I know having talked to anyone on the street, that everyone is cutting back. Our lives have become more financially unsure with each passing day. We can thank our local and national governing bodies for that.
However these beautiful pets are in desperate need of a new home. How about it? Can you, or someone you know, adopt a cat or dog? Keep in mind these designer breeds are often the first of their kinds. And think of the fun you can have combining breeds to come up with those designer names. As for the cats, well unless you have loved one, you'll never know what your missing. The ultimate easy care pet that can amuse themselves for hours in your home while your working. After all you never hear of a cat daycare! I don't have to remind you of what might happen if they don't find a home and quickly. Do yourself and your family a favor and bring one of these affectionate future family members home. You won't be sorry.
Give Back by Adopting an animal today.
Humane Society Of Wicomico County
Awwwwww. They are so cute. I would love to adopt a cat, but I already have 2 and my new apartment building won't allow me to have any more. :(
This is such a nice refreshing
feature to your site. Love the
captions under the animals. Did
you do that for them Joe? I'm
impressed you thought of doing something like this for Gods little creatures. Keep it up!!
So who's the BOZO who dumped off a mother cat and all her kittens on Whitehaven Road recently??
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