Today let's look at the short term plan for revitalization of the North Prong under Mahan Rykiel Associates, Inc.
Last night John Pick said he parented Resolution 1710. Louise Smith stressed repeatedly this was a resolution to ONLY acknowledge receipt of the plan. LIAR! Paul Wilber said this was a mild resolution. LIAR! Paul Wilber also told Jack Lenox and Gary Comegys when Perdue and the Farmers are gone, its done. Time to slither back under your rock Paul.
S.J. Disharoon asked the question that most thinking people asked of themselves. Why do they need a resolution if it is ONLY to acknowledge receipt of a plan? I'll tell you why they wanted a resolution and it will explain why Lore Chambers stormed out of the council chambers with her panties in a twist, why Gary Comegys (who wants to be R NECKS MARE) voted with an emphatic NO when the question was called. These people are so damned arrogant they have Resolution 1710 listed on the website as if it had been accepted by the council. It's been up there for days before the council even met.
Exhibit A shows the plans for a boat ramp. Isn't that lovely? Gary Comegys cries every time that bridge goes up on Rt 50 as it is, he might commit suicide if it had to open for every small boat launched on the North Prong. You can't get a Boston Whaler under the Rt 50 bridge without opening it so why would you put a Public boat ramp there? You would be hard pressed to get a person in a kayak at low tide under the bridge. Another thing those idiots might want to consider doing before they go launching pleasure craft in the North Prong is getting that outfit up in Jersey that bought the barges from Dolbey down here to retrieve the two barges they got sunk out there in the river. Notice Perdue is taken completely off the map? It's tagged as a waterfront promenade. I'm sure that will cover the taxes lost by this business being gone. NOT!
There is a chart in this plan called the North Prong Strategic Revitalization Plan - Implementation Matrix. Typical of all charts it has colorful columns with listed Strategies, Immediate, Short Term, Mid Term, Long term, Goals & Visions. Listed in the column titled IMMEDIATE it says, ENFORCE design guidelines. Had this resolution passed by the normal 3-2 vote of council today they would be ENFORCING these guidelines. Those people sitting up there in the GOB, being paid $80,000 and more annually are nothing less than common liars and thieves. They, through Louise Smith tried very hard to make everyone believe this resolution was nothing more than an acknowledgement of receipt of a plan. Reality is this was planned to be put into action as soon as they got that 3-2 vote. Lore and the rest of the thugs in the GOB had every intention of ENFORCING these guidelines ASAP. I'm thankful this is an election year, otherwise Shanie would have never gone along with Campbell and Cohen and Louise won't be left out of the majority vote, no matter what they vote on.
Granted that area needs to be cleaned up but that is up to the property owners to tend to their properties not the city or WET or Greater Salisbury or Urban Salisbury or anyone else. If you want it cleaned up send Tom Stevenson over there or Bill Holland, let him earn his keep for a change. Tell these people they need to slap some paint on their buildings or plant a bush but don't tell them they will be part of a mix use area when that is not the truth by any stretch of the imagination. How can they say existing businesses are part of the plan when the plan states to the contrary, in black and white. The points of the Revitalization Process are as follows, in their exact order:
1. There should be no use of Eminent Domain in the revitalization of the North Prong.
2. Existing businesses should not be pushed out.
3. Revitalization should be incremental-maintain existing businesses that wish to remain as some properties are redeveloped.
4. Provide community with information on planning that has been done to date.
5. Redevelopment needs to be incremental (most common viewpoint)
6. Redevelopment should encompass the whole North Prong and marketed as "one package" (this is a conflict with more common sentiment that redevelopment should be incremental)
7. Focus needs to be on making downtown work, first
8. Focus should be in stabilizing housing in existing neighborhoods before building new residential (not a common theme)
9. Success hinges on ability to find alternate location for Perdue (unless area is to remain light industrial)
These planners are just like Barrie, the council majority and her overpaid flunkies, they talk out of both sides of their mouth. First they don't want to push businesses out then in the end they want to find Perdue a new location. Well, what the hell is that if it isn't pushing a business out?
Now we know the plan of Lore, Barrie and the rest of the crooks in this town, they plan on pushing out the ONLY large employer and taxpayer remaining in the city? Should Jim Perdue fall for this malarkey and pull up stakes who will replace the tax dollars he will be taking with him? Who will be replacing the water and sewer funds that he won't be paying any longer? Most importantly WHO will employ all of the people currently employed by the Perdue Corporation? Have the slumlords thought about WHO will rent their substandard housing when Perdue pulls out? When jobs go, people go and crime rises. Comegys, Shields and Smith don't want to give funding to SPD to curtail the crime we have in the city now, who do they think will be called to serve and protect their riverfront fiasco?
I haven't gotten past page 14 of this waste of $70,000 taxpayer dollars and it's raising my blood pressure. I can only imagine how the business owners on Mill St and Lake Street must feel. Due to the length of this plan it is going to take quite a few posts to get all of the info out there to anyone interested. Believe me, I've only just begun with this issue.
It would be smarter to put vegetation on the riverfront rather than impervious cement which allows runoff...but then again its just the Bay we are polluting right?
Does this explain why Bob Culvers property purchase fell through?
The Chamber/Urban Salisbury produced a similar plan about four/five years ago. I can't believe the city has paid someone else to this again. It's the same old crap as before. Why don’t the city quit wasting money and start cleaning up the area now, appoint a volunteer commission to approve projects along the prong, issue ordinances stating if you buy you must rebuild in a reasonable time frame, and issue tax breaks for businesses building in this area. Simple. Done. I can not fathom why these morons try to reinvent the wheel.
Clear decisive leadership is needed. Not this merry-go-round of idiocy.
Please post the estimated "table of public costs" -- they would be humongous.
This ridiculous Barrie & Bubba scam must be killed right now
Comegys let the cat out the bag about the City (he and Barrie) wanting to get rid of Perdue.
Jim Ireton has an updated plan for cleaning up the river that went on his website today.
a boat ramp? the county has a ramp less then a mile from there.
did any of the people that prepared the report even visit the area? or at least look on google earth?
oh and i didnt see the guard towers for the parking lot
Comegys tried to make this sound like the plan Pete Cooper did about 40 years ago for the riverfront that runs between Main Street and Carroll Street, but they are completely different. The City didn't incur huge consultant's fees for that plan, which was practical and had immediate imterest from bona-fide developers, plus lots of state money.
Times are different now and there is no demand for these sites that is any better than what's there now. Imagine having a hotel across the street from the Perdue chicken processing plant (or is that what Bubba and Barrie want to get rid of).
Comegys is a BS artist who should not even be on the City Council, and certainly not "R Necks Mare."
LOL Guard towers...very true
I am for developing the water front, please please please do something with it, it would be so nice to visit a nice river front, yes the river is crap but we have to start somewhere. I like redoing the area. Joe have you talked to Perdue about this, I heard in the past he would like to move? Check with him on his ideas? This area is missing a huge waterfront potential, give the people something to want to visit here. What would you come to Salisbury to visit, not much, the park is out of date and dangerous, if you build this park plan on police protection to have anyone visit it. Salisbury needs something now, not next year, now.
Wow, what a mess that presentation was last night--the strategy to pass this off as just for "accepting" the plan was shown its true purpose by Cohen and Campbell. When will Barrie learn that these two Council members are not fooled by her power-grab attempts--they are so much smarter than she and Gary are. Chambers looked ridiculous and Pick looked in pain.
That North Prong waterfront is but a warm bucket of spit. Get real.
Tell the bank that's financing that big (unbuilt) condo on Fitzwater Street about our great waterfront opportunity. Do you live in one of the 5 sold units in that condo on Riverside Drive?
$70,000? It's a lot more than that!
"the park is out of date and dangerous"
Then spend money to update and protect the park THAT'S ALREADY HERE!
I get sick and tired of everything here being left to sh*t while new stuff gets built.
There's a boat ramp right on the other side of the river!
Who wants to boat in a river full of turds?
I thought Louise voted only when there was a tie. If the vote was 3-1 (the two brains plus Shanie vs. Gary), why was she even voting?
The boat ramp will be for the new fire boat.
In a comprehensive plan for future development, this would be nice, but until we get some real leaders, with a vision for today and tommorrow, this is just pie in the sky dreaming.
The current administration can't handle what they have to take care of now, let alone adding something like this.
Is Barry trying to get her name on something?
Why anyone would pay top dollar to live in a home on an open cesspool (the river) is beyond me.And arent the existing condos half-vacant anyway?
Boy are we ever lucky that this mayor, Gary and Louise are not members of the U.S. Congress. Think of the pork they would milk from our government every chance they got!
Does Perdue know they are moving?
Maybe since Bubba works for Sha he's trying to get a big areal bridge in the Bury and that's why they want another ramp.
If Perdue wants to come to P-City, I'm sure Boss Hogg and his cronies will offer them lots of tax incentives and abatements here!
Anonymous said...
The Chamber/Urban Salisbury produced a similar plan about four/five years ago. I can't believe the city has paid someone else to this again.....
3:09 PM
I have been preaching my theory about hiring consultants for several years now. They get paid to tell you what you want to hear. Dirty politicians use the consultants to slip one by the gulible tax payers to make it sound like that is what is best.
You get what you vote for so don't complain now. You people that bitch about these criminals in the city administration are what you deserve. How many of you go to council meeting and voice your concerns or demands? Very few.
Well hopefully the silent majority will get rid of the biggest criminal in the next election.
Campbell was the only member to vote against taking money from the city's contingency account to fund the study.
The issues are clear. A lovely riverwalk would be wonderful. It ain's gonna happen with Barry Tilghman as Mayor, she is only interested in spending taxpayers money on deleveloping the wealth of her buds. Secondly, are we in a recession? Taxpayers cannot afford groceries...or hasn't the MARE been to the grocery lately?
Economic development is great, however we have many many vacant stores in Salisbury now, high crime, infastructure that is crumbling, and the MARE wants more building? NO.
We are (by all reports) in a recession/depression, and thousands of folks will be without money, does that tell the MARE anything?
Why do I feel that this is Alice in Wonderland, and no one save the Lady Cohen, and the Lady Campbell have any economic sense or intellect.
If the MARE wants something named after her I would suggest the sludge pit. The one that keeps having problems running over....sound familiar?
The analogy is it spills over and pollutes the river. She opens her mouth and pollutes the council meetings.
The election cannot come sooner. If Bubba runs, I hope it is out of town.
But those who do try to not let her get away with what she has in the past are labeled trouble makers. We go to most of the meetings and you can tell we are not welcome there. We are only trying to hold on to what my husbands father and my husband and now his son are so proud of. Even though we do not the right to vote,(was taken away by a former council)
S.J.& Wanda Disharoon
This is NOT the time to be trying to push another expensive and "pie in the sky" project through, even if you somehow have the votes to.
There are no indications that our economy, as Americans, as Marylanders, and Salisburians has stopped freefalling yet, much less started to recover. This is the time when we should hold pat with starting new projects, and perhaps spend our (what they seem to see as extra) money MAINTAINING what we already have.
Lets get some of our other loose ends tied up first. This administration is already bordering on crazy, at least most of them, when it comes to spending. Let's spend a little bit of time discussing how to lower city taxes. Combine police services with the county? That would make sense. Do they consider it? (Maybe if it were proposed in such a way that the power hungry Mayor and Council Prez thought they were taking over the Sheriff dept. they might warm up to the idea).
IS IT JUST ME, or are these people still spending as though they have money?
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