Salisbury City Council President Louise Smith called in the Troops last weekend from Public Works and spent thousands upon thousands of dollars sand bagging Canal Woods, her own neighborhood.
That's right, thousands upon thousands of dollars were spent in overtime for Public Works Employees to pull another Rae Sharma move, taking advantage of her position and abusing her power. Granted, I'm sure the Mayor gave the OK for her to do so but nevertheless, if you want things done, vote for a person in your neighborhood and you'll at least have a better shot at getting something done. Accountability my a$$.
Louise Smith, You've Been Blogged!
Got any pics -- since the hurricane season has not ended, they should still be there.
I've been too busy. However, anyone who would like to go out to Canal Woods and take some shots of the snd bags along the shore are welcome to do so and send them into Salisbury News.
Can you confirm from the PWD that the weasel did this? If so, get the details to Davis Ruark.
It wouldn't be up here if it wasn't confirmed.
This should be the top post, not buried under the police beat stuff
Watch your butt, buddy. Ain't nothin meaner than a wounded weasel.
Why is this a City duty -- Canal Woods is in a flood prone place, so the owners there should pay for work like this.
major allegedly builds a back deck on her house using city employess?No difference than weasel using them to shore up a pond that would never flood in a thousand yrs.
Does her living in canal woods have anything to do with a round table sometime back evaluating what would happen to canal woods if the new dam above canal woods broke?
Did the Weasel call Jim Caldwell directly? Council members, including the council president are mandated to have no contact with department heads except through the mayors office. Who made the call to Caldwell?
The sand bags have been removed.
Louise Smith's Program:
Welfare for the Wealthy!
Did she steal that red caot from Barrie?
pandering for some campaign contributors?
What is it with these local women official retards-Are out-of-style, bulky red jackets the standard "political retard" uniform down there? (BTW..I hope comparing Weezy to retards has not been offensive......to the retards)
Yet another proven waste of good sperm
Well if it cost our tax money to put those sand bags out, she should be put in jail! That's totally unethical for a politician or anyone, for that matter. You do your own sand bagging or you pay to have it done.
A. Goetz
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