So you know, Mayor Tilghman was SHOPPING at Parker Place. She was not on Official Business when she parked in the forst post with the meter expired. To me, at that point, she was an every day citizen. I happened to be at an event at Brew River earlier. When I walked out, (as luck would have it) she and her companion were walking past Brew River just as I was leaving. I chose to walk from 300 W. Main Street while the Mayor drove.
By the time I got back to my Office, I turned the corner and there she was again, walking into Parker Place. So officially, she was NOT on business, she was shopping with some have assumed her Daughter.
For those of you who would say I was following them, that's very far from the truth. The Mayor just happens to have horrible luck when it comes to me being at the right place at the right time. Gotta love the fact that I always carry my camera.
WHO dresses this woman???
She is always wearing that awful red blazer (no, it doesn't hide your chunkiness), and those shoes that she thinks make her big feet look dainty (they don't).
AND . . . look at the nasty bottom of her foot in the bottom pic. PLEASE get that dirt cleaned off.
Maybe she'll get a pedicure while she's there . . .
Sure looks like the young-un.
....and you're on City business with your daughter doing what?..............
Look how black those dirty feet are. Does that woman ever bathe?
I lose more respect for Matt every single day. Everything about DingleBarrie is a negative reflection on him.
Just last year Joe you were saying that she was the Mayor 365 days a years and should dress like it! Now you are saying she is just like us!
Well so tell us.. Is she the Mayor 365 days a year or is she a normal person at times?
If that is her redneck, violent daughter she is one ugly, chunky chick. That poor child doesn't have a chance in hell. Fair warning to all the guys that think she is cute. Look at what mom looks like and run like hell. She is going to be just as ugly and nasty as her mom.
this lady is doing nothing wrong. you all are just jealous and probably hate your life and it makes you feel better to talk about other people. I guess it's typical for the Eastern Shore. I'm sorry the mud hop was canceled last weekend.
I thought the same thing, het rid of that red blazer, looks like a cow in a winter blanket
Hey Joe,
Just so you know, I am an Officer with the SPD. Word has it in the office that Mayor Tilghman is in the process of pressing a lawsuit against you for stalking her. Also another is in effect for pictures being taken and used to create a bad image of her. From what I hear, shes built a pretty solid case.
Oh BFD! Barrie Tilghman can sue me all she wants, I don't care. She's a Public Figure. She chose to go that route, she has to deal with it.
If you knew anything about law, Mr. SPD, you'd realize that using the word stalking is against the law. Nonetheless, I'll be sure to use your comment against the Mayor, should she be so stupid as to sue me.
So how much will she sue for? Another $9,999.00 to keep it out of circuit court?
All of those celebrities plastereed all over the tabloids can't sue for being shown in a bad light, what makes her think she is any better than them? She gets drunk, falls down, talks filthy, just like all the others plastered across national tabloids.
My advise to the psycho mayor is take a valium, like a normal person.
Is this woman to lazy to walk from the GOB to the shops down the street on the plaza? What is it, a block, block and a half? She takes time out from her mayoral duties to work out, why doesn't she practice the environmental consciousness she preaches and WALK instead of driving her new Volvo all over the downtown area? She's not only worthless, she's lazy to boot.
She needs to be walking around town....maybe just maybe she can walk off some of the fat a** she carry's behind
Anonymous 8:30 a.m.
How can Joe be stalking her when she is the one walking past his office when he takes the pictures! Looks like she is the one stalking him! If she doesn't want Joe to take her picture, then she shouldn't walk past his office!
Hey anon SPD bullshitter. Did it ever occur to you that DingleBarrie was setting Joe up by parking where she was parking to walk to Brew River? Do you actually think we believe that her fat ass wanted the excercise? Wanting the excercise and needing the excercise is two different things. Get a life you POS.
Is the mare walking by again or is there another dead carp laying on the banks of the river? The flies seem to be attracted to both.
with the booze goggles she wakes up with every morning she's lucky to be wearing clothes for the right gender.
as for the offspring, give her a break look at the poor kids example, i won't be voting for Obama however i must agree leave family out of it unless they are stealing taxpayer money or bribing officials
a president is president 24/7 365 days a year, why should any government executive be any different?
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