Neighborhood activist and Wicomico Neighborhood Congress Chairman Jim Ireton will address the creation of the new Salisbury Crime Task Force. On September 23, 2008 the city administration announced the creation of a new crime task force. While Ireton believes that citizen involvement and the job city police officers do is imperative to fighting crime, he will discuss trends in Type 1 Crime in the city, show the timeline of events that have led to the failure of city hall to address Salisbury’s crime problem over the past decade, and urge specific action be taken immediately to begin to reduce crime numbers in our most at-risk neighborhoods.
Ireton will speak at 4:30 PM at 110 W. Church Street in Salisbury, in the Old City Hall Building downtown. A power point presentation will accompany his remarks, and a question and answer session will follow.
Joe,,, You are an all around guy PLEASE get behind this! It can ONLY HELP SALISBURY!!!!!
If you do anything,,, Do this Joe... With you pushing, maybe people wouldn't be such s&*theads!! Come on I know you can help this City!!!
What is the date on this?
Careful Joe, one of the Mayor's minions is trying to use you to bring down Ireton. If they can get you to hang around him and support him, they can lump him in with the Dirty Dozen, Debbie, Terry and that INFAMOUS blogger, Joe Albero. It's a ploy to make sure nobody listens to him. Just report the facts Joe and don't let them use you to bring down or smear a good man who actually gets down in the trenches and does something about the problems in Salisbury. I personally like you, but I know they like to use your name in association with others to give people, who don't know any better, a negative impression.
That's today, Thursday, Sept. 25th, 4:30 at 110 W. Church St., in the Old City Hall/Police Station next to St. Peter's Episcopal Church.
"Jack & Coke" just made an announcement -- he's doing drinks on the house at Seacrets for anyone from Salisbury at the same time as Ireton's event.
Guess where Barrie will be at that time!
K, I will be the dumb one today, which one is "Jack & Coke?"
12:40 -
Who is Chiefy
I know Jim Ireton and believe him to both a good man and sincere in his beliefs. I also think Jim is just what Salisbury needs in the Mayors office.
Having said that it is important that Jim have someone with a law enforcement background as and advisor. If he had such a person, right now, the advice would be to walk softly in promoting what a Crime Task Force is capable of accomplishing. The specific advise would most likely be something akin to; as well meaning as a Crime Task Force maybe it is most likely a diversion by the Mayor and Chief.
Were the Task Force to have any credibility the Chief must be and integral part of it, his absence confirms, to me, it was conceived to be nothing more than a shame.
While Rome burns the Mayor and Chief are doing nothing to assist the Police Department in better serving the community and lowering crime. The morale of the PD is well below where it should be and that is largely do to the lack of competent leadership. Crime flourishes as a direct result of no specific plane to prevent crime. "It is far more efficient to prevent crime than to solve a committed crime."
anon 144, Speaking of crime, do we know anymore about the woman that was murdered on Marvel Road? Last I heard the suspect drove a silver car with DE tags. Has chiefy done anything more to find this suspect? Her chosen profession should not hamper the investigation whatsoever. If it was Barrie Tilghmans daughter found dead you better believe every rock in Salisbury would be upside down long ago. How many cold cases does this make in the city?
Anon 3:32PM
Chifey is doing his best to deliver information of the murder to all the agencies in near by counties.
He is also sacrificing himself by taking as many trips as possible off the Eastern Shore and out of State so he can personally spread the word.
This man's commitment to the citizens of Salisbury and his agency knows no bounds.
I get cold chills just writing about the mans devotion to his adopted jurisdiction.
Please excuse me I have to go throw up now.
Go Jim Go, watch out for retaliation from this crew. Make even the smallest actions against you public, that is their way.
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