If you've been following the posts of the past few days, weeks, months, years you know the city of Salisbury is in desparate need of additional police officers. Unfortunately, the mayor and the council majority state we can not afford to hire additional police officers and they can't be bothered with finding a way to fund them. Why on earth would we want to spend money on public safety, in the land of Barrie, the 10th most dangerous city in America, when we can spend $50,007.00 on gym equipment for the firemen at the $10,000,000.00 Taj Mahal on Cypress St? Thats right folks, you read the numbers correctly. The city, Barrie Tilghman specifically, has okayed an invoice to be paid in the amount of $50,007.00 for
GYM EQUIPMENT. I find this deplorable, detestable, dispicable and many other ables. While I don't use the same pencil sharpener they use over at the GOB, I've got to ask
WHY is the city paying lease payments for furniture, just everyday furniture, mind you. Couches, chairs, desks, etc are all being leased but we are paying
CASH for gym equipment? What the hell are those people on over there? Someone needs to do some drug testing quickly.
Read it and weep. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Joe, the fire service receives money in many differnt ways. From direct billing, grants, and county and state monies just to name the most common. The fire service, like the police service, has the ability to buy things with that money. If that money came in from a grant or from their direct billing, I wouldn't have a problem with that. However, I do think it would be more cost effective to give them memberships to the gym that is the next street over.
Everyone talks about how much the new fire station costs, but does anyone know how much thnew police station cost to build? That's an all brick builing. Do they have a gym? It's not uncommon for either of these groups to have facilities like this. They should be afforded a way to keep their bodies in the best physical shape possible. I know this doesn't always happen. It would be nice if they could implement some fitness requirements and get tested annually. Similiar to what is required in the military.
I know that this sounds like a lot of money, when the city needs so many other things. The police department coul;d help themselves by raising monet from siezures. I'm sure they do this now, but with the amount of crime out there, there's more to be had.
Let's review the entire budget for it's short comings and luxories before we get overheated by one item. We may have some whiners and complainers in the fire department, but when the call comes in, and the bell rings, they do one fine job at helping the citizens with their emergencies.
"Let's review the entire budget for it's short comings and luxories before we get overheated by one item."
DSorry Mardela, that's NOT how the City works. That would be a line item and Barrie Tilghman doesn't want YOU to know about how they BLOW your money.
What in the hell are we running in this County and City.
Did you see the price tags for the eliptical trainers, treadmills, etc.
You know we - (citizens) - have to unit or our own government is going to run us all out of here.
We need an all out tax rebellion.
Mardela, this $50k cash purchase is not an item of necessity. In these hard times when the tax payers are trying to figure out how to heat their homes is not the time to be buying toys. The fact still remains that they are LEASING furniture, basic necessities yet they are BUYING toys. In all things there are priorities, this shows where their priorities lie.
With this equipment Bill Gordy's fat ass should be buffed in no time same as his fat ass son and Hoppes.
I still say that Joe should run for Mayor...all of this bull***t would stop!
This equipment could have been bought much cheaper if See and Gordy had a budget, but with an open checkbook what do you expect.
I'm with 4:13. Not only are some of the prices outrageous, they all are. And why are we spending delmarva dollars across the pond, when we have outlets over here that aught to be able to getwhatever we need or think we need?
A. Goetz
You can go to sears and buy a very nice treadmill for less than $1,000.
Dang... my a$$ hurts, I fell like I've been raped!!
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing and expecting different results. You've got the same people with the same reckless abandon buying with taxpayers money. What would be different?
Protein shakes is what they are on over there. Some are buying it for 80 dollars a jug some are getting it other ways. If they want a raise just to buy that crap screw them. They can work a part time job like the rest of us.
they can walk across the street and join Powerhouse!
The whole world is going to hell in a hand basket, I decided not to pay any more taxes, I will just call the tax people at 1-800 and they we allow me the things I can't afford.
Joe, why do you let these things bother you? YOU DONT EVEN LIVE IN SALISBURY? Serious. You could have one great website here and you destroy it by constantly making negative statements that basically make you look like a little 5 year old child. You are a very good writer and can do much better for yourself.
Think about it.
All the firemen have to do is walk across the street and go to the gym, and the walk to get there may even be good for them.
I hope the Wicomico County Council sees these expenditures and cuts every red nickel from the Fire Department's budget.
Have our elected officials lost their friggin minds.
Good god Mrs. Molly.
My treadmill that I bought grom Sam's club cost me $870. This is fine for home use. However, this in no way would last with daily use by many individuals. When I was a teenager, I used cement wieght to work out. I couldn't imagine using them when I was on ship in the navy. Please don't be so ignorant to think that home use equipment would last at the fire station.
I also did some price checking on some of the equipment listed. The price paid by the Fire dept was 3-6 hundred dollars cheaper than the lowest price i found on the internet.
I by6 no means am saying that this is a purchase that should have been made. But just like most issues, there are different ways to look at it. If Mike Lewis was asking for this money for a gym for his officers, that would be ok, but since it's the city FD, then there is an outcry.
At the rate we are taxed, there should be plenty of money for the firemen to have a nice gym. The problem lies in giving away tax money to businesses because you think that's the only way to bring them here. That's not true. Everyone should pay their fair share. Stop handing out tax breaks to my business owner and make them pay their share. We will have plenty of money for 20 new policemen.
Maybe it's time to get rid of the furniture over there. With what they've bought there won't be time to sit. Are they buffing up for when it's time to run those two fools along with Jr out of that place when Salisbury voters smarten up and get someone smart enough to get rid of the expensive "I want more" people out of office and out of the fire dept?
This is bad. How can this happen to the taxpayers. I have lost all respect for anything government. It is a broken system and it is breaking us. The next budget review they will by crying poor mouth saying they need raises because they are barely making it--what a f---king joke. I just got my health insurance bill this morning and I am going to have to charge it to a credit card until I can pay it, meanwhile these bastards are spending $50K on professional gym equipment. Thanks for disclosing the invoices so we can at least be aware and armed. Knowledge is power.
Why cant the fire fighters go across the street to the Police Department and use the SPD gym for free? Can the two departments share equipment and save the tax payers some money on this issue?
Who is CMO on that last page that initialed it "ok to pay,
The City of Salisbury is seeking Bids for the furnishing, delivery and setup of FITNESS EQUIPMENT for the City’s New
Fire Station and Administration Building located in Salisbury, Maryland.
Bid documents for Contract 120-08 may be obtained from the Department of Internal Services-Procurement Division,
Government Office Building, 125 N. Division Street, Room 104, Salisbury, Maryland 21801, by calling 410-548-3190
during normal business hours, or via our web site, www.ci.salisbury.md.us, Bids & RFPs.
Questions are due no later than Friday, March 14, 2008 at 12:00 P.M., local time, at the above location. No further
questions will be accepted after this date. All questions shall be written and can be faxed, mailed, hand delivered or
emailed to Karen D. Reddersen, Assistant Director of Internal Services-Procurement Division, 125 N. Division Street,
Room 104, Salisbury, MD 21801, by fax at 410-548-3192, or via email at kreddersen@ci.salisbury.md.us.
Sealed Bids are due in the Office of the Assistant Director of Internal Services – Procurement Division, address above, on
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 2:00 P.M., local time, at which time and place they opened and read aloud. No late
proposals will be accepted, but will be returned unopened.
All minority business enterprise contractors are encouraged to compete for the award of this work.
Karen D. Reddersen
Assistant Director of Internal Services
Procurement Division
Joe Biden has an earmark on this emergency legislation for the bailout that includes $51 million if I heard it right some of that is to build a state of the art gym at Dover Air Force Base and other projects in Delaware that have nothing to do with this economic crisis.
One news report claims that so far already, they have found $6.5 Billion in this bailout that is nothing but solid pork and has absolutely nothing to do with this crisis.
With the stroke of a pen we can raise our national debt 10%, up to $12,500,000,000,000 for a country that had a surplus 8 years ago.
No matter what, taxpayers are going to have to pay that back some how. That will leave less money for consumers to spend it will bring on even tougher times. We aren't doomed yet, but we are in deep shit.
I am not sure but I believe the price tag on the police building was around 2 million and it is already showing it's age and is outgrown already. The police department does on occasion seize money or vehicles from drugs, ect however that money does not go to the police department, IT GOES INTO THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND! and yes, the police department does have a gym, which was great in the 80's but is severely outdated and the department is in dire need of a new treadmill but the money isn't there to get one. I'm not saying the firefighters shouldn't get anything, i'm all for public safety, but let's be fair, the pd has been getting a raw deal for quite some time!
Some of you people need to understand that this equipment needs to be “Industrial Strength” to keep up with the everyday work outs that will be going on. If you went and got one of those $1000 machines from Sears it would break very soon because it was not built for the use that it would be getting. Some of you people just don’t get it do you? These guys are saving your life every day. They need to be in the best shape they can be. Do you see contractors buying the cheapest tools they can find to save money? NO! They buy the product that will last them a while and stand up to the abuse they will get. It’s the same thing here gang. If you are going to spend money, do it right the first time.
I guess if the FD bought the cheap stuff first you would say they are wasting money on cheap stuff.
I’m sure this won’t get posted because it does not agree with the bashing of the FD.
By the way, whoever said that Bill Gordy’s son is a “Fat Ass” must not know him. The man weighs 150 lbs.. maybe. But hey when you can attack someone.. why not right?
Hey 8:55pm the police aint got to go get no new tread mill just seize the one from the fire house better still they got nice new facilities just go use their stuff. Since the city owns it any city employee should be able to use it. Better still since taxpayers bought it any city resident should be able to go use it. I'd like to be in the neighbor hood when you try it though cause you know them babies over their are gonna scream bout that. As far as then going across the street to the gym they can't do that cause there are trainers over there that would really make them work out instead of playing at it.
OMG, I just threw up!
Talk about a suck up a$$hole!
Buy an extended warrantee and stfu!
Do some of you guys posting here actually hear yourselves.
1. Police Department has gym.
2. Police Department needs new gym & treadmill equipment.
3. Fire Department and Police Department should share gym equipment.
4. Fire Department gets $50,000 in gym equipment.
By God don't you see what's happening. Every friggin department in Wicomico and Salisbury is laced with 'earmarks' that stagger the average Joe Blow.
It's not a Fire Department . . . it's a damn Country Club.
What in the hell is going on?
Have you all lost your marbles?
I've already called my County Council representative and I'm going to have a word or to with Pollitt come Monday morning. And the Mayor . . .she should go also.
Hey 9:45pm Looks to me like its a case of it is not our money who gives a sh!t how much it cost. Thats what this whole project from start to finish has looked like. In our current economic times it would seem some restraint should have been used here.
The reasons for the elliptical trainers, treadmills, stairmasters,etc is blatantly obvious!
They need to strengthen their leg muscles in order to jump the widening cracks in the new floor of the new firehouse so they can get to the trucks!
You can have the furniture that is over there. It is worse than bus station furniture. At least the volunteers are going to use their hard earned money to replace what is there with good stuff that they should of bought to start with.
Over My Dead Body!
Oh No, you'll live with what you have and if you buy another piece of furniture you'll see a lawsuit by the taxpayers against any one of you who think you'll spend a dime of donated or tax money for another piece of furniture. You people are done spending money and you will lose in Court simply because you don't like what you've LEASED, not purchased! Flip and Flop screwed up in a big way, YOU need to live with it and throw them out on their a$$es. But by no means will you go out any buy anything new. And if you think I'm bluffing, go out publicly and announce you're buying new stuff and watch us come after you like a bat out of hell.
Fitness equipment in firehouses is a common sight in many firehouses. The equipment here has been the most used of any since the station opened. Guys that never worked out are in the gym making themselves more fit and prepared for the demands of the job. Those who were in shape are working out and are in top shape. This job requires you to be in good shape and fit for duty. We're not all Arnold Swartznager, but some are close.
The price of this equipment should be weighed in several ways. First and foremost it promotes fitness in the most Physically demanding job on earth. It helps prevent injuries and improves durability. The amount of lost time from strained backs and other injuries will be reduced. This is a savings to the taxpayers in the thousands.
Second, it helps prevent heart attacks and heart disease which are the leading cause of death in emergency workers.
Finally, the quality of this equipment is top notch. It will last for many years to come and the yearly cost would more accurately be far less. The Volunteer component of the department payed the extra amount to upgrade the equipment to the top brand. The brand has been proven and durable for many years. The generousity of the Volunteers is much appreciated and is already paying dividends.
People are the most important part of any organization. If you cant take care of your people, then you have nothing. Flashy buildings and trucks are worthless without good people to do the job everyday. We choose to take care of our greatest resource.
The taxpayers in Salisbury have a right to be outraged.the powers that be are completely out of touch with reality.
RE: 9:57
You are absolutely right, it seems in light of the current economy there would be some restraint.
But hell no, the bureaucrats are spending the money like drunken sailors. It's actually worse than drunken sailors.
RE: 10:41 Post
You are out-of-touch with the main stream american worker. No where have I ever heard of such waste, fraud, and abuse in my entire life. What's next, free gas, free cloths, free education, free housing. It really does sound like a Country Club.
I am interested in joining the firehouse gym, I have checked the prices at the YMCA, Powerhouse Gym, Plus One Fitness, Olympia Fitnes and the new World Gym being built but think I can get a better deal at Red Truck Fitness. Why should anyone in the city think about helping any of these struggling fussinesses that located in our county and pay taxes, when we can compete with them and help put them out of business. Please let me know the rates per month and is there a dicount for student ID.
I'd like to know where they were working out before this purchase? Did they have exercise equipment in the old firehouse? When, exactly, did they start furnishing gym equipment? Does anyone know?God forbid they had to do things such as pushups, squat thrusts or run to keep in shape. When did providing fitness equipment become standard equipment in any department? If you can't stay in shape you should be laid off until you either get in shape or find another job. It is not the responsibility of the taxpayers to keep government employees physically fit. It is YOUR responsibility to take care of yourself.
I got news for you Mr. Albero, they've got that damned fire aka party boat in the budget for next year. $800,000.00 for a fire boat $0.00 for public safety.
The equipment is common place in
most fire houses , maybe , but it
is also common place in all of the jails . That's because those guys don't have anything to do!! Does
that ring a bell 10:41 pm !!
Buy a lot of wax for the engines with that money , lots of work
when you keep waxing and polishing stuff! That should keep them all in shape.
If you cant take care of people you have nothing.... You said it brother that mayor of yours isnt taking care of the people lets see what she has in the end.
unbelievable, total piss on the tax-payer. in times like this it takes alot of nerve.
did they break the law with no sales tax charged? would this make the whole contract illegal?
I agree with anon 5:48PM they can walk across the street and join the Powerhouse Gym. $50,000 could go a long way with discounted memberships. That weight room stays empty most of the time and occaisionally you might see 1 person in there using it for maybe an hour. This is just a drop in the bucket compared to other capital expenditures by the rapists Sea, Gordo and Fatso.
Mardela you are full of shit. That $870 treadmill you bought is designed to be used every single day or they wouldn't put it on the market. That $870 tread mill is all that is needed for the Salisbury Fire Department. The new ones in the gym aren't used every day anyway and won't ever be used every day. Quit defending the criminals that allowed the purchase of this wasteful equipment. If you are indeed from Mardela you don't have a say in how we spend our tax dollars anyway.
Anonymous said...
Joe, why do you let these things bother you? YOU DONT EVEN LIVE IN SALISBURY? Serious. You could have one great website here and you destroy it by constantly making negative statements that basically make you look like a little 5 year old child. You are a very good writer and can do much better for yourself.
Think about it.
6:07 PM
Joe, sorry about the copy and paste, but I needed it to get to my point.
which one of the 3 Stooges is this trying to use reverse psychology on you to back off from the criminals at the fire department. Keep up the good work and stay on their asses. You are a tax payer in this city and you have a write to EXSPOSE!!
Anonymous said...
At least the volunteers are going to use their hard earned money...
10:28 PM
Hard earned money?? WTF are you talking about? What did they do to earn this money that was so hard?
Anon 6:39am,
LMAO... how true is that.
Those paid fireman do nothing but run on calls with the ambulance to run their call volume up to justify their existance.
Maybe the Ambulance Service should separate from the fire department and then we would see how busy the Farmin are. That move would save the tax payers millions of dollars a year.
jogging is free and the sights are natural, good for the soul.
That money would have been better spent paying "time and a half" for the Paramedics to work overtime. There is no such thing as overtime for the fire department just "extra time." The SPD pays their personnel overtime so why doesn't the fire department pay overtime. This is a real problem because no one wants to work overtime when someone calls in sick. Why work your ass off on the medic unit in Salisbury when you can work at one of the county volunteer stations and make good money with less stress.
To the elected officials in the city get you heads out of your asses and wake up.
SPD does have a gym... All the equipment was donated. The elyptical machine and treadmill are both bare minimum and basic. Police officers and firefighters need to stay in shape, more so than most other jobs. However, $50,000 on a gym is absolutely insane when the Powerhouse Gym is across the street. I go there, I don't see why the fire department should be so special. That money is just the beginning because the upkeep over time will cost more.
There are grants that the fire department could have applied for. They Probably don't need the amount of equipment that they ordered but, in studies it is better to supply them with equipment to get into shape than pay healthcare costs later. Many jurisdictions have equipment and require that all personnel work out at least 1 hour a day. Others supply discounts or free gym membership. Many jurisdictions also require a contract upon being hired for no smoking. (if you are caught smoking on or off duty you can be fired) Question is will all personnel be required to use it? If it is not going to be used it is a bigger waste than just the price tag.
I should not post on this but I will, Brian Reccords is right. If you talk to most doctors they will tell you firefighting is one of the hardest jobs around. The abuse those guys do to their body is unreal. Yes there are other jobs out there that are hard no doubt.
When you pick up the phone and need help, what do you expect to see? The public is the fire departments customers and most of those guys think of you in this manner. They love thier jobs, most of them. Brian is one of those firefighters that loves his job and works hard for the department and community. The old station did not have room for equipment nor did the old administration feel it was required. Go to any other city fire department with paid division, and you will see work out equipment.
Some departments pay for gym fees for their employees and if you add this up the expense for gym time will exceed cost of equipment.
There are waste in the budget for the city, no doubt but taking care of the health of your employees to keep them on the job working longer is not one of them.
YOU BITCH AND BITCH, until like Gary one day need them then pray they show up.
Cut the money, get rid of the fire department and pull out your water hoses.
Good luck,
Why dont some of the people that lives have been touched, firefighters have helped speak up. HAVE ANY of you ever been helped out by them? Have any of you had your life saved by them? Your parents?
You all make me sick, if you hate See or the administration fine but picking on men and women who risk their lives for you, and yes they risk the their lives for you sucks.
Go bitch about the water......
The volunteers in Salisbury do not have any hard earned money. They only have the money that the Wicomico County taxpayers supplied them. With part of that, they created a retirement plan for themselves. None of the volunteers out in the county have a retirement plan. They have used to monies for the public.
I agree the even the karate kid got stronger by waxing vehicles, So...wax on, wax off ...or should I say wax off,,,wax off.
Didnt station 1 buy memberships at the YMCA for all their memebers a couple years ago only for 1 or 2 of them to actually use it. That was a was of money.
The ambulance service used to be seperate from the fire department. The county should take control of the EMS service provided in Wicomico. This may help to prevent unlicensed people from praticing on the ambulance and EMTBs from doing IVs who shouldnt be. Pts may even get to the hospitol faster instead of waiting an extended ammount of time for a helicopter.
Of course you are going to side with the Gym . . . look at your profile, you are a volunteer firefighter.
Well Joe,the volunteers have already ordered the new chairs and tables so bring on the law suit.We were here before you and will be here long after you are gone.See you in court.
Now thats arrogance personified there buddy.
I hope the hell SFD sends me a request for donation this year. I'll take it right up to Barrie Tilghmans face and rip it up.
Get these cops out on the street walking the beat they won't need gym equipment. Ask any doctor he'll tell you walking is HEART SMART.
We didn't have gym equipment in bootcamp we had CALISTHENICS. We protected the country 24/7/365. Try it, you'll like it and it won't cost us a dime. Let those at SFD do the same thing. Get out and sweep your parking lots, wash your windows, do something besides lay back watching those flat screen plasma tvs and cooking it up in that commercial kitchen that will never be used for fundraising. You will get a donation from me and my family when See, Gordy, Webster and Tilghman are gone, not a day before and not one more dime.
A freind of mine remembers Fernando when he worked at Lowes. Fernando didn't need gym equiptment. After he loaded a huge heavy load my freind said Fernando would start running in place jumping up and down on stacks of lumber.
Shadow boxing, then down to do a few sqwats and sit ups. Fernando never stopped he said and happy as a lark to get ready and load a couple more tons of building materials for the next customer. I bet Lowes wished they had 100 Fernando's!
In summary, you don't need all that expensive crap.
Theres a big differance, Fernando has a set.
The equiptment they've purchased isn't in all other fire depts. Why does SFD need the best of the best?
I bet the guys who were already in shape BEFORE this equiptment will continue to stay in shape. I bet those who needed to work out will continue to still need it.
This is crazy!
With all the Bitching going on stop and think who you call when your child stops breathing, or your grandmother has a heart attack or your family just got in an accident or your house is on fire. You want the fireman right there right away! If they take 2 mins or 5 mins you bitch afterwards. Fire departments around different states and counties have equipment.
Wouldnt you rather have equipment there at the firehouse when you call 911 when your infant or toddler start choking or isnt breathing???
Rather across the street or at a police station?
grow up! if it isnt the fireman your bitching about it is someone else.
IF you can do the job better try it out!!!
anon 12:15 PM You're an IDIOT!
SFD Volunteers took no money from anyone to fund a retirement for themselves.
If you're talking about the LOSAP the Mayor and Council implemented I suggest you get your facts right before commenting about it.
It is a nationwide trend that works very well in attracking quality volunteers, something I'll bet you're not.
Jealousy will get you no where.
Step up to the plate, show some balls and sign your name so I can contact you with more information on this subject or continue to hide behind your computer screen wimpering.
The choice is yours.......
If you don't like it don't pay your taxes dumbass and don't ever call 911..
Your fat, lazy ass is not my responsibility. You are paid to do a job and no where in your contract does it say you will be provided gym equipment. Either stay fit and able to do your job or quit and find something else you can sit on your ass doing nothing until the alarm goes off. If you volunteered for the job you also know you were not promised gym equipment.
Bunch of fuc*ing cry babies think the taxpayers owe them something because they applied or volunteered for a job. You got something, you got a paycheck and a retirement fund. Many do not have a retirement fund. Shut the hell up and be thankful for the paycheck.
Shame, shame, shame...
Now there's a guy with anger management problems. He has no idea what firefighters do and wishes that he could be one. His job as a guard at Perdue is all he has.
The gym equipment is a needed investment for the firefighters health and safety. However, until the Fire Department has a method of verifying Firefighter fitness and enforcing standards for fitness then the money is a luxury item. Just take a look at some of the firefighters and the major workout they get a push aways from the kitchen table.
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