With the price of oil jumping over $15 a barrel yesterday, State Senator Andy Harris M.D. once again charged that his opponent's energy plan lacked common sense for the people of Maryland.
"Frank Kratovil's plan may work in San Francisco," said Harris, "but it will not work in large portions of Maryland, including the Eastern Shore, where you cannot ride a bicycle to a mass transit station." (Harris is referencing a WYPR interview in which Kratovil said mass transit was an answer to the rising energy costs)
Harris said he favors a comprehensive energy plan that would expand domestic exploration of oil and natural gas, encourage more conservation, and develop the next generation of alternative energy technology. He said omitting any one of those components would be a major impediment to making America energy independent.
"We have to drill for the energy and gas that we have," said Harris. "Kratovil's opposition to drilling is the type of blind loyalty to Nancy Pelosi and politically correct liberalism that Marylanders cannot afford."
Kratovil would allow drilling only in the areas currently permitted for drilling, large portions of which are non-productive for energy resources.
"Drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf can be done safely and far off the shore.
Beach goers and vacationers will never even know the exploration is taking place," said Harris.
Pelosi adjourned the Congress in August for summer vacation without even allowing a vote on the issue of drilling. Last week, under strong political pressure from outraged Americans who were paying nearly $4.00 per gallon for gasoline, Pelosi allowed a vote on a sham drilling bill that does not provide any incentive for states to allow drilling off their coast.
"This issue is far too important to the future well-being of hard working Maryland families for Frank Kratovil or anyone else to sacrifice that well being on the altar of liberal dogma," concluded Harris.
We want independance from FOEREIGN oil, but don't want to drill where we have it? That is just ignorance. You want blue crabs but you don't want to allow crabbing in the bay. Isn't that ridiculous too? Maybe that analogy help the ignorant understand.
Harris represents common sense. Americans working for our own energy independance. He's doesn't say no to any energy alternatives. He doesn't take anything off the table. This seems to be the easiest question to a complicated problem.
Andt Harris will, with his common sense, will win by a landslide.
Nice how Harris manages to associate Kratovil with San Francisco. Are you guys really falling for such blatant nonsense? "It might work in Willards, but that won't cut it in Hebron!" Please.
Hey Mardela,
Let's drill in the Bay, and see how that affects the blue crabs! Let's suck all of America's oil fields dry in the next 30 years, and just hope that we find more somewhere magical. It sure would be dumb to invest in alternative energy sources, reduce our consumption, and save local sources of oil for a rainy day. That must be an idea from those gays in San Francisco.
The issue,mardela, isn't about drilling where we have have it. The oil companies currently have millions of acres leased that they have not even explored. You have to ask why the sudden need to drill close to shore and to secure these new leases now. The reason is simple, the oil companies lobby hard to get what they want. The study group that determined that all the "best oil" is close to shore was part of the "oil for sex" scandal that just occurred. You know, the one where the government officials were having sex, partying, and doind drugs with the oil company folks... Yes, that study.
Also, the time to set up and drill and actually have yield from an oil rig is years (like 10). So, you are not going to see any change in the price of fuel.
Now, the optimal solution is to use technologies that don't require oil... but for the past eight years under the republicans, we have ignored global warming and the need to invest in alternate fuels. Only when the gas prices went up did anyone actually care.
Just reciting drill, drill, drill doesn't solve the problem and just blindly allowing off shore drilling doesnt' do anything but pad the pockets of oil companies. What about the safety of these off shore rigs? Just a few weeks ago during Hurricaine Ike 4 offshore rigs were pulled from there moorings and were floating in the Gulf. Thankfully there was no spillage but Ike was only a cat. 2 at the time. Do you want a rig only a few miles off the Ocean City coast when you aren't sure if it is going to be safe?
The politicians are using this issue for their own gain. To most the solution sounds simple... Well, heck, we ain't got enough oil and the price is high, so we should just drill more. The realities of the situation are far more complex...
Mass Transit is the answer???
Does Kratovil know somethig from his buddy & big supporter O'Malley, that we don't know? Because correct me if I am wrong, the tax happy governor, came way short with his budget fiasco, and guess which department he is cutting from TRANSPORTATION!!!!!!!
So let's cut the Bull, and elect someone who will push for a viable energy plan, not more of the same Pelosi nonsense and empty rhetoric.
Wow Haddad...did you think of that talking point yourself, or did you get the daily fax? In between your doses of Kool-Aid, maybe you should actually know what is going on instead of looking only for sources that support you.
You want me to believe that money hungry oil companies (as per your definition) are leaving behind millions of acres full of oil? I find that very hard to believe. It is possible I suppose that these acres set aside for drilling may not be as rich as you want them to be?
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