When you look at the Briefing Book you'll notice "The Bricks" project at 432-434 Isabella Street. The photo above is the property, "The Bricks" in which the Mayor is claiming it will cost the Taxpayers, ARE YOU READY, $1,875,000.00 to remodel for LOW INCOME HOUSING!
The Mayor and Louise Smith were trying to sell everyone on the old fire places in the project as well as the crown molding and they must save this for historical purposes.
Let me assure you, someone living in a low income housing project couldn't care less about molding and probably wouldn't take care of it in a rental as a homeowner would.
They don't discuss in the Briefing Book where all the funds are going to come from, making this project yet another very curious one. If they knew, (which I believe they do) where the money was coming from they'd simply say so. Sine they haven't, it will be yet another Citizen Bailout locally, similar to yet another project in the Briefing Book, the City Marina.
Each year for the past 3 years the Citizens have forked up $50,000.00 a year to help subsidize a private business renting this facility. Sell the damn property and be rid of this BS expense, period!
As for "The Bricks" project, there's an $30,000.00 incorporated in that fee for Legal Services as well. Boy, that Paul Wilber can just do no wrong and the Mayor is filling his pockets like there's no tomorrow.
It's time to get this Mayor and Gary Comegys OUT OF OFFICE along with Lore' Chambers and Louise Smith. With this economy you could purchase a Mansion for around $1,500,000.00 that is 4 times the size of this project ON THE RIVER for less money and it's brand new.
How do YOU feel about this Folks?
That's crazy! What is wrong with this witch? Does she feel like this is money she can use without respect for the people she works for? Yes, she works for YOU! Not the other way around. That money could pay for alot more police protection. That money could pay for better teachers. That money could help the poor get food! Crown molding? You can't eat that.
Its the trickle down phenomenon,
She and her cohorts do whatever they want with no accountability.
Let's make it a bed and breakfast!
It could be rented to all our lovely marina and downtown plaza guest! Historical Salisbury at it's finest.
Say hello to your neighbors at the half-way house. Drugs delivered to your door! Within walking distance to the police sub-station! Hehe
Shall I go on?
Okay, tell us who owns this property or if it has another address because it doesn't show up on the Maryland real property search.
That used to be a respectable area remember Louise Smith.However nothing is respectable in Salisbury anymore.I would wager that city building across the street from this building closes up at dark and the employees don't work overtime.
I could own that neighborhood for that price...that's dumb...
You forgot to add it's the Salisbury Police Chief's fault Joe.
Hey why not make it Salisburys own (BUNNY RANCH) and invite Showtime to do some tapings....at least the city could make money off of the property....
Anonymous said...
Okay, tell us who owns this property...
1:05 PM
The city of Smallsbarrie owns that property. It was confiscated after condemnation. Lore Chambers has her fingerprints all over it for low income housing.
This city doesn't need anymore low income housing. Low income housing breeds poverty and crime so how are we supposed to rejuvenate our city if we keep bailing out the slumlords.
That is a solid building and with minimal funds it could be used as the Government Office Building for the city.
I agree with Joe, we need to get those deadbeats out of here ASAP.
Why? We have TWO Bunny Ranches on Rt. 13 already. Haven't you seen those Motles/Buny Ranches the Chiefy has been keeping a VERY close eye on himself?
WHAT?! and there is still no skateboard park in salisbury! the city should use some of that money to build it!
Haven't we learned anything from the $700,000,000,000.00 bail out as a result of a govt created push to forward a low income housing agenda?
It has been completely boarded up and unusable for at least two years. It was condemned by the city before that. How could it have been rented to a private business for the past 3 years? Who got paid the rent? For what?
If this is all true, it needs to come out and whoever at the city was responsible should be held accountable. There is NO reason the city should pay for someone to lease a condemned building.
According to paper it was donated to Salisbury by Gee Dunston, which means no taxes are now being collected on it. It needs to be sold. Get it back on tax roles where it will create income. Salisbury should not be in the rental business. The city, county, state and federal government should STOP messing with our $ or there is sure going to be a breaking point of middle class America. I don't think we have to worry so much about being destroyed by terrorist as it looks more likely that we are being destroyed by our government. Remember hearing about the Boston Tea Party.
Grand dad,
Don't you mean the $840 billion bailout? Don't forget about the PORK!!!!!!!
The building was not confiscated... it was "donated".
Oddly enough, by a slumlord whose resident manager was caught participating in the illegal activities going on there. (Now if only he would "donate" the two properties he owns on my street. Or at least, the "apartment" building he owns there, on our single family street)
Maybe if they found a legitimate use for the building, regardless who owns it, the prostitutes might have to go hang out somewhere else.
They sit and stand in front of this building motioning at the cars in broad daylight!
Anonymous said...
The building was not confiscated... it was "donated"...
2:53 PM
Who gives a F#%k what term you intimately use. It belongs to the city now BFD. If it wasn't "donated" to the city then the city would have "confiscated" it due to the numerous fines and violations it has accumulated.
3:39 PM: you must have missed the sarcasm dripping off those words.
But I thought that there was NO money for public safety? They need to bull doze that rat and roach infested building that has been an eyesore and crack den for years!
Who is "Gee Dunsten"?
Just look how well the low income housing out on Booth Street looks. That really doesn't make me want to throw any money in this building for low income housing. No, No, No.
Inside this is a moldy oldie due to leakage.
I hope Lore doesn't wear those $200 shoes when she visits that dump.
The city is always complaining about wanting it's own office space for a government office building and this is a perfect time to put this building to good use.
This building belongs to the city free and clear so why not make this the new town hall.
LOW INCOME HOUSE????REMODELING THE BRICKS????Does she even realize how much of a crack house and whore house that was until proactive policing was able to get it boarded up? If it's opened up again, mark this date that it has been proclaimed it will be the crack house and whore house that it use to be ALL OVER AGAIN. Especially if your not even going to add more police to the force to help deter what the current level of police officers couldn't prevent in the first place. All i can say is WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!!! BULLDOZE IT or make it a police substation that would benefit the Church Street area, and basically be a command central to increase the policing abilities in the Church Street and doverdale area
This used to be a great whore house, and could be again with the right management.
Now its Barrie's whore house.
marrie barrie is from DC???? HELLPPPP....... marion barion????? heelllppp.......
I'm sure the mare remembers it as the original Zorro's Bar.
Proactive police? Your arms are long enough to pat yourself on the back. Maybe it was finally closed up because it's across the street from Code and Compliance? There is a police sub station across the street from the "Bricks" already, that is locked up 95% of the time.
A transitional rental for families qualifying for Habitat for Humanity homes to be located in this neighborhood. The City needs to unlock the substation and clean up the area before more children are introduced.
Unless the building is being reconfigured, there are all one bedroom one bath apts, therefore not appropriate for families.
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