DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Thursday, September 25, 2008
SU Lacrosse coach offends some local residents
At Monday nights council meeting, the mayor handed out awards to the SU lacrosse team for the championship season they had. While i applaud the squad for the teamwork, the SU lacrosse coach introduced one player and used language to the effect of when we had our little setback this guy stepped up. The setback he was referring to of course was the vandalism and criminal behavior of 2 of his players that turned the camden avenue area into a war zone. I'm sure some local residents would have preferred the coach to have used better wording and maybe dedicate the victory to the people affected by those actions.
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The young man DID step up-as he was forced to because his degenerate program mates had no self-control or respect for the community that hostrs them..the coach is a cancer on our community for turning a blind eye for almost 20 years now to these savages. Praise to that goalie....unbelievable jeers to the "coach" for not having his own house in the psycho line of fire every early Friday morning during Spring semester....some of us who have lived here awhile, and had property destroyed once or twice (or more) a year, wish you would take that style of functioning back to NY where it belongs.....let these animals f' up your own house little NY man!!
Giving them any recognition for helping the City is asinine, even before that rampage by the team members last spring.
PS -- when is Louise Smith going to tell Barrie to stop all her grandstanding at the Council meetings?
Look for more discipline problems as SU strives for LAX immortality!
He's a FOB!
SU lax is one of the very few things that puts Salisbury on the national map. Let's enjoy it for what it's worth. It's negativity like yours Grinch, that make Salisbury a giant suckubus.
Give me a break. It was a few boys, not the entire team. Are you going to deny all of them any credit for their accomplishments due to the idiocy of a few? They're certainly not all "monsters" as someone had the nerve to say. I'm so tired of everyone bashing SU all the time. I shudder to think what this city would do without the college. How many restaurants benefit from these kids during the semesters? How many people benefit from SU jobs? Plus, they offer wonderful opportunities for the community between the arts and theatre and yes, even sports. My family attended Fun Day last weekend, put on by SU and it was outstanding.
And before anyone says, "well it's different if you live near SU", I live in the Camden Ave. area.
3:45. It is a "few" every year-which means you are kind of right-it isn't the boys; it is a sign of a program with their priorities out of control. These "kids" (ain't kids....will go to adult court) can't afford restaurants outside Wendy's/McDowells. All money (you know, the credit card Daddy set up for "textbooks") goes to bartabs/many many many cases /kegs of cheap domestic draft. None of these guys/gals stay here if/when they graduate (in six-seven years), because if they can afford the tuition these days to go here, they certainly aren't going to stay for a low-paying retail/wrestaurant server job. And just because it is too unlovely a day to argue with your in-denial butt, I won't even present my own personal estimate regarding how much property these guys have destroyed/stolen over the years while I tried to be a cool peacemaker/diplomat and inviting them to my shin-digs to build community relations (this is where the saying "no good deed goes unpunished" comes from). They ain't nothin' now, and in the future, but proven strangers/hooligans' from over that bridge to me....and you are warned to stay off my porch-especially if you plan on throwing 4x4s and such. Go throw up in the coaches bushes for a change. He needs to see that reality at his OWN PLACE for a change.
What are you smoking? Do you really think that the SU lacrosse team does diddley for any of us except a few landlords and fans?
Mr/Ms. 2:31:
That criminal episode last spring really put us on the national map, didn't it?
Anon 1:39 You must have mutiple degrees from Clown College. Probably a strong chance your pulling down on a Camel..chugging a Pabst Blue Ribbon and scratching your balls just about now.
The issue isn't SU itself, but the absurdity of Barrie Tilghman giving a CITY recognition to the lacrosse team.
PS - is your last name Berkman?
It was a setback for the team. That doesn't have anything to do with what the boys did. The coach was talking about the change for the team. The city should honor the team for their accomplishments, the are the National Champions.
I lived with two SSU lax players. I remember coach Berkman's motto during the season, "if you are thinking about going out, work out!" Some took his advice others did not. My pals won the championship twice and took it seriously. Don't judge all players based upon what the two morons or other party boys at SU did.
It was a very insensitive way to describe what the neighborhood had been through. It's great to celebrate the accomplishmnets of the player who came in and saved the day for the team, but at the same time an acknowledgement of the dark time for area residents that resulted in the change would have been nice. You know, an apology from the coach for what his team members (the vandals) did to SUs neighbors.
Ummm ... did you people not realize there was a college near by when you bought your homes???
Ummmm....How much revenue does having said college generate for this so called city???ummm
A few bad apples ruin an entire TEAM of 40 !!!??? that year after year are THEE BEST Div. 3 players out there.
Bunch a freakn pruids you people are.
Yeah those two guys last year are jerkoffs for doing what they did but that whole damn school is not to blame. They are freakn college kids. Get drunk , get away from home , get stupid sometimes...
4:43. Two out of four isn't bad for a meathead "Mr. Cleo" like you (I gave you a correct on the Pabst even though it is a nice Sam Adams-that is about as good a percentage as you do in World Civ, correct?...guess which of the others I'm doing now(one thing in particular while thinking of you...scratch scratch)..
Here's the answer...
Let's make the Eastern Shore all Eastern Shore Natives for everything we do. That way when things mess up you know who to blame. Not those evil across the Bay people or junk from up north.
After all, the Eastern Shore people are far more advanced, refined, devoid of sin, and the friendliest people ever!
So secede from Maryland, hell secede from the Union, ship out all the "come heres" and make it a Utopia of "Shore Life"
Because nothing good comes from anywhere else. No one who is not from the Shore ever helps or wants to!
The simple fact is that the success of SU's lacrosse team is not city business and does not warrant recognition by the City government -- the County has better sense than to allow the kind of grandstanding that Barrie Tilghman does at almost every City Council meeting.
Being good athletes and "putting Salisbury on the map" does not excuse the actions of these spoiled kids.Maybe those who think so would feel differently if THEIR family was terrorized and THEIR home vandalized.If it was local kids,especially minorities,you would want the judge to throw the book at them for the crime.
I take offense for you calling these college guys Savages. That's my last name. LOL
If the way the coach referred to the incident last year as "a little setback", then he (the coach) is the one we should be directing our outrage at in this post. He should have said nothing rather than an assinine statement like that. Sounds self-serving to the coach and belittling to those who were the victims. Goes to show that even those with "education" can be dumber than dirt.
I agree, the team did good, the set back comment was a nice way to talk about what happened. The community would not be so against the SU students if Su took a more active role in policing their students behavior. If you ahve a job and get convicted of a moral crime, some jobs then have to fire you. SU, nah keep going here, we like your actions. SU cold encourage and set up programs to help teach their students to respect the community. The college I went to you got one cup, you lost it is cost you $50.00, you had to abide by the rules there or you were gone. Not SU, abuse abuse, SU does not what negative things reported because it gives them a bad name. Because they have to publish their statistics. It has become a "non" reality university. Teach the students there is a consequence to your actions. Not ignore them.
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