Over the weekend someone stole the above 6 foot tall reaper figure from councilwoman Debbie Campbells front yard. The Grim Reaper has been part of her Halloween "set" for years.Every year they place him in the same spot and dress him in the season's finest. This year he was wearing a "Scream" mask and in addition to his usual black drape had an extra layer --- her daughter's black graduation gown. Stealing him took a little doing. He was wired to a 4-5' galvanized pole that had been driven into the yard for stability and to help prevent theft. Hopefully whoever stole him didnt realize this a neighborhood fall activity ...He was last seen at 809 Camden Ave. If you have any information that might lead to the return of "Grim" please let us know. If you have him, taking him wasn't very neighborly and we would like you to return him.
We will be looking each morning to see if someone has had the decency to return him.
We will be looking each morning to see if someone has had the decency to return him.
$500 says it can be found in some college kids room.
This is so trashy anyway. I can see it -MAYBE-on Halloween night, but weeks ahead? Come on. The neighborhood is certainly better without this rubbish polluting her lawn.
Can you say, Lyn Cathcart.
Lynn Cathcart is a washed up, has been that can't get over her unpopularity in the city. The only reason SAPOA keeps her around is because she is on the zoning board otherwise they wouldn't have anything to do with her or her weasel of a husband.
Well, 11:37, one man's trash is a neighborhood's treasure. I like driving past and seeing the decorations. I had been in ohter areas and seen some decorations out. It always makes me feel like a neighborhood has some heart when I see that someone has taken the time and effort to decorate. I was excited to see the Campbell's decorations go up. I imagine that most of the people who travel on Camden enjoy them too.
I guarantee you its sitting inside a house nearby occupied by several Salisbury University students. They steal everything they can touch and we're suppose to kiss their ass and thank them for making our City what it is.
11:37--Lynn Cathcart I thought you didn't read this blog?
11:37---Hey Moron, Halloween is next weekend. There is nothing wrong with decorating a couple of weeks before. This is hardly a "trashy decoration" It's fun and creative--obviously something your tiny little mind can't comprehend.
Back to the topic..it's a busy intersection. Did anyone see him being stolen or carried away?
Come on everyone knows that SU students stole this thing. Maybe a prank who knows but I would be willing to put my check on a SU student and several friends coming up with this stupid idea. Its always some brats that do this kind of thing. 11:59 pm you hit it right on the head on this one. You can't sell that thing so what other reason would someone have to take it...Bunch of brats, not all of them but most.
ANON 9:36 Make that $1000. I pulled the same type pf prank 30 years ago. Thought it was funny at the time but realized it wasn't when the city police can knocking.
Relax cats, Blue Oyster Cult and I merely borrowed your "Reaper" for our reunion tour video. The visual aide helps us "explore the space" in the studio better, but I will admit, I still gotta' have more cowbell, baby!!
Anonymous said...
This is so trashy anyway. I can see it -MAYBE-on Halloween night, but weeks ahead? Come on. The neighborhood is certainly better without this rubbish polluting her lawn.
11:37 AM
DingleBarrie, you are the one that is trashy so quit ragging on Mrs. Campbell.
College prank, probably, maybe not.
Sorry Councilwoman Campbell, you do so much for the city, it is a shame someone would "destroy" yur decorations.
Vandalism hurts everyone.
oh come on, it maybe a college kid, but we never look towards our kids at bennet and parkside. lets be a little more rational before assigning blame
We did the same things as kids years ago, Guarantee this is the work of college pranksters.They will do almaost anything on a DARE!!!
There has been a high level of property vandalism in Camden. One neighbor's really nice fence was destroyed this weekend, a few weeks ago signs and landscaping pulled up...whoever is doing this...it needs to stop.
May I point out that a group of SU students were arrested the same night a little further down Camden Ave? They tore down part of a picket fence and were throwing the pickets at passing cars. May I also point out that at least two of these students were lacrosse players; sound familiar? The team got their championship rings last weekend so they were out "celebrating". The coach will refer to this as another "little set-back" and nothing will happen to the players involved I'm sure.
did lynn take it? she's always been jealous of debbie.
I live off of Camden Avenue and have recently had items stolen from my yard as well. One morning I was up at 2 a.m. and saw three teenage boys come down our street tearing up election signs, kicking things in yards, but they were gone before anyone could do anything about it. College kids have done damage in the past, but with crime continually on the rise, at least leave open the possibility that the vandals were homegrown juveniles whose parents aren't keeping them indoors after hours.
it was the mayors husband..he thought she was drunk again so he took her home
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