I don't want to come off like a broken record, (my God, many of these kids won't even know what that means) but let's go back two years ago when Mike Dun and Gary Comegys agreed that there was a problem on the Downtown Plaza with trash cans overflowing.
Now I ask you Folks, here we are two years later and Comegys is actually toying with the idea that he's going to run for Mayor, yet he can't even get control of the trash problems on the Plaza, nor does he obviously give a sh!t.
Out of sight, out of mind, right Gary? Action is bigger than words, neither of which mean anything coming from Comegys. He talks the talk on PAC 14 but can't walk the walk.
Granted, this kind of reporting isn't what you'd expect to see in the Daily Times but let me assure you, it clearly shows what these Council Members are and are not capable of. I know, let's go spend $1,800,000.00 on a piece of sh!t building for low income housing because they so desperately want and need the black vote in Salisbury. It's good money after bad money and Developers are forced to do this out of their own pockets anyway, leave it to the Developers. The City doesn't belong in the housing rental business and they can't even do their own housekeeping, hence the Shanie Shields Post and now Gary Comegys.
I'm just curious...But aren't there 5 city council members? And isn't this trash also trash in the city of Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen and Louise Smith? So, let me get this straight: when things are bad in the city, it's only Gary or Barrie or Louise or Shanie's fault?Debbie and Terry, who likely read your stuff every day, and hand you stories every hour, are not also to be held accountable for the trash on the plaza? I'm just asking.
Let me answer that question for you. NONE of the others you mention are running for Mayor. Now go back to work Gary.
OK...I'm just trying to follow your logic here, that's all. When there's trash on the downtown plaza, the only people who can do anything about it are the Mayor, the man who wants to be Mayor, Shanie Shields and Louise Smith? The other two council members, who also walk past that same trash filled (as you see it) plaza are not responsible for its condition? They, therefore, are immune to criticism of the city's bad conditions? And the only people who get criticized are the elected city officials whom you don't particularly care for? Is that right? Seems inconsistent to me Mr. Albero. That's all I'm saying.
Then tell me this, why did Gary Comegys and Mike Dunn bring it up two years ago LIVE on PAC 14 in a Council Meeting? They were attempting to have something done about it then. Are you trying to suggest that Mrs. Campbell & Cohen don't care about the condition the City is in and it's just as much their fault?
I highly doubt that this would be true but for arguement sake, I don't disagree that they too are WELL aware of the problem and as a whole, nothing has been done about it.
Again, however, Cohen & Campbell aren't running for Mayor. I guess one of Gary's campaign promisses will be to keep the trash to a minimum on the Downtown Plaza now. He's got my vote, NOT! I know, I live in DE. and I can't vote anyway. You do get the point though, right?
Actually, with due respect, I don't really see the point. OK, so Comegys is going to run for Mayor. And OK, you won't be supporting him. All's fine there, this is a free country, right? But, here's my point, no matter who brings something up - in this case trash on the plaza - if it's a valid point (and you agree it is) then who cares whether it's Dunn and Comegys or Campbell and Cohen that bring it to the fore. DO something about it. Now, since Campbell and Cohen have been on the council for some time - and haven't done anything about it (just as BT/CG/SS/LS) - why don't they get as much blame as the Mayor and Gary. Who cares who's running for what? The trash is still there, whether Gary or Jim or Della Penna or Campbell or ??? runs for Mayor. You've identified a problem, so ask ALL parties to help fix it. Quit giving Debbie and Terry a pass Mr. Albero. That's all.
Debbie & Terry weren't the ones grandstanding on PAC 14 claiming they were going to do something about the problem. Gary Comegys, (the guy running for Mayor) did make that claim and he couldn't even get that done. You can try fighting me on this one all you want. I personally think you're looking foolish buut hey, that's your right.
Ummmmm. Nothing personal-but why doesn't the city just go to "DumpsterWorld" and purchase trash recepticles that will hold/hide more rubbish than the little Dixie Cup containers they use now (for a minimal expense I am sure). I am continually amazed that the powers that be (all of them-this cancer is systemic)can't even think outside the box on EASY issues let alone dealing with the river pollution, loss of middle class jobs, and violent crime. Who helps these guys get dressed for pre-school, I mean work, in the morning?
It's been fun Mr. Albero. Sorry for being foolish enough to forget that the only people who grandstand are the Mayor and Gary. Hmmmm. I'm sure you may believe that to be the case (or perhaps you wish it were so) but I'm sure you recall the Campbell effort to "donate" her council salary some time back; and the Cohen call to pay the city attorney herself. Hmmmm. Some people, (not you of course), may think those two stunts qualify as grandstanding. So, I think there's plenty of that to go around.
The difference between Gary Comegys Grandstanding and Debbie & Terry, they LAID IT ON THE LINE with REAL offers. Comegys didn't even have to wager anything, he just LIED and said something would be done about it and nothing was done. That's Grandstanding. Debbie & Terry at least were big enough to put their money where their mouths were. Bubba instead filed Bankruptcy, Yo Nex Mare. LOL
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