Incident: Assault
Date of Incident: 15 September 2008
Location: 29000 block of Raven Ct., Salisbury, MD
Suspects: James Jeffery Munford Jr. 29, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 15 September 2008 at 12:52AM, a deputy from the WCSO investigated an assault that occurred in the 29000 block of Raven Court in Salisbury. The victim told the deputy that James Munford came to the victim’s residence and began a verbal argument that escalated into a physical alteration. The victim stated that Munford pushed the victim into a wall and struck the victim repeatedly. The deputy observed minor lacerations and bruises to the victim that were reportedly caused by Munford.
The suspect, James Munford, was gone when the deputy arrived at the residence and could not be located. An arrest warrant was obtained, charging Munford with Assault and Reckless Endangerment and he was located later in the day at a business in Delmar, MD. After being taken into custody, Munford was transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Munford was held in the Detention Center in lieu of $10,000.00 bond.
Incident: Driving Without a License
Date of Incident: 18 September 2008
Location: Parsons Road at Nanticoke Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: Daniel M. Smith, 21, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 18 September 2008 at 4:29hrs, an off-duty deputy in his agency vehicle observed a vehicle being operated on Parsons Road that did not display any registration plates. The deputy stopped the vehicle and identified the operator as Daniel Smith of Salisbury. After speaking with Smith, the deputy discovered that Smith did not have, nor did he ever have, a driver’s license from Maryland or any other state. The deputy also determined that Smith’s vehicle was unregistered.
The deputy arrested Smith and transported him to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Smith was released on Personal Recognizance.
Incident: Possession of Crack Cocaine
Date of Incident: 17 September 2008
Location: Isabella Street at Catherine Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspects: Milton Edward Cooper, 53, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 17 September 2008 at 11:52PM, a deputy from the Sheriff’s Office stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation on Isabella Street. Upon approaching the vehicle, the driver began yelling at the passenger to get out of the vehicle. The deputy observed the passenger get up to exit the vehicle and saw that the passenger was sitting on what the deputy recognized as crack cocaine. The passenger, identified as Milton Cooper, was arrested for possession of crack cocaine.
Cooper was transported to the Central Booking Unit at the Wicomico County Detention Center where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, Cooper was held in the Detention Center in lieu of $3,000.00 bond.
Personally, I think the suppliers of crack cocaine should be lined up against a wall and shot. Crack is the most insidious evil thing around. I don't know how crack dealers live with theselves, knowing that this crap ruins lives and families.
wait til you get a load of the crystal meth epidemic that is a bout to explode, itll make crack look like candy.
crystal meth or kitchen crank has been around for a long time. Keep your eyes on the heroin epidemic that is growing by leaps and bounds.
Gather all drug dealers big and small. Put them in a corral and declare open season on them. Its a start, then go after the government agency (CIA, et al)that supports the distribution of drugs in this country. Shoot them up with the same drugs they are encouraging until they are well addicted then throw them out on their asses with the rest of the junkies.
What kind of moron drives around with no plates on the car....?
No disrespect to you guys,but these guys selling crack and meth would not be doing it unless cutomers were lining up.These drugs DO ruin peoples lives but its the user who has the ultimate responsibility,not the dude who sells it to him.Nobody twists their arm and forces them to buy the poison.Decriminialize drugs,focus on treatment for users rather than jail and see all the violence associated with drug sales vanish-oops that would be too easy and theres no money in it for anyone....
alot of these drugs are brought across the border, remember the border.
Wow, blutojthetotmom, I thought I was a liberal, but you have me beat six ways to Sunday. No way would I support decriminalizing drugs and focusing on treatment. The addiction rates would positively soar. If there were no dealers, there wouldn't be so many users. I've heard of dealers handing out free samples to get people to buy from them. I say, off with their heads!
Im no liberal just a realist
No offense Grannydragon but the current "war on drugs" has done absolutely nothing to stop people from using them.Anyone who wants them can get them and since they are ILLEGAL,there is a thriving black market,which contributes to violent crime.Decriminalize,control sales and watch the thugs and curbside drug deals vanish.
Alcohol is the vilest drug there is,but we happily tax it and sell it through controllled means and make millions.Did Prohibition stop drinking?No,but it did create a blackmarket(like drugs) that flourished and the crime that comes along with such an enterprise.Families of addicts often whine about the "nasty dealers" but what they dont realize is that if their loved one wasnt getting it from that person,they would just find another way to get what they crave.Their "poor addicted loved one" never bears any responsibility.And sending an addict to jail does nothing to rehabilitate them.Sending dealers to jail does no good either because for every one we put away ,theres 5 to take his place!Decriminalize the most commonly used drugs,sell them in a strictly controlled environment and tax the hell out of it to fund rehabilitation for those who need it.
The main reason illegal drugs are still illegal is because police depts and other agencies dont want to give up on all the forfeiture goodies.Who cares that a jailed addict will get released and go right back to his drug of choice,as long as the police can seize thousands of dollars in property with drug arrests?The current system benefits nobody but those who reap financial rewards from it.
Now,I am gonna go get a tarp to protect me from all the rotten tomatoes readers are bound to toss my way........
I see your point, bluto. You're right, the "War on Drugs" is an unmitigated disaster. But, there are drugs, and then there are really dangerous drugs. Anyone who sells crack knows they are ruining lives; it's my impression that the crack dealers don't use crack themselves. On the other hand, marijuana smokers usually end up rolling on the floor laughing and don't get violent. I can see decriminalizing marijuana (I find it hard to believe that a plant growing from a seed out of a bird dropping could be illegal), but then the breweries and distilleries would end up losing money. We can't have that! Oh, no!
But harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin can and do destroy lives. For those dealers, I still say, "Off with their heads!"
No rotten tomatoes coming atcha from my direction. You, unlike other participants here, can discuss and disagree civilly and without namecalling and insults. My hat is off to you.
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