A Requiem Mass will be held soon to mourn the death of hundreds of trees in Wicomico County and the surrounding area.
Those who have noticed the phenomenon wonder what could have caused this unexpected, unnecessary devastation of our forest primeval. Could it be Dutch Elm Disease? Global warming? Blight? Root rot? The answer is no, it is not any of these, it is something much worse…..BPTRS, or as it’s better known, “Barrie Parsons Tilghman Reelection Syndrome”.
It seems that as each election season draws near, Salisbury’s mayoress is compelled to find something to endear her to the citizenry. What could it be this year? The pristine condition of our treasured Wicomico River? Yeah, right. The fantastic strides made over the past ten years in upgrading Salisbury’s infrastructure? Hardly. Perhaps she could point at the newly developed area that once housed the “Old Mall”? Oooops.
What to do? The answer is obvious - - - CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION!!
The past six or seven meetings have begun with the same routine: Council president Smith stumbles her way through the opening ceremony, then tries to master the approval of the agenda and the minutes of the last meeting. After being guided through that minefield by City Clerk Colgrove, Ms. Smith turns the meeting over to her honor.
In a ceremony that typically lasts between 15-25 minutes, Mayor Tilghman, emulating the smooth command of language and process exhibited by Ms. Smith, presents a bucket full of Certificates. The certificates are presented to city employees for doing their jobs, staff members for attending events, and Little League baseball players. Last Monday, she handed out certificates to all 87 (at least) members of the SU Lacrosse team. Rumor has it that next meeting all middle school students who earned “Honor Roll” status during the past 6 years will be honored. They may not be able to vote, but they do have parents, grandparents and friends who do!!
We do have to give credit to the Mayor for bringing one vital element to her office - - transparency. We can see right through her.
How about giving certificate of appreciation for Ryan Ewalt at the next City Council meeting -- what for, you ask -- why for being an ambitious political wannabe.
PS: it runs in his family, don't you know.
Well, how about that crock in the paper today. Same old, same old, just to keep her name in the public.
What would you expect her to do? She's been the man in SBY for almost 10 long years. She's forgotten how not to be the mayor.
God help Mat when she IS finally done.
Maybe the citizens should give him a certificate of appreciation, in advance.
There was a funny scene in Tom Wolfe's Book "The Bonfire of the Vanities". The mayor of NYC was always passing out meaningless awards. One of his racist subordinates referred to them as "Plaques for Blaques".
To 11:14 - Really good one.
I wish she'd give me one, I'd wipe my ass with it live on PAC-14 and hand it back to her.
Once again--public recognition is fine and dandy----
but please do it at another forum or venue. Perhaps on the mayor's or weasal's PAC 14 show.
Especially since it takes up valuable time that some council members don't have to spend on the real issues and have successfully managed to bully through a time limit on discussing the city's and the citizen's business.
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