Salisbury at the time. I remember him leaving the house to "meet the train" and take any passengers to the hotel where they would be staying. I probably was about 3 or 4 at the time. I have movies of him doing this. Of course, they are in "black and white". I don't know if I have any of the actual train station, but I will look. Who wants them?
Seems the brothers who were to open this place are now looking to start a microbrewery in Delmar, DE.
Sure, I heard that too, but...look where it's located. They need to clean up the area around the old station and then consider doing something. Until then, no thanks.
If they think a restaurant is going to work in that neighborhood i have some water front property in nevada for them.
the guys do an awesome job at sobos, boonies and the red roost.I will be there for some more of their great food when it opens it is about time someone starts a new business in the city limits, especially in this part of town in that building.
those guys who have sobos do great food hopefully they will open it soon. the town really needs something in that area. look at the edgy areas in DC and Baltimore that have been renovated
I'm told the City/Mayor wants to impost $150,000.00 worth of fees for EDU's, possible even more. The comment about them relocating their Brewery to Delaware is also accurate, according to my sources. I was told the fees were up to $200,000.00 but we'll settle for 150k until I hear further details.
Growth pays for growth, right Mayor, Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Lynn Cathcart and Shanie Shields?
went by there today and seems like something is starting. I hope it is as good like sobos with some phat brews. the sobos rock
i hear now they are just starting a small brewery in delmar with no restaurant. i heard barrie's public works wizzards was trying to kill the project with $160,000 fees---hell they would put most water in kegs and ship off. somehow you would think the city would have wanted the brewey and restaurant in the area, but then again when was the new restaurant that opened in the area.
tom knorr said they are putting there offices in there. if I know tom and john they will wait this out and put a killer restaurant in the station and serve their delmar brew to all.
it was 160,000 impact fees for the restraunt and notta for the office space that tom is going to use it for was load of crap think someone didnt want a restaurant there??
Joe, and the other posters, you guys are kidding me right? Say it isn't so. Following a long conversation with my daughter and son in law, this can all relate to the downtown plaza. What a shame that the town cannot come to an agreement to offer what could be a very lucrative business for all involved. Amazing. If they need to shift their plans to Delmar then so be it-seems the folks here just dont get it no matter what the cost.
They are within a few hundred feet of an open air drug market and all that comes with it.
Do I need to remind people of Brew River? It is in at one time one the worst area of the city. 10 years later they are still doing a decent business.. Granted Frank Jr is going to run it to the ground with his poor customer service on the restuarant side.
The Knorr Brothers have the money to invest. My bet is now they will be trying to buy up as much property across the tracks as they can. They don't have to worry about doing it tomorrow. They are smart, I don't think they have touched or even tried to buy any property in the downtown dead zone.
The oldest brother might be 40, they have plenty of time to get a vision and follow through with it, all good time.
A thought occured to me while I was looking at that photo-why can't we have commuter trains to link us to the rest of the state and the shore?There are miles of right of way and abandoned track.
I couldn't agree with you more!
Just think we could work in DC, Baltimore, or Wilmington and come home at night!
Imagine that we could actually make a good living and live in a house we can afford.
There used to be a commmuter train from all of those cities all the way to Cape Charles. With the gas crisis, the economy, and all of the rest of the crap that is going on a commuter train would solve a lot of problems. Additionally, we wouldn't have the problem with the bus drivers talking on their cell phones and swerving into my lane when I'm driving.
I would so ride the train to DC. I think it might actually bring us into the real world.
Thanks Wymzie!A voice of reason!
I have always thought this area is prime for rail service because literally there are hundreds of miles of abandoned track across Delmarva where the land is already graded and set up for rails.As of now,if you want to take a train across the country or just to NYC for an evening,you first have to drive all the way to Wilmington,DE to catch the train.People could commute to the shore to and from jobs in the Beltway and further north like Philly.Best of all,people from all over could use the rail to get to the beaches in the summer,eliminating backups on the bridge and dangerous accidents.Glad I am not alone in my thinking!
Personally I would love to see the rail service open back up down here. I'm in my young 20s but being able to travel by rail instead of driving everywhere, being stuck in traffic backups, and not being able to enjoy delmarva for what it is. On the train would be able to see all throughout the parts of delmarva which the bypass and the highways hide.
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