I don’t forward many non-business e-mails but I just couldn’t delete this one.
And some people think THEY have it bad here at home. . .
David B. See
Chief of the Department
City of Salisbury Fire Department
325 Cypress Street
Salisbury, Maryland 21801
410.548.3121 (FAX)

What the hell are we doing there, bribg these fine americans home.
Thanks for the pic's if it is one thing we forget is how good we have it here, as far as tax payer money at work this blog has more than one person supported by our tax dollars on here already, so no big deal. However never forget why we fight, freedom is not free
Awe come on....why ruin a very moving email with a comment about tax dollars......doesn't matter who sent the email it's the point behind it.
anonymous 1:03, I mean, Chief See, Go back to work and quit playing around with our tax dollars.
You're in deep sh!t right now, probably deeplpy depressed and your feminine side is coming through. Heck, you probably teared up while sending the original message. It reminds me of the image of you lying in a ditch on the side of Rt. 13 recently. Oh, that's right, you banged yourself up on a table, I forgot. NOT!
Life is good, isn't it Chiefy?
To anonymous 12:18pm
You ask what the hell we are doing there?
We are there so you are able to send that comment!!
My God man , if you don't like this county , move the hell out.
You asses forget about 911 too
How funny....my name is Sara and I am definitely not "Chiefy" as you call him. Just thought it ridiculous to overshadow the point of an email because of the person who sent it.
To anonymous 1:26. What would it matter if they moved out of the county? Not sure.
Maybe if we did not go to irac. we would have more money to bail out banks.
That was too funny Joe. These photos have been floating around the Internet for years. The ditch thing though, lmao.
This war is a waste of american lives and money. Iraq had nothing to do with the terror attack on 9-11. George Bush should of been impeached for this, among other things. we should of went to Afganastan crossed the Pakistan border and killed bin laden. i want to see all of our troops brought home a.s.a.p. That country wasnt worth one american life.
Right or Wrong * IRAQ is just a bad deal anyway you look at it, I do however believe it was brought on more by Bush's personal vindictive goal! Osama Bin Laden is the man to hang!!
Joe, these are indeed pictures from Iraq. They are however pictures taken during the invasion 5 years ago. I'm not saying that that makes a difference, just correcting the context.
Hey Anon 1:26, have you heard, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
This is a direct violation of the Mares policy on relations with Joe Albero. Chief See will be dealt with and scorned by the Mare for this post. He must have had enough and figured if you can't be them, then join them. Nice post Chief See. It shows you do care about something.
4500 Brave young men and women killed
25,000 Brave young men and women seriously wounded
800 Billion dollars spent and up to 3 Trillion expected to be spent before we get out..if ever
The worst President and administration in the last 60 years
and I am a republican and red blooded American
$10,000,000.00 spent on a Fire Station, $50,000.00+ spent recently on new Gym Equipment, $4,000,000.00 spent recently on new Fire Trucks, $840,000.00 in the budget for a new Fire Boat, I'm a Republican too and I think Chief See and Deputy Chief Gordy are complete a$$holes and my war has just begun.
Anon 418, you are not a Republican. You are a RINO or a Liberal Democrat. Quit trying to make believe Republicans feel the way you do.
If you want us to believe you are a registered Republican then email Joe a copy of your Voter Registration Card and post it here.
Hey dingbats, the point to Joe's post has nothing to do with the war in Iraq or being a Republican. It is about a city department head that has to much time on his hands and nothing better to do then forward personal emails all day. What a f#cking waste.
Get our BRAVE men and woman home.
we did SEE these pictures 5 years ago
I have a suggestion Joe...Gp to IRAQ so they can use you for TARGET practice.
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