I don't want to hear a single one of you bitching about me blaming this on Democrats. If you're pissed off, GOOD! You won't see one, NOT ONE Obama Sign defaced with graffiti, yet the McCain/Palin/Harris signs are ALL being busted and graffiti spray painted all over them, no matter where you go in WICOMICO COUNTY and SALISBURY.
Now this gets a bit complicated as well. You see, what's Code & Compliance to do about signs with Graffiti all over them? The laws have changed that the graffiti need to be removed within 24 hours. Smart move DEMOCRATS. Force the County to make the Republicans remove their signs.
This Obama thing is for the birds. This is EXACTLY what this Country is going to turn into, yet we'll all be proud to have our first Black President in Office, right? I know, I'm going to once again be called a racist because we have a Black man running for Office and I just happen to think it will screw America 10 feet deep into the ground. That's OK, I've been called worse.
I do NOT dislike Obama. As an American I'm proud to see a man of his quality represent us for the good of America. Like I have said in the past, now is NOT the time to start playing this game. Nevertheless, you DEMOCRATS answer as to just how LOW you'll go to screw WICOMICO COUNTY. Be PROUD to wear your buttons because the rest of us might just spit on them when you walk past.
Are small yard signs being stolen, yes. BOTH parties are experiencing this problem and I hate to say it but in the Camden area, it's Students. UH OH< I'm now a Student Racist too! No, I just say it like it is. I hope the Sheriff's Department nails some of you people and locks you up. THIS IS AMERICA, STOP ACTING LIKE IDIOTS!
I say if they are going to remove those signs because of spray paint, I have a few cans myself. Off to Gordy's I go.
Complements of the Obama/Kratovil team.
I am a woman democrat with three children. I was planning on voting for Obama but you're right Joe. If this is any sign of our future I want no part of it. I was raised better and I want the same valies shown to me passed onto my childeren. McCain and Palin has my vote.
That's what happens when you free and sign up all the criminals to vote for you.
What idiots write Obama on Harris signs. Obama isn't running against Harris, it's Krapovil
what did you think was going to happen? An extremeist with his smooth talk and years of planing has rallied all the low-life of this country, the non-workers, bums,theives, crackheads, dealers and now even the prisoners are going to vote too...they want your money...obama bucks...free money to prisoners and felons while they sit in jail. your tax money hard at work.....
This is just sickening.
This is a drop in the bucket what is to come if Obama gets president! No way am I going to vote for him....
I want change like everyone else..but not this...I want smaller goverment a more accountable goverment...with less taxes. I resent more everyday how so many polititions make it standard practice to flat out lie and deceive and promise things they cant do. How crazy will these people get when they find out they've been lied to?
why not signs? they've already destroyed the economy and defaced america.... how many democrats did it take to deface and destroy Salisbury?
Many of you appear to care more about signs than ideas.
"Signs...signs ...everywhere there's signs-Blocking up the scenary and breaking my mind. Do this-Do that-Can't you read the sign?"
Enough with the signs already....
Until states succeed from the federal union nothing will happen. It will just be more of the same. Smaller goverment will only come through states walking away from Washington and the lobyist, theres no other way.
I might not support McCain/Palin or Harris, but this is just distasteful. Whoever has done this, thanks a lot for making us all look bad.
"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.
Abraham Lincoln- January 27, 1838
-Chew on that... all you damn self righteous liberal hippies.
"They've already destroyed the economy and defaced America." Sounds like you mean the Democrats who have controlled Congress for less than two years, instead of the Republicans who have controlled the legislative and executive branches for six years and who still control the executive branch. I'm not in favor of more entitlements, whether they're going to the lazy who do nothing but mooch off the rest of us or to the drug, credit card and oil companies who are making record profits because of giveaway federal programs that have removed all regulations and allowed consumers to be screwed. Which party stands up to special interests? Neither one. They just cave in to different groups.
And what do you think this Country is going to look like if Obama wins. Use and abuse and take from the hardworking citizens
So funny that Obama is being criticized for new taxes when McCain will have us pay taxes on employer contributions to our health care. Isn't that a new tax that affects the working but not the rest? The rich won't worry about it since they'll be keeping their huge tax breaks, the poor won't worry about it since most have no employers. Why are so many middle class voters thinking McCain will help the middle class? He is very clear that he will not. How is continuing tax breaks for companies making record profits and continuing tax reductions for the wealthy seen as a path that will benefit hard-working Americans? If you're in the middle class, why support either candidate? We are not the ones being worried about.
As a obama supporter I am ashamed that someone would do this. It isn't the american way. Who ever did it is acting childishly. I want obama to win just as bad as others but what does it really say when somoeone sees these signs defaced with obama's name on them it gives him and his campaign a very bad name. STOP THIS NOW!!
10:47 you are an idiot to make such a statement I guess since you may support Mccain you are a geezer, or a supremist, or maybe the worst of all a rich selfish bastard.
Anon 11:32
Chew on this, Blacks weren't free until 1865. So who exactly was Lincoln talking about?
Self righteous indeed.
All right lets put it where it belongs. I bet that is the hardest work they have done in years. No doubt about it. It is not Ohbama's fault that we in Salisbury have one of the highest crime rates in America. We can not point that finger at anyone but our local goverment. I think a County Police force in needed. We need to clean house at the local level,then move on the the federal level. Ohbama has empowered his people. Farakhan stated he is the next "Messiah" This man has preached hatred of the white man and seperatism for years. He also spoke of reparations. Tell you what lets figure out what it has cost this govt. to house, feed, clothe and educate this segment of society. I think we can call it even. If this country is at a point that 'Alledged Black Man" can run for office of the President then it is truly time to get off your dead asses and go to work. No more cry baby games, get an education and stop shooting one another. Become responsible for YOUR actions then maybe you will get the respect of the entire nation. Call them Democrats, but we all know who painted the signs. Point the finger in the right direction
I'm a student and a Salisbury native and just last week someone stole my Obama magnet off my car while I was in class. Needless to say, I was very P.O.'d. Thankfully they left my Kratovil sticker intact. It's distasteful for any party to steal or harm campaign signs. It's just a shame that now since the actions of an ignorant few, that you all think it's Obama supporters that are going to destroy America one sign at a time...give me a break...
How much you wanna bet if Obama is elected he hires "Nation of Islam" as his security force?
It looks like the Boss Hogg Crew from Pocomoke City has been working overtime.
This is nothing new from these thugs on the Shore..
It was bad enough to get shot in the blasted head on the one night I tried to get away from divisive partisan bickering after the war (what do YOU guys know about a REAL war?). Now I have Jeff Foxworthy fans perverting my quotes. Great. Keep it up and I promise I will come back from the grave and emancipate an "upper decker" in your toilet!!
1242!!!!You kill!!!!
Anon 11:32
Chew on this, Blacks weren't free until 1865. So who exactly was Lincoln talking about?
Self righteous indeed.
He was speaking to AMERICANS.. dumbass.
Anon: 1:32
Sorry he was only talking to SOME Americans. He was leaving out a whole lot of others.
Check your facts.
I don't think it is fair to blanket all democrats as idiots. I am a democrat and have NEVER defamed property. Tag those few that chose to do wrong not everyone
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power"
Abraham Lincoln, 16th American President
When Obama got a little power he abused it and funneled money into organizations like ACORN and has the most liberal voting record in Congress. I wonder what he will do as president.
Here here Mr. Wilkerson. I couldn't agree more. This country was founded by a union of states, and states should have the right to leave it!
12:00pm wtf? lmao why would you think that speech was written about blacks? Your such a racist!!!
11:53....the prison stats have been on the news all day...its true
I guess if castro offers cigars and crack...he'll be president next term....
Joe. Why would you censor President Lincoln when he points out the Civil War was fought to primarily to preserve the Union (not free the slaves-this only gained momentum around Antietam when the North was short on soldiers and looking to add black combat regiments)and his eternal soul may be disappointed to discover one of his own party supports a candidate whose spouse passionately supports secession? An early Halloween "Boo" for going against the true spirit of the first Amendment! If you guys are going to drape yourself in a flag because you hate our government (or at least the one you might have in a few months), drape yourselves in the "Stars and Bars"-Nothing wrong with that either (I am a true fan of the Confederacy)but just own your true feelings. If anything Lincoln would have passionately courted the same voters that you vent so much hatred towards to bring our country together-visit Gettysburg cemetary and see if you can come to a conclusion about how wretched this worst common denominator of internal divisiveness is (no matter the color of your skin). THAT is what Lincoln was truly speaking of in that Pre-Civil war quote.
those who are quoting Lincoln, in the 1860's, the Republican party was a liberal party. If Lincoln was alive today, he would be a democrat.
Just google Lincoln and the views on reconstruction. Very political views. Plus the "Vote Yourself a Farm" slogan he used to run for office. (google that term and you will see that Replublicans were very different in the 1800's than now) Very liberal and socialist. giving away public land. And the Republican party today uses the "party of Lincoln" slogan. As if the republican party today was what the republican party was 150 years ago.
Anon: 2:07
i was pointing out that only some people were included in that speech. Not all.
Hey Joe,
I wrote earlier that I would knock you on your butt if you spit on me, and I want to apologize. It was stupid to say i would do that, and it was out of character for me. I just got a little mad about the spitting thing. So I do sincerely apologize, it was out of line, and I hope after the electionis all done we can all have a good laugh about it, even if we disagree! Sorry, dude, I do respect you.
Ditto. I was out of line for making the original statement. I simply wanted people, (including Democrats) to get on every one's case about pulling this kind of stunt.
The message was directed to upset those doing it. Believe me, most of my friends are Democraps and I wouldn't spit on them. Well, maybe a couple of tjhem butu they'd deserve it. LOL
My keyboard is sticking, sorry.
First our signs, then are minds, this is what the Obama campaign wants from us all. So just lay down like all the other little fishies and allow this Obama guy to just take what he wants and give it to who he wants. Don't be surprized to find out that it isn't Americans who get the "spread" of the wealth. This entire election is truely unbeleivable.
Anonymous said...
What idiots write Obama on Harris signs. Obama isn't running against Harris, it's Krapovil
10:43 AM
The idiots supporting Obama have no clue who he is running against. They have no clue who his running mate is. All they know is that a "black" man is running. Again their ignorance shines. He is more white than he is black. He is more Arab than he is African American. He is a fraud and the losers that support him are misguided and extremely dangerous.
Anonymous said...
And what do you think this Country is going to look like if Obama wins. Use and abuse and take from the hardworking citizens
11:46 AM
In Obamaspeak it's called "spreading the wealth."
actually there have been 'obama' signs defaced locally. i've seen on tv a sign with the 'n' word on it and another one that read "oSama". It goes both ways and is just a disgrace.
I got you Joe--thanks for accepting the apology. I think going after the signs is totally ridiculous. Come on, folks! At the end of the day, we are all Americans, and we will have to get along on November 5th. Advocate as hard as you can for your candidate, but leave the childish and hateful stuff alone.
Anonymous said...
I don't think it is fair to blanket all democrats as idiots. I am a democrat and have NEVER defamed property. Tag those few that chose to do wrong not everyone
1:47 PM
Mr./Ms. Democrat I have a question for you. Are you supporting Obama?
If the answer is yes then you are and IDIOT!! Now go crawl back under your rock.
Anonymous said...
I guess if castro offers cigars and crack...he'll be president next term....
2:10 PM
Yep, if he lives that long.
Anonymous said...
those who are quoting Lincoln, in the 1860's, the Republican party was a liberal party. If Lincoln was alive today, he would be a democrat.
2:55 PM
I have been preaching that for years to my fellow Republicans who worship Lincoln and many can figure out who I am. Just because a person has an (R) besides their name doesn't make them a good Republican, then or now.
Will Obama get voted to office? I think right now it's a 50/50 chance. At least I will be able to when this country goes to hell, I wasn't part of the problem. As for ther signs, it is disgraceful. My sign has been stolen once, I went back and got two. If those get stolen, I will get four. Nobama supporters, you might win the battle but trust me, you will lose the war.
Well, the good news is...You aren't seeing that many obama signs.
If the signs would win the election, McCain would be in the bag...around here at least.
Somewhere out there, a pizza parlor is giving free pizza in exchange for McCain/Palin yard signs.
Guess that's better than defacing the signs?????
More than likely some kids did that, especially where the signs were. Still in my opinion, is this the direction we want our country to go, further divided? If it was kids, this is the future problems we are looking at, and make our current problems look petty.
Somebody will probably hoot that I need to be reported to the Secret Service, I don't care as long as we are working with the constitution that I grew up with, it is acceptable.
It's my prediction (opinion) that no matter who wins, McCain or Obama some nut case is going to try and get at either one and take them out. I didn't loose any money in stocks or retirement, many did and they ain't happy and many probably feel like they have nothing to lose.
I don't wish to see that happen to either, it would take us another step down the evolution/progression ladder of a successful nation.
Lincoln also did nothing to advance the rights of women, he freed nobody. He gave a speach called the Emancipation Proclamation, politicians always sound good, whether they follow through on their promises is a totally different story.
Louis Farrakhan will surely be Obama's pick as ambassador to Iran, they both equally hate Americans.
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