A man was charged with burglary after he allegedly broke into a home, ate cheese from the refrigerator, made a mess in a bathroom and fell asleep on a child's bed. Tracy Mullins, 47, of Billings, was arraigned in District Court on Thursday by video from the county jail.
Mullins pleaded not guilty to burglary. Judge Susan Watters set bail at $5,000 after rejecting a request that he be released without bail. Public defender Richard Phillips, who made the request, said Mullins had been receiving mental-health counseling.
Court records indicate a woman awoke in her home Monday at 8:30 a.m. to the sound of snoring coming from her 2-year-old son's bedroom. Her son had slept that night with her and her husband.
The woman said she found a strange man sleeping in her son's bed. She woke her husband and left to call police from a neighbor's house. The husband confronted the man with an unloaded shotgun and held him until police arrived.
my gun would of been loaded and he probably wouldnt of made it.
anon 7:19.....
You're damned right! What if that Charles Manson lookin' A**hole had a weapon and went to use it on the husband? Unloaded guns are useless.
What a dumb ass husband. What was he going to do beat the intruder with it. That is a sure way to get killed confronting someone with a gun that is not loaded.
You've got that right, if you are going to hold the gun you better be ready to use it. If the hobo had a weapon he would leave a wife and son behind without a husband and father. If I caught him moving while waiting for the police he'd get a swift whack in the face with the butt of the rifle.
Yeah I thought it was pretty stupid not to be locked and loaded too.....
And looking at this dude,I hope like hell they burn all the bed linens!
If we had free health care there would be alot less of the people like this running around. They would be put into fascilities and helped. They are ignored presently because they cannot pay. But I do wonder what the husband planned to do with an unloaded shotgun. Suppose the intruder had a gun as well.
The first impression I had of the picture was that he sure looks like Charles Manson!
I agree, an unloaded gun is useless, and it's stupid to threaten someone with it. So is the idea that people who have guns should have them unloaded with the ammunition in another place in the home.
"Hey what are you doing in my house? Now you wait right there while I go load my gun!"
Dammmmnnnn Barrie, the next time you get your picture taken will you please shave!!
Anonymous said...
Dammmmnnnn Barrie, the next time you get your picture taken will you please shave!!
9:57 PM
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