I have been following the Paul D's Taxi saga. A firend of mine sent this pic that she took this morning. Unless the deadbeat has hired someone he is driving again. Just thought this was interesting since he has received such negative publicty over the past few days on your site. Obviously he continues to break the law. The pic isn't of the best quality but you can clearly tell it's Paul D's Taxi!
Saw it on my street on Friday or Saturday too. It could be someone else driving. Can someone explain the taxi regulation for the city/county and how the public and passengers can know if a cab is properly licenses with the regulating authority?
No one will care until he kills someone. Then it will be to late.
The cab was also seen the the mall on sunday
Paul D. has blonde hair (balding), around 45 years old, about 200 pounds. Has a mustache and always wears a ball cap or a doo-rag and sunglasses.
I saw this van being driven around on Friday also. However, it was a short, browned hair lady that was driving.
Is there a way to find out if the Taxi is an insured vehicle? What if they hit someone?
what is with all the anti-paul d sentiments? I can only assume the angry person who Paul cut off the other day, who got him arrested, is posting some of these comments. and that his x-wife is posting some others.
but they are laughable. what if he kills someone? what if he doesnt have insurance? What if YOU kill someone? what if YOU dont have insurance?
I mean, WTF are you all talking about? So the guy is a bad father that doesnt mean he is a bad driver.
Hey 12:53 - What, are you his new best friend? or better yet...Paul, is that you?
Taxi Licensing is done at the sheriff's office, if he doesnt have a license why isnt his taxi license revoked? and if he is driving with out a taxi license too, isnt that a double fine?
Great! Stalkers unite!
I encourage anyone who sees this taxi to call 911. It is illegal. The original information I sent Mr. Joe asked everyone to do that. SO please do it.
PERIOD, it's illegal.
The woman driving the taxi is NOT licensed.
Her name is Pam, not sure of her last name. I will investigate more.
The sheriffs department is in control of taxi licenses. Pam does NOT hold a taxi license.
I've warned everyone on here and if you guys see him breaking the law and he kills someone tomorrow the blood is on your hands.
who cares. he cut someone off; doesn't mean he's gonna kill someone. i just saw an older man in a maroon pick up truck cut in front a white auto repair truck. the guy in the white truck beeped and then changed lanes. i doubt he's out stalking the older man and taking pictures of him and claiming he is going to kill someone. THE BLOOD IS ON ALL YOUR HANDS PEOPLE!!
Just to be clear: Even if you don't own the taxi or the taxi service, do you have to have a special permit just to drive it?
Yes you do. Each person has to go through a criminal background and is issued a personal taxi driver's license.
seriously. the people that are using this taxi service are probably not aware of what is being posted on this site. Hence the reason so many are probably still willing to hitch a ride from the criminal.
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