DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Campbell's victimized again
The Campbells awoke Sunday morning to beer cans on the lawn and another of their Halloween characters stolen , except for its little rain boots. It was a life-size character dressed like a child in blue jeans and orange long-sleeve tee wearing a mummy costume made of cream-color cotton (an actual costume from when her kids were younger. He was stuffed with bubblewrap and grocery store bags to give his body form. A plastic milk jug was affixed to the top of a 5-6' length of PVC piping with a clown mask and a clown wig. Another decoration was partly uprooted, but may have scared the thieves off because it talks. If you have seen or know anything about these thefts please contact the SPD.
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That just SUCKS! Drunken morons don't realize what homemade decorations mean to a family, or how much decorated homes mean to kids in the neighborhood.
Jackasses. I hope Mrs. Campbell gets them back.
I don't know all the info here-but is this the Salisbury councilwoman Campbell? If you go back to the previous thread I think someone may have made a comment about a house of college kids nearby her home that is a routine party spot. The empty beer cans are your real clue it is a college student. If it was a general "down on your luck" vagrant-type, he would be poor like the rest of us and would have taken away his aluminum "evidence" for recycling. If I had more time on my hands to do a community service for you, I would dress up like a scarecrow/vampire/werewolf and sit (motionless) on your lawn from midnight to 3 until the drunken jabronis came back again. And then boy the fun we would have.
If SPD had more officers to patrol instead of going from one call to the next maybe this would not happen. Lets put up directions to the mayor's house advertising all the lawn items she has for the taking. So tired of drunk SU students taking stuff to put in their apratments/houses. Another issue, if a SU student is arrested or charged with a moral crime, SU should expell them, let them get a degree from another university that supports crime, instead of ours that supports crime.
I had this problem years ago. I set up a movie camera. Dont have that problem anymore.
What is it going to take for this community to finally be tired enough of all the crime to stand up and do something. Demand better. Is it a "shore" thing? I know if this crime problem happens in other areas it is on TV, the paper, people demanding change at the council meetings? Why is it not happening here, are the citizens proud to be the 11t worst place in the COUNTRY to live. Imagine out of all the cities in the US, we are the 11th worst, when will you demand a change are you waiting until we are number one. Have you not seen a spread of crime, I know you can't tell me in the last few years that you haven't heard of crimes in your area that never happened before. Don't worry we will ge to number one soon enough.
This is just the beginning for the Campbells. If Debbie runs for re-election it will start all over again and SPD will provide her no protections by order of the chief. He doesn't like Debbie and will undermine her at every turn. Last election her home was broken into, her office was broken into her daughters were stalked and her son was harrassed. Why she would even want to represent this corrupt city is beyond me.
Go back to loading up Rock Salt in the shotgun shells! Even if they are never caught, they learn a tough lesson.
With all of our great progress, the crime and vandalizim has steadily increased because our society has told us we can't do this or we can't do that to these people committing these crimes. It's time we starting going back to what we know! I doubt there are too many people out there that ever took a load of rock salt in their butt and went back for more! Is it harsh? YES! Did it deter crime? Hell YES! So why have we stopped doing it? Catch me if you can, slap me on the wrist is working so well isn't it?
Punishment needs to exceed the crime if it's ever going to deter it! Steal $5 pay $5 or Steal $5 pay $105, which one do you think will work?
I agree that all that need to be done is pick up one of those CC TVs and cameras catch them when they come back and nail there ass to the wall. Its down right sad that you can't even put your own property out on your own yard without someone stealing it. I'm going to put my money on SU students again. Who else would pay so much money for an education to act so stupid?
SU students put up to it by certain SAPOA members to victimize and harrass one of the only city council members that actually gives a rats ass about this city? Sounds like it to me. Leave beer cans to point the fingers at students.
Remember Jordan Reisman? Put up by SAPOA to draw out those that would support a recall. Prove me wrong on that one.
I live a few streets away and had to get something out of the car late saturday night, there were a group of loud college students walking down Camden, very loud and yelling, walking in the street. And this is the mentality that will elect the next President.
I'm donating decorations to the Campbell's. If you have any extras you can part with, show community support and fill the yard with decorations and let the theives be damned!
11:58 I'm all about community support but I don't think that we should go buying decorations for the Campbells either..Its not like they can't afford new ones, of course that doesn't justify the actions of these criminals, but show that same community spirit to the food banks and toys for tots. Debbie will be fine I'm sure but there are thousands of children locally that need that support.
Again, here we go woth the slap them on the hands mentality. So you think anyone will be able to identify even one person from a CC camera at night? Maybe if it's the Secret Service camera! And besides, you are again putting the burden on the victim! Rock Salt, in someone's butt, while in the yard, problem solved. The burn would take care of punishment, the decoration would still be there, and the person committing the crime, would never dare step foot on the property again!
These people have become this way because nothing happens to them. Even if they get caught, it's a slap on the wrist, or daddy makes it go away. We have this level of crime because we ACCEPT this level of crime.
Classic example, people do 9 mph over the speed limit all the time, because it is ACCEPTED behavior. Well, every Delaware resident will tell you that holds true everywhere but Blades, DE. Why not Blades? Because they WON'T accept it, and everyone knows it! The same thing has to happen with all crime. Stop ACCEPTING it!
12:11...no one is buying decorations for the Campbells, silly. However, neighbors are loaning some of their favorite home made decorations, are volunteering time to help fabricate new characters, and are dropping off a decoration with sentimental value that they don't use any more to add to the neighborhood event. If you've enjoyed the Campbell's decorations you will understand that they are mostly home made or things that have been on display for years.
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